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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 73 KB, 365x268, Turtles_in_Time_(SNES_cover).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7887468 No.7887468 [Reply] [Original]

i literally cannot think of a more overrated /vr/ game than this, it's not even better than hyperstone heist

fuck you if you think this is the best beat em up

>> No.7887510
File: 34 KB, 425x310, kingofdragonscover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm more of a King of Dragons guy myself.

>> No.7887520

It's not the best but it's a very solid title. Stay seething.

My favorite bmups are Final Fight and The Punisher before someone tries to call me out.

>> No.7887543

Super Mario 64
Ocarina Of Time
Final Fantasy VII

>> No.7887601

When I was... eleven years old. I had a desktop stripper.
Okay? Uh, now... I will attempt to say what actually went down.
I downloaded one of those desktop strippers and I thought it was like
>Oh my god. There's boobs! BOOBS!
And it looked like the best thing ever. And then when I downloaded it, you know what I got?
A 2 frame, 24 x 24 pixel gif of a woman having a seizure. I'm not even joking about that. and it was super sped up too.
The worst part? I couldn't get it off my PC... So my parents found out.
My dad was so disappointed.

I felt so bad. You know all credit to my dad, he had to raise me. My dad had to raise me... My dad... I've never seen such violent disappointed in me. He wasn't mad but he was so regretful that I existed.

>> No.7887607

Lmao is this pasta new?

>> No.7887683

the stage progression is better, and i guess its cool to be able to throw enemies at the screen, and i guess its kind of a cool gimmick to use that for a boss fight. but thats it. it literally stops there.

hyperstone heist surpasses it in every possible way. better looking, better music, better controls, and it has tatsu.

>> No.7887698

Turtles in Time: great game
Hyperstone Heist: literally a port of Turtles in Time that had to be downgraded due to inferior hardware (but still great, if all you have is a Genesis)
Alien versus Predator: best beat-em-up of all time
Mario 64: most overrated retro game, among several that are more overrated than Turtles in Time

>> No.7887726

>Hyperstone Heist: literally a port of Turtles in Time that had to be downgraded due to inferior hardware
This is completely false. The only thing similar between Hyperstone Heist and Turtles In Time are the intros. Everything else is different, from levels to enemie bosses. The graphics and sound still looks as great as it did on the arcade. Must be why M2 has a hard time emulating the sound of Hyperstone Heist on the Sega Genesis, which is why I had to install retroarch just to get it working.

>> No.7887747

The snes is actually the inferior downgraded system.

It's why games like thunder force 4 simply couldn't be ported to it. It was an inferior console with slower speeds and sound.

U can name literally hundreds of mega drive music yet with the snes it's the mario theme .... and that's it

>> No.7887861

what the fuck did i just read

>> No.7888115

Simpsons Arcade is equally overrated.

I played like 30 or 40 beat em up over the past few months and the only beat em up games worse than these two were double dragon and kunio-kun.

On the other hand, one I expected to be shit but was far and away the best game is Aliens vs Predator.

>> No.7888147


>> No.7888148

HH *feels* superior at first due to the better hit detection and the satisfying and responsive feedback, but in the end it's an inferior game all you have to do to win is
>run + special attack
Literaly braind dead button smash and there is NOTHING in the game that can stop it.

That and the bosses are super lame, they're all basically the same with their "run from one side of the screen to the next" routine.

TMNTIV has much more varied gameplay and requires a lot more technique AND tactic in order to get good.

>> No.7888154

I always get bored once you actually time travel. There's so little variety in this game. It is very single note besides the visuals.

>> No.7888160

I never played beat em ups besides god of war and streets of rage.
I'm scared that I'll be disappointed by not playing a top-tier one.

>> No.7888203 [DELETED] 

More like ChadleToads

>> No.7888210
File: 176 KB, 371x268, Battletoads_in_Battlemaniacs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like Chadletoads

>> No.7888223

All of these games deserve the praise that they get.

>> No.7888434

>U can name literally hundreds of mega drive music yet with the snes it's the mario theme .... and that's it
Possibly the laziest, most unbelievable bait anyone has ever written on this board.

>> No.7888894


It's not a port lol, its a superior game in the gameplay department, but you can't throw enemies at the screen so in the mind of casuals TIT is better

>> No.7888936

Hyperstone Heist had a boss rush at the end, which is one of the laziest ways to pad out a game with five stages.

