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/vr/ - Retro Games

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793275 No.793275[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What brought you excellent /vr/tual troopers and /vr/min here?

I 'm a /g/entooman by trade and by nature, and my sometimes-escaperoute was /jrpg/ and /emu/ threads on /vg/. I hit forechin one day on my tablet (no FF extensions, no themes, no Greasemonkey) and discovered a place where I JUST MIGHT FIT IN.

What brought you here, /vr/tual troopers?

>> No.793286

I came here from /v/ when the board was first created. When I saw that they actually talked about video games here, I decided to stay.

I feel like this is gonna be everyone's story.

>> No.793293

I graduated from /b/
Then I graduated from /co/
Now I'm graduating from /v/

>> No.793309

came from /mu/ because I own and collect for Genesis and Dreamcast. Found out I can only talk about Genesis shit. Stuck around because it's generally more laid back than the other video game boards.

>> No.793308

I came from /v/ for obvious reasons.
/vr/'s not the best board, but at least there's not many console wars.

>> No.793316
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I wish that it would be the same story for everyone. I honestly enjoy this board.

>> No.793325

I'm a /b/tard from pool's closed days I lurked /b/ on and off after about 08 posted on /v/ a few times but was infuriated by the underage fags. I started on /vr/ since it was borned though. A friend informed me about it so I had a reason to go on 4chan on a regular basis again.

>> No.793328

I've been on 4chan since 2007 (goddammit you really are here 5ever), graduated from /b/ to /g/, then /sp/ a while after that, flirted with several boards including /v/ but it was awful. When I saw /vr/ had been created I decided to check it out, and I like it. It's now my main board, with /g/ to a lesser extent, and /sp/ during football season.

>> No.793335

Since when can't you talk about the Sega Deadcast?

"This board is for the discussion of classic, or "retro" games. Retro gaming means consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other forms of video games on platforms launched in 1999 and earlier. Sixth generation and later consoles are not considered retro."

>> No.793346

deadcast launched before that FYI

>> No.793347

That game is so good. I'd love to play coop with a large group of people, but lack the means to set up a server (don't control the router, landlord does).

>> No.793354

/b/ is even worse than /v/. If you've been posting on /b/ for over a year at the very most you should seriously consider killing yourself.

>> No.793353

There's a thread up about this. No need to bring it up here.

>> No.793357
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Used to always be on /v/. Now it's rare to see a single thread worth shit on it. /vr/ has significantly more threads that aren't shit. But still has it's fair share of retards and shit threads.

>> No.793364

When it was announced on /v/, I left that shithole with a mighty FUCK YOU ASSHOLES, I'M AUDI 5000.

Not that I read /v/ very often, on account of the noise ratio being so nasty. Mainly a /k/ regular. I started waaaay back when /g/ was /guro/, and you didn't get banned for pretending to be SovietRussia.

>> No.793371

/v/ has been slowly spiraling to shit over the last couple years and i legitimately just want to discuss vidya with you guys

also, you guys have reminded just how fucking much i love doom

>> No.793374

Nearly every thread on this board is civilized, even the FF or console vs. console boards. People appreciate things here, and just want to share what they enjoyed when they were kids.

If forechin survives, then the retro-cutoff will be changed, and people will remember what they loved about the PS2, Wii, Original Xbox, and so on.

>> No.793379

Started on /b/ in 2005 or 06, when that started to go to shit I jumped to /a/, then to /jp/ when that was created, and that's pretty much it. I went to /v/ once in a while sometime in there, but I wasn't a regular.

It's nice to actually be able to discuss video games for once.

>> No.793385
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Are you me?

>> No.793383

I work at a retro store so I like this board was made because it give me a chance to talk about retro stuff outside of work.

>> No.793381

I only posted on /b/ when I was a little teenager like I said I only lurk it. Mostly when there is something worthwhile going on other than that I stay away. It doesn't produce gold like it used to. It was 4chans life support though so show some fucking apreesh

>> No.793387

okay buddy lets not kid ourselves if you really posted then you would know /b/ was always shit. I love it to death but its pure shit and its always been shit and always will be shit.

>> No.793389

I came here from /v/ and wanted to discuss video games. The only downside here are the nostalgiafags who can't take the least bit of criticism over their childhood games. At least it's better than /v/ though, where no one can take criticism over anything.

>> No.793391

Mostly an /a/ frequenter, I just came over when I heard about the board in the hopes I could get into retro gaming more.
Never have I made a better decision.

>> No.793386

Returned to 4chan after 4 years of never even lurking here because there are some good game recommendations here. Some stuff I'd never actually heard of.

