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7905702 No.7905702 [Reply] [Original]

He sure does go through the wringer, doesn't he?
FFVII thread

>> No.7905831

I can't recall how many hours I spent in the gold saucer playing this and the motorbike chase game as a kid

>> No.7905857
File: 476 KB, 640x448, FFVII_Mog_House_Minigame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me, it was mog house

>> No.7905938

Playing Hide and Seek with Yuffie is damn nerve wracking.

>> No.7906015
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So apparently I can't go to Wutai and do the whole Materia side quest until I get Cloud back in my party. I guess I have to start the whole game all over again.

>> No.7906229

>I guess I have to start the whole game all over again.
but why
just wait until you have Kuraudo back

>> No.7906310

Oh, turns out I don't need Cloud to do it after all.

>> No.7906347

This game feels gigantic, more than most games
I guess it's because the world is so varied

>> No.7906354

it's also structured pretty well and you can explore most of the world map somewhat early

>> No.7906378

All the models in this game have a toylike quality to them, not just the overworld models but the ones used in the FMVs too

>> No.7907126
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>> No.7907163

I just did the ship level and got to the beach town. I skipped the battle outside of the port on the previous continent, did I miss anything important?

>> No.7907186

Ancient City must be one of my favorite locations ever, even though there's nothing to do in it other than advancing the story. Looks like an underwater place that isn't underwater. The location and the music gives a healing feeling.

>> No.7907239

You have til the start of disk 3.

>> No.7907259

I can't stop thinking that they'll either skip this or move it somewhere else in the Remake because fuck, talk about a violent shift in tone.

>> No.7907287

currently watching rocco from mega64 replay through FF7, on youtube but from a few years back - really making me want to play it again.

>> No.7907295

I doubt Remake will be following any more of FF7's story beats. It's veered off into its own direction, where Nomura is free to unleash whatever brain farts he wants.

>> No.7907312

Who cares he got Tifa pussy at the end of the day. Was all worth it

>> No.7907892

You see stuff like this and you wonder how every other piece of FF7 media after the original game looks grey and bleak

>> No.7908157

because Square themselves didn't get FF7

>> No.7908164

ff7 isn't retro. fuck off ff7fag, worst game in the entire franchise

>> No.7908183

>ff7 isn't retro
imagine the IQ

>> No.7908408
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>> No.7908530
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>> No.7908561

One of the best tracks in the game.

>> No.7908648


>> No.7908731

Nomura thinks people loved FF7 only because of emo Cloud and big gay Sephiroth and not because of the game's rich lore, themes and character development.

>> No.7908773

I think that Midgar left such a big impression on everybody that it fogged their memory of the rest of the game.

>> No.7908924

I hated the atmosphere of Midgar so it took me a long time to get past that part. I beat a few other FF games in between starting FF7 and getting out of Midgar.

Escaping that shit pile is a great moment, though and then the game is good and fun.

>> No.7909309
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What I want to know is, where does Cloud get his hair done?

>> No.7909798
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>> No.7909991



Tetsuya Nomura killed Final Fantasy. FFVII was the best game but it was the last truly great one, everything devolved into edgy belt and zipper faggotry after that.

Simple as.

What exactly didn't you like about Midgar's atmosphere? Just how dark it was, no overworld?

>> No.7910021
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Played it as a kid when it came out, absolutely loved it but since there was no internet and I lived in a small town I thought it was some small game only me and a friend knew about. Never thought it would have so much impact and shitty spin offs.
Tried to play it again maybe 10 years ago but didn't enjoy it, started again last week in Japanse since I got good enough, and this time I'm addicted. Game is really good, not only nostalgia.

Also rate my battle formation.

>> No.7910350

I always liked the way Aerith teases Cloud, it's cute.

>> No.7911279
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I just got to Jew City. Does it get any better after this? This has to be everything I hate about FF7 so far in one place.

>> No.7911807
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>> No.7911827

You know shit is going down when there’s no random encounters.

>> No.7912021

I know it was intentionally a hopeless, dingy place below a soulless, industrial place, but I think it was actually too effective at it. I didn't like being there.