>> No.7888961
File: 35 KB, 512x448, R7b6b0f601e52d3a6bdceb890fbaa91a8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alien vs Predator is pure garbage especially compared to TiT

>> No.7888991

>Alien vs Predator is pure garbage especially compared to TiT
2+2 = 3

This is just a factually incorrect statement. There's nothing to argue, you're just downright wrong. The only question is why. Did you grow up on TMNT and this game, developing a strong bias and/or nostalgia for it?

>> No.7888992
File: 35 KB, 384x224, alienvp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7890498

or you can just hit an enemy once to make them flinch, walk in close, and throw them to their death. oh yeah, really tough and deep combat there. if you're playing a turtles game for deep combat, you're playing the wrong game.

>> No.7890521

Konami's beatemups are all pure trash. Simpsons. X-Men. Every Turtles one they made.
They take a very hot license, give it great visuals, incredible music, and then toss all these great ingredients into gameplay so simplistic and shitty any other company would be embarrassed to release it after Double Dragon, let alone fucking Final Fight. To even call Konami's buttonmashing, jumpkick spamming shitpiles beatemups is an insult to the genre.

>> No.7890583

I love this game, but who the fuck is overrating it? Some random e-celeb with minimal knowledge on the cause? Back then, TMNT was popular and the games were fine, so we grew up with that, had fun, and that's it. I don't remember anyone going nuts for this game, even though the majority of them liked it.

As a matter of fact, there isn't a single game worth of being overrated. Try yourself and post one here. A deluge of hate will come over your way, since everyone has their opinion, but aren't smart enough to realize that.

>> No.7890598
File: 46 KB, 190x190, diagonal_mario.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow guise POPULAR_GAME sucks i can't believe people play this garbage in CURRENT_YEAR it clearly doesn't hold up

>> No.7890627

Can u give me at least 10 well world known snes themes or music that ARNT just the mario jingle?

SOR has had a club event dedicated to it and has had several club remasters done.
U then have themes from golden axe, Alisa dragoon, alien soldier, gunstar heroes, sonic. The list goes on.

The MD had the better sound chip which is why it's got better and well known songs/music

>> No.7890683

what is the "mario jingle" to you? athletic? underground? donut plains? vanilla dome? bowsers valley? star road? special zone? course clear? yoshi's island? speaking of club remixes, star road was used in music that actually charted. music that people hear and recognize. it's trivially weak bait when you claim more people recognize streets of rage because you heard it in a gay bar. you are out of your league.

>> No.7890709

If you want a SNES music thread just say so.

>> No.7890809


>> No.7890853

Konami beatemups are subpar. They generally allow combo breaking and other shit (some make the health count down) to force artificial quarter feeding. They can be 1cc'd, but stupid mechanics make it more difficult than it should be.

Violent Storm is the only good Konami beatemup.

P.S. SNES port? Fuck you.

>> No.7890872

Eh I played a ton of US metamorphic force and it's honestly not that bad, your health drops with time but you can also go over the max health threshold, there are plenty of items and desperation moves seem to draw less health.

>> No.7890874

None of these are true classics anon.
I've heard better supermarket music

>> No.7890878

Mentioning gay bars says something more about yourself than anyone else bruh

>> No.7890883

Yeah, it's certainly possible to 1cc. It's just filled with stupid shit to make it artificially difficult. Might as well just randomly disconnect your controls for 2 seconds while it's at it.

>> No.7891315

The point is they're well-known. Some of them are known even by non-gamers. Can you post 10 equally recognizable Sega songs that aren't from Sonic?

>> No.7891325

I don't know any of those except the one that's from an arcade gsme

>> No.7891335

you are by far and away the worst liar on this board.

>> No.7891337

You must not know much then. These songs are famous. The FFIV battle theme was mentioned in a Hollywood movie and apparently the Earthbound soundtrack (I think it was Sanctuary Guardian in particular) became a TikTok meme a couple years back.

>> No.7891358

appears to be joel's desktop stripper story run through google translate and a wood chipper

>> No.7891520
File: 13 KB, 512x448, tmnt2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember the throwing and slamming to the sides being really overpowered to the point it kinda ruined the rest of the moveset.
I had more fun with its predecessor.

>> No.7891741

They are. Slamming, primarily. It meant:

- Instant death to the enemy;
- Instant death to any other opposition touched by the enemy being slammed;
- Slamming doesn't finish quickly, raising the chance of it touching other enemies;
- You are invincible during it;
- At the end, you are awarded with more points toward gaining an extra life than finishing the opponent normally.

Wow! Quite a list of advantages. I still like it though.

>> No.7892589

As usual, Manhattan Project remains forgotten.