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7929884 No.7929884 [Reply] [Original]

Let's settle this.

What's the best of the NES Mega Man games?

>> No.7929890

6 with the sliding patch

>> No.7929892


>> No.7929894


>muh doc robots
Shut up, ho.

>> No.7929917

2 with its best bosses and addictive music

>> No.7929923

Any besides 1

>> No.7929936


>> No.7929970


>> No.7929997

I personally liked 2 and 3 the most, same with 5. But in general, all of the Mega Man games on NES are pretty good.

>> No.7930008

1, 2 and 4 are all 10/10

>> No.7930048
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I've only played the first 3, but 1 is the best by far. It's more difficult than the others, which is probably why I enjoyed it so much.

>> No.7930172


>> No.7930183

I've only played 2,3, and 4. If I had to rank them it would be: 2 > 3 > 4

>> No.7930382

they're all really close, except for MM1, the spike insta-kill while flashing from damage, and Mega's movement and falling mechanics feel less responsive.

>> No.7930405

you could honestly make a good case for any of them. I feel bad ranking 1 the lowest because there are days where I think it's the best

3 > 5 > 2 > 4 > 6 > 1

>> No.7930449

How grateful are you that Nintendo stepped in and published Mega Man 6 in America when Capcom was going to leave it in Japan?

>> No.7930456

I've played 1-7 and MM&B. They're all good games.

I'd personally rank them like this:

Must play:


Should play:
4, 5

If you still want more:

I get it, you like Mega Man:
7, MM+B

I really want to play 9 and 10, but I've been playing them in order (except Mega Man and Bass) and I want to find a copy of 8 for the Saturn and play it that way and I have yet to commit the money to buying a copy.

>> No.7930487


>> No.7930521
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The Euro coverart was terrible.

>> No.7930527

>I want to find a copy of 8 for the Saturn and play it that way and I have yet to commit the money to buying a copy.
Just emulate it in Mednafen or if you want to play it on a Saturn, get a pseudosaturn cart and burn the game on a CD.

I own the Saturn version but the disc is pretty scratched, cutscenes skip and whatnot. I'm hoping to sell it soon after I get it resurfaced.

>> No.7930568

>muh doc robots
Well, yeah. That, and
>glitches out the ass
>uninteresting robot master stages and fights
>boring wily stages
>shitty wily bosses
>broken Rush Jet
>bad weapons
>an OST with few good tracks

>> No.7930593


>> No.7930596

All of those reasons are valid except for one re: the OST
The OST of 3 is straight-up the best in the classic series

>> No.7930724

cringey art and clunky gameplay

It's ok but doesn't need to pretend it's THAT good. come on now

>> No.7930731

zoom zoom

>> No.7930764

This but switch 5 with 6

>> No.7930768

>>an OST with few good tracks
Well, that's just wrong.

>> No.7931745


Same. I can rank the games, but in practice I'll still bust out the one I'm feeling at the moment or haven't played in a while and sometimes I just want the MM that has score.

>> No.7931774

> 6 with the sliding patch
woooahhh never thought to try this... I gotta now tho

>> No.7931806

wtf 1 is super under rated!! its actually a great game! you anon that don't like it are you finding it too hard?? is it the jump mechanics? the bosses? I like them all

>> No.7931882

6 > 4 > 5 > 3 > 1 > 2

>> No.7932249

Shut up, ho.

>> No.7932543

2 and it isn't even close
>Most original
>Best bosses
>Best music
>Best power ups
>Best stages
>Best music AGAIN
>Was included on the NES classic because even Nintenfags know how good it was
How can the others even compete?

>> No.7932551
File: 166 KB, 367x450, 1623551147330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo what the fuck is wrong with this kid Tone? This one uh dose "zooms" I been hearing about? Sounds like a fuckin asshole if ya ask me.

>> No.7932594

Why do you anons like 2? Is it just because it’s the easiest? 5 is really easy too with fun mechanics. Is 2 just the most played and that’s why?

>> No.7932627

2 is 1 fixed and has the best fucking bosses. Ya 3 gets needleman, and 5 gets napalman, but it overall has the best bosses. 5 sufferers from being in the Gold Age of Capcom. It's just so fucking good and is too capcomy.

>> No.7932636

Every Mega Man game has at least one "big problem" that you have to overlook to consider it your favorite.
Except for 2. Mega Man 2 doesn't really have any big crippling flaws. So it's a safe pick, if an uninteresting one.

>> No.7932641

>Every Mega Man game has at least one "big problem" that you have to overlook to consider it your favorite.
>Except for 2. Mega Man 2 doesn't really have any big crippling flaws. So it's a safe pick, if an uninteresting one.
What the fuck?

>> No.7932652


>> No.7932703

2 > 1/4 > 6 > 5 > 3

>> No.7932720
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>2 has no crippling flaws

The wily stages are the worst of the NES games.