>> No.7912129

That's an arcade game in an amusement park.

>> No.7912304

Does anybody else like the overworld models? I’ve always thought they’re cute.

>> No.7912337

Costa del Sol
Canyon Cosmo
Chocobo Farm
World map

All colorful places. Try again.

>> No.7912390

nope. don't play this game its not for you, no one is forcing you to play a game you dont like.

>> No.7912472

What I want to know is, is Cait Sith in the remake?

>> No.7913097


Honestly I wish we could've seen more of Midgar above the plates. It would've been interesting.

>> No.7913260

no, but the remake only covers until they go to leave Midgar. There's a lot of extra stuff that isn't entertaining or good. They put Red in your party but you don't get to control him or see him do anything special

>> No.7913402

Didn't they prevent the sector seven plate from dropping or something like that?

>> No.7914428


>> No.7914437

theres a bunch of fucking ghost faggots that are "protecting the timeline" becuase for some reason sephiroth gets a second chance. its retarded and i hate it.

>> No.7914439

you should invent the time machine, so you can go back in time and kill yourself as a baby in front of your parents.

>> No.7914601

Nah. Replaced by Iscar Matthias.
Cait will be utterly annihilated.

>> No.7915218

That whole mod makes me question how many people enjoyed the actual FFVII and how many of them enjoyed the Advent Children interpretation of it.

>> No.7915256

>Tetsuya Nomura killed Final Fantasy. FFVII was the best game but it was the last truly great one, everything devolved into edgy belt and zipper faggotry after that.
>Simple as.
Are you high, or did you never play FF9 or FF10? Both were bright and colorful, full of goofy shit and wacky characters, and were even less dark (tonally) than FF7.

>> No.7915368

Do you know about the "FFVII House" incident? The FFVII fanbase is truly mind-boggling

>> No.7916117


>> No.7917442

>Do you know about the "FFVII House" incident?
No, please indulge our morbid curiosity and make me regret asking.

>> No.7917861

Basically an abusive mentally ill woman that thinks she is Jenova reincarnated IRL and her boyfriend (who is Hojo reincarnated IRL) lures a bunch of vulnerable nerds into their apartment, assigns them roles, and uses them financially. It's pretty hilarous, the Jenova in question practically never bathed and ate like a pig. She was also doing crystal healing crap and cosplay. This video goes a lot more into detail:


>> No.7918649

I’ve been wondering, what happened to the real Sephiroth, the one we saw in the flashbacks? Is he dead?

>> No.7918776

The one encased in Mako in the Northern Crater is the real Sephiroth.

>> No.7918789

>Is he dead?

>> No.7918808


I loved exploring here as a kid, gave me a really eerie feeling. Also hype as fuck because you find meteor materia there.

>> No.7918813

Pretty sure his conscious is still alive to a degree.

>> No.7919907
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>> No.7919929

Anyone played New Threat Mod recently? I gave it a try a few years ago and gave up at Hojo.

>> No.7920042

Hopeful optimist here. I really think they'll make it like a single level Time-Trial mini-game. I mean, Fort Condor turned into a significant part of the DLC. They made the whole dance number, squats, etc. Gotta pad out the games somehow.

Blame Kitase. Nomura's just a fall guy for this shit. Also so far it seems to be following original story beats based on the ending of the DLC. I mean it'd be dumb NOT to follow since the work's already there.

Small cameo during the part when the plate falls. Made me audibly say "what the fuck?"

>> No.7920783
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How does a sporty girl like her have such big fat honkers?

>> No.7921413
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>> No.7921950

>Small cameo during the part when the plate falls. Made me audibly say "what the fuck?"
what a trash decision that was

>> No.7922059
File: 2 KB, 640x480, ff7-262_2x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't play FF7 until much later, but how was the ending received upon release?

>> No.7922108


It was received after three discs

>> No.7922168

in a way that's basically pushing forward the will of Jenova I guess
Jenova cells are Jenova cells, it's not the host
in the end, he's just a puppet

>> No.7922839
File: 137 KB, 1200x675, EZNE_jeVcAEoSre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you need is the correct support.

