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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7891849 No.7891849 [Reply] [Original]

Why did people shit on the GameCube so bad during its lifespan? Was it just edgy kids who outgrew Nintendo and were mad it didn't have a GTA/Halo equivalent?

>> No.7891853

Because windwaker and sunshine are terrible.
>Was it just edgy kids
No, it was not. Fuck off with this.

>> No.7891880

I used to be fucking obsessed with this thing when I was younger. If you never got to play RE4, Metroid Prime, F-Zero GX, the best version of PSO (with GC keyboard), or SA2 Battle, you missed out. By far, it had the best lineup of exclusives, and RE4 in particular pretty much took a hot shit on anything else available at the time. With that said, it had problems. The controller was retarded, I remember going out of my way to open it up and replace the C-stick with another GC analog because I hated it so much when playing Timesplitters. The memory card system was a straight downgrade from the N64 where each player could have their own card, the optical media was the worst of both worlds (load times + size limitations), it couldn't play CD or DVD, the online was largely a joke and you need a bunch of peripherals just to get the most use out of the thing. In the end I preferred the PS2 but GC is a close second and anyone that outright hates it probably never owned one. It was a solid 8/10 with a few 10/10 games.

>> No.7891885

I was just a kid. Nobody talked shit about it. It was fucking awesome and everybody had one.

>> No.7891887

well you should know. you were alive during that time.... right, anon?

>> No.7891886

As someone who likes the Gamecube, it was the last straw for me with Nintendo for several reasons.

>mini DVD instead of DVD lead to less ports of games like GTA
>controller didn't have enough buttons compared to the competition
>AAA Nintendo titles on the NES, SNES and N64 were mostly shit on the Gamecube, like the Zelda titles, Mario, Mario Kart...

Still was an overall great system with many great games, most notably Metroid Prime and Smash Bros Melee.

>> No.7891890


+RE4, but it was ported to the PS2, but worse

>> No.7891901

I had one when it was current and really didn't care for it. It had a truly terrible library.

>> No.7891907 [DELETED] 

>Smash Bros Melee
Dilation - The Game

>> No.7891915

I was in high school and there was exactly one kid who was open about owning a gamecube. he was an autist and could do the entire pokerap. the kid was ruthlessly bullied. probably because everyone wanted to hear the pokerap, since it was all light hearted, but still. gamecube was completely shunned where I grew up.

>> No.7891917

Because back then Gamers didn't use pussy words like "toxic" so if someone caught you playing shit like Wind Waker you might be liable to be called a fag. Now some more enlightened guys didn't give a fuck and it wasn't uniform. But there was definitely a "rejection of childhood" quasi edginess that some of those gamers who grew out of the 90's carried (and some still do). So the GameCube was the target of this dismissive attitude

>> No.7891920

There are boards on this website where the average age is under 16.

>> No.7891959

People bitch and moan about anything and everything. Disregard other peoples opinions and live your life.

>> No.7892070

I don't understand the recent obsession with it, but it wasn't a shitty console by any means. Melee was fun, Wind Waker was great, REmake is a classic, RE0 and RE4 are fun, Twilight Princess was great.

>> No.7892085

fuck yourself you dont deserve a you

>> No.7892095

Nothing changed really, Nintendo Switch fans still get called out for being autistic manchildren.

>> No.7892101

>It had a truly terrible library.
I have to second this. Few teens realized how badly Sony was beating Nintendo 64 (by selling 3x as many PS1 units), but it was clear to us that Nintendo had a confidence issue that started with them changing their controller. I remembered thinking
>If you can use the DualShock controller on ps2, why can't you use an n64 controller on gamecube, especially if they're still in the platforming business?
Eventually it became clear that Nintendo had taken the lead from Sonic Adventure, diluting the platforming genre for a series of quirky variety games. The gamecube titles display some of the worst aspects of Dreamcast and Sony development and I think this strategy was carried over to more recent consoles.

I liked the light weight of the console and the handle, but the controller is an example of the fact that trying to please everybody ends up pleasing no one - since it didn't complement platforming games, and it didn't suit racing games or most sports titles (beyond skateboarding games). We were really disappointed by the major titles like Mario Kart and Sunshine because they dropped the more atmospheric aspects and tried to catch your attention more. The first few hours of Luigi's Mansion made for a great rental but it was very strange to release a five-hour game as your major launch title.

>> No.7892143

I mean look at it. Nintendo 180'd on their marketing and went from being the biggest blackest dog with the n64 - to making a purple cube toy thing. And they did this during the explosion of older children and teens wanting darker and edgier themes.

People will say stuff like the small disk form factor or the c-stick was bad for FPS, but that's industry analyst shit that publishers care about, not young people shitting on product.

agree with this post though. So many games made me wish I was playing the N64 counterpart instead, except melee. Gamecube was like a metroid prime and melee briefcase.

>> No.7892150

Well actually, you not giving me a (You) was better. Unlike many users, I don't get, nor do I pretend that I get, dopamine from 4chan replies. But with this, when I realised that you had replied to my reply, I actually laughed. So thank you.