This site is generally pretty worthless if you're an adult.

>> No.793432
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>> No.793471

I don't know if anyone else is like me, but 4chan has been hell for my disposable income.

>started at /co/
>Bought atleast $400 worth of comic books
>Went to /toy/
>Bought a bunch of Transformers and other figures
>Went to /tg/
>Bought all kinds of RPG books/MTG cards
>Went to /vg/
>Bought a WoW subscription
>Went to /p/
>Bought atleast $1000 worth of camera gear
>Came to /vr/
>Bought a few n64 games, but I've only been here for about 2 weeks.

I need to find a board with a cheap hobby.

>> No.793476
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/sp/ is trash during the NFL off-season, unless you are a baseball or a footie fan. The generals are horrible, becauase I don't filter.

OT: I actually have people to talk with about my arcade cabinet and my HTPC. I'm O.K. with this board.

>> No.793481

I started on /b/ in 06 as well. Have not been back since 08 though. /co/ /m/ and /vr/ is all that I visit now

>> No.793487
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Sell /co/, /toy/, /tg/, /vg/, /p/ and come back home.

You know where home is.

>> No.793514
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I really hope noone tries to act like /b/ wasn't their first board.
I mean, yeah it's shit, but it's a crash course into what 4chan actually is.
I left it years ago but it should be everyone's first.

>> No.793515

I'd love to see what you'd do if you went on /hc/ on a regular basis.

Go to /po/, paper is cheap

>> No.793521
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I originally found 4chan in 2006. Participated in the Habbo Hotel raids /b/ did. Eventually got bored of /b/ within a week and mostly browsed /a/, /v/, /m/, and /k/. I only go to /a/ for JoJo threads, and I haven't been back to /v/ since JAPAN TIME and TONIGHT'S THE NIGHT stopped being memes. When /vg/ was created, I went on there for a while. Found out about /vr/ from the announcement while I was browsing /k/.

>> No.793545
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I love the smell of lies in the morning.

>> No.793549
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I come here every so often to reminisce as this board represents the majority of threads I participated in when I went to /v/.
If you used to download old games from a certain mediafire account, the chances are it was from me. The files are now gone, since someone decided reporting of the piracy of twenty year old games was the thing to do.

I don't really have a 'main' board right now as the ones that were have deteriorated in the last two years either into nofunallowed or /b/ - part 2.

I can't say I'm all that hardcore about old games.

Though I love to remember the times of Atari and Commodore and config,sys and autoexec.bat, I have to say I also love the convenience of modern games and emulators.

That being said, most of the 3TB of my computer is taken up by old games and I have a few virtual machines set up for my favorites.

>> No.793553

Oldfag /v/irgin and /g/entooman.
Saw the announcement when the board opened up.
Stopped going to /v/ and /g/ because they both seriously suck hard (though E3 discussion on /v/ is always choice).
That's all.

>> No.793559
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What do you think I'm lying about?

>> No.793562

It wasn't my first 4v@n rodeo. I was linked here, straight to the /g/ BBS, from the Prince of Plebs, way back in '08. From their "Technology" section. Before the "algorithm" fiasco.


>> No.793574
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It was my first. The first thread I saw was the skullfucking one.
The first thread I participated in was Dick Ants.
What a weird fucking beginning, right?

>> No.793575

>"I've been here since 2006"
>Posts a 'do you even' meme
This is an oxymoron.

>> No.793579

No it's not.
> Oxymoron
> a figure of speech that uses seeming contradictions, as “cruel kindness” or “to make haste slowly.”
Only a phrase may be an oxymoron. A phrase mixed with an action isn't an oxymoron.

>> No.793576
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What, would you prefer I post a shitty Shoop da Whoop picture?

>> No.793583

Holy skulllfucking hell. I remember that thread. OP really did deliver back in the day. That thread was the very definition of "shitstorm".

Question: will you guys stick around? There seems to be a decidedly biased userbase now (not counting lurkers):
1. Hardcore console purists
2. Hardcore emulation purists
3. Hardcore "Leave me alone and let me play the damn game" purists.

>> No.793587
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Samefagging, but I think I'll expand on that post tomorrrow. I wasn't kidding about the ridiculous elitism that has sprouted up. (Yes, I belong to Group 3)

>> No.793593

Maybe I'm just lucky enough to have missed it, but I don't really see this on this board. There are some pretty bad threads that spring up once in a while that go on way too long, but more often then not I'll see a thread that looks to be a shitstorm, only to find fairly civil discussion taking place. Of course some people take things too far, but that's to be expected, and in my experience it seems to be a small minority.