>> No.7923212

I am too smart to be a part of the Final Fantasy house, and too dumb to be a person.

>> No.7923346

If I played it when it was new I would have thought that humanity was gone for the planet's good, but Advent Children rules that out.
I feel that it would fit the game's themes better for humanity be wiped out and be reincarnated as more nature-oriented beings after a long time period where the planet healed its wounds.

>> No.7923405
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Mama I'm coming home...

>> No.7923413
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>> No.7923695

Seems like the whole “reset everything and start again” ending is common in Japanese media.

>> No.7923719

i always took this to be underwear to correct a dumpy ass.
this is the first time i've considered it a bra to correct her breast-induced scoliosis

>> No.7923796

>Jenova cells are Jenova cells, it's not the host
>in the end, he's just a puppet
sephiroth isn't the puppet, jenova is
jenova is just an instinctual parasite, sephiroth is exerting his will through his connection to jenova's cells

>> No.7923921

Cid/Barret, Dio, Rufus’s appearance, there’s a good bit of musical references in this game.

>> No.7923952
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speaking of dio, i was just checking out his museum in the battle arena
there is a diving suit that is labeled "Type D Equipment", which is clearly an eva reference
i suspect most of the display pieces are puns or nods to other things. does anyone else know what is being referenced?

the museum items are:
Star Cup = mario kart?
Weekend Clock = ?
Laugh Sapling = ?
Slayer's Pot = ?
Chisa's Mask = ?
D Type Equipment = eva
Zauger's Cup = ?
Calling Gourd = ?
Kleine's Pot = klein bottle

>> No.7924397
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>> No.7924484

I never really got the sense that either of them was a puppet. Both of them were pursuing their own ends, which happened to coincide with one another: Sephiroth wanted to ascend to godhood and travel the stars, Jenova wanted to suck the life from the planet and move on to the next one.

>> No.7924636
File: 124 KB, 850x696, vinny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody else think the name "Vincent Valentine" sounds like a member of a glam metal band?

>> No.7924807

It's funny how his goals and Outlook suddenly changed coincidentally to be that which would propagate the Jenova organism.

>> No.7925071


They'll skip everything left in the original game and the following DLCs will be 4 hours long aerial battles between Cloud and Sephiroth

>> No.7925078


If only humanity was eradicated we would have been spared the endless pile of garbage spinoffs

>> No.7925120

It's funny how the original game is the odd man out among its universe.
And it's the only thing that feels like a Final Fantasy game.
Also, Jenova is Lavos' lil sister.

>> No.7925598

It's probably a reference to the shoegaze band "My Bloody Valentine" and their 1991 album "Loveless"
"Loveless" appears as an epic poem in the game and there are posters titled My Bloody Valentine. The staff must have liked it back then. It's still a popular album, even.


>> No.7925785

As a kid my favorite thing was how the whole game was like a mashup of a bunch of popular anime and manga from the time. Everyone knows about the Eva references, but it always reminded me of Iria a lot for some reason too. I saw the original live action Zeiram movies years later and the actress playing Iria kinda looks like Tifa cosplaying Vincent, so maybe I wasn't too far off.

>> No.7925876

felt like I was the only one that noticed the recycling of lavos "word eater" = jenova. Surprised they didn't let you choose to kill or recruit sephiroth

>> No.7926023
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>> No.7926049

The "world eater" alien thing isn't the only connection. Augmenting human power with the alien's power is another trait.
Still, I love both games to death. The gameplay and other stuff really shine on CT and VII

>> No.7926170
File: 17 KB, 200x499, mom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cloud's mom is cute.

>> No.7926464

I find it weird how there isn't as much lovey-dovey art of Tifa and Cloud as there is of Aerith and Cloud.

>> No.7926490

Holy fuck lol

>> No.7926523

sutorausu = strife?

>> No.7926560


Giga based

>> No.7926848

Wow, it's almost like he play the game, retard!

>> No.7926952

Majority of people who have actually played FF7 come to the Jenova conclusion, only those who go by dev statements and all the terrible bullshit released afterward think Sephiroth's will was stronger.

