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File: 19 KB, 256x254, Crash2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
792657 No.792657 [Reply] [Original]

At least Megaman went down in a glorious memorable shitstorm and he's still kinda popular.
Crash went down like...whatever is the opposite of that. I hate Naughty Dog for being franchise-abandoning pricks, even though Twinsanity was good.

I wonder if devs that were kids growing up playing Crash will make revivals like DKC and Rayman got.

>> No.792660



>> No.792661
File: 399 KB, 600x523, Mississippi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Wonder Project games deserve a comeback. They're something else.

>> No.792681

first time I've seen this

>> No.792695

Here's the rumpus:


The most unique mixture of JRPG and life simulator out there.

>> No.792707
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>> No.792721

wpj2 is better

>> No.792753


Although, as much as it pains me to admit that a marketing gimmick by Activision is good, Skylanders is actually sort of fun. You know, despite having almost nothing to do with Spyro.

>> No.792807

There's this obscure PS1 game called Dragon Valor. It's a 3D castlevania with dragons and it's pretty fucking fun whenever I replay it these days. You even get to play as 5 generations of notBelmonts during the whole thing.

>> No.792809

Fucking Spyro man. Probably my favorite franchise as a kid.

>> No.792821

Everyone bitches about the original Megaman and Legends but I want more Megaman X. They could make it more Metroid-like to bring something new to the gameplay even.

>> No.792825
File: 21 KB, 450x230, finalfantasytacticss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All that's left of FFT are endless remakes of the first game and... this.

What a sad end to a great game.

>> No.792847

I just saw the trailer. Ugh. ._.

>> No.792851
File: 11 KB, 160x221, eccotides_genboxboxart_160w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ, Annuzita has asked if he could make Ecco 3 multiple times now. Just let him make it, sega.

>> No.792859
File: 21 KB, 200x275, 200px-Crash_N_the_Boys_Street_Challenge_NES_box_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dodgeball/Crash and the Boys hold a special place for me. I don't know how they could've evolved to stay alive and still hold their charm, but I wish they would've.

>> No.792874

Tactics is more like the Ogre series than Final Fantasy, but I can understand why someone might want FFT instead of Ogre.

Speaking of which, Ogre Battle was awesome, I just wish they had larger maps, a higher active squad limit, and more use for legions to actually make the game feel like a war instead of an outing by my two strongest squads while another guards the base.

>> No.792881

>imply I prefer one over

>> No.792883

They made one for the dreamcast.

>> No.792885

Was it like Ogre where you can have multiple squads and move them around in an area map? Because all I saw in the trailer was All The Bravest shit.

>> No.792894

Oh no, I was drawing a comparison to Tactics Ogre and Final Fantasy Tactics. I haven't played TacticsS, so I don't know a think about it.

The original post was disappointed that the original PSX tactics never got true sequels, and I was saying the Ogre series (Which I believe were made by the same people) would've been a relative of FFT.

>> No.792905
File: 87 KB, 400x500, 127810530996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We will never see a new Bloody Roar game. ;_;

>> No.792912

Digimon World games. I know 2 and 3 were wonky Pokemon clones at best and 1 had problems too but they were still fun. The DS ones just don't look that appealing to me at first glance.

And Digimon Rumble Arena was a good SSB clone.

>> No.792916

I wasn't aware the DKC got a revival
is it actually any good?

>> No.792935

yeah I mean on the one hand I'm disappointed

but also I look at Sonic and then think maybe it's not so bad if a franchise dies

>> No.792937


The game got released in 2010.

Also, best Donkey Kong Country in the series.

>> No.792951

I either partake in or laugh at or don't care about diviantart-style shit so I wouldn't care if it got to that really.

>> No.792953

I think they're left better dead. Look what happened to them.

>> No.792954

>Ecco 3

No. Dotf is a game in an alternative universe. It has NO connection to the first two whatsoever, and that's the story we want to see finished.

>> No.792957

I've only recently started paying attention to modern games

>> No.792958

They're not TECHNICALLY dead, one comes out every I dunno how many years, by "not dead" we mean "still at the prime of their popularity and quality"

>> No.792959

I'm pretty sure he's not talking about diviantart... but the poor quality of the actual newer games

>> No.792963

But the worst is over with those. They've been better since Colors.

