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File: 308 KB, 1056x1500, mdsh2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7906513 No.7906513 [Reply] [Original]

TFW you realize that the Splatterhouse games are being carried entirely by their cool B-movie aesthetics.

>> No.7906519
File: 33 KB, 262x379, Splatterhouse_Wanpaku_Graffiti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only good game in the series

>> No.7906591

Not wrong.

>> No.7906780

Still not finding a image that can prove about Rick reminding Kenshiro in this cover art

>> No.7906806
File: 103 KB, 720x720, 122577679_1070256623427071_2914062187319195291_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that a problem?

>> No.7906814
File: 108 KB, 640x480, 5DF364E1-6F6B-4E25-B265-B2F1D7763246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Splatterhouse is genuinely disturbing
I think the imagery was more graphic than any horror slasher film. I’d love to find a movie that’s actually as fucked up as Splatterhouse

>> No.7906816

Not really. Just done defending them as more than a vibe.

>> No.7906821

Check out The Deadly Spawn. That monster in your screen cap is lifted directly from it.

>> No.7906823

I'm surprised no movie has ever thought to do the haunted mansion with a variety of monsters before. It's such a simple idea that would make for a great b-movie.

>> No.7906828

Thanks friend. Also his girlfriend that transforms in the first game horrified the shit outta me

>> No.7906848

There's a not very good movie called Spookies that's almost exactly that concept. It's just an old house with monster after monster. Dumb, but fun.

>> No.7906852

>girlfriend that transforms
Definite Evil Dead material. These games drew inspiration from tons of stuff.

>> No.7906867

>The Evil Dead
That reminds me I still need to watch that

>> No.7906875

And that's a good thing. B tier gameplay with A tier aesthetics and themes is still a good, functional game at the end of the day.

>> No.7906880

This shit looks dumb as fuck.

I'm in.

>> No.7906909

It's a micro budget indie movie, but it's got heart (and shitloads of gore).

>> No.7907214

The games had a high level of gore for the time period. Splatterhouse was fairly unique in that regard. The first 3 games play fine and hold up today. Not sure why anyone would bash the series but chances are high OP is a zoomer.

>> No.7907223

The gameplay honestly isn't that strong, yeah, but the charm and aesthetic takes it a really long way. A bit like N.A.R.C, in that it's really not a very good game, but it's so fucking balls to walls obscene and cheeky about it, that's is funny as fuck.

I kinda wish they had stronger gameplay, but I do still like them as they are.

The monster design in Splatterhouse is disgusting as fuck, and I love it. 10/10, would barf again.

>> No.7907251

I think that Sweet Home did that (the movie which was made into an NES game, which strongly inspired the first Resident Evil).

I'm always impressed when people can do great effects on a modest budget. Hellraiser was shot on like, £1Mil, and it looks absurdly good for that.

>> No.7907282

Theres those Guillermo Del Toro movies. Don't remember the names but you know

>> No.7907303

Pretty fun movies. Third one does a surreal left turn into a comedic adventure, instead of horror, and it's really good.

I forgot about Spoopies.

>> No.7907324

What? I love them. Not bashing anything. They're just not very good games aside from presentation.

>> No.7907717

- 1 and 2 are boring but cool graphics
- 3 Is actually really fun
- Wanpaku is a classic and stands on its own

>> No.7907730

>think the imagery was more graphic than any horror slasher film
Well most of those enemies are body horror inspired. Watch some movies like The Thing, The Possession, An American Werewolf, The fly, etc.

>> No.7908093
File: 126 KB, 517x700, Splatterhouse 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Splatterhouse 3 is the only one where I enjoy the gameplay for its own sake. It's just a really solid, well designed meat and potatoes brawler with good fundamentals and a cool resource based super mode that works well with its timed maze-running gimmick.

>> No.7908118

1 is awesome, 2 sucks, 3 is okay. Wanpaku is good. I don't see how this board praises the pure shit that is Altered Beast but shit on Splatterhouse which is leagues better.

>> No.7908125

Not sure where the hate for Splatterhouse comes from. I mean, it's right there in the fucking name. There's a house with a shit ton of splattering going on in there.

>> No.7908134

Splatterhouse is so much cooler than Altered Beast.

Who's hating on Splatterhouse? At most you see admission here that the first two games just don't have amazing gameplay.

>> No.7908138

>don't have amazing gameplay
The point I'm making is: Who's expecting amazing gameplay from a game called Splatterhouse?

>> No.7908805

Maybe the sequels get respected, but I haven't seen many people jacking off over Altered Beast 1 besides australian faggots. AB 2+3 = good, AB 1 is dogshit doo doo

>> No.7908808

It’s the closest thing you can get to a good Evil Dead game.