>> No.7927023

The OG game straight up tells you that Sephiroth is in control, and all the evidence throughout the game lines up with that explanation. Plus, if you pay attention to his actions throughout the story, they’re clearly driven by a human ego, not an incomprehensible alien instinct. It also makes far more sense thematically for Sephiroth to be the villain due to what he represents both for Cloud personally as well as for the game’s environmentalist motifs.

Ironically the only real evidence that Sephiroth is somehow acting in accordance with Jenova’s will and not the other way around is in Advent Children, where he says he wants to sail through space just like she did. There’s nothing like that in the original game

>> No.7927503

So who came and got Jenova out of that containment tank? One of those hooded clones that was roaming around Nibelheim?

>> No.7928630

Sephiroth. Consider these key points:
>Barret points out that Jenova is missing its head
>Sephiroth left the Nibel reactor carrying Jenova's head
>the "Sephiroth" on the cargo ship turns into Jenova BIRTH and leaves behind a writhing piece of Jenova when defeated
Sephiroth's connection to Jenova allows him to project himself through severed parts of her body. Jenova was freed from Shinra HQ by Sephiroth manifesting through the biomass of her head.

>> No.7928679

Was she originally called Claudia or was that just the Remake team being fanfic tier?

>> No.7928685

Do all the newfag zoomer LPers beat the exact same dead horse when they get to this point in the game?

>> No.7929145

Yuffie strikes me as the kind of girl who would start groping her friend’s tits when she gets drunk.

>> No.7929847
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In the fields of bodies burning
As the war machine keeps turning

>> No.7929876

This is my least favorite part of the game. Just feels...forced and not fun.

>> No.7929891

The character's in-universe thinking is only their explanation of what is happening, not what is actually happening.
>dutiful soldier
>meets his 'mother'
>does a 180 in personality
>burns down the town
>falls into the lifestream and dies

>It also makes far more sense thematically for Sephiroth to be the villain due to what he represents both for Cloud personally as well as for the game’s environmentalist motifs.
The final Sephiroth is the one in his head. Him killing that Sephiroth is Cloud cutting the final strings that had him psychologically a puppet.
Sephiroth is the villain not because he's a mastermind in torturing Cloud (he had no idea who Cloud was for the most part during his life before), but because both were made into puppets.

>> No.7929913

>Headcanonfags even manipulating reality
Such a tired fucking autistic argument.

>> No.7930040

I don't see it mentioned very often, but Midgar is right out of Gunnm/Battle Angel Alita too. It's basically the same deal as the Scrapyard with Tiphares suspended above it. The boss you fight during the escape is even named Motorball, just like the sport in the manga.

>> No.7930814
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>> No.7931437
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>> No.7932261

Anybody else find satisfaction in just wandering around and grinding? It makes boss battles much easier to get through.

>> No.7932270

The bosses in FF7 aren't exactly hard to begin with.

>> No.7932275

That's how rpgs are supposed to be like, you gain more fun attacks as a reward for exploring. But everyone on 4chan is an autist obsessed with tier lists and minmaxing.

>> No.7933191
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I feel like the second Square drifted away from the more anime-like designs, they lost their heart.

>> No.7934158
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I think VII might be the most ethereal game in the series.

>> No.7935621
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>> No.7935625

As soon as FF10 came out they lost their heart.

>> No.7936339
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Who'd you get on your date?

>> No.7936371

It was always Aerith for me, I used her in battle as much as I could which was probably why.

>> No.7936384

Aerith of course, she's the "default" choice unless you jump through hoops

>> No.7936392

I played crisis core this never fucking happens!

>> No.7936452

t. VeghEsther

>> No.7936741

>there is a diving suit that is labeled "Type D Equipment", which is clearly an eva reference

Or more realistically, the D stands for Diving. Calling Gourd could be a pun (calling card).