>> No.793003

> even though Twinsanity was good.

[Citation needed]

>> No.793025

I dunno man. I liked it overall. A little too short and feels kinda incomplete but whatever, it was the Crash swan song.

>> No.793040

Crash 2 is the best.
Now go 100% it under 1 hour 30 minutes.

>> No.793042
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The Elder Scrolls
pic relevant

>> No.793171

What about Re:Digitize?

>> No.793173
File: 18 KB, 350x185, Bloody_Roar_Hyper_Beast_Duel_Logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.793175

Did you?
If so, you're on.

>> No.793186

I don't know about that. It's supposed to be like DW1 right?

>> No.793191

Very much so.

>> No.793350
File: 704 KB, 743x1024, 4560112896_431f246c6c_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With all the damage they've done to the brand through the crossovers and such maybe it's better off dead.

>> No.793402

How did they damage it with crossovers? and isn't a new one coming out?

>> No.793424

How many posts do we have to go before someone corrects this guy.

Universal Studios the publisher basically ripped the rights. The exact same thing happened with Insomniac and Spyro

>> No.793430

Because the crossovers only feature the female characters, and awful, overly fanservicey out of character versions at that. To someone who doesn't know any better, it comes across as something like Arcana Heart. And no, there sin't a new one coming out. Sales of the PSN/XBL port were supposed to determine that, and it didn't do well.

>> No.793462

wow. Why did they rip the rights?

>> No.793495

>it comes across as something like Arcana Heart.
You realize Arcana has almost no "fan service" compared to most FGs, right? Look at Street Fighter ffs.

>> No.793532

They were basically trying to annualize the series and run it into the ground.

>> No.793550

Yeah, it's a pretty neat game. It's also a spin off of the Dragon Buster series.

>> No.793556

>What about Re:Digitize?

I'd jizz all over my copy of the game if it wasnt Japan only.

>> No.793557

>Each character has 2 HP instead of one

Casual much?

>> No.793560

They are both dead and they both were buried in a pet semetary.

That explains their current state.

>> No.793569

>Give characters two health each, for a max of four hits
>Make mine carts instant one hit death no matter the number of hearts or characters


>> No.793571
File: 249 KB, 950x950, medievil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day.

>> No.793573
File: 341 KB, 400x400, Tomba!_NTSC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Croc, Crash, Spyro, and fucking Tomba.

Hell I'm a bit surprised we haven't seen news of a Tomba HD release or something. Possibly with that unused town area (assuming they'd have access to the assets).

>> No.795021

I never heard of that one.

>> No.795036

Annunziata has been begging to make Ecco 3 since 1994.

Back in January he pitched TWO new Ecco games to Sega, essentially Ecco 3 and 4. All he's asking for is the fucking license to the IP, they wouldn't even have to spend any money.

It may not be Ecco, but at least he's making The Little Blue now, another dolphin game. It's going to have 2D gameplay.

>> No.795043


>> No.795052

I wish they'd make a new Resident Evil game.

>> No.795056
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>> No.795060

What unused town area?

>> No.795062

I'd like to see a Tomba rerelease or sequel, because that game was fantastic. It'd look really good with current/next gen 3D worlds, and hand drawn 2D sprites sort of like Rayman Origins.

The thing I most want is a new Medievil game, though I worry that if a new game was made it'd have God Of War style combat which would be awful.

>> No.795069

Wow... it just never really occurred to me that this is from the same guys that are now making uncharted. I knew they both are from Naughty Dog, my brain just never made the connection or something.

Weird shit.

>> No.795116

I know man. It's like, they started with Crash (and probably some other shit but whatever) then Jak and Daxter which was a sort of a more grim version of Crash with GTA elements, then they were full "realistic" shit with Uncharted and now that they're done with that they're trying an dark AAA zombie title in Last of Us.

I guess they just go with the flow, try to make the best game for what they think is a genre that will sell a lot, and the flow just happens to get darker and more '"realistic" as time goes on.

>> No.795287
File: 544 KB, 1600x1013, 918273921873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That piece of shit for xbox doesn't count.

