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7897402 No.7897402 [Reply] [Original]

Is Super Mario Bros 3 better than Super Mario World?

>> No.7897420


>> No.7897426

Aesthetically I prefer the triangular shapes colored to look like snow over the circular spotted ground of super mario world.

and of course pic related is sand, not compacted dirt, but I don't think smb3 attempted to convey dirt. the normal ground clearly being wood grain.

Mechanically they're both perfect games. I rate games differently than most, but if you want an answer that will satisfy you, I'd say SMB3 has more polish and it's SMW2 is the crown jewel of the SNES, not the first one.

>> No.7897427
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forgot my image

>> No.7897463
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Ahaha Ahaha

>> No.7897467

that's an impressive balloon animal. at first I thought it was a knockoff toy.

>> No.7897470

SMB3 is the equivalent of when you want to lick the stones in Zelda OoT

>> No.7897473

He's not an animal he's a plumber

>> No.7897481

SMB3 was a lot more groundbreaking and revolutionary than SMW, but both games are about equal when it comes to everything else. The SMB3 soundtrack slightly beats the SMW soundtrack, but SMW has slightly better physics. Graphically, both games are perfect for their perspective era.

>> No.7897503

>but both games are about equal when it comes to everything else
SMB3 has Mario Bros. so it’s better by default

>> No.7897509

Yes by far

>> No.7897513

actually true.

>> No.7897515
File: 80 KB, 1280x720, smb3g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SMB3 is the best looking 2D Mario platformer

>> No.7897516

Yes it is

>> No.7897536
File: 457 KB, 1800x1250, mario3_vs_world3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea, better levels, comfier overworld, more powerups, more variety, harder, better art style

>> No.7897557

While I like the overworld of SMW and it has some great levels, nothing will ever rival the endless secrets in SMB3, the diversity in worlds and levels, all the powerups, there is just so much that is special about SMB3 that they totally missed in SMW. Playing through all 8 worlds without warping is probably one of the best experiences I’ve ever had playing any video game.

>> No.7897559

I agree but world has better controls, more content, and a save feature. Yet World has and infinite amount of content with the modding and fan made levels. In the end of the day it just about taste

>> No.7897563
File: 40 KB, 515x516, Love it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe but I sure as hell love them both!

>> No.7897593

I like 3 better because the controls are tighter. Mario in World stops and skids for a second when you turn around.

>> No.7897656

It's so close it doesn't matter. It was more revolutionary and a bigger jump from it's predecessor than SMW, and has some advantages over SMW, but SMW also has advantages over SMB3. It depends on which one you think edges the other out. Personally I like SMW better by just a hair.

>> No.7897760

I played through them both recently on original hardware + CRT and they are equally fun to play. Their differences matter less than that they're both completely bullshit free. These games remain timeless partly because later platformers would hide content behind collectibles.

>> No.7897947

I cannot stand the constant graphical glitching and the pointless shit levels are way more shit than SMW's worst levels, but the best levels are better.

>> No.7898067
File: 2 KB, 128x128, triangular block smw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I grew up with SMW, I had nostalgia goggles for it for a long time. And un my adolescence i didn't care for NES at all. but I still would say SMB3.
it's ironic, but SMW feels like it has LESS assets and content than SMB3. it has very basic BGs, repetitive patterns that look like they were drawn in MS Paint… it's funny, but somehow SMB3 manages to look prettier than SMW on many occasions. then, SMW also has just 1 music theme that varies only slightly with same melody. the whole game has just 1 (ONE!!!) powerup beside the fairly useless fire flower—cape. this is literally a step BACK from SMB3. just… how? why? was SMW rushed or something?
and cape's got a pretty bad rep too, for a reason. it is pretty OP even when we don't take flying. being able to spin blocks standing next to them, killing a lot of otherwise invincible enemies, making jumps so much easier… it feels like it was made to just make the game easier, to the point that you want to avoid it if you want real challenge.
and the game's key feature, spin jump, is also something that just doesn't feel right. on the one hand, it's cool to be able to crush blocks and stomp enemies with it. the problem? you can jump on almost every enemy in the game with it without hurting yourself. even jump on boos or fire enemies. you play with it, the game becomes easy. you play without it, it can get pretty damn hard without cape.and overall, it makes the control a bit more convoluted, something not so good for a game that set a blueprint for platformers with just 2 buttons allowing great responsive control of a character.
level design also feels like a step down from SMB3 at times. a lot of the levels in SMW just feel weirdly empty.
the only real, big advantages of SMW are: a save feature; one big world map instead of 8 ones; and overall physics engine with really interesting block physics (that few Mario games after it really did because muh 3D or muh NSMB).

