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/vr/ - Retro Games

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790493 No.790493 [Reply] [Original]

How much does nostalgia affect your enjoyment?

>> No.790558

It lets you enjoy shit you might otherwise not have enjoyed, or it makes you think merely good stuff is perfection. It's mostly a problem when trying to look at a game's design.

Truly awful garbage is usually immune to the effects of nostalgia, though.

>> No.790567

Playing an old game I played once as a kid: "Oh shit this is rad!

Playing an old game I played once as a kid ON ITS' ORIGINAL CONSOLE: Oh god I'm a child again.

>> No.790570

I'm not sure, since many of the games that I have much nostalgic love for are actually well made games (Kirby Super Star, Super Metroid, Yoshi's Island.)

>> No.790592

Not as much as I wish it would.
I grew up on Castlevania II, and I wish I could say that it was good. I thought it was fun when I was a kid.
The music is fucking great though.

Same story with Final Fantasy VII, except I thought it was mediocre as a kid.

In fact, almost everything that I loved as a kid seems worse now. I have reverse nostalgia.

>> No.790597

It doesn't really. All the games I have particular nostalgia for are ones I've played to death since, so it's more or less gone.

>> No.790609
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It affects my enjoyment very little. That's about it.

>> No.790624

A lot for me. Because just watching E3 made me pine for the days of gaming before gaming was all about feminism, poor journalism and twitterfacebooktumblrStation.

>> No.790625

I don't know, but I guess not much since I also enjoy lots of old games that I hadn't done when I was younger.

>> No.790631

My childhood was a miserable fucking wreck. I don't understand what nostalgia is. Every time I recall something from that time, I twitch and cringe.

>> No.790639
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Better pic.

I find that I don't play games for nostalgia much, I'm mostly looking for old stuff that I never played as a kid.
For example, I never "got" the repetitive games like Fighters and STGs, and now that I'm getting into them (and much more capable now than I was back then) I "get" it now.

>> No.790651

>How much does nostalgia affect your enjoyment?

It doesn't.
>inb4 hipster and his Atari 2600

>> No.790658

Very little.
I'm extremely objective about everything I play all the time. Besides my memory is generally pretty shotty anyhow. For the most part I almost never get nostalgia while playing a game. Because I'm somewhat more observant than I used to be as a kid I will also call old games on their shit.

>> No.790668

Born late 90's

It feels like getting a new game overall, it doesn't cloud my enjoyment of the game, however I find that a good thing.

>> No.790758 [DELETED] 

That's kind of missing the point of using zdoom.

>> No.790768

not vitally important

With the exception of my C64 games, I never really stopped playing most of the retro games I still enjoy today, they were pretty much always plugged into my TV or whatever

I figured out many years ago how to operate the C64 emulators, and that was mind-blowing as it had been such a long time since playing them (mother threw it out thinking it was old junk). but at this stage its not so much nostalgia that makes me play as much as just how enjoyable they are

>> No.790770

Nostalgia ends up making allowances for game design flaws that would otherwise be unacceptable today.

EG: The knuckles and Big stages in Sonic Adventure.

>> No.790775

I don't truly feel the nostalgic effect until the music sends goosebumps through my body. First party Nintendo games, Konami and Squaresoft games have the best music to intensify that feeling for me.

>> No.790782

that feel then nearly half of the people born in the early portion of the 90s are actually born 97-2000 and hate their generation

>> No.790817


eh, I don't mind the Knuckles stages. They made it slightly more fun in SA2, but the reason I don't mind it, even if it is awkward is because I wish more games had a "treasure hunting" aspect. Fuck I love Luigi's Mansion and Wario World because of all the fucking gems and shit.

but seriously fuck the big stages

>> No.790826

I would say not very much. I LOVE Bionic Commando but when I play the NES version I'm like"why am I not playing Rearmed instead!?"
Sonic 1 rocked my world when I was 10 and I can beat it with my eyes closed but I just can't stand it these days. Same for Bomberman. Why am I playing this version when there are better alternatives?
Fun is fun, regardless of if

>> No.790827

Knuckles in SA1 wasn't bad.
SA2 took that formulas and made it the most tedious bullshit ever. Nostalgia is the ONLY way anyone can say they enjoyed that game

>> No.791187

I have nostalgia mostly of 90's graphic and music in games, of isometric projection and software rendering and low resolution, no matter if it's a game I've played or a new one. I think it comes from my first impression of games in my childhood.

>> No.791232

nostalgia has a huge effect on me (born 1981).
if i was stranded on a deseterd island (with electricity) i would bring a NES, an old CRT tv, super mario bros 3 and SuperC.
..and a vagina

>> No.791235

Not at all, because i'm born in -93.

>> No.791249
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Depends on the type of game.

Point and click games is a huge nostalgia deal for me, and that's probably why i enjoy Curse of Monkey island more then Lechuck's revenge, even if it's overall a better game.

>> No.791274
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It really doesn't. I remember playing tons of games as a kid (on the original consoles at first, but around 2000 got an NES emulator from my cousin's family and have preferred them since), but my nostalgia pretty much ended before my teenage years.

A lot of times when I go back to playing a certain game, it's nowhere near as good as I remember.

'92fag here, by the way.