>> No.795340

>Last Metroid game was in 2010
The time gap between Prime and Super was bigger

>> No.795385

Donkey Kong Country 2 would like to have a word with you.

>> No.795495
File: 65 KB, 300x450, Jumping_Flash_by_TheBlackMarket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss it so much

Even the third Japan-only entry was great in its own merit. That final boss, that music. In a way, it was beautiful.

I don't think I've ever felt this way with any game ever.

>> No.795532


Imagine the parallel world where this model of 3D platformer succeeded over Mario 64 model

>> No.795536


>> No.795560

I wish I knew what this was. What was it's 3D plat model and how was it so different than the Mario 64 one?

>> No.795567


Just play it. It's Jumping Flash for the Playstation. It literally came up before Super Mario 64 and Crash Bandicoot and Spyro and all that shiz.

Think of it as Mario meets FPS meets giant robot bunny game. The music is addictive IMHO and it just gives you the greatest feeling in the world when you fucking TRIPLE JUMP for the first time.

SUPER mode lets you jump six times

>> No.795572


Forgot to mention, had two other games, the second being JF2 and Robbit Mon Dieu, which difers a bit from the two other games. Very few even know it had a third entry.

>> No.795574

At least he's been distanced from Skylanders.

Whether that's a good thing or not is up to you.

>> No.795576
File: 165 KB, 256x256, 256px-Tomba!_NTSC[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what comes to mind when I think of 2D Platformers.

I appreciated it more over the years when I realized it had RPG like elements to it as well.

>> No.795578

Ecco had a story? It wasn't just a dolphin swimming through hoops?

>> No.795605

Just looked it up and it's pretty good I guess. Really wouldn't want the general 3D plat model to become so first person-y though.

>> No.795617
File: 116 KB, 640x861, silhouette-mirage-ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man Tomba was a real gem. Really could have done with more challenging platforming instead of being so quest-based but whatever.

One other obscure platformer I almost never see mentioned is Silhouette Mirage

>> No.795618


I guess it's reasonable. I thought it would be weird at first and wouldn't work, but in the second/third jump, when the camera aims down looking at your own shadow from up above, it really helps on moving from one position to another. It feels natural at a certain point.

>> No.795620


>> No.795635
File: 415 KB, 1836x3264, 1368071234948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want the real Spyro the Dragon back. Not this purple potato monster who's a side-side-side character in a beat'em up game with a toy collection gimmick.

>> No.795875

Were any of the PS2 games any good? I remember people losing their shit over Enter the Dragonfly for some reason...

>> No.795908

Nah, they were all round pretty mediocre to bad. The first 3 games are the only games in my mind.

>> No.795934
File: 57 KB, 500x375, earthwormjim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.795946

A Hero's Tail is pretty good, just nowhere near 'original trilogy good'. Enter the Dragonfly is a PTSD-inducing mess.

>> No.795992

Jim died a peaceful death. Let's just leave him be.
And besides, there was an HD remake on XBLA like 2 years ago.

>> No.796026


That HD remake was an insult to Shiny

>> No.796024


I dont know about the firsr two games, but the Dreamcast game has a balls-insane plot with alternate universes, alien invaders, human-dolphin civilisations, death of humility etc.

Very unique

>> No.796060

Yeah, I know. It sucked.
That's why we should leave Jim dead.
I don't think there are many developers around anymore that would treat the franchise with the respect it deserves. Hell, EWJ3D wasn't really a very good game.

>> No.796068 [DELETED] 


Never played it. What's wrong with it?

>> No.796074


Never played it. What's wrong with it?

>> No.796117


I liked 3D, it was a clusterfuck because of its disasterous development (canned and sent to new developers repeatedly) and ended up a good few years late, but when it hits its stride theres a good humored EWJ classic hidden in there, plus great voices and SFX.

>> No.796167

This area, which apparently you can trigger this cut-scene with either a damaged disc or of course a cheat device.

>> No.796383

What was so bad about Enter the Dragofly? I think i remember playing it when it first came out but I quit over something and haven't played it since.

>> No.796525

I dunno man, after that PSP remake I'm kinda iffy on a new MediEvil title.