>> No.7898085

ah I think mario 3 is the more pure platforming sequal. world is super fun but if you just want to hop and bop through shorter levels its 3. world is more explory which is good if that's your preference

>> No.7898104

SMW just expands upon the formula, adding levels with multiple exits, all sorts of secret paths and a warp zone that actually helps you traverse the world. The game as a whole is much less linear than SMB3.

>> No.7898108
File: 412 KB, 1280x1029, 1620660565314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another World VS 3 thread where the 3 autists claim that their dumb minigames and "muh soulful grafix" are what makes 3 better

>> No.7898124 [DELETED] 

They're both really shitty boring and slow Sonic 1 clones.

>> No.7898142

Oh it's you again with your cherrypicked stuff, still not adding the switch palaces eh? Next you'll post the powerup one and omit the lakitu cloud, right?
Anyway, this guy doesn't like video games, he's here to shitpost.
Both games are masterpieces.

>> No.7898158


>> No.7898184 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7898185

SMW is everything SMB3 wanted to be and everything it didn't.

>> No.7898187 [DELETED] 

>Whole premise of Sonic is to go fast
>Get punished for going fast

That would be like if you were genetically predisposed to only ever think about sex (the pleasurable, hedonistic, degenerate side of it not the procreation side) and therefore being sexually attracted to something you physically cannot procreate with, but then by following those predispositions it winds up being a coin toss whether you contract AIDS or not.
Fortunately that's purely hypothetical and no groups like that exist in the real world.

>> No.7898193 [DELETED] 

The whole premise of Sonic is to have good reaction time.

>> No.7898453

Any recommendations for SM(W) romhack packs?

>> No.7898761

I just replayed World again recently and the answer is yes, 3 is better. I enjoyed World a lot when I was younger but this time it didn't hit as much. 3 still do be like this but it do.

>> No.7898809

I think it becomes a matter of preference between arcade or console game progression.

The original 3 doesnt let you save which means each session is a brand new game. World lets you save, and it’s all a single journey you return to until you beat the game.

World has a 100% completion subgoal with bonus levels as a reward and levels you can replay to find extra exits. The idea of “100%ing” 3 just doesnt really track, you just reach the end of the game whatever way you prefer.

Finishing World is like finishing, oddly enough, an rpg or a movie. You complete it (to whatever degree) and then probably set it on your shelf for a few years. Finishing 3 is like finishing a game of basketball or a play session of pacman, in the sense that the game is over but you arent ever really “finished” with it.

Whichever you prefer is a matter of taste. I used to prefer World’s style, now I like 3’s much more.

There are other things like visuals, music, enemies, powerups (while 3 obviously comes out way ahead here, people often leave out yoshi who is essentially a power up). Those might be the determining factors for some people, but I think the fundamental structure is the main thing that determines which game you’ll like more.

I mean you could save in the Allstars version of 3 but Allstars is gay.

>> No.7898959

Absolutely not. Levels are too short just to boast more of them, and can only be accessed once per playthrough, and dinosaurs are cooler than monarchy. I really hated that shit with the kings and the music that played.

>> No.7899153

>while 3 obviously comes out way ahead here, people often leave out yoshi who is essentially a power up
the yoshi mechanic just doesn't feel that great imo. on the one hand, he's a way to take an extra hit so he makes the game easier. on the other, he doesn't change that much and makes movement clunkier. the fact that you can't really spin jump with him or do cape attack or grab items instantly makes him feel gimmicky. tongue attack isn't really all that useful. and blue yoshi pretty much breaks the game.
i always think that SMW would benefit from more polish.

>> No.7900296


>> No.7900307

i think it is
everyone always whines about it when i say it, but idgaf

>> No.7900315

fireflower breaks the game

>> No.7900369

World is the better game for its intended target audience, 3 is better for people who still play Mario in their 20's and 30's.

>> No.7900418

Yes and I'm the most qualified person to tell you

I don't give a fuck about sidescrolling mario games, I can't play them longer than a few minutes without being disenchanted and bored. Yes I dislike 3, but I at least respect it. World is trash. I ride yoshi for a bit then delete the rom every time.

