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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7885792 No.7885792 [Reply] [Original]

I have up to $1000 to spend on one of these meme screens. What's the best model I should look for? I don't care if it's Sony and I know most people say it's a bad idea to get one of these small overpriced CRTs but it's just for fun and it's a small amount of my disposable income, so what should I get?

>> No.7885806

True soul

>> No.7885829

20L5 or 14L5

>> No.7886125

I think I would have more fun lighting $1000 on fire than playing any vidya on something like that.

>> No.7886165
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>> No.7886246

If you have $1000 burning a hole in your pocket why are you spending it on a new autismbox lmao

>> No.7886346

I got a PVM but I find it to be way too clean for certain games. I end up using my shitty coaxial consumer CRT way more.

>> No.7886352

Dude. Tv tech here. You can get one of those for $50 on industry surplus.

>> No.7886354

(Btw, that’s with waveform and vectorscope)

>> No.7886361
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>You can get one of those for $50 on industry surplus.
Scalpers already cleared them out 5 years ago.

>> No.7886370

Dont do it OP, they're scalped to hell and not even worth it.
Just find a PC crt. It does everything you need for less than $50.

>> No.7886384

Man what the fuck, you would literally never spend that much on used electronics and bought from a random unscrupulous person too... It's literally a scam on eBay where you 'sell' items to yourself or a friend when no money changes place and people checking sold listings think things can be legitimately sold for much more than in reality.

>> No.7886449

This is the only real answer in this thread. Unfortunately $1000 bones wont get you a 20L5 anymore, last they were at that price was like 2018/19. Now you’d be lucky to find a 14L5 for $1000.
I say anything other than a multi format crt for $1000 is a bad buy, don’t buy a 20L4/14L4 or 20M4U/14M4U or older.
At that rate I say just go late model consumer like the JVC D/iArt series, Toshiba A/AF series, Mitsubishi Diamond, or consumer Sony Trinitrons for close to nothing. If you pay more than $50 to get someone’s heavy ass TV out of their house, you’re getting cucked.

>> No.7886760

5" PVMs are useless for gaming and TV stations had them by the hundreds; they're still very much available.

>> No.7886772
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My tax dollars at work

>> No.7886775 [DELETED] 


>> No.7886795

Don’t fall for the meme. Find a consumer trini for free on Craigslist

>> No.7886816

>paying taxes

>> No.7886874
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We can't all be NEET weebs

>> No.7886952
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>feeding the scalpers

>> No.7886973
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those things suck for old games, though if you want to do mastering knock yourself out. For most games, you want some decent mid-end consumer tube like the D-Series. And you can probably get those for free, I found 2 for free about 10 minutes away from me just by patiently watching craigslist for a week.

>> No.7886980
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>> No.7887703

>spending a grand on a screen barely wider than a mailbox

>> No.7887896

Do you know how to setup pvm? there’s a lot low in soifags don’t know how to use one lmao

>> No.7887916
File: 52 KB, 1200x900, ttewvwef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think about this CRT I just saw online? Pretty cheap, boomer doesn't want it anymore. Found the manual.
Seems to have component.

>> No.7887946

RGB is supremely overrated. Any consumer grade crt looks 1000x better than an LCD for retro gaming, and you can grab one for under £20 locally. Don't buy the meme. Another option is to get a really nice CRT PC monitor and emulate.

>> No.7887959

Buy it.

>> No.7888320

The only reason you want to spend that much money on these monitors is because they're a fad and you want to feel like you're cool. If you're asking these questions then you likely don't even know how to do maintenance on CRTs which is something you'll have to do as these things are so old.
If you really wanna blow that much money on a monitor then get an OLED so you can at least have something good for watching movies and playing newer games, PVMs aren't authentic either so you may as well go all the way. Not that I think that's a great investment either, just get an ordinary CRT from craigslist or something.

>> No.7888532

meme screen.
I've worked at a TV production company and we've sold 10 of those screens in 2011. We only managed to sell 3 of those for only like 25 euros each. nobody wanted to have one and they were on eBay for ages. so I'm wondering why they would go for a lot now, i didn't manage to sell them all and the ones I've sold was for dirt cheap. in the end we threw them away.

>> No.7888559

> i didn't manage to sell them all and the ones I've sold was for dirt cheap
That's pretty much why they got popular - they were great CRTs for cheap. Paying hundreds for them is just defeating the reason for getting them.