>> No.796536

but both of them were good unlike fusion and other m

>> No.796557


>> No.796636

I like that Naughty Dog stopped making the games. They made a few quality titles then felt it was time to move on before they became stagnant. Too many devs make one series of games and nothing else until they're put out of business

>> No.796642

How was Fusion bad?

>> No.796651

>Halloween Street Fighter
>Later a Killer Instinct rip-off
Yup, better off dead.

>> No.796691

>2d metroid games
>Chrono Trigger/Cross

There will never be a Chrono Break, will there?

>> No.796723

The first one ends with Ecco going into space and fighting aliens if I remember correctly

>> No.796981

The non-linear quality of metroid games died. Fusion drained the player of the exploration factor. As a sequel to Super Metroid, it did everything right but the linear design. I think the story makes up for some of it though.

>> No.797023
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>> No.797059

Crash Team Racing was the last piece of brilliance. The two creative directors behind the Bandicoot up until then left (at least it said so in the Scrapbook) so it was only natural to them to abandon the franchise, they didn't know what to do with it, but apparently some other fucks thought they did.

I'm glad the franchise is dead. There's an indie dude on indiedb/moddb working on a fanmade Crash Bandicoot project.

>> No.797273

Legacy of Kain

I also wish for a proper Alien vs Predator game

>> No.797803

>Implying Street Fighter 2 had dashes, chain combos, air blocking, guard cancels and ES moves

>> No.797816

I guess I can kinda understand that. But it doesn't damage the game for me.

>> No.797937
File: 121 KB, 427x600, goemongroup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, I sorely miss the Mystical Ninja.

We haven't gotten a new game since 2005, makes me sad. It must have something to do with the creator leaving Konami some years ago.

>> No.797950
File: 55 KB, 640x468, shadowgate64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know there is yet another fucking NES rehash coming out on Kickstarter but Shadowgate belongs to just two guys who did fuck all with it in all those years and boy, why not make an entirely new Shadowgate game once in a while.

I will never stop whining about how SG Rising never got released on N64 or anywhere.

>> No.798019

There are still Kunio games coming out for the 3DS.
They're not sports-related, but the whole franchise is still going strong.


>> No.798393

what is it about?

>> No.798468
File: 53 KB, 256x359, yup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wonderboy, Toejam & Earl, Fantasy-Zone, Wiz N' Liz, Streets Of Rage, shit I could go on forever.

>> No.798470
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>> No.798493

>even though Twinsanity was good
So...is this really true? I was thinking of getting it the other day but decided against it.

>> No.798503

My heart just sank a little / part of me just died. Time to replay the first three crash games and spryo.

>> No.798526
File: 7 KB, 200x232, 200px-Harold_Bishop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>that sequel

Plus any new Shadowman would be based on the stupid new series. No thanks. Mike LeRoi or bust.

>> No.798604

Well I liked it anyway. It's a little different than the original games, it isn't as linear and staightforward etc. Kind of an open world with you just stumbling into levels. Might get a little annoying just how hidden some of the secrets are but it's an overall good game. A little short if you don't fuck around with the hidden areas and stuff is the only real bad thing about it.

>> No.798713

Choppy as fuck framerate, elemental breaths like in 5 but terribly executed, graphics go between good and piss-fucking-terrible (NPCs tend to jiggle around like they're made of jelly for no good reason), only has a single hub and like 7 levels (and most of those are trite to begin with), load screen for the load screens, you name it. The soundtrack is still legit awesome, and it's truly saddening that the game has the rough basis of an amazing Spyro game, but it was literally rushed to hell for a christmas release and ended up with not even 1/3 of the planned content and optimizations.

>> No.798753
File: 141 KB, 425x223, DinoCrisis2endRegina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dino Crisis
Banjo Kazooie
Jak and Daxter
The neverhood
Chrono (Trigger/Cross)
Legacy of Kain

Soooo many memories...

>> No.799021

are you fucking joking?

>> No.799043

>Dino Crisis

God, that one still gets me in the feels. It was an awesome series and it died with that horrible last game that I will not mention by name.

