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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7917528 No.7917528[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I´ve been pirating snes and game boy FF games for 10 years and i will keep doing it for 10 more

>> No.7917531

Unrealistic prices are a sign of a dying industry

>> No.7917536
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>> No.7917540

10 years wtf, I've been pirating then since the 90s

>> No.7917546

What does Nintendo have to do with this?

>> No.7917550
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>> No.7917553

Sorry anons i shouldhave put up square enix instead of nintendo, i dont know what kind of brain fart i had there

>> No.7917559
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I'm using Nintendo as a noun for video games, since it's a synonym. Like when I get mad about Modern Nintendo's with all the dlc and loot boxes and shit

>> No.7917561

It's a bundle. Each game is $14.99 right? Pretty consistent with their other pricing. A decent enough deal if you want a legit download for all 6 games but I say it's gay as fuck if there's no box, manual, and actual medium. And yes you should play the originals and the retro era ports instead.

>> No.7917571
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not to mention the gigantic fucking DOWNGRADE it is

>> No.7917576
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>> No.7917578

>14.99 for a touched up ROM is a "deal"
I laugh when people say games need to go to seventy dollars, most of the shit released today isn't even worth twenty dollars

>> No.7917580

>Complaining about the prices of games you can pirate
I don't understand. You even mentioned the solution yourself yet you still whine like a little bitch. What is the purpose of this thread?

>> No.7917584

That they think a couple of old rpg´s are worth that

>> No.7917589

Is this a fucking joke? You know how much 75$ is in my shithole? What the fuck. I mean I'm not complaining since I can emulate them for free but when devs finally give you an opportunity to buy all of the old NES/SNES games you've pirated and loved they shouldn't do it that way

>> No.7917591

Take it up with Square, leave my boy out of this

>> No.7917593


>Sorry anons i shouldhave put up square enix instead of nintendo, i dont know what kind of brain fart i had there

>> No.7917617

Thanks I am going to put it on my wishlist and buy it when it comes out.

>> No.7917620

>been pirating for 10 years



>> No.7917631

Okay... good for you? These games were all $59.99 or more when they first released.
>b-but they're old now
Your point being? If you like old FF and would more games in the vein of classic FF to be made, maybe you could try supporting classic fucking FF instead of bitching about how it should he cheaper because it's old and you can pirate it, even though that argument never held water for old movies or anything else for that matter.

>> No.7917634

>a collection of six games including some of the greatest RPGs ever made
>"a couple of old RPGs"
You're a poorfag and a zoomer/nigger.

>> No.7917640

Square can charge whatever they want, but people are just going to get the free alternative if you charge 15 dollars, let alone 60.

>> No.7917651

I said they were old anon never that they were bad, i passed entire summers playing FF with my dad and yes im poor i cant afford nothing on this shithole

>> No.7917652

I am too poor for new games anon so i have resort to pirate these games

>> No.7917653

these remakes all suck, they shat all over the graphics in FFV for example

>> No.7917654

i wish i had that kinda money... i wish i had money at all

>> No.7917675

Good points anon but also have you taken a look at the graphics and the new hud? it looks like a copy of the game made in rpg maker but they managed it to look worse somehow

>> No.7917679

If it were cheaper, I wouldn't coom as much when I buy it. They know what they're doing.

>> No.7917689

>I was only pretending to be retarded

>> No.7917692

What Nintendo has to do with it? And it is a bundle of six huge games for the price of a modern AAA title. Don't see a problem.

>> No.7917714 [DELETED] 
File: 180 KB, 860x838, 296-2965378_crying-wojak-png-download-crying-angry-rage-face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm using Nintendo as a noun for video games

>> No.7917726

The deal would be the 22% off, not the individual price dummy. It's essentially all 6 for the price of 5.

Call it gay if you want, it is, but the deal wasn't the $14.99 price tag.

>> No.7917727

You guys don't even play nintendos

>> No.7917730

Welcome to nu-/vr/. The front page of the zoomernet. Prepare your self for a lot of this sort of baby cringe.

>> No.7917734

I don't know what the original price is, I just was replying to what the other anon said the price per game was. Point being if you think I'm paying ten bucks for a 16 or 8 bit ROM you're fucking crazy.

>> No.7917735

Are they even roms? I thought they were new ports.

>> No.7917737

oh my god you are dumb

>> No.7917743

Yeah they are porting ROMs. Just like I port ROMs into the emulator for free

>> No.7917750

And with a nice coat of shit graphics on top

>> No.7917759

Square Enix re-release Final Fantasy games on a Nintendo system at a price that I don't like - Its obviously Nintendo's fault.
This fucking board, seriously.

>> No.7917810

>mfw I have no face for OP reporting posts which call out xirs trollbait