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7909361 No.7909361 [Reply] [Original]

Is it worth getting into Resident Evil anymore?

>> No.7909404

Fuck off, we're full.

>> No.7909407

All the classic mainline games are good if you like 90s survival horror. RE4 created the modern TPS. REmake 2 & 7 are very good modern incarnations.

>> No.7909410


>> No.7909421
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nope, you missed the cutuff point. its too late

>> No.7909439

This. Not so sure about RE7 though.

>> No.7909452

I'm coming to kill you, cockhead

>> No.7909454

Not that anon but once I got used to the first person view, I really liked it. It’s essentially Texas Chainsaw Massacre combined with Evil Dead.

>> No.7909462

>RE4 created the modern TPS
No it didn't, all it did was adjust the camera angle. Brute Force was far more influential to modern TPS as it adopted Halo's control scheme.

>> No.7909465

Yeah the first game is still a masterpiece. 2 and 3 are quite shit and praised only by nostalgiafags. Sixth gen RE is a big pleb filter. Code Veronica, Zero, and Outbreak are far superior to 2 and 3.

>> No.7909481 [DELETED] 

>Code Veronica, Zero, and Outbreak are far superior to 2 and 3
I understand saying Outbreak is better than 2 and 3, but CVX and Zero are trash.

>> No.7909515

I'm sure it's cool in VR.

>> No.7909519

RE2 did everything RE did, but well. There's a reason Capcom buried the '96 original. Borderline Down syndrome opinion, btw.

>> No.7909521

>Is it worth getting into Resident Evil anymore?
What do you mean? don't you play games to enjoy them?

>> No.7909526

Outbreak sucks shit and no one talked about those games until about 2017 with good reason. Stop being a contrarian faggot.

>> No.7909528

>Borderline Down syndrome opinion, btw.
You didn't have to clarify this about your post. We could tell from the first sentence.

>> No.7909529

This, Zero & CVX are both fine if you like the series and want a new fix, but pale in comparison to the rest of the old mainline games because the level design completely shits the bed partway through.

>> No.7909572
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>RE2 did everything RE did, but well.
yea, like removing all the backtracking and difficulty

>> No.7909608

Nah. RE2 is a great game but the original mansion will always be a better setting than the police station.

>> No.7909614

RE2 has harder bosses than RE1 lmao

>> No.7909646

But, Max Payne created the modern TPS...

>> No.7909657

I think RE4’s big contribution was the over the shoulder aiming system. Gears of War came along in 2006 and pretty much cemented that style of TPS combat.

>> No.7909662 [DELETED] 

Resident Evil always sucked, before it went all out coomerbait

>> No.7909665 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7909669

The synthesis of Max Payne style movement with RE4 camera is the modern TPS. So Max Payne & RE4 are each the final stages of premodern TPS in their own ways.

>> No.7909685

Winback64 did it first.

>> No.7909702

Not quite. While Winback is an early example of crouching behind cover and popping out to shoot, its camera system isn’t the same as RE4’s.

>> No.7909704 [DELETED] 

you cough my shit

>> No.7910548

Brute force didn't have over the shoulder.

>> No.7910717

>Unquestionably good games
RE, RE2, RE3, REmake, RE2 Remake
>Games worth playing despite some flaws
RE0, RE Code Veronica, RE Outbreak 1&2, RE3 Remake, RE Revelations 2, RE Revelations 1, RE7
>Games whose flaws are the majority of content but have bright spots
RE5, RE6
>Games made out of flaws
Umbrella Corps, Operation Raccoon City, Survivor 1-3, both Umbrella Chronicles, Gaiden, Mercenaries 3D

Play the upper half of this and you won't have a bad time.

>> No.7910724

>no re4
a-are ya salty, son?

>> No.7910737

Fuck I forgot it, it's in the top. And RE8 is missing because I haven't gotten around to it yet.

>> No.7910739

kek, most people here hate re4, i think the castle section and underground section are some of the best atmosphere in any re game, though re1 will always reign supreme in my heart.

