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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7887287 No.7887287 [Reply] [Original]

People really paid $100+ for brand new N64 games back in the day.

>> No.7887293

People still pay $100 or more for retro games today, zoomie

>> No.7887298

No wonder they cling so hard to the same 5 games everybody had, they brainwashed themselves into thinking those are the best game of all time to justify the ripoff.

>> No.7887302

so the price of the 3DO in its day was OK because eventually it goes for above that?

>> No.7887327

In the US? Maybe only if you adjust for inflation. US N64 games usually cost in the $60 to $80 range at launch.

>> No.7887340

Doubt it. Many people who weren't even alive back in 1996 are now paying prices higher than orginal mrsp.
And speaking of brainwashed fanboys, you are also one. Maybe not of N64 but probably some other console, which is why you feel the need to shitpost fanboy stuff here

>> No.7887369

First party Nintendo games are worth every penny.

>> No.7887371

I thought they were like 60 dollars.

>> No.7887382

Games retailed at $79.99. The only $90 game I ever saw was Perfect Dark

>> No.7887389

you could say that about all consoles that generation outside of Playstation, faggot.

>> No.7887392

Maybe in the USA. In based Europe people used euros instead.

>> No.7887395

I rented or bought used.

>> No.7887401

Jesus fucking Christ, did you go "no u" on every damn N64 thread on the board? Take a break.

>> No.7887403

I'm surprised he didn't go on a tangent talking about how OoT is the most influential video game ever.

>> No.7887413

I'd pay $100 dollars for her to glaze my face like a donut.

>> No.7887424

I never remember any game costing triple digits at any point when it was new.

>> No.7887427

Nah, it's you being obsessed with the n64, probably had other people call you out on your fanboyism in other threads. This was the only n64-related thread I checked, and mostly because OP's zoomer thoughts were funny
Nice samefag

>> No.7887429

I never saw a game above 59.99. 100$+ is bullshit

>> No.7887431
File: 25 KB, 1302x134, screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh lawl, again accusing everybody else of being a samefag. it's you really

>> No.7887440

I don't know what other people you argued with but it's evident you waste time on threads about consoles you don't like. Definition of rent free
>Using screenshot as a response to samefag

>> No.7887453

I remember them being 60 or 70 at most back in 97/98 here in the US.

>> No.7887454

>I don't know what other people you argued with but it's evident you waste time on threads about consoles you don't like. Definition of rent free
Nah, you're always there defending N64's honor using the same arguments, so much that anons start recognizing your style
>Using screenshot as a response to samefag
educate me on a better way to show you're wrong. I replied pretty quickly after your post and I had to solve a captcha, maybe you can edit screenshots that fast but I can't.

>> No.7887469

In fact, games have always been 50-60 dollars.

>> No.7887472
File: 35 KB, 500x386, 1504315903117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what ultimately doomed the cartridge, as games required more and more storage the cost became prohibitive past a certain point.

And it's a shame because cartridges had way more SOVL than discs or downloads but I don't know if there was any way for them to sustain their usefulness past the N64 era except for portable stuff.

>> No.7887476

What writing style? Where am I defending the n64? I'm simply pointing out you waste time on fanboy wars, which you evidently do as you confirmed you've been shitposting in other n64 threads and even think everyone who replies to you is the same person.
As for samefag, maybe lurk more but there's not really any way to prove it. Editing it with inspect element is super fast and easy.

>> No.7887534

No they didn't fuck off

>> No.7887537

That sounds like Canuckbucks, though.

>> No.7887538

PS1 games were $39.99

>> No.7887542

I remember saving up $65 for donkey Kong 64. It cost more because of the rumble pack. Pretty sure games were normally 50/60$ max

>> No.7887557

I find it extremely hard to believe that PS1 games were $40 and N64 games were $100 in the US.

Here in Ireland brand new PS1 games were IRE£40 while brand new N64 games were IRE£60, though some 3rd party titles started at IRE£50 or less. It was annoying, but with N64 games you knew you were getting a cutting-edge game and proper 3d graphics which cannot be said for any PS1 game.

