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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.09 MB, 704x698, 1605880835116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7885485 No.7885485 [Reply] [Original]

how did they manage to pack so much SOUL into one videogame

>> No.7885489

they started by making it shit

>> No.7885497

i played this at toys r us a few months before it came out and it MELTED my 7 year old brain.
it truly is one of the most soulful games in existence

>> No.7885528
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>> No.7885534 [DELETED] 

Because they put a lot of heart and effort into it. I'm glad they did, I enjoyed the fuck out of it.

t.Seething Nincel

>> No.7885535

This game is awful though
I've beaten it, and I like it enough for what it is
but one thing is for sure
it isn't good

>> No.7885580
File: 45 KB, 620x465, Sonic approve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Sonic, Dreamcast visuals (for 1999), beach scenes, and 90's band music is PURE kino. The controls are slippery, the audio levels are off, and there's random fishing minigames but that's how Sega was rolling at the time and I wouldn't have it any other way.

S O U L. We knew sonic was cool but this music was next level to me. Had an urban black kid jamming to Crush 40 on the way to school :')

Stage music was great too

>> No.7885602

I have reason to believe that Yuji Naka was potentially involved in child sacrifice and blood occultism, which also contributed to the Dreamcast. I had a Japanese friend in college who talked about his Uncle who worked at Sega. I met the Uncle once, and at one point I was having a smoke just me and him outside. He seem troubled and asked if I could keep a secret.
Apparently he had been at Sega for a long time, and they took the fate of the Saturn pretty hard, what with it being their only real success at home while bankrupting them abroad. He told me about seeing a pile of 32X consoles broken into pieces and a few Sega Saturn a on top, but they were covered in what he thought was possible faulty CPU board acid but came to realize later was blood. When he went back to the room where the pile was it was gone, but he could still see a small pentagram carved in the ceiling. Said Yuji Naka really related some "dark stuff" with the reason for Chao existing in the games.
He didn't tell me much after that, his English was sort of bad. My friend told me a couple months later about having to return home to Japan for a little bit, and turns out his uncle committed suicide. Weird but I've never been able to play Dreamcast games after that

>> No.7885702
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>> No.7885764

I get it, "Soul" like "Ghost" because you phase through walls and floors so much. Nice one OP.

>> No.7885860

>so much
did you even play the game

>> No.7886117

Blue skies. Literally just bring back blue skies in gaming.

>> No.7886134 [DELETED] 

tranny detected

>> No.7886181


But sonicfans don't seem to realize that. Go on.

>> No.7886212

>replayed this game recently
>that fucking dialogue writing
This game really was made for kiddies first game with a story. Least there's a couple cute lolis around.

>> No.7886219


>> No.7886261
File: 119 KB, 320x240, 320px-SADX_GC_title.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait, where did all the SOUL go?

>> No.7886264

Cursed edition.

This, so much this

>> No.7886426

Only if you play the godawful DX version, get the BetterDX patch if you actually care

>> No.7886487

,wt,f is this real??

>> No.7886494
File: 381 KB, 1920x1080, 20210619195547_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time to go fishin' and chew bubble gum... and I'm all outta gum.

>> No.7886532

Didn’t ask

>> No.7886563 [DELETED] 

The only actual good sonic game is generations and it’s not retro, it’s so good in fact that sonic fans hate it

>> No.7886565

Mate the DC version has the same clipping issues, it does look better though because of the lighting

>> No.7886842

The only people who hate Sonic Generations are those who prefer late 90’s Sonic to early 90’s Sonic.

>> No.7887685

It was originally going to be an RPG. Probably play sort of like panzer dragoon sagas with its semi real time battle

>> No.7887704 [DELETED] 
File: 53 KB, 768x448, msh-I dont date social justice incels with gender pronouns on their twitter profile..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the game was so "awful", you wouldn't even tried finishing the game. That's like claiming you played Wolverine Adamantium Rage on the Sega Genesis all the way through, despite how awful it is and how impossible the game is to beat without a game genie.

False. I'm against tranny's. Try again, Nincel.

>> No.7887724 [DELETED] 
File: 423 KB, 752x490, Kitana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuckin lol where do these images come from? I have one too.

>> No.7887750 [DELETED] 

>People don't force themselves to finish bad games

>> No.7887753 [DELETED] 
File: 246 KB, 752x490, mk2-Likes... Tough masculine men Hates... Social Justice Incels hipsters Pansies basement dwellers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure. I found them on 4chan.

>> No.7887761 [DELETED] 

It's true, people don't force themselves to do anything they don't want to do. I still haven't finished Batman Forever for the Genesis or the SNES because of how bad it is. Not worth my time.

>> No.7887848

When I played this game as a kid I thought it was shitty and glitchy but in a way that worked that made me want to play more

>> No.7887981


is that you Miles?

>> No.7888624

Is SOUL just the absence of polish? If this game's dogshit scenes had been properly edited, the gameplay properly programmed and the levels properly designed, would it be called SOULLESS?

>> No.7888645

Blue skies, clear tropical waters, and pre-9/11 optimism.