>> No.7900428

aesthetics and music: SMW
controls: SMW
level design: SMB3
challenge: SMB3
I think it's a tie.

>> No.7900963

Don't know about that. Enemies that are vulnerable to it are weak anyway. Enemies that are big pain in the ass are usually the ones that can't be hit with it.

>> No.7900982

true but ouch. I feel attacked

>> No.7900997

Boy you sure read into that picture didn't you

>> No.7901709
File: 51 KB, 355x539, 1501153503111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I play SMB 3 & SMW back to back as well SMB 3 & SMB 3 (SNES) and SMB 3 (SNES) & SMW.

>> No.7902278

Nah, I just recognize this shitposter. He used to spam his meme cherrypick images everyday.

>> No.7902896

I wish there had been a SMW sequel that focused on the things SMB3 had over it, like the variety of powerups, and truly surpassed it to get the best of both worlds. Like a pinnacle of Mario. Instead we got a Yoshi-only game for some reason.

>> No.7903909
File: 30 KB, 500x344, Hey_now_you're_an.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I mean you could save in the Allstars version of 3 but Allstars is gay.

Well lube me up I guess because the All-Stars and GBA versions are both great and I love them.

>> No.7903947

SMB3 but only because when SMW was made, the dev tools were clearly unfinished. SMW2 is what it should've been.

>> No.7903976

even though its a yoshi game it feels like an evolution of 2D mario & I wish we got a mario that pulls more from it. so to me, both the NES & SNES mario's start out good but have much better or more interesting sequels. SMW is so similar to 3 but is more like the SNES' counterpart to 1 in my eyes, its the foundation of mario at that point waiting to be built on.
>NES SMB1 is btfo by SMB3
>SNES SMW btfo by Yoshi's Island

>> No.7904321
File: 46 KB, 463x616, 1615079640578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw never beat SMB3 and SMW on SNES filters me because Mario dies in two hits
I hate being so shitty.

>> No.7904325


Try the GBA version. You get an extra hit.

>> No.7904343

I know, that's the only version I've beaten but I still feel like shit.

>> No.7904371

>the whole game has just 1 (ONE!!!) powerup beside the fairly useless fire flower—cape. this is literally a step BACK from SMB3.

Yoshi is also a power-up and has some variety, but I agree that SMB3's suits are better.

>> No.7904474

see >>7899153
i wish yoshi altered things a bit more to be interesting. he's basically an extra hit you can take. that's good if you want easy difficulty, but overall there's not much else he can do. levels don't play around yoshi mechanic in any way, but the mechanic doesn't do much in the first place.
in a perfect world, i'd want a real SMW2 (not Yoshi's Island), that made yoshi different, so that he would allow to access otherwise unreachable areas. maybe make him a bit stronger and more useful, but you still take damage if you ride him.

>> No.7904515

SMB3. It's not even close for me. I think people just like SMW more because of the endless amount of quality romhacks that've been made for it

>> No.7904518

This strikes at the heart of the issue, which is that they're pretty evenly matched in the most important areas (controls, level design, etc). It comes down to the smaller nuances and might be one of those cases where it just depends on personal preference. I do think SMB3 holds a definitive advantage graphically, or at least in terms of art direction. It has a very unique art style and the worlds all have distinct themes, while SMW looks pretty close to how I'd picture a "generic platformer" and the stages all look kind of samey.

I guess it comes down to whether you prefer SMB3's varied power-ups and more interactive world map, or SMW's more substantial secrets. SMB3 is a lot of fun to explore, but nothing really comes close to Star Road or the extra stages you get by completing it (to say nothing of the branching paths that exist just in the main map). On the other hand, SMB3 is more challenging overall without being off-putting. I also prefer SMB3 letting you store power-ups and use them strategically. Ultimately, I prefer SMB3, but it's an extremely close call.

>> No.7904519

Mario 3
>grass world
>desert world
>water world
>giant world
>sky world
>ice world
>pipe world
>fire world

>dirt world
>dirt world
>cave world
>bridge world
>forest world
>dirt world
>cave world
>special world

Mario 3 has better maps

>> No.7904526
File: 45 KB, 308x267, mario3_vs_world2 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you want brown dirt, grey dirt, or dirt dirt?

>> No.7904528

for SMW you forgot ghost houses, star road, island levels, underwater levels, probably some others.