>> No.7936861

Yup. Back when I replayed Final Fantasy VII on almost a yearly basis I always got to Temple of the Ancients (where the party first interacts with Sephiroth) at Level 50. This was to mirror Nibelheim's flashback so the party matched Sephiroth's strength. Fun to do and it didn't take too long with the Junon alarm trick.

>> No.7937070

I was the first to beat the game on my college campus. There were twenty or more people in my dorm room when someone went out in the hall to tell everyone I was about to beat it. The Sephiroth/Cloud stand-off at the end was incredible. Everyone ooh'd and ahhh'd, especially when I was given back control of Cloud to do the finishing move. The meteor/lifestream thing, not so much. It was pretty to look at, but some people got confused and others thought it was a Deus X Machina type of thing. Everyone but a few friends left after that. The four or five of us left in the room saw the Red XIII ending after the credits. IT WAS PURE AWESOMENESS.

>> No.7937076
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Never noticed until now, but he's got earrings on.

>> No.7937869
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>> No.7938432

Is the location of the Lunar Harp randomized, or is it in a specific place?

>> No.7938953


>> No.7938961
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>> No.7939321
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>> No.7940061
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I just want to say, I tried to play the remake and could not get through it after a certain point, t just felt like watching a movie and made me feel actually sleepy. Then everyone I know IRL was loving it I felt so out of place for being still "hung up" on the original. Finding this thread made me finally feel like I wasn't wrong for still liking it more. Everybody shits on it because of the graphics but I kinda like them still.
Hope mentioning the remake is OK... I will do a replay of the original thanks to this thread soon. Miss the music and snappy dialog a lot.

>> No.7940082

That sounds great. I chreish people like you who show off this stuff to others and get them interested.
I had the experience of watching my older brother beat it first, in a little room where me and many of my other siblings were sitting on a bed with blankets, watching. He shut the lights off for the final fight and we watched it like a movie on a tiny monitor. One of my fondest memories, definitely the reason I played it myself later when I learned to read.
As far as I've seen, there were people who liked the ending because the losses suffered by Cloud (Aeris dying) wasn't reversed, and the distant future ending was open to interpretation and they liked that since they could lean on a darker interpretation of their own choice (humanity's perished for example) or a brighter one. I don't know how much the future derivative works changed that though.

>> No.7940090

i want an ffvii sequel 500 years after the ending

>> No.7940124

>Nanaki will never see his comrades ever again since they died a little over five hundred years ago.
I wonder how each and everyone of them died. maybe humanity went extinct like bugenhagen said.

>> No.7940472
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>> No.7940935
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Hey look, it's David Bowie.

>> No.7941159

Holy fuck, I relate so hard to everything you said.
I got to wall market and felt like I'd seen plenty to know I wasn't going to like it any more as I went on, and everyone I've spoken to about remake has tried to make out that I'm a tasteless faggot for not being absolutely smitten with it. It felt like a doujin with the "rewrite" tag. All the key moments were there, but all the impact was lost in the absolute bullshit spun around them. FF7 needed none of that. I have no fucking idea why Nomura felt like he had to rub his taint all over an immaculate story.

>> No.7941494
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>> No.7941514

I think I got Tifa first, then I tried for Yuffie each time subsequently.

>> No.7941685

wish there was a mod hack where you play as the turks in place of cloud's team.
Rufus,Rude,Reno,Reeves,Elena,Tseng, and Vincent Valentine. only problem is, Tseng doesn't fight.

>> No.7941753

Why would you ever want to go on a date with Yuffie? She’d steal your GP!

>> No.7942590

Fuck you, here's Before Crisis.

>> No.7942792

Rufus, Turks, Sephiroth, Shinra HQ raid... Easily the best parts of the game. I wonder how the game would have been if it was only contained in Midgar, or if the whole world was like Midgar. Really wanted to see some more sci fi in it

>> No.7942989

Aerith's death really is a shame in the long run, Her healing limit breaks really came in handy.

>> No.7943127

Perhaps the same could be said of all roasties.

>> No.7944203
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>> No.7944418

If Cloud was never in SOLDIER, how’d he get the uniform?
Also do threads auto sage after two weeks on this board?

>> No.7944614


>> No.7945265
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