Anyway, have you an actual response to what I said? Or are you going to keep pretending that the only reason anyone dislikes the gamecube and it's two terrible entries into the biggest Nintendo franchises is because they are edgelords?

>> No.7892151
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Double Dash signaled the arrival of videogame titles that emphasized memes over gameplay

>> No.7892167

Just not enough games. Not enough storage space either.

>> No.7892178 [DELETED] 

we need a triple dash so my daughter can be in the back honking the horn while I shred plebs like you online

>> No.7892198 [DELETED] 
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Tell me more

>> No.7892240
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The DS looked like a better system for some reason, and they kicked the PSP's ass. In the home console market... instead of stimulating innovation, the monopolies just forced sega and nintendo's hand, depleting the whole industry very fast.

>> No.7892248
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in the year 2001, did anyone think mobile would overtake consoles?

>> No.7892258

Why does it say N64 twice? Was this graph intended to be as confusing as possible? How hard is it?

>> No.7892267
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The Gamecube was a shit system, and it took me awhile to realise this


>There are features exclusive to PS2 and Xbox that are missing from the GameCube version. The player is restricted to having one voice for the main character - as opposed to the six found in other versions. Eight of the 28 available music tracks are missing. The Gamecube's hardware lacks the light blur effect that permeates on the characters and arenas. Furthermore, certain 3 or 4 player arenas have reduced crowds due to the minidisc space limitations.

I thought the Gaycube was at least more powerful than the PS2 too, but that's not true. This wiki doesn't even mention how compressed a lot of the textures are on the GC version as well.

>> No.7892274
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The Gamecube was so shit it couldn't even handle Burnout 3, one of the best and most technically impressive racers - the PS2 could handle it, but not the Gamecube - and EA hadn't abandoned the GC like a ton of third party publishers had (Midway)

Oh and the fucking controls - requiring you to press 2 buttons at once. Godzilla on Gamecube requires TWO BUTTONS TO GRAB - but Godzilla on PS2 doesn't - and funny enough, the PS2 game not only has a button to do the grab, but it still lets you use two buttons to do the grab - kinda convenient, unlike the Shitcube

But I think the absolute WORST one is how Tony Hawk on Gamecube requires two buttons to do the revert.

>> No.7892275
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There wasn't a single bad console out that generation. Dreamcast, PS2, Xbox, and GameCube all had positive aspects and great games. I don't think some EA Rap game is going to change my mind on that.

>> No.7892290

Eh, who cares, plenty of other racing games

>> No.7892308 [DELETED] 


>> No.7892310

>Why did people shit on the GameCube so bad during its lifespan?
They didn't.

>> No.7892538

I liked Double Dash i think it was great actually but i'm aware of the partial discontent on zelda and mario

>> No.7892551
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>mini DVD instead of DVD lead to less ports of games like GTA
this plus pic related and no Silent Hill

>> No.7892556

No games, shit controller, can't watch dvds

>> No.7892572

The console itself was fine aside from not playing DVDs but here in the UK basically everybody abandoned Nintendo after the Playstation release and never looked back. It caught a lot of the flak from the failures of the N64 and I was the only kid in school who had one, felt pretty lonely.

>> No.7892576

It's honestly so strange reading how americans say it was so popular over there. The Wii literally saved Nintendo in Europe.

>> No.7892580

It's not strange at all. Nintendo was always more popular in America than Europe. Of course gamecube was popular.

>> No.7892590

Yes obviously. It's just strange reading the exact opposite to how it is here.

>> No.7892591

Everybody I knew bought played Wii sports a couple of times and never touched the console again it was viewed as a gimmick that got old fast

Nintendo's reputation didn't really recover in Europe until the Switch era

>> No.7892594


>> No.7892596


>> No.7892606

I knew people who thought it was weaker than ps2 just based on its looks. It was hard to look past mgs 2 and gran turismo. If there was next gen golden eye and banjo it could have been a lot different.

>> No.7892639

Aesthetically the console looks like a cheap plastic blue box which didn't help compared to the sleek black PS2 design

>> No.7892642

No games.

>> No.7892707
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>> No.7892709

Its design. Its experimental elements in their first party games.

>> No.7892720

No bad games is more like it. Still play the shit out of Melee, SSX tricky, and Pikmin.

>> No.7892730 [DELETED] 

post hand

>> No.7892794

Double Dash is great, idk what you're talking about. The only problem that game has is the lack of content. But still, easily one of the best Gamecube games.

>> No.7892848

This is a fucking horrible visualization, what the fuck

>> No.7892852


It was seen as the dorky console for lame kids, while the cool kids had PS2 or Xbox. The lack of games was the biggest issue. The library was multi-plat games and Nintendo titles mostly. Re4 seems to be the first real game that juts blew everyone away.

>> No.7892857

>I don't understand the recent obsession with it,

1. Nintendies brand is strong, with the Wii and Switch, so NGC gets boosted by that association. Meanwhile, it was almost a low point for Nintendo.