>> No.7904636

True but still, the majority of levels in SMW lack atmosphere and/or theme. It's baffling that they didn't even have proper tiles for ice. This is a graphical downgrade from SMB3, which is as absurd as it sounds.
I don't even know why it is this way either. I don't imagine they were hard pressed on cartridge space. At least not enough that a NES game could do it but a SNES one couldn't.

>> No.7904643

that's fair. I think we can all agree that SMW has the best overworld in any 2d mario game (Yoshi's Island is shameful), as a kid it really felt like you're exploring an entire world instead of just stages on a single screen. I haven't dug as deep into SMB3, are there as many secrets as in SMW?

>> No.7904667

Mario 3 has a bunch of obscure secrets that you probably won't find without a guide or dumb luck.
They're not like the secret exits in World that you're expected to find.

>> No.7904683

>Mario 3 has a bunch of obscure secrets that you probably won't find without a guide or dumb luck.

Yeah, most people would never find the first two Warp Whistles without someone explaining it to them. I guess you could break the rock in World 2, get the Warp Whistle there with the mysterious III, go "this is the third? where are the first two?!" and then search madly in World 1.

>> No.7904687

SMB3 in general has a ton of content and stuff to discover with suits and so on. and speaking of overworld, i think both SMW and SMB3 have their own advantages. SMB3 allowed yo to use items like hammer to crush roadblocks and move more freely on the map. on the other hand, SMW definitely tops it in being interconnected and whole, feeling like one big island with caves, forest, etc.
I kind of wish SMW played around level locations more though. like, eg, give them different BGs referencing level themes or other levels. maybe add something else like day/night cycle too, would be awesome for overall feeling of real environment.

>> No.7904693

There's also the white mushroom houses from collecting every coin in certain stages.
And the coin ship which I'm still not sure when it appears.
Also little things like how the kings' text changes if you're wearing one of the suits.

>> No.7904816

I like the music in Mario 3 overworld more as well.

>> No.7904904

I enjoy both of these styles but SMB1 is so much better for the arcade type of game that you mention that I'd never pick 3 over it. 3 is too long and is somewhere inbetween Arcade and Console style to me, and thus misses the better appeals of both in my opinion. This is discounting warps obviously, I want to actually experience a game when I play it.

But I am nearly alone on this train of thought as far as I know.

>> No.7905052
File: 437 KB, 1600x1250, evo_chars_all1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

world forever ruined the art style of mario

>> No.7905056

>world forever fixed the art style of mario

>> No.7905170

Why the fuck did they change goombas into not being stompable with normal jump? What where they thinking???

>> No.7905184

I think SMW made it a bit confusing with spin jump vs normal jump. i assume spin jump was made for destroying things, while regular jump was the opposite, "light" jump for flipping things over. notice how weak regular jump is in SMW, it barely kills ANY enemy with 1 touch.

>> No.7905212

both lakitu & spiny look really lame in NSMB compared to their early sprites.

>> No.7905216

i think world is fine but wtf happened with the goombas in that era they look like a sphere rather than mushroom

>> No.7905993
File: 242 KB, 1200x816, DqMeKTcUUAo5oxR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So why was it black instead of blue, palette limitation?

>> No.7906084

didn't want to use the megaman workaround

>> No.7906724

the most fun part of both games is dying a thousand times and then finally beating it because you got gud

>> No.7906730


>> No.7906740
File: 205 KB, 1920x1080, wp4163763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it weird that I think SMB3 is one of the best looking games? Not just for NES but in general? The color palette and line style ... it really looks hand drawn.

>> No.7907149

>That filename
lol you're still at it. How many years have you been shitposting the same cherrypicked collages?
Don't pay much attention to the 3 vs world cherrypick shitposter, he doesn't even like mario games, just stirs shit because he enjoys reading people critizising Mario games, even if that means minor stuff like cherrypicking tiles.
The truth is that all mario games follow the same basic type of levels: grass, underground, water, heights/sky and castle.
World has all the types of levels 3 has plus ghost houses.
World has ice levels/zones, not many but then again World is a big interconnected map, a whole ice region next to all the tropical places would be off.
Also, giant land? World has giant enemies too.
Again, pay 0 attention to the militant anti-smw shitposter, he's not here because he likes games.

>> No.7907530

Same here. It hits just the right spot between NES era simple flat colors and actually detailed hand drawn look. SMB3 uses simple patterns and tiles, but it uses them tastefully. You never feel like this simplicity is a limitation, it feels more like a style choice.
my only pet peeve is that mario's pants are black.