>> No.7887559

PS1 games were $40, and greatest hits games were half priced at $20. This is why the system sold so well

>> No.7887568

am I the only one who remembers Turok costing an eye? I am europeen btw

>> No.7887570

they really were
and the greatest hits were half that price dude

>> No.7887595


>> No.7887768
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ITT: Dumb niggers who can't remember prices and zooms.

>> No.7887789

The carts I remember buying were about $40-60 which is about the same price as 360 games, the last console I ever bought for in a store.

Different stores had different prices of course, Toys R Us wasn't the only store that sold games. It was about $50 on average to buy new n64 boxed games at the rental place I went to.

>> No.7887925
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> People still pay $100 or more for retro games today

>> No.7888664

In the US, most PS1 games were around $50 at launch, and most N64 games were around $60. There was a little variance higher and lower but nothing approaching $100.

>> No.7889041

>People really paid $100+ for brand new N64 games back in the day.
No, they didn't.

>> No.7889079

I remember it being $80 around launch, there was a chip shortage. Then it went to $60, then to $50.

>> No.7889626

No, they didn't.

>> No.7889639
File: 15 KB, 300x267, Doctor_V64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did they?

>> No.7889679

Not in 1997

>> No.7889686
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IIRC the most expensive N64 game was Hey You, Pikachu! and even that only went for $80, due to the VRU and shitty mic being bundled in.

>> No.7889754

I think the most I ever paid for an N64 game was Star Fox 64 because it came with the rumble pak.

>> No.7889757

fake newa

>> No.7889910

Which is still high even without accounting for inflation.

>> No.7890085
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Now they pay at least twice that amount for used ones.

>> No.7890141

>Doom for 74.99
That's 121dollars if we assume that this was in the last year of the 90s.

>> No.7890143

I just paid $70 for a loose copy of Earthworm Jim 3D :^)

>> No.7890147

I paid $10 for Gretzky when it went on clearance

>> No.7890151

that was a bad purchase

>> No.7890179

New copies of this were in the clearance bin by the end of 2001. I grabbed one for myself and one for my sister at $15 apiece.

>> No.7890204

And now people pay $100+ for used N64 games.

>> No.7890321

They really hold their value don't they

>> No.7890335

Except those annual sports games of yours

>> No.7890387


as loathsome of a woman as there is.

>> No.7890392

That's the price you pay for being at the very forefront of cutting edge 3D game design (that or pay well over 1000 dollars for the crap PC ports or PC exclusives of the time)
seethe Segalet

>> No.7890397

I only remember paying for $60 max and that was only for premium games like OOT.

>> No.7890402

Maybe in dumbass Canadian dollars.

>> No.7890579

This. N64 games were pretty standard priced at $59.99 vs $49.99 for PlayStation games here in the U.S.

>> No.7891980
File: 118 KB, 307x459, rampage eat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just rented them from Blockbuster

>> No.7892368

>get accused of saying no u
>says nah it's you at the start of his argument

Fucking fool

>> No.7892378 [DELETED] 

it's definitely you.

>> No.7892382 [DELETED] 

there are only 6 variations of gameplay. all games are remixes of varying complexity.

>> No.7893056

This. You could get ex-rentals for a pretty good price as well. I remember my local game store (Game Mania, kinda like a European Gamestop) had a rental section, a second hand section and a new games section.

I went to this store pretty much everyday because I knew that every once in a while they cleared out the rental section and put these games in the second hand section.

I got a lot of awesome Gameboy Advance games at a good price in this way. Final Fantasy Tactics, Mario Kart, Mario Golf, Harvest Moon, ... al at around 20€. These were about 50€ new each.

Second hand disc games were shit because the discs always got scratched, but the cartridges were robust enough for this to be a good deal.

>> No.7893880

It clearly says 97 on the sports games lol so its $125

>> No.7893937

If you're in the US than you're a fag liar. I got my 64 in 96' when I was in 8th grade and I never paid more than 60 plus tax for a game ever.

>> No.7893953

Sup samefag

>> No.7893974

She looks like she stinks.

>> No.7894002

People are so retarded with inflation calculators. They only tell you the buying power of what that money could buy relative to other products today. But $50 is $50, that doesn't change. A kid in the 90s working the same hours as you and making the same money as you would still spend the same money you spend on new games. You're just getting fucked harder because all your other living expenses are higher.