2. Dolphin is a good emulator, while PCSX2 is a mess (but they're fixing it).

>> No.7892859 [DELETED] 

Do >>7892730

>> No.7892860

>mini DVD instead of DVD lead to less ports of games like GTA

true but for the case of gta 3 and vc it was just rockstar north being too lazy to actually port it to gamecube, i mean the xbox ports were already outsourced to some random studio in vienna that shut down in like 2006

>> No.7892870

Please get over your early aughties cool kid mentality, it's 2021, nobody cares if you wanna play Luigi's Mansion over Halo

>> No.7892883 [DELETED] 


>> No.7892884

The evolution
>the Gamecube is pretty neat, it has some decent games! Sure some of them are weird and the franchise continuations weren't all what we hoped for
>haha the Gamecube was SHIT
>the Gamecube was a hidden gem and actually one of the best consoles ever made and now I will pay over $100 for some common Gamecube game and component cables because ohhhhh ahhhh ahhh I'm gonna COOOOOOBE

>> No.7892886

(because both are only played by homosexuals as of right now sadly)

>> No.7894020

This is a bunch of bullshit, right? Right? How "advanced" can a car simulator be that the PS2 could handle it but the GameCube couldn't when the PS2 was the weaker machine (i.e. shit like sanic running at 30 fps on it, or the RE4 port being a mess).

Also, F-Zero GX being a thing that exists. And I very much doubt SEGA are wizards.

>> No.7894025

But the UK never liked Nintendo to begin with. You get all the shitposting about Speccy and 1 pound videogame tapes in this fucking board.
Sweden or Spain on the other hand always liked Nintendo. And while I agree the waggle was seen as a gimmick, Nintendo's rep didn't tank in the rest of the continent like you claim (it helped that games like Madworld or No More Heroes 2 existed).

>> No.7894057

>urple cube toy thing. And they did >this during the explosion of older children and teens wanting darker and edgier themes.

Exactly, it was just a time of edgy Ness where everything had to be adult themed. GC really was not in tune with the times in Western gaming

>> No.7894076

Both sides of this argument are retarded. Ports/multiplats should never be used a metric of hardware capability because they usually don't take advantage of each device's unique capabilities. In the case of the RE4 port, you had a game which took advantage of the GCN's many hardware-specific features and was then rushed to a different platform 6 months later. Had RE4 been an original game designed exclusively for PS2, there is no doubt it would have been much more graphically impressive. As the PS2 demonstrated with games like SotC and God of War 2, it was a powerhouse in its own right, it just needed more TLC to really shine. Frankly, I don't think we ever got to see the PS2 pushed to its absolute limit as most of its library was multiplat for obvious reasons.

Likewise, I have no doubt they could have released Burnout 3 on GCN if they had really wanted to -- saying the GCN somehow wasn't powerful enough to handle a shitty multiplat racer when it could produce games like RE4 and Metroid Prime 2 is pretty fucking retarded.

>> No.7894079

>that poor wii u
what went so wrong

>> No.7894090

Never listen to your detractors. When people were going back in 2010 "Just release Wii HD, enough with the SD crap", and that's exactly what they did, it failed.

>> No.7894110

I thought there was bad blood between Rockstar and Nintendo over how they were treated while developing Body Harvest for N64, and that's why there's never been a GTA on Nintendo consoles

>> No.7894125

>controller didn't have enough buttons compared to the competition
this was kind of annoying. every multiplat had slightly fucked up controls on GC, i think SSX Tricky had to remove a decent amount of tricks due to the missing L1 button

>> No.7895107

The PS1 had started a shift in videogames, one that strived to prove that games were something more than a plaything for children. Hence all the non-children oriented games like Gran Turismo, Silent Hill, Metal Gear Solid, Wipeout, etc. The PS2 doubled in on this, and so not only lighthearted, gameplay-focused games like the kind you saw on Nintendo and Sega hardware started feeling quaint and outdated, the PS2 ultimately was also an accessible DVD player, very much a more mature plaything, whatever that may mean. That said, the PS2 ubiquity also resulted in it having the widest variety of games you can to this day find in a console, in a time where videogames were finally able to be artistically realized. It was a perfect storm, and Sony won.

Even then, the GC has some great games, and it had certainly better hardware and often (after the Xbox) the best 3rd party games when they actually got ported to it.

Anon, only two of those were actual exclusives, RE4's exclusivity barely lasted a year. That said, after the DC, the GC was only console with an unpretentious lineup of games that you could enjoy as a child, and the only other console concerned exclusively with being a videogame console. Most of my memories are with the DC and the GC, the PS2 though it had KH and GTA, always came off as a disjointed third-party machine, whereas Sega and Nintendo consoles had a look and feel throughout all their games.

The PS2 has the better games, but if you ever actually owned these machines back in the day it was immensely obvious that both the GC and the Xbox looked miles better. Hell, even the DC had clearer output by way of VGA than the PS2 did. Not every shortcoming in that generation was an issue of disc space, games can, and were, easily divided between discs if need be. The PS2 absolutely cannot do what the GC did with RE4, even if it had been purpose designed for it. Hell, even Metroid Prime looks better than anything on the PS2.

>> No.7895126
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Can you guys stop overrating every single thing Nintendo ever created?

>> No.7895128

Playstation didn’t start shit, there were PC games for adults since the beginning of time, kiddo.