>> No.7932819

This is pretty accurate, though I'd bump 6 down one or two levels

>> No.7932829

2 is the NPC answer

>> No.7932995


Man who didn't preferred this emulator over FCEux, specially since my PC could not run the latter.

>watching this youtuber lets plays of megaman hacks on that emulator.



>> No.7933031

>What the fuck?
Literally none.

The Wily Stages in 2 are perfectly fine. The clip you posted is gameplay kino. You didn't even post the crash bomb boss.

>> No.7933032

Failure to recognize that NPCs can be right sometimes = NPC behavior.

>> No.7933040


The rest are debatable

>> No.7933048


1 was clunky, but it came out very early in the NES cycle like Metroid so it was easy to overlook it's flaws. 4 just felt like it didn't introduce anything new and the music was worse than 2 & 3.

>> No.7933051

At least Capcom got their cover art act together after 2.

>> No.7933956

The title theme, Top Man, Snake Man, Gemini Man, Spark Man, and...?

>> No.7933964


>> No.7934426

>best bosses
There isn't any consistent weakness system in that game. It's the only game in the series to not have it, even though 1 had it before it. How can you consider this a good Mega Man game outside of nostalgia?

>> No.7934432


>t. upset NPC

>> No.7934435

Also >>7934426

>> No.7934452

1 just has kino level design and great music, as well as fun boss fights, in my opinion. It's a big reason why X1 has so many throwbacks to it. Few games compare.

>> No.7934486


>> No.7934629

>gameplay kino
>waiting on a slow platform is game kino

nostalgia brain rot at its finest.

>> No.7934632
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>best fucking bosses

>> No.7934792

I've always heard it's the second one

Not sure because the theme is too dweeb for me to enjoy

>> No.7934985

Fucking Needle Man, one of the nicest bangers in the series
Shadow Man
Boss Battle BGM
Weapon Upgrade BGM
Wily Castle 1, one of the best Wily tracks in the series
Wily Castle 2, even fucking better
Wily Castle 3
Stage Select

Even the Game Over/Password song is a nice little jingle.

>> No.7935001
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It's a meme that 2 is good. 2 was the first one that became popular, so everyone assumes it's supposed to be amazing and upvotes everyone that says it's their favorite game of all time. Try 1 or maybe 3 if you want the consistent classic experience without charge shot or 5 or 6 if you want a chill and fun experience, or 4 if you want a mix in between. 7 and 8 are also great, especially 7, but they play a little differently because they aren't 8-bit.

>> No.7935006

The intro to 2 is the best part of that game, tbqhfamily.

>> No.7935037

>Wily Castle 1, one of the best Wily tracks in the series
>Wily Castle 2, even fucking better

>> No.7935327

>There isn't any consistent weakness system in that game
Metal > Bubble > Heat > Wood > Air > Crash > Flash > Quick > Metal
Also, 3 has 2 different weakness orders because Snake Man, Needle Man, and Gemini Man are their own seperate chain.

>> No.7935481

4 is objectively the best. 2fags are subhuman.

>> No.7936179

4 is literally nothing. It's just standard fare with a (mostly) sucky soundtrack. It doesn't do anything that 2 didn't do already.

>> No.7936270

It was good and didn't have shit Wily levels. Plus it has charge shot,

>> No.7936440

Keep crying you contrarian faggot, anyone who actually played these games and grew up with them knows 3 is just as good as all the others.

>> No.7936445

The NES Mega Man games are all good. You are mentally deficient beyond help if you seriously hate any of them.

>> No.7936569

Charge Shot ruined the series and was balanced the worst in 4
Makes special weapons worthless and drowns out the soundtrack with its loud-ass whir

>> No.7936728

MM2 if you're Gen-X, MM6 if you're a Millenial. I'm sorry, that's the only answer.

>> No.7936732

Come on, anon, we talked about this.

>> No.7936812
File: 6 KB, 160x224, 1625103246046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone who thinks 4 is the best or even in the top 3 obviously hasn't played it recently

>> No.7936909

I find 4, 5 and 6 a chore to play, mainly because of the charge shot and mostly forgettable music, maybe 6 to a lesser extent. I'm amazed I beat all of the robot masters and some other bosses buster-only. I could never get the same hang of the charge shot I did with the X games.
I find 1 to be the easiest even without exploits. I don't miss later mechanics/features at all and never had any issue with the slippery movement.

>> No.7936937

I played through all 6 last month, 4 is the best.

1 and 3 are trash. 2 is good and 5&6 are decent.

>> No.7936940

the way they broke the slide mechanic in 6 actually just tilts me so much. I played a shitload of 3, 4, and 5 and then coming back to 6 its hard not to turn it off. needleman and shadowman and napalmman and gravityman ext are all great fights because the controls are sooo smooth. its reaction time and memorizing the patterns. 6 just control cucks you out of your extra lives

>> No.7937069

There is nothing 3 does that isn't done better by every NES game before and after it.