>> No.7888648

All the people that are criticizing you in this thread just want one even more than you, but are too lazy to work hard for it so they just call you a fag for wanting one too but having the ability to get one. In their minds, they think attempting to make people feel bad for enjoying PVM's will lower the demand for them and increase their chances of getting one themselves.

>> No.7888682

so why does OP need 1k USD???

>> No.7888831

Because e-celebs made them even more popular and people realized they can profit off the increased demand. $1k is the extreme end, but they do tend to go for at least a couple hundred, and quite a bit more than that if you want a size that you'd actually wanna play on.

>> No.7888913

>in the end we threw them away.

>> No.7889082

the contrast of these posts lol
the first one is right though, pvms were amazing since they were cheap as fuck and looked great and there was a huge surplus of them, turning them into some luxury item is fucking ridiculous

>> No.7889089

>turning them into some luxury item is fucking ridiculous
i should add that this is the case for all crts outside of the ones that were extremely high-end at the time, i used to live in a squat that had literally hundreds of them that we'd use for video sculpture shit to amuse idiots at raves

>> No.7889101

this; if we were talking new old stock, that's one thing, but a tube that's seen tens of thousands of hours of use? fuck right off with that bullshit

>> No.7889108

I have a 14L5, 14M2, 20L2.
My advice for you: Don't go lower than 13"/14". Try to find a cheap consumer tv if you can. If you're going to be playing 2D games, geometry is everything anyway. However the pvms are more adjustable and more reliable which I think makes them worth the money.
I like the M series pvms the best, the L series is not as solid. Save money for cables. If you get a medical series pvm they tend to have 2x rgb/component. Think about what audio you will use, mono is not good. At least get some pc speakers and an adapter.

>> No.7889157
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Are there any that can display 480p at an acceptable quality?

>> No.7889187


>> No.7889248
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Can't even find a listing on ebay, it's really that rare huh?

>> No.7889429


nobody wanted to have one. not a single person. we couldn't get rid of them in 7 months and we needed the space.
sure that's how companies work.
hold onto worthless trash literally nobody wants when you actually need that space.

>> No.7889492

There were a shitload of em on ebay a few years ago.

>> No.7889884

Now days yeah and it's smaller brother the 14L5. You could also try finding the NEC XM29 or XP29, but those are even harder to find. There's also the BVM D and A series which can also do 240p-1080i, but those are even pricier.

>> No.7890097
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I used to have 2 20 inch pvms, but sold them because I preferred the look on consumer sets more. I still have a 20 inch Ikegami, but it has a discoloration that degaussing doesn't fix. After having a shitload of crts, the best one I've found is a 27 inch Phillips hospitality monitor with component input. The color on it is amazing, and I see people selling lots of these all the time.

>> No.7890108
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>> No.7891624

Faggot. Just pure faggot.

>> No.7891724

I agree on the size. I have an Ikegami TM20-17R and while OK for stuff like NES or MSX (and even SNES), it really was not ideal for 3D games. Once I got a 29" NEC, I very rarely use the smaller Ikegami at all. I don't remember what size I used as a kid during the early 3D era, but nowadays I really wouldn't want to play 3D games on anything smaller than 29".

>> No.7892250

years ago i bought an xm29 for a dollar and then traded it for a 20l5 a while later because i wanted something smaller. wish it was still that easy to get them.

>> No.7892251

>I have up to $1000 to spend on one of these meme screens.
hey buddy, are you fucking stupid?

>> No.7892257
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A good PC CRT can do so much more cool stuff than a 240p video monitor.

>> No.7892259

There was a somewhat popular YouTube video talking about the history of the sony trinitron. Since people privately are unlikely own one I guess people figure they are 'rare'.

>> No.7892998

>consider the following
>i say retarded things using words i don't know the meaning of
I knew that just from the pic faggot

>> No.7894124
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>> No.7894335

>tfw got a decent 14 inch pvm right before they became a giant meme
Feels pretty alright desu

>> No.7894390

I could buy 40 PvM's, doesnt make it any less retarded

>> No.7894501

I would probably trade my 20L5 for an XP/XM29. I think now days I’d take the larger size over the aperture grill any day.

>> No.7895003

fuck off jesus

>> No.7895093
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Or play 31khz / 480p games at native resolution.
There are so many great games that don't get enough attention from that era.

>> No.7895096
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No u.

Who wants a smelly old PVM to play Super Mario World? That's played out. But games from the nu-/vr/ era are still waiting to be rediscovered.

>> No.7895720

Another shitpost of random words you heard. Shocker.

>> No.7895730

>mech, dog, kyke