>> No.7895141

Absolutely, but PC gaming was pretty niche at the time, not even close to being as accessible, and often with less interesting games, than something like the PS1. My older brother used to host LAN parties back in the late 90's, and I can tell you that none of the people were your average person.

>> No.7895173 [DELETED] 
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Bjorn Lynne might've been a better choice for the music in Double Dash.

>> No.7895176 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7895193

this is just shit developer cope, the gamecube had all those capabilities and more.

>> No.7895201

the ps2 just sold so much more in the end thanks to piracy. i swear that in my shithole country there are at least 2 ps2 per home.

>> No.7895203

Which retro console from the 2000's do you recommend?
> I hate sega
> I hate Sonic
> I hate Nintendo
> i hate Wii
> I hate pokemon
> I hate Playstation
> I hate RPG's

>> No.7895258

I honestly had no idea the Gamecube was disliked until the early 2010s. Nobody shit on it when I was a kid, surprisingly enough there weren't any console war arguments in my school. Everyone just talked about what they had. Gamecube kids talked about Melee, PS2 kids talked about GTA, Xbox kids talked about Halo, and that was pretty much it.

>> No.7895316

My experience is that U.S. posters mostly like it but Europeans absolutely HATE the GameCube to the point of irrationality. The love for PlayStation 2, FIFA and Gran Turismo is really strong over there.

>> No.7895332
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these are the ones i kept over the years.
>inb4 "no smash!?!"

yes, smash is for fags.

>> No.7895410

I had no friends and shitty barely-accessible internet in 2001-2002. My only source of video game news was my nintendo power subscription, so I thought the gamecube was a huge success and never knew anyone hated it until later when I ventured online.

I still have a lot of fond memories with it. Endless hours in Smash Melee and Rogue Squadron 2

>> No.7895437

I’m old and went to college in the early 00s. Even though more people owned PS2s, the GC was still a big draw for multiplayer. Smash was the big one of course but we were also always playing Power Tennis, Mario Strikers and Double Dash. Just like the N64, the Cube was a much better party game console than the PS1/PS2.

>> No.7895448

just compare it to PS2 and N64
N64 had some truly game-changing titles, Mario 64 - Ocarina - Goldeneye alone were big enough revolutionary games to sell a console and truly were ahead of their time. and N64 STILL gets shit for its tiny library.
now compare this to GC. it had virtually no advantages over the competition, basically same but worse. shitty controller, less disc space just because, no truly revolutionary titles except for Metroid Prime, very flawed and weird 1st party lineup with no Rare, and of course very limited 3rd party support like on N64.
meanwhile, the competition wasn't standing at one place. dual analog became the norm on every console and games caught up with 3D controls, so Nintendo wasn't ahead of the game no more like with N64. meanwhile, PS2 got all the right sequels and then new huge games like GTA, Kingdom Hearts, Jak and Daxter, Ratchet & Clank, DMC, and more.
all in all, nintendo used up all the tricks up their sleeve, they made a console that was simply worse than PS2 and with less games, and all the exclusives you'd want to play on it could be counted on the fingers of one hand. you literally had to be a die-hard Nintendo fan to choose it over PS2.

>> No.7895458

>windwaker was terrible
Wrong, but understandable
>so was sunshine
fuck you

>> No.7895460

>less ports like GTA
fuck gta
Who the fuck likes GTA?
Niggers, spics, jocks, metalheads and punks, that's who

>> No.7895468

Lackluster library, disappointing first party titles, overzealous fanbase which overrates mediocre games, identity crisis advertising in tandem with ostensibly kiddy design and content. It's a console that's hard to like. It simply offers nothing that the other consoles don't do better (and often do far more of too.) This is true today as it was back then.

>> No.7895480

i had the exact opposite experience, i was in elementary school for the gamecube's life, came out when i was 5, got mine at 6 or 7, everybody at my school either had a gamecube or an xbox, more people with older siblings had xbox because HALOOOOOO and the kids liked smash, sonic, and pokemon at my school, so pretty much all xbox and gamecube aside from when one kid's family rented a ps2 for a month and we got to see gta, sly, and kingdom hearts, but other than that month, there was never a ps2 owner at that school.

i didnt learn until the ps3 launch that the ps2 was even popular, those typical burger black friday news reels with people trampling over each other to get a ps3 and i had zero idea that people even cared about playstation, going into the 7th gen it was all xbox 360 or pc, most people had a wii early but quit caring about it after a year. i was really confused when i learned that the ps2 was such an unbelievable sales success

>> No.7895482

Double dash was also crap. Oops all gimicks for all 10 games

>> No.7895487

Based; fuck smash players they ruined a party game

>> No.7895491

>very flawed and weird 1st party lineup with no Rare, and of course very limited 3rd party support like on N64.

To Nintendo’s credit, the GameCube had vastly better third party support and a much more varied library than the N64. I also think it’s pretty debatable whether or not Rare’s absence made much of a difference.

>> No.7895502

Damn, I’m American and a huge GameCube fan but it sounds like you’re practically from an alternate dimension. What country are you from?

>> No.7895508

america, san diego county to be more specific

>> No.7895510

Fascinating. SoCal representing the Cube I guess.