>> No.7910748

Most people love RE4, it's if anything a more unquestionably good game than others. But I remember what you're talking about, there's like 1 autist that used to go on hate rants and doesn't seem to be around presently. He couldn't accept that a game being less its original genre and more of another isn't automatically a bad game.

>> No.7910780

I guarantee most of us just don't feel the need to argue about the game.

>> No.7911686

unless what

>> No.7911698

Fuck you

>> No.7911702

and the puzzles and ammo management

>> No.7911705

I'd say you are cool for not shitting on RE5, a great coop game, but then again you think that RE2 Remake is unquestionably good. If a RE game has ugly females it's not a good RE game

>> No.7911873

The Gears creator himself said RE4 was the main inspiration.

>> No.7911876

Imagine Jill giving you an intense handjob wile looking down on you with disdain just like this

>> No.7911878

Might as well try the Dino Crisis games while you’re at it.

>> No.7911880

Lol you're a retard

>> No.7912326
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>my heckin backtracking, my padded lengtharino

>> No.7913309

Over the past 5-6 years ive noticed the RE fanbase online get worse and worse, now capcom caters towards this "new" fanbase and not so much the OG trilogy fans or even the action horror fans from RE4-6. Now the games are simplified and on rails, made for speedrunners and other Twitch/yt streamers to react to. So i wouldn't expect anything good for RE's future, but anyone who enjoys a challenge and the horror genre should play the OG trilogy and the remake of the first RE game. Outbreak file 1 and 2 for the ps2 are good too.

>> No.7913679

why do people say they hate gaiden? i doubt half the people even owned let alone played it. i think its great. its a fucking gameboy color game, but its RPG and resident evil. what can you expect? people need to stop parroting popular opinions some youtuber spouted and form their own.

>> No.7913690

Lmao the contrarians are now defending Gaiden.

>> No.7913719

I think people "hate" Resident Evil 4 as a Resident Evil. I don't think anyone is retarded enough to argue that it's not a great game.

>> No.7913889

Umbrella Chronicles is a good arcade game, even the second game is not that bad.

>> No.7913927
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remake is the gold standard

>> No.7914647

I mean, absolutely no one can deny the atmosphere, and groundbreaking gameplay mechanics of RE4, but don't even pretend to defend the shitty standard of cartoony bullshit writing that has since become a stable of the series. Not to mention the shift to action focus. It's cliche as hell to say, I know, but it's a good game, but a horrible RE game.

>> No.7914673

I honestly don't understand the love for this remake. I love the original but this one just never did it for me. I remember being really impressed by its visuals and animation at the time but that was about it. I thought all of the additions and changes to the original were simply for the worse.

>> No.7914678

My trying to change some of the most iconicly strange lines I.E. ("You were almost a Jill Sandwich") into ("You would have fit nicely into a sandwich"), but come on, It was nothing but improvements up and down the board in almost every single regard.

>> No.7914679


>> No.7914681

well that's just like your opinion man

>> No.7914686

Yeah, mine and nearly everyone elses. For the record, I like the original too (not the directors cut)

>> No.7914690

>Yeah, mine and nearly everyone elses

>> No.7914694

>You: "I honestly don't understand the love for this remake"
>Also You: "Love for this remake?"

>> No.7914712

Modern RE? RE2 Remake gave me hope, but RE8 dashed all the hope it gave me by being just another AAA mediocre trashheap.

>> No.7914716


>> No.7914717

What is there not to love about the directors cut ?

>> No.7914721

It's just not the definitive RE1 classic experience, it actually censors and removes things and changes some of the original ost to goofy shit

>> No.7914728

Only the dualshock version changes the soundtrack.

>> No.7914746
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Fact: There is no such thing as a terrible RE game

>> No.7914748

This. Very common misconception by younger posters. There are two different Director’s Cut releases.

