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File: 1.11 MB, 1290x482, timekeepsonsoyfacingintothefuture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7895351 No.7895351 [Reply] [Original]

Honestly, I don't think RGBfags have much room to shit on emufags.

>> No.7895360

Wait, the tubes looks like that on rgb? I’ve never seen them on anything but composite or rf. Composite is better.

>> No.7895583

Its always shocking seeing how bad NTSC is. I grew up in a PAL region, so we had a happy medium. PAL does not have all that rainbow nonsense, but still blends enough to have transparencies look nice.

>> No.7895616

With shaders you can get just the right amount of blur and bleed without going overboard.

>> No.7895621

90% of Genesis have horrible composite output with either banding or jail bars. Its much worse than the left on real hardware.

>> No.7895623
File: 429 KB, 938x507, crt_tricks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The color banding is only an issue on early revision Model 1 consoles. If I'm not mistaken an RGB bypass, 32X, or later revision Model 1 should show composite artifacts without rainbow banding.
Not every game uses composite artifacts, by the way. Use RGB for games that don't, then try S-Video/Composite for games that do. Even S-Video might not show the "intended" effects. I think if you turn the sharpness down on the monitor you can also get something closer to the effect while still using RGB. Seems like a lot of people argue over nothing when there are lots of details involved.

>> No.7895827

>Wait, the tubes looks like that on rgb?
No, you retards. Have you ever even seen a CRT?

>> No.7895836

Hey look, it's THIS thread again.

>> No.7895849


>> No.7895897

Sure, they do. Because you're being disingenuous. That isn't even close to being a fair representation of RGB video on a CRT. Awful filter. Don't even know why you posted this, as we've seen thousands of legitimate examples here.

>> No.7896183

NTSC is perfectly fine if you use RBG and on good consumer CRT
It the composite that cause the chromatic aberration.

In the other hand PAL aopologists are even worse than composite aopologists. PAL fucking sucked I hated the fucked up aspect ratios and the wrong speeds.

>> No.7898268

composite doesn't even look this bad, just turn up the sharpness

>> No.7898341
File: 3.08 MB, 3600x2679, how the developers intended .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7898348

>happy medium
Sorry that you grew up with butchered games. Also, composite is objectively how the devs intended.

>> No.7898353

Different anon but for Euro games/properly adjusted PAL colours were kino

>> No.7898365

I was referring very specifically to color encoding. PAL color is the perfect middle ground between NTSC and RGB. PAL really does look great.

The 50hz thing is a different debate. If I were ever do a 60hz mod on a console, I would make it PAL60, that would be the ultimate way to play.

>> No.7898463

>tfw I use composite on a modern consumer trinitron and it still looks way too sharp even on lowest sharpness setup and sonic's dithering doesn't work
I have another TV that has a shittier image and the dithering works there though

>> No.7898467

>Its always shocking seeing how bad NTSC is
hahahahaha keep coping dude

>> No.7899832

This anon understands. PAL60 or PAL-M really looks great, it does blend dithering like you want but with more accurate colors and less artifacting.

>> No.7899835

you have some nerve typing this word

>> No.7900351
File: 24 KB, 300x200, assets1803121711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the rainbow looks cool though, like the waterfall was catching the sunlight just right or the pipes have oil residue in them

>> No.7900359

Yeah, how could someone tell the lie that this game looks good in rgb

>> No.7900495

I shit on emufags for stealing copyrighted media, that is all.

>> No.7901106

Mine also do some horrible noise sound on composite when there's no music/sound going on

>> No.7901886

left soul right soulless

>> No.7901906

>my shit doesn't stink because I'm a good little drone who makes sure my jewish overlords get every penny they deserve!
you think you're doing the right thing when in reality you're actually perpetuating the problem. you're the perfect NPC.

>> No.7901909


>> No.7901925

I always liked the halftone aesthetic of SCART signal

>> No.7901939

I modded my mega drive for 60hz so composite looks off with a green fringe around everything which kinda sucks, guess I’ll just have to use scart

>> No.7902016
File: 18 KB, 276x244, crystal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If dithering is a sign that a game was meant to be played on composite and a CRT, why do games meant for LCDs or VGA connections use it too?

>> No.7902021

palette limitations

>> No.7902062

>always the Sega faggots who keep shitting on RGB
like clockwork

>> No.7902151

Because they look different at native resolution on LCDs

>> No.7902586

You were meant to use Super Gameboy.

>> No.7902590 [DELETED] 

Have fun in hell.

>> No.7903956

Some console devs are on record in saying that they intended for their games to be played on a composite CRT. That's likely how it was for most console games since since RGB cables didn't come in with the system and usually wasn't advertised much
That being said yeah you're right unblended dithering is a legitimate style of its own. You can really tell that most retro gaming communities don't fuck with retro PC gaming