>> No.7888670

i adore the game in general, but specifically the icecap snowboarding sequence blew me away on my first playthrough with some insanely good stage music, probably my favorite instrumental track in the entire game. might just replay icecap right now

>> No.7888676

this shit ruined sonic
as a character and series
why do you fags love it so much?
just look at that edgy asshole on the cover. how can you like him?

the game has 1 good moment and that's the fat whale jumping. oh wow... what a joke game

>> No.7888703

Nah sorry


>> No.7888707

This. People forget how stale the series had become due to Sega cranking them out every year. Sonic Adventure may be a bit of a mixed bag but man did that first beach level sell a lot of people on the Dreamcast.

>> No.7888716

Sonic Adventure is a colossal fucking disappointment and everyone that likes Mario 64 but fucking bad edition has shit for brains.
I bought the game when I was 10. Don't even @ me with your nostalgia / zoomzoom non arguments.

>> No.7888729

I was 16 and got my Dreamcast on 9/9/99 from Electronics Boutique. My friends and I all enjoyed it so eat shit, zoomer.

>> No.7888732

I'm assuming that guy thinks the previous sonic game was the hit Sonic & Knuckles in 1994.
If he saw Sonic Blast, Sonic 3D Blast, Sonic R, Knuckles' Chaotix, Sonic Jam, and the canceled Sonic Xtreme, he would know that Sonic went a long time without a system-moving title.

>> No.7888737

genuinely based

>> No.7888743 [DELETED] 

>If the game was so "awful", you wouldn't even tried finishing the game

>> No.7888768

>cranking them out every year

nigga are you retarded? sonic isn't FIFA. the Saturn didn't have a full feature sonic game. so it was an entire sega generation WITHOUT a mainline sonic game so I don't even know what you are talking about. oh right you know shit.

also sonic 1-3 are amazing games but unlike Mario sonic failed to transition to 3d games.

>> No.7888779

>sonic failed to transition to 3d games
Selling millions of copies of 3D Sonic games means they failed? What?

>> No.7888792

Like >>7888732 said, they also cranked out a ton of diminishing returns spin-offs on the Genesis in addition to the mainline Sonic titles in a short few years.

>> No.7888825

this nigga jealous of carthage

>> No.7888964

I think the game felt and still feels really positive in tone, and that comes through in every aspect of the game. The colourful graphics, the upbeat music, the experiments around gameplay styles and variety all lend themselves to a game that feels like the developers really were trying new things and were trying to make something just plain fun.
Some stuff didn't work out, but it feels very genuine in it's intent to give the player lots of variety and things to discover. I personally enjoyed the fishing mini-games as a kid, it just felt like something I hadn't played before and was new and interesting.

>> No.7889227 [DELETED] 

Based schizo

>> No.7889274 [DELETED] 

Yes, you are bullshitting.

>> No.7889275 [DELETED] 

Yes, you are a smug faggot

>> No.7889278 [DELETED] 

>a smug faggot
Is what you are.

>> No.7889404


>> No.7889428

The same way I packed so much SOUL into the toilet this morning.

>> No.7890887
File: 97 KB, 415x604, 1605061676061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pre-9/11 optimism.
9/11 is the real retro cutoff

>> No.7890905

That guy has blood pressure problems.

>> No.7890907
File: 237 KB, 859x1155, 9af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing this intro for the first time was a religious experience

>> No.7890990
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>something's biting!

>> No.7891024

It was going to be the first real 3D Sonic and one of the first game in SEGA's brand new console. They were ambitious and knew they were for something big, so it's clear the team spirit was very optimistic and hopeful, and that a lot of that was put in the game despite its many flaws.

>> No.7892553

The music still had the classic genesis feel to it.


>> No.7892682

Because the Classic Sonic stages in that game are fun platforming, whereas the Newer Sonic stages are "Hold forward and occasionally use the homing attack to win?"

>> No.7892683

So either people are baiting or we've come around to a full-on dystopian contrarian nightmare.
This game is universally considered as a janky, buggy, piece of shit by anyone who doesn't have insane amounts of nostalgia. The only thing this game accomplished is setting the bar extremely fucking low for mainstream AAA games during its generation. If it hadn't been such a steaming pile of shit, Sega might still have made another console after the dreamcast . Please tell me a lot of you are trolling and don't actually like this game.

>> No.7892717

have you ever actually played it?

>> No.7892718


>> No.7892726

The original was nowhere near as buggy as you remember it, DX soiled SA's reputation thanks to poor porting and unfortunately it was the one a lot of people experienced.

>> No.7892735

Bullshit. It is in my top 20 beat video games. Its underrated

>> No.7892785

>This game is universally considered as a janky, buggy, piece of shit by anyone who doesn't have insane amounts of nostalgia.
I already liked the game when it was released in the late 90s, despite noticing the many flaws it had (which were not near as much as the DX edition released later). In my case, there is no revisionism, in fact, I was surprised how the game was almost universally hated after browsing the internet around the early 2000s.

>> No.7892793

Even back then, the internet hated change. POLYGONS = BAD was the default for a lot of Sonic fans. It wasn't until the babbys who grew up on Sonic Adventure became older that the post-Genesis games got a hardcore fanbase.