>> No.7895518

i think it was really just our elementary school, and specifically because of the games we liked. like i said, we played smash, sonic, and pokemon, gamecube was what offered all 3, there were always a scant few other games we liked to play together, licensed games were really popular with us, but it was gamecube or xbox for the most part, i thank my friend who accidentally left his xbox at my house for a week so i got to play the halo 2 campaign and fable the lost chapters.

once i got to middle school there were a lot more ps2s and ps3s but even still most guys had a gamecube at home

>> No.7895574

>GameCube had vastly better third party support
it did, but with very few big exclusives beside RE4 which got ported to PS2 later anyway. most of what it had from 3rd parties you could play on PS2. and PS2 had shittons of exclusives and vastly more games overall compared to GC.

>> No.7895585

Fair enough. I’ll admit I’m a bit biased. I owned both a GameCube and PS2 and gravitated way more toward the Cube. Ironically I wasn’t a big N64 fan but loved the PS1.

>> No.7895709

>mario sunshine (obviously rushed because of normies needing a mario game asap, but a bold experiment in style that really paid off)
>luigi's mansion
>metroid prime 1 and 2
>super monkey ball 1 and 2
>fire emblem path of radiance
>billy hatcher
>mario kart dd
>pm ttyd
>animal crossing
>wind waker, twilight princess and four swords adventures
>kirby air ride
>mario strikers
>mario party 4, 5, 6, 7
>f zero gx
>REmake and re4
>mario power tennis
>baten kaitos
i think ps2 was the better console, but you can't say gamecube had no games. inb4
>this game didn't appeal to me so therefore it's bad!
most people who post "objective opinions" here are just dudebros who thought mario were faggy in 2001

>> No.7895717

Xbox has none of that except like 2 Sonic games.

>> No.7895750
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Actual post I made in 2007.

>> No.7895765

Woops, meant to reply to >>7892248

>> No.7895770

I also misread 2001 as 2007, I must be going crazy lol.

>> No.7895808

I motherfucking love double dash and I'm a MK64fag to death. But there's something so beautiful in DD, I learned how to play pirated GC games on the wii on my grandmother's house and there was something so lifelike and responsive in the controlling of the game. And the aesthethic is so early 2000's but well made. It feels so fresh to start a DD race in the morning, with the sun rising, maybe it's the beach themed thing that makes me love it so much or the fact that it felt like I opened a window to play a lot of games.

>> No.7896112

>edgy kids who outgrew Nintendo and were mad it didn't have a GTA/Halo equivalent?
That was definitely part of it. If you were over 10 in the year 2000, nintendo was considered to be baby stuff

>> No.7896270

it was baby stuff though. I think GC was the moment when Nintendo went full bing bang wahoo. just look at >>7895709 , 90% of games on the list have kiddy aesthetic. Zelda got cartoon link, Rare wasn't there to make a new shooter so one less potentially dark/mature game, every other 3rd party dev simply stuck with PS2. and GC got even more Mario spinoffs too, like luigi's mansion.

>> No.7896274

Almost nobody on /vr/ is old enough to have owned a GC.

>> No.7896278

yet they have more sophisticated design than your dudebro shooters.

>> No.7896279

You sound sad.

>> No.7896310

>and were mad it didn't have a GTA
simpsons hit and run
>/Halo equivalent?
timesplitters 2 & 3, goldeneye rogue agent, and star fox assault if you wanted ground and vehicle combat
t. had a gamecube and tried to make the best of it

>> No.7896419

Gamecube/PS2 idort here here
There are two reasons GC was seen as inferior to the PS2
>Huge demand for mature and edgy games that the GC didn't meet, infact Nintendo doubled down on creating their games with an all ages aesthetic.
>Gamecube had huge fucking droughts between major releases. PS2 had so much support that it felt like you could become overwhelmed trying to filter through games.
In retrospect I believe the Gamecube ended up with the better library with a shitload of games I would personally consider 10/10 but at the time I would've told you the PS2 was far better because I got so much more mileage out of it.

>> No.7896434

>I believe the Gamecube ended up with the better library with a shitload of games I would personally consider 10/10
Spend more time with the PS2, even no-name titles you've never heard of like flipnic and subrebellion are master works of their genre

>> No.7897214

>really paid off

>> No.7897223

enjoy your generic grass, desert, beach, forest, snow and lava worlds

>> No.7897228

You now have the benefit of being able to immediately download the 15 good games on the Gamecube. You have other systems that you can play. When the Gamecube was current, most people likely ONLY had the Gamecube. And it sucked. Since you now have tons of options, the Gamecube and its 15 good games seem pretty good to you. I had a Gamecube when it was current. It sucked. I know that it had good games, but it did not have nearly enough good games to look at it and go "wow, this was great!"

>> No.7897269

You should play Killer 7 immediately.

>> No.7897348

I love the GameCube but Double Dash sucks. The gimmick of two people on a kart wasn't that interesting and locking specific items as "specials" just fucks everything. It does have some good courses though.