>> No.799095
File: 2.26 MB, 2000x2000, 1353880312760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naughty Dog didn't exactly abandon the franchise, as it was ALWAYS owned by Universal (or Sony, I forget which exactly, and as such when they went their separate ways, they weren't allowed to take it with them. Even Naughty Dog hates what's happened to the series since they left.

>> No.799135

Super Metroid is kinda linear. You have only one way to progress to a certain area.

>> No.799149

Yeah I think I remember the choppyness and ridiculous loading screens

>> No.799153

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.799156

In case no one's read it, here's a nice series of articles from one of the founders of Naughty Dog on developing Crash:

It gives some great insight into what made those games so damn good.

>> No.799171
File: 19 KB, 640x480, Ben_(Full_Throttle).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

King's Quest, Legend of Kyrandia, and Loom. They're all dead and their studios have long since collapsed. The creative teams responsible for each have drifted apart, many out of the game industry completely.

They will never be revived and a majority of you will never play them. That's why I really can't be fucked to care about a character from the mid 90s who was just another mascot made to rival Mario and Sonic.

>> No.799173

Ah I see. So that's what happens every time a game series switches devs.

and that tattooed Crash is pretty awesome, I get that it's associated with a crappy game or whatever but...

>> No.799181

There was going to be a new King's Quest by Telltale Games, however it was confirmed cancelled back in April of this year.

>> No.799189

No one played Loom.

>> No.799213
File: 462 KB, 800x500, king_quest6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I didn't actually hear that until just now. I guess I'll never play a new game in the series. Silver Lining sucked, but at least it was kind of like the series.

>> No.799248
File: 20 KB, 256x256, dupre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I'm at it, Ultima was ushered into a coffin by EA's terrible development practices.

>> No.799318

>Every game EA publishes was ushered into a coffin by EA's terrible development practices.

Fixed that for you. 2142 veteran signing off.

>> No.799362

But it's true.

>> No.799414

Another for Tomba.

That series was excellent.

>> No.801728
File: 838 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2013-06-09-20-38-33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

space station silicon valley and buck bumble need sequel s on the wii u

>> No.801795
File: 529 KB, 1280x1024, FZero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad it still gets acknowledgment, but I'd be kidding myself if I said it wasn't dead.

>> No.801802
File: 62 KB, 500x345, turok_n64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That game on 360 is a complete joke and basically killed any hope the franchise might have had left.

>> No.801816

Your pic gave me so many feels.
Crash was my favourite game, the best game of my childhood. Now they made it shit.
I'm not surprised by how Notty Doggers react to Crash's discomposure. He was their gateway to the very top of gaming industry, they should be attached to him.
So thousands of times, I wish the game wasn't dead, and done in proper way.

I want Jade Cocoon back, too. Not in the way the second part was, but like the first JC: ancient times, almost tribal societies, legends, spirits wandering the land.

>> No.801823
File: 13 KB, 226x223, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I'm talking original Spyro. Not this bullshit Elijah Wood voice acted gubbins!

>> No.801826

It's funny, because the Skylanders platformers are better than the PS2 era games.

>> No.801861

it's called ZX

>> No.801917
File: 325 KB, 580x363, Destruction-Derby-580x363[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking DD Arenas killed this series for good.

Arenas isn't a bad game by itself but it's an awful DD game.

>> No.801928

That Bentley looks so poorly drawn

>> No.801930

I don't know about that. heard about Z but not ZX

>> No.801975

go play them, they're quite good

>> No.802005

Just seems like a lot of guys who really harken back to the good old days when making a game was fun and wasn't always about the money.

That pic makes me bummed out.

>> No.804849

biased because I am utterly enamoured with deep sea travel, but a well done current gen Ecco with a huge explorable area could be rad.

>> No.804871

Crash still has a stupid huge fanbase despite all the shit the franchise has been through over the past decade, it's not too late for someone to save it.

>> No.804901

It will be glorious, fucking glorious.
They didn't 100% forget about our bony friend though, as he was a playable char in that SSBB clone by playstation.

>> No.804992

That's what the Big Blue is aiming for.

>> No.806353

Really? Stupid huge? I don't see it. I guess not many of them are on the internet or something.