>> No.793602

>I came here from /v/ when the board was first created. When I saw that they actually talked about video games here, I decided to stay.

>> No.793603
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Like any board, there's going to be these those kind of morons around. Just ignore troll threads and posts.

>> No.793605
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/b/ was my second.

/d/ was my first. Thanks uncyclopedia

That'd said, I came from /v/ at the very beginning of this board. I still browse there occasionally, but /vr/ is my main board now.

Also browse /g/ and /ck/ from time to time And obviously /d/ as well.

>will you guys stick around?
I stuck with /v/ for god knows how long, why not do the same here?

I'd say I belong loosely to Group 3.

>> No.793610
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I ended up here around mid-March, had been suffering from bad depression. This board got be back into the hobby of collecting and playing again, and has given me a second wind. I love you guys.

>> No.793618
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A person after my own heart. /vr/ loves you.

>> No.793624

Since 80% of my collection consists of retro stuff it was natural for me to come to /vr/.

besides, most people here are rather decent and don't flame or spout troll shit too much.

and no "I am a 300lbs male with a taliban beard, but inside my heart I am a little princess. Will you be my prince tonight?"-threads here..

>> No.793626
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>"I am a 300lbs male with a taliban beard, but inside my heart I am a little princess. Will you be my prince tonight?"

Came here after seeing /vr/ advertised at the top. The poster divide really puts things into perspective to say the least.

>> No.793628
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If "MUH VIDYAFU" threads start popping up here, I think I'll lose my mind.

I remember when i first saw someone mention the D&D arcade games. I was so happy, I couldn't even post.
I knew I was here to stay.

>> No.793639
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/vr/ is awesome, I fear the day that /v/ invades, granted I migrated from /v/, /g/, /mu/, and /vp/
but this is my home now

>> No.793643
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these are cool, those perler things?
I have one of Benjamin (protagonist) from Mystic Quest

>> No.793645

Started with /g/, /jp/ and /a/. Stopped browsing /jp/ because it got REALLY bad. Came to /vr/ because it was a new board and I like old games.

>> No.793647

been here on and off since i was 12 (2005)
started at /b/ /h/ /i/
now im /vr/ /fit/ /mu/


>> No.793654

Not everybody arrived here as an idiot.

Just pulling this dusty old trip out of the basement. Google it. I run Barter Town.

>> No.793658


>> No.793663
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Missing jrpgs and the Infinity Engine + occasionally lurking on /b/ for no reason other than habit + unemployment and the usual despair of money = lurker I am today on /vr/.

Thanks to you guys, I did get motivated to pawn some shit off and pickup a Super Nintendo and Sega Mega Drive that some generous people were selling at ok prices. Replaying games like Crash Bandicoot and Ecco The Dolphin are a lot different than when I remember them and wasn't trying.

Will I stick around? Depends on how hard people have to be with definitions/people keep falling for flames/if I get employed or start studying (hopefully, need some money to stop being a bum) I may not come as often, but this board suits my needs far better than /v/. Anyway, peace out.

>> No.793669

amateur porn, rickroll, candlejack, tfw /gif/ had oc, fbf

I had never seen an image macro before i was shown /b/. I heard the phrase "shitting dick nipples" and to know more.

fast forward to now, i just recently got tired of moba and have come here to reminiscice and decide what to play

>> No.793676
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Was browsin' the day the board was made, thought hmm maybe M00T isn't a complete faggot after all and stuck around.

>> No.793803

From 7v/ now I only check the catalog there for dark souls now and then

>> No.795401

>Originally from /ck/, /an/, and /mu/ when it's not shit.
>Went to /vp/ because I like Pokemon, but it turns into shit after X/Y is unveiled.
>/vr/ opens up
>I like this place tons more.

>> No.795415

I came here because it doesnt have many offtopic/meta threads when compared to /v/. Please keep it that way.

>> No.795417

Used to spend most of my time on /tg/ and /3/, not counting the time I spend fapping on /e/ and /d/. It's fucking impossible to arrange an online game at a reasonable time if you live on the West Coast, and none of my irl friends are interested in playing tabletop RPGs. And anybody who's been to /3/ knows that it's the unofficial dick-measuring board.

/vr/ is really the only place I have something relevant to say on a regular basis, and I've been here since day 2 or 3.

>> No.795419
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I went to /v/ a few times and was disappointed at all the off-topic shitposting and lack of threads pertaining to older games.

Aside from /pol/ and /int/, this is one of the few boards I actually like anymore.