>> No.7897404

Strip away the inferior multiplats and it has less games worth playing then any other Nintendo console

>> No.7897409 [DELETED] 

Did Miyamoto retire back in the 90's? It seems like he's more of a figurehead

>> No.7897439

All the third party support on GameCube is just shitty ps2 multiplats all of which look and run better on the original Xbox. N64 has alot more third party exclusives because multiplats were more common in sixth gen because devs need to make their money back.

>> No.7897531

Complete opposite experience for me. I got a GameCube at launch and it was my only sixth gen console for about two years until I got a PS2 mid-gen in like spring of 2003. I still preferred the GC’s exclusives when I had both. You gotta let people enjoy what they enjoy, bro.

>> No.7897543

Sure they might run better on Xbox but they’re still perfectly playable on the GameCube. That’s a weird argument since not a whole lot of people owned all three consoles back then.

>> No.7897675

You don't get upvotes here, faggot.

>> No.7897843

I'm arguing from today's standpoint. The GameCubes third party support seems worse now then the 64s because the 64 had more exclusives and more superior multiplats, where as the GameCubes third party support, with the exception of killer 7 viewitful joe and summoner are inferior multiplats.

>> No.7897845

Mane you have the wrong Sonic Adventure port. DX is kinda gross, SA2B was great.

>> No.7898093

i love speed running pikmin. having a hard time beating 11 days. anons feel free to give me tips. i saw someone claimed 7 but i call shenanigans.

>> No.7898107

>Was it just edgy kids who outgrew Nintendo and were mad it didn't have a GTA/Halo equivalent?
Pretty much. GTA and Halo were the rage back then, and Nintendo didn't focus on gory realism like Sony and Microsoft (Just look at the backlash because Wind Waker didn't resemble some realistic tech demo).

>> No.7898119

this was such a great game. somebody stole it. no way to know who. sad day. i at least hope someone is enjoying it.

>> No.7898125

It had some great games on it but it didn't make up for the wealth it missed out on I felt. Also I liked that my PS2 could play DVDs, it was great.

>> No.7899451

i know anon. but this is what i have. all my friends are dead by happenstance or suicide. i lost interest anon, ...

>> No.7899613

People like to act like it was only edgelords mad about Wind Waker but everyone had been imagining what that tech demo was going to be like for a few years. Of course they were going to be disappointed.

>> No.7899637

Lol mad

>> No.7899696

People were spoiled for choice that generation, and the GC simply couldn't match up with the sheer variety on offer from the PS2 or the advanced featureset and online that the Xbox offered. All of the consoles were great, but the GC just had less to offer most people at the time. A lot of the recent nostalgia for the GC is just young adults who grew up with one and that's all they had.

Plenty of generation-defining games never made it to GC due to lack of disc space or audience mismatch. Also, GC was nowhere near as strong as N64 when it came to having classic games that couldn't be missed. N64 had Mario 64, Goldeneye, and Ocarina, all games that significantly outclassed the competition. While the GC had plenty of good games, it didn't get an experience on that level until RE4. Nintendo just couldn't deliver on the level they needed to to draw attention away from all the crazy games on PS2 or Halo + MS's exclusives.

>> No.7899725

Honestly Xbox was fairly irrelevant during that gen as well, it was just PS2 domination for the most part. Didn’t even own one at the time, but it’s the truth,

>> No.7899732

Motherfucker forget about the dreamcast

>> No.7899738

I agree. when i play old school sonic 2 and sunshine there is NO forgiveness in control. sharp and to the point. let the normies seethe brotha

>> No.7899749

i feel like i also have to add to this that i do have the oldest modern tv.


>> No.7899786

Not really. It certainly was at first but by 2003 it was pretty well established and everyone went nuts over Halo 2.

>> No.7900149

By middle school here having a gamecube was the same. Only ps2 or xbox and only IF you had sports games for them

>> No.7900370

I had a PS2 and a Gamecube, and no one gave me shit. I was in elementary school though.

>> No.7900729

I was 15 in 2001 and we all loved the GameCube for multiplayer. The PS2 was largely reserved for single player stuff.

>> No.7900765
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>shit on
Every one of my neighbors had a N64 and a GC, all or our games were shared.
Then there was that one weird kid with a psx and ps2

>> No.7900948

It outsold GC in US, but not by much, 12 vs 15 million or so. Provided that Xbox was the blue blooded American console, that wasn't much. PS2 sold 53 million units. But I agree Xbox got more relevant towards the end, while Gamecube on the other hand felt quite dead (except for RE4 that managed to sell less than the PS2 port in the end).

>> No.7902241


>> No.7902246

NES, SNES and N64 had more mature games at least. They weren't seen as kiddie consoles because of that.

>> No.7902296

>People still using the kiddy argument
Really? One of the major titles on this console was REmake.
Anyway video games ARE for kids and young people, especially the ones deemed "Mature". My favorite game when I was 9 was Mortal Kombat II

>> No.7902738

I think to some extent quality was never going to matter for the Gamecube, because the N64 was pretty resoundingly battered the PlayStation, and the PS2 was going to crush it too.