>> No.7908880

I think oldfags who got the Sega Genesis at or near launch probably have a huge soft spot for Altered Beast. But yeah, it's not great.

>> No.7908934

Any time I see Splatterhouse mentioned it's always in a video where they show 5 seconds of gameplay and it's just the main character hitting enemies with a board into the wall. It doesn't look challenging or fun or interesting.

Not saying the game is bad, but I've never seen any compelling footage of it. Probably the fault of shitty YouTubers more than the game.

>> No.7908941

wanpaku is the only good game in the series which is a shame since that's like a chibi version

>> No.7908952

Just play it on your browser to see what it’s like. Literally google “splatterhouse arcade browser” or whatever

>> No.7908998

It's hard because the controls are sluggish and you have to master an annoying maneuver (the slide) to really get anywhere. But the music is sick, and so are the visuals.

>> No.7909743

The music and visuals really are phenomenal. I wonder if there's a romhack to make controls more responsive and fast?

>> No.7910064
File: 139 KB, 432x537, Splatterhouse Jokers 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Splatterhouse 1 and 2 are notoriously stiff and trial and error based. Rick is huge and doesn't move particularly fast, and many points just require some brutal memo to get past (the poltergeist room at the end of stage 2 in the original is a very obvious "pump quarters and memo this or die" roadbloack). 1 and 2 are not terrible though, memo and stiffness aside I remember enjoying Splatterhouse 1, as simplistic and basic as it is. The real star of the show is the atmosphere and visuals: both games but 1 in particular has incredibly "teeth on edge" in a good way horror music and fantastically creative lovecraftian/body-horror art direction.

For gameplay though 3 however is completely different. If you like Final Fight style beltscrollers, it's unironically fantastic and an instant recommendation as one of the best brawlers on a 16 bit era console. And while the setpieces aren't as sick as the first game, the art-direction is still full of the same creatively grotesque flare as the first game.

>> No.7910073

Well... Yeah. This isn't ground breaking information. The visuals and shock value is the whole sale.

>> No.7910074

Oldfag here. I like it because it's an easy 2 player game. That filters babies. And when those babies are in their 30's it's even more hilarious.

>> No.7910093
File: 7 KB, 494x95, 26990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Err, I should say the enemy designs have that same flare. DESU I find the backgrounds in Splatterhouse 3 a BIT less striking (they're well drawn and moody but there's nothing with the sheer insanity of the torture chambers of the first game), but the enemy designs are so full of creative little touches in the way they they attack you.

Still, 3 is a fucking stellar game with great visuals AND great gameplay. Always sad to see it slept on and I never stop preaching it..

>> No.7910135

Yeah, 3 is a very interesting departure and I wish I had pulled the trigger on a copy like 15 years ago. RIP.

>> No.7910140

I know this is /vr/ but I just want to mention that it's hilarious and telling that not one person has mentioned the 360/PS3 game. (FWIW I didn't hate it.)

>> No.7910147

Cool. It's still not a good game.

>> No.7910257

Watch all three, plus the TV show. The second one is kind of a soft reboot/retcon/remake of the first one but it's my favorite. Show's pretty decent, too.

>> No.7910314

I'd like to play it, but I don't own a 360 or PS3. Namco should port it to PC.

>> No.7910669
File: 145 KB, 640x480, Splatterhouse+3_016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a fairly standard beatem up formula but the setting, violence, gore and monsters make the games stand out. There's one particular monster in 3 that is literally a walking penis that "spits" something at you... Splatterhouse 3 also changed it up a little with various paths/rooms and not being stuck on one 2D plane. They are still popular as CIB for 2&3 was over $300 last I checked.

>> No.7910684

The reboot looks nice but it's just an average, button mashing 3D brawler. If you love the Splatterhouse universe you will get more enjoyment from it. You can unlock titty pictures of pin-up girls as a reward for collecting certain items. Complete versions of Splatterhouse Arcade and the console versions of 2 & 3 are also unlockable on the disc. It's worth owning just for that alone.

>> No.7911774
File: 144 KB, 600x900, gore01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been really interested in it, because the originals appeal to me a lot, so I decided "Fuck it!" and bought a brand new copy, at fucking $60, which felt a bit much for an old game that floundered.
I still haven't played it yet, because of being busy with life shit, but I want to, because I learned the story of its development, and I read about how that though it's flawed, it also has a lot of parts which aren't bad.

I want to give it a chance.

The ports are a big reason why I got a copy.