>> No.7894070

No u

>> No.7894324

Most expensive game I remember was Final Fantasy II(IV) for $60 in 1990 and I wound up buying it for $20 a few years later in a bargain bin.

>> No.7894350
File: 573 KB, 618x410, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As yuropoor I paid even more to import

>> No.7894372

>Games stayed the same price but everything else got more expensive

>> No.7895205

I think he is adjusting for cuckflation. The highest priced game I'd seen was a Romance of the Three Kingdoms game for SNES and it was 89.99 brand new at Toys R Us.

>> No.7895232

it makes me so uncomfortable to see an arthoe in the /vr/ catalog. This board was meant to be comfy

>> No.7895259

She's fucking retarded. I hope she enjoys wasting her best years in prison.

>> No.7895308

Cool kids bought copiers.

>> No.7895334

Pokemon Stadium was over $100 when it came out because of the transfer pak.

>> No.7895335

It's okay, there were like 15 must-buys tops. Not so bad, considering that.

>> No.7895968


>> No.7896006

>In based Europe people used euros instead.
In 1998? Certainly not, retard.
That said, the most expensive N64 games in my country cost like 75-80 dollars depending on the rate.

>> No.7896015

Euro is a shit currency with no history and no soul.

>> No.7896016

>the root of all evil

>> No.7896024

>what's inflation
You can't be this stupid.

>> No.7896171

oops :')))

>> No.7896190

I never paid more than 60 for an N64 game

>> No.7896195

I remember PS games were generally $39.99

>> No.7896285

>what's cope

>> No.7896360

how to marry her

>> No.7896364

write her a letter and wait if she reads it in prison

>> No.7896560

>wasting her best years

already did

>> No.7896572

UK here, im sure they were about £30-£40 here so $50 seems right.

>> No.7896594

I remember she was an Antifa chick who was burning buildings down but I forgot if it was for the Floyd riots or something else.

>> No.7896662
File: 271 KB, 1125x984, 8F310090-BEBA-478F-8AFA-B52CC4E3DF58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw whats your local cost of McChicken? Its $2.34 up here in Redmond. I miss having a dollar menu

>> No.7896778

Maybe for some. Pretty sure all high profile new releases were $49.99.

>> No.7896780

i did not. but did you have sex with pic related, anon?

>> No.7896806

>what ultimately doomed the cartridge, as games required more and more storage the cost became prohibitive past a certain point.

Good thing GBA/NDS/3DS/Switch did not use carts!!

>> No.7896812
File: 19 KB, 460x259, CFF897E3-520B-480B-968D-81625E31F6EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yikes, is this really the same person?

>> No.7896943

No. This is flat out wrong unless you're outside the US. I actually grew up during this era, unlike you zoomie.
Games were $50-70 depending on where you went. I got Ocarina of time Gold Cart the day it dropped at Funco Land in Northern Virginia for $40 after trading in Quest 64 for store credit. Without credit, it was $60. Majora's Mask, with preorder discount, was $50.
SNES games ran anywhere from $40-90 a game, depending on which studio released the game, and how intense the game was graphically. Since companies like Enix would add additional hardware to boards in order to go above and beyond what the console alone could do.
For instance, I got Contra 3 and Gradius 3 the day they dropped, big fan of each franchise. Both were $40 games. Meanwhile Super Mario RPG was fucking $90 so I passed on it in order to put money towards an N64.

>> No.7897130

WWF WARZONE was $120 in Canada lol.

>> No.7897134

Inflation nigga

>> No.7897167

Inflation is confusing to me. Games were $50 to $60 back then and they’re still that price now.

>> No.7897201

manufacturing processes have become cheaper and games sell more copies.

>> No.7897341

rofl no wonder my n64 friends only ever had a tiny handful of games. Those prices are highway robbery.

>> No.7897357

also ninty games never ever go on sale

>> No.7897476

>People really paid $100+ for brand new N64 games back in the day.
Poor people seriously make me laugh.

>> No.7898670

i think it's about $2 here in central north carolina

>> No.7898674

they're $70 now

>> No.7898723
File: 129 KB, 828x471, 3B622DEE-844F-4264-A236-F1355DE8C886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say what!?

>> No.7898746

I think it’s more that digital distribution has largely taken over.

>> No.7899232