Granted, I'd rather they have crushed it without making up fucking lies to tank the Dreamcast as well, but I think to some extent the Gamecube's lack of success was a product of Nintendo's dumb choices during the N64 era. They burnt a lot of bridges acting like they were still the big dog, when Sony were offering genuine competition (in a lot of places Sega was a solid alternative, but it was never really competition in a way that could scare Nintendo).

Generally there were some good titles on it. People talk about gimmicks and shit, but that's kind of always been Nintendo's thing. I mean how many times does the interview with Miyamoto come up where he says you should just play F-Zero X if you want F-Zero. The idea of just making the same game with minor improvements and more content is kind of foreign there.

>> No.7902764

Not true at all. Sega’s major marketing campaign for the Genesis revolved around it being the cool, mature counterpart to Nintendo’s kid friendly image. The N64 was also seen as something of a kids console with its library heavily leaning toward colorful platformers.

>> No.7902815

SNES maybe, but only because Genesis was putting Mortal Kombat on home consoles. The NES? Nintendo were notorious for their restrictions - they might not be super kiddie games, but they weren't mature.

>> No.7902828

This. The fact that the Genesis port of MK was uncensored forced Nintendo to loosen up their content restrictions and MKII was released in full on SNES.

>> No.7902941

I was thinking of N64 games like Goldeneye, Doom 64, Perfect Dark and so on.
N64 felt less like a kiddie console than GC to me.

>> No.7902945

To be fair, the GC still had a good amount of M rated games. Nintendo themselves even put out Eternal Darkness.

>> No.7903157

NES wasn't really that restrictive. They had a game where your mission is to kill Hitler. And some titles like Shatterhand too. They were only strict with how third parties did business and the quality of the title.

>> No.7903180

PS2 is TECHNICALLY stronger, but only theoretically. In practice, most of the games ended up being inferior to their Xbox and GC counterparts because PS2 was a nightmare to develop for. Look no further than ports like Sonic Heroes. It was a clusterfuck. It had a few notable exceptions like Burnout, but only because the devs were real close partners with Sony and made it a point to become very familiar with the PS2 architecture. Most other devs like Mikami hated making games for the console.

PS3 followed suit with Cell architecture. Again, theoretically more powerful, but if barely anyone can utilize it, what's the point? It's like saying a car is the best automobile on the market, and the fastest, if only it had a steering wheel that worked properly. No one's gonna agree that the car is a better model if you can't even steer it right. Could have the fastest engine in the world and it would still suck because no one can drive it without hitting a telephone pole. That's why people say GC is better hardware. Practically speaking, it's superior because it was easier to make games for it.

>> No.7903379

Same. Probably the console wars were more of an american thing.

>> No.7903424

Bionic Commando? That was third party.

>> No.7903430

>N64 has more exclusives

Wrong, and it also has worse third party support. Not everything is Mario and Zelda. The N64 didn’t have a Metroid or a Fire Emblem while the GC had all of them, some of them like F-Zero and Smash being all around improved, some of them new franchises like Pikmin, Warioware, Luigi’s Mansion, and (to us) Animal Crossing. Hell, even with sports games it ended up with tons of Mario spin-offs like even fucking baseball and soccer games. It’s a very complete console, but also one geared towards children, especially in a period where videogames were transitioning into being
more serious. Games like Goldeneye are immensely overrated, and this is from someone who has immense nostalgia for the N64, it’s a clunky ass game to play. Nevermind that the GC had better shooters like Geist or Timesplitters, it actually had amazing exclusive horror games like Eternal Darkness. That it doesn’t have a “Halo” is a blessing.

>> No.7903785

It's not wrong compare the list of exclusives to the n64s and stop watching that Twink faggot woz kid. The 64 just has the advantage of being a fifth gen console where multiplats were less frequent and consoles had unique hardware so devs picked a console that would run said game better.

>> No.7903950

The only good thing about it is the gba adapter.

>> No.7904438

It didn't have any online play was the biggest reason. Second was no DVD player.

>> No.7904448

The PS2 launched with zero online connectivity and even when the network adapter came out two years later, it wasn’t that big a factor. Online gaming for consoles didn’t truly come into its own till gen 7.

>> No.7904450

It still has games like socom that were pretty big online. GameCube had like one game online and it was some weeb mmo that nobody played.

>> No.7904459

My point is online play was far from the “biggest reason” that the GameCube lagged behind.

>> No.7904472

I can't think of any bigger reasons off the top of my head, and I remember back at the time that's all anybody ever talked about and when the Wii was announced if "Nintendo learned from their mistake of not including online play". It may not have been the biggest reason but it was a huge reason. PS2 had a hundred or so online multiplayer games like call of duty, socom, splinter cell, battlefield, star wars battlefront, etc. GameCube had like two phantasy star games.

>> No.7904507

>TFW no friends to play Four Swords Adventures with on the Gamecube
Sad. But also retarded how you needed 4 adapter cables and 4 gameboy advances just so other people can play.

>> No.7904527

>Really? One of the major titles on this console was REmake.
One game out of hundreds. The most popular games on it are mario, zelda, smash, and tranimal crossdressing. Also, REmake aint got nothing on The Suffering, Manhunt, and Forbidden Siren.

PS2's architecture was complicated but it had tons of dev support thanks to DMA Design/Rockstar, Psygnosis, and Konami.