Hell, there's nothing 3 does that isn't done better by any other classic game. It sits at the bottom tier with 8 and I don't see why it's hailed as a masterpiece whenever someone still believes that 2 being overrated is an unpopular opinion.

>> No.7937078

3 refines 2 (and even brings back their boss fights) and has the best Wily levels. Cope harder.

>> No.7937082

>the best Wily levels
For Wily levels to be interesting, they'd have to be at least somewhat of a threat. 3's Wily levels are not.

>> No.7937084
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What did he mean by this?

>> No.7937158


>> No.7937162

>Makes special weapons worthless

Not really. it just makes them have to be more special either through allowing improved movement, different weapon trajectory, increased power, defensive properties or other ideas. 4's charge shot isn't the best weapon in that game. Pharaoh Shot is. Including 4's Charge shot in MM1-3 wouldn't break those games.

>> No.7937167

I just played it last month. I have it as better than 5, worse than 6, better than 1-3

>> No.7937221


>> No.7937241

"Boobeam Trap bad" is certified codeword for "filtered as fuck on my one and only playthrough". They're a complete non-issue for anyone who has beaten them at least once because literally all you need to do is remember where to use each shot.

>> No.7937340

I agree with the charge shot in any game but 4. When it comes to four the charge shot does 3 damage and three lemons do three damage. The only advantage of the charge shots comes from bosses who have invincibility frames. Four did the charge shot the best but every other game ruins it

>> No.7937590

4 has a consistent weapon system, which 2 doesn't have.

>> No.7937592

It proves that 2 is a bunch of random and tedious shit and that your only reason for liking it over any of the other entries is nostalgia.

>> No.7937769

2 solely because of the music.

>> No.7939836

>and has the most boring Wily levels

>> No.7940174

4 > 1 > 6 > 5 > 3 > 2

>> No.7940191
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Every official mega man game has shitty Wily stages. The Rock n Roll fangame finally addressed this and put Capcom to shame.

>> No.7940204

this but 3>2>5
4's easy to rank the highest because its weakest qualities aren't nearly as offensive as the others. it's the most balanced/well rounded.

>> No.7940207

7, 9, and 10 have great Wily stages.

>> No.7940302

2, but its far from good. im convinced everyone who reviews 2 has never actually finished it...

>>bubble man stage is near impossible without etanks for getting past the spikes tunnel, and item 2 jet to get over the fake blocks at the start (they fall as soon as you touch it)
>>quick man is near impossible without flash stopper too. expect to go through atleast 5 game overs trying to get through the beams
>>heat man basically cant be done without item 2 jet either
>>confusing maze in flash man stage
>>air man, wood man and metal man stages make you wait for ever for things to move (chains, spikes, turkeys, etc)
>>crash man is literally impossible without atleast 1 e-tank and air
>>that crash bomb wily stage literally makes you break the walls, die, energy farm and finish the boss on 2nd life. i have yet to see anyone finish it in 1 life without using glitches or hacks

they could have fixed this by adding more e-tanks or making a beginner mode (they already had easy and hard, so dont tell me they couldnt add easy). easy mode is hard already, and hard is basically hardcore

>> No.7940559


Top tier : 1,2,4
High tier 3,5,6
The best megaman game on the NES is 1.
It is similar to an arcade platformer what with points, the boss refights are different from the rest of the series ( exactly like X1 you face some bosses outside of capsule rooms)
OST is extremely underrated, wily 1 theme is as good as wily 1 from megaman 2.

Difficulty is the best of the series, only real men can get past Yellow Devil, your grandmother would only have a hard time in 2 with the wily boss that can only be damaged with crash weapon.

2 is a classic but even hard mode is easy.
4 is pretty much the formula perfected and the apex.
3 I think it has the coolest robomaster cast but I did not like having to revisit stages but this is just me I think they did a lot of good with the game.

5 and 6 are good but they just do not make me go WOW what a fun game like 9 and 10 did so it is not because 5 and 6 came back after the first 4 it is just that I feel they are less good.

If we include 9 and 10 I would put them right behind megaman 1, they are perfect games

>> No.7940586

>only real men can get past Yellow Devil
Lmao, no, not after you get used to the easy as fuck pattern it got.
That said 1 is certainly one of the best MM games on NES and sure as fuck is better than MM2.

>> No.7940660

i like 2, 3 and 4 the best
none of them are bad though!

my personal ranking

curious where people would rank mega man V (the gameboy game). it's nice that a robot master is the final boss for once, but the gameboy hardware is too weak for a megaman game

>> No.7940874


>> No.7940974

Honestly, 3 and 5. But I really like them all.

>> No.7941125
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6 because of pic related

>> No.7941163

The Complete Works version of MM6's soundtrack is really REALLY fucking good, with Knight Man and Tomahawk Man's stages being the best.

>> No.7941302

>bubble man stage is near impossible without etanks

wanna know how I know you suck at video games?

>> No.7942429