>> No.7912801

Dear Lord. They couldn't sell sealed copies for like $15 a few years ago. Starting to hate this hobby, bros.

>> No.7913035

I can't believe all the contrarian fags in this thread shitting on Splatterhouse 2. Easily the best game, 3 is the worst.

>> No.7913075

Honestly, I figure it was some old retail place which just completely forgot about this game's existence and never adjusted the price once.

>> No.7913250

series is just too hard, which is why the chibi nes game is the best one

>> No.7913272

Last time i looked i found a copy for ps3 that they wanted $30 for, i passed since i never saw anything positive about the game beyond it having sh 1 arcade and 2-3.

>> No.7913526

I hear that it's quite flawed, but once you get past the first couple of hours, it's not too bad. Not that this is a great way to sell the game.

>> No.7915536

>Not that this is a great way to sell the game.
You wouldn't think so and yet those numbers don't lie

>> No.7915979

Favorite music track in the series? I really like the intro theme from 3 a lot.

>> No.7916286
File: 33 KB, 400x500, 1594112498385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 is awesome, 2 sucks, 3 is okay. Wanpaku is good. I don't see how this board praises the pure shit that is Altered Beast but shit on Splatterhouse which is leagues better.
mostly this, it's much better than similar games like Altered Beast, Bad Dudes, the original Ninja Warriors, or even pretty much any pre-Final Fight belt scroller. It's not complex but the way the game is paced, the level layouts and so on are just right. Gameplay is underappreciated if anything.

Japanese version of 3 is a bit better, tcrf probably has details

I mean if people only liked SH for the gore you'd think somebody out there would give a flying fuck about the reboot but it didn't quite work out that way

necromancer theme


>> No.7916671
File: 200 KB, 800x1134, myfriendrick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surprised you're the first person to mention the differences between the US and JP versions of Splatterhouse 3. In short, the special move input for Rick in the US version is something like forward, back, forward, punch+jump and makes Rick kick left and right a bunch like a goofball. In the JP version the input is shortened to punch+jump and only kicks once in each direction. The invincibility time for it is adjusted accordingly.
On the PS3/360 game, I was one of the people who bought it at launch after having played the old games off and on for years. The initial press on the game while it was in development was rough, then they actually asked the guy running West Mansion, the Splatterhouse fan site, to help with the designs. Pretty sure he's the reason Biggy Man didn't look like shit when the game came out. Sadly, despite this, the Playboy advertising, and the Splatterhouse shoes, the game was dropped pretty silently at release. The DLC chapter was never released (or even developed, possibly) and the guy running the fan site retired. Hard to think it's been eleven years.
Sorry, don't mean to be a downer. This thread has good vibes. For what it's worth, I recommend giving the games a shot, appreciating them for what they are, and accepting the flaws whether they're minor or glaring.
She doesn't have to die, Rick.

>> No.7916687

>The initial press on the game while it was in development was rough,
I can imagine, Jay Beard didn't seem to want to actually do a Splatterhouse game. Now he does audio for some Amazon game studio, which proves that bad people get bad things coming.

>then they actually asked the guy running West Mansion, the Splatterhouse fan site, to help with the designs. Pretty sure he's the reason Biggy Man didn't look like shit when the game came out.
That's kind of cool that they reached out to a fan, but that also says a lot about how off the rails development got.

>Sadly, despite this, the Playboy advertising, and the Splatterhouse shoes, the game was dropped pretty silently at release. The DLC chapter was never released (or even developed, possibly) and the guy running the fan site retired. Hard to think it's been eleven years.
I really want Splatterhouse to have a future, Namco apparently registered some new kind of Splatterhouse trademark not very long ago, so maybe they have at least a compilation of the classic games in the works.

>> No.7916737

Yeah, kinda. Silent Hill ain't exactly a party without its aesthetics either. Some games are carried by their art and don't need to be interactive masterpieces.

>> No.7916739

Oh nooo, not a game for an easily soft-modded system what will we doooooo

>> No.7916742

>I just NEED this physical copy for games that have been emulated since the fucking 90s.
Buyfags everyone.

>> No.7916883

I bought the game for the game itself, you cantankerous sped, the original games being on it is a bonus.

>> No.7916893

Based. I play splatter house cuz I like seeing the splatter. Gameplay is serviceable but not the primary reason I play them.

>> No.7917521

I like the Splatter a lot, and the cool gross monsters, and awesome monsters, but I still wish the gameplay itself was a bit faster and a little less simple. 3 is kind of what I want out of them, short of the tight time limits.

>> No.7918184

>does not understand the tactile experience of physical media