>Online gaming for consoles didn’t truly come into its own till gen 7
Xbox live says hi.

>> No.7904539

MS laid the groundwork for Xbox Live with the OG Xbox but really it was the 360 era that made it huge.

>> No.7904540

The PS3 and PS2 are nothing alike. PS2's GPU has tons of graphical effects but its CPU is weak. PS3's CPU is really powerful and efficient, it's based on supercomputer architecture, but it's not simple at all to develop for as a consequence.

>> No.7904549

There were a bunch of multi-platform games I wanted back then that never got a GC release, that shit pissed me off. I also didn't have a DVD player at the time and was disappointed that the GC couldn't do it. Got a PS2 in 2004, solved both issues handily. I still liked the GC, and it sure had some nice exclusives, but like, Nintendo made a bunch of odd missteps.
Also, the controller layout was odd -- the shape fit amazingly into the hand, but like, the face button positions favored games that had one main button and you'd only sometimes use the others (which was very rarely true). Why was there only one Z button? Having an empty space on the other side there seemed retarded back in 2001 to me. I have no clue why the C-stick's top is so small, too.

>> No.7904581

I bought a gamecube after playing multiplayer games at my cousin's house. Then I realized it was dumb on my part since I bought all the multiplayer/party games, and had zero friends to play with. My brother was too young and dumb at the time to play anyways.

Fond memories just playing melee by myself with two controllers I guess.

>> No.7905429

>The PS1 had started a shift in videogames, one that strived to prove that games were something more than a plaything for children
no, the arcades were the video games for adults and were seen as seedy or dangerous for kids from long before
PlayStation was for edgy or weaboo teens and N64 was ironically for more social teens because of four player multiplayer and goldeneye

>> No.7905493

And the PS1 had the same advantage, I literally own 3 pirated PS1 and two PS2s one of them pirated.
It was so convenient to have it pirated, just download an iso from the internet and boom, you have a game at mere cents, if my family wasn't so poor at the time and had internet in my home I would have been downloading all kinds of games every day.

>> No.7905495

Garbage marketing on Nintendo's part and played right into what everyone was saying about it. That it was a kid's toy and it was gay.

>> No.7905636

I wonder why the Gamecube never managed to outsell the N64? Even though, the GBA (The GC's handheld equivalent) sold more than the GBC (The N64's handheld equivalent) which is ironic.

And the N64, like the GBC, barely has any worthwhile games.

>> No.7905652

Mostly because the N64 was mainly popular in North America and not so much other countries. The GameCube also didn’t have anything like Mario 64 at launch that really wowed everyone. Plus when the Cube launched in late 2001, the PS2 was getting major heavy hitter games like GTAIII, Final Fantasy X and MGS2.

>> No.7905662

In my experience arcades were much more of a teen to college age hangout spot by the mid-90s. I do agree with you that PlayStation consoles have always leaned more toward single player stuff when compared to Nintendo.

>> No.7905708

What year do you live in where PCSX2 runs bad?
Had no trouble running some games on integrated graphics on a first gen i5 laptop.

>> No.7905739

I never saw anyone shit on it. Did you go to a shitty public school or something?

>> No.7905772
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I never heard a bad word from anyone about it. Everyone I knew who had one loved it. I remember hearing stories of its sturdiness, particularly an incident where it survived rolling down a flight of stairs.

>> No.7905896
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>> No.7905909

Nintendo didn't really become a household mainstay here in the UK until the Wii. The NES flopped hard and it took them a while to get a proper footing.

We were Micros, then SEGA country, then the PlayStation happened.

I know like 4 people who ever owned a gamecube.

>> No.7906008

That's because it's not retro despite what the piss poor definition and attempt at modding at /vr/ would lead you to believe.
If you're even aware of the Micro existing you're already way out of the market age group.

>> No.7906231

What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.7906264

I should say for clarity I was using Micro as a catch all term for microcomputers (I was an Amstrad kid) not specifically the Beeb.

I'm nor sure what the official cut ofd dor retro is desu. For me personally it's PS1, Saturn era and back. I can see some who would say that 3D games aren't retro but if you lom at eaely 3D its just as unique an aesthetic as pixel art.

>> No.7906408
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Probably that. And very little third party support. It's an awesome console. Nintendo's Dreamcast (small library, short life, lots of character).

>> No.7906452

They were still releasing new Dreamcast games in 2018, is there a chance that Nintendo will release more Player's Choice titles or ports for GC?

>> No.7906458

>short life
It was around for five years before the Wii came out which is standard for Nintendo consoles. The NES, SNES and N64 were also around for the same amount of time before they released the next console. Even the Wii U was 2012 to 2017.

>> No.7906462

Those new Dreamcast games are all indie projects, not officially made or published by Sega.

>> No.7906497

Oh. I guess my point is invalid then. Thank you, console life police.

>> No.7906515

Just thought it was worth pointing out that Nintendo seems to have a pretty strict five year per console policy regardless of how well each one sells. On the other hand, their portable system life cycles are all over the place.

>> No.7906520

We've never seen a print-on-demand format even with disc-based media have we?