>> No.7914798

I mean, sort of, but also sort of not. There's a big difference from what 4 did and what 5 and 6 tried to do. The difference between "and then the Spanish dwarf gets a giant robot" and "flying a helicopter" or "getting in a car chase". 4 still has a distinct flavor that the later sequels increasingly don't.

>> No.7914812

i don't get it

>> No.7914814
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>> No.7914825
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its very atmosphereic

>> No.7914842
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>> No.7915294
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Julia Voth is so fucking hot.

>> No.7915315

why does she have two tomb raider pistols
dumb slut
shitty cosplay

>> No.7915383
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fantastic post

>> No.7915387

The trip to apply the V Jolt in the Guardhouse basement is a microcosm of why I dislike the REmake.
In RE1, the crate bridge stays intact and it's a relatively short jog down to the Aqua Ring and around the corner to apply the V Jolt. A little annoying but not too bad.
In the REmake, the crate bridge vanishes and instead you have to go down to the bottom of the ring, back up through the control room, then over to the room with the roots. If you're playing as Jill, you then have to backtrack through all those empty rooms. It's just obnoxiously designed for no discernable reason.
The whole game is full of similar situations that turn it into a tedious chore to play and completely wreck the pacing. Most of the new content falls into that category too, like the expanded caves or the big linear path leading to the cabin that are boring as fuck and add absolutely nothing to the game except more braindead box pushing and encounters with the least threatening enemy in the game.

>> No.7915540

because she can

>> No.7915621
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>> No.7916157

The shooting mechanic is awful to play and constantly present, there's nothing unreasonable about disliking Gaiden even among GBC games.

>> No.7916158

Not him bur I don't think it's unreasonable to like it either. The combat really isn't that bad.

>> No.7916291
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Inezh > Voth now and forever.

>> No.7916334

i guess we know why they call her chambers

>> No.7916347

I'd like to congratulate RE fags on behalf of m00t for having the best porn thread in the entire site.

>> No.7917038

As a RE fan the thing I hate most about this series is actually the coomers though. Look at this guy, >>7911705 you think he brings anything useful? He likes whichever games he can jerk off to with his highly specific tastes and can never, ever keep quiet about it. Thread after thread after thread of them appear endlessly whenever a game is announced and a female character is glimpsed.

>> No.7917135
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remake 2 is the gold standard for 3rd perosn horror

>> No.7918115
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Of course. She was found fairly recently too.

>> No.7918214

well what's her real name?

>> No.7918219

Easily one of the best games of its generation.

>> No.7918225

the obseasion that RE virgins have with the plain jane live actresses from this series is very strange to me. yet another reason RE4 is the only good game in the series.

>> No.7918227

If it had alternate ways of dealing with bosses it would be the closest thing in the series to the first game.

>> No.7918236

>these mental gymnastics

>> No.7918242
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okay zoomer

>> No.7918378

>Umbrella Corps

>> No.7918381

>mental gymnastics
are you implying that several thousand aging virgin males don't have an unhealthy fixation with women who played insanely minor live action roles in video games from 25 years ago? are you implying that this fixation isnt a little odd?

>> No.7918394

I'm implying that has absolutely fucking nothing to do with RE4 being a good game or not, you brainless retard

>> No.7918395

mrrcenaries 3d is criminally underrated

>> No.7918401

>game has no virgin bait live action actresses
>it's a better game as a result
sounds pretty relevant to me

>> No.7918430

Sure, why not.

>> No.7918436

>Yeah the first game is still a masterpiece.
>2 and 3 are quite shit
Fine bait.

>> No.7918439

>most people here hate re4
Stop assuming very vocal salty classic only faggots are the majority.

>> No.7918514

sounds like onions fueled mental gymnastics to me considering it has no effect on gameplay

>> No.7918563
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>sounds like onions fueled mental gymnastics to me considering it has no effect on gameplay

>> No.7918567

Not an argument. You're also still wrong.

>> No.7919280

Zero is a great game that gets unfairly shit on but but Code Veronica is ass in every respect.

>> No.7919402

anon has good taste