>> No.7892795

Not true. SA was well received by contemporary reviewers upon release. I’ll grant you that it’s a bit of a mixed bag playing as multiple characters and probably should’ve just been Sonic the whole way through.

>> No.7892865

Sonic's story had some of the worst levels. In fact, every character other than Big has better gameplay than Sonic.

>> No.7892872

Yes. The first time I played was in a display/demo unit somewhere for the dreamcast. Can't remember if it was a target or walmart or some other place. Have tried it several times over the years.

Ok so what are you fags contrarians or sanic autists?

>SA was well received by contemporary reviewers upon release.
Ok but it was the first 3d Sonic game and it had generated a lot of hype because Sega marketed the shit out of it, and paid off journalists. Pretty much everyone saw what a shitty game it really was once the dust settled.

>> No.7892878
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>> No.7892882

>Even back then, the internet hated change. POLYGONS = BAD was the default for a lot of Sonic fans.
It's funny because one of the symptoms of autism is dreading significant change.

>> No.7892887

nothing personnel kid.

>> No.7892905 [DELETED] 

>le worst sanic game is ackshually good
This thread is peak contrarianism.

>> No.7892923 [DELETED] 

If Chris-Chan is anything to go on, there's a significant portion of the Sonic fanbase that is absolutely riddled with autism.

>> No.7892931 [DELETED] 

>1 person = significant portion
we all know the sonic fanbase is massively autistic, but your logic is retarded.

>> No.7892934 [DELETED] 

Shut the fuck up, Chris.

>> No.7892936 [DELETED] 

why the hell would I be chris-chan?
is your brain seriously dysfunctional or are you merely pretending?

>> No.7892937

Check the reviews.

As the first fully 3D Sonic platform game, Sonic Adventure was highly anticipated.[6][22] It received critical acclaim,[4]:143[57] and Computer and Video Games (CVG) called it one of the greatest video games of all time

>> No.7892938 [DELETED] 

You know, another symptom of autism is taking everything too literally, kind of like you just did. The anon you replied too was obviously just making a tongue-in-cheek comment yet you assumed he was being completely serious.

>> No.7892942 [DELETED] 

tongue-in-cheek comments are supposed to be funny, or at least make an attempt. there was no joke.

>> No.7892943

>reviews from 20 years ago
Okay bud. I bet if I looked I would also find some old reviews saying the first Tomb Raider had amazing graphics or that the Genesis had great audio specs. It doesn't mean that was actually the case.

>> No.7892945 [DELETED] 

On top of that what is the big deal about someone being autistic on here? A lot of billionaires Like Bill Gates, Elon Musk, And Mark Zuckerburg have autism.

>> No.7892946 [DELETED] 

You're taking a joke comment too literal again. Have you been properly diagnosed yet? If not you I suggest you at least talk to your primary care provider.

>> No.7892948 [DELETED] 

>there was no joke
Bad news, chico. Being unable to detect humor is a beacon of the 'tism.

>> No.7892951 [DELETED] 

if a joke doesn't make sense as a joke, what you say isn't going to be read as a joke, autism or otherwise.

>> No.7892952 [DELETED] 

literally none of the people you mentioned have autism.
Bill Gates is just a nerd. Musk is an incel attention whore and Zuckerberg is an actual lizard person.

>> No.7892953

Why does it natter how old the reviews are? You cant really compare a game that old to a PS5 or Xbox one game. Like comparing a 1967 Mustang to a Bugatti Chiron

>> No.7892954

Car goes "vroom," video games go "play." People will oversimplify anything to get a point across.

>> No.7892958 [DELETED] 

you found it funny, then.

>> No.7892960 [DELETED] 

Do you research all are on the spectrum.

>> No.7892961 [DELETED] 

Explaining jokes to an autist is like describing a painting to a blind person.

>> No.7892962 [DELETED] 

Your point doesnt make sense. Maybe you should go to /v/ if you dislike retro games.

>> No.7892967 [DELETED] 

Never said I disliked retro games, I said that people will oversimplify anything to get a point across.

>> No.7892971 [DELETED] 


Go back and read what you wrote.

>reviews from 20 years ago

Why would the age of a review matter when we are on a retro board?

>> No.7892975 [DELETED] 

I don’t think you understand how autism works. There is low and high functional autism.

>> No.7892981 [DELETED] 

I didn't write that, though. That was another anon.

>> No.7892984

>Why does it natter how old the reviews are?
Because a truly good game will withstand the test of time. This isn't even my opinion this is a fact that you can actually prove experimentally. Make any zoomer you know play SMB3 on the original hardware and on a CRT. The game will still look good, the sound will still be perfect, the gameplay and so on. Even someone who isn't playing that game out of nostalgia will still have a good time and will acknowledge what an obvious great game it is.
The same can't be said about a buggy steaming pile of shit like Sonic Adventure. You're lucky if you can get anyone to play past the first level in 2021. The graphics (which weren't that great even for its time) have aged terribly, sound design + music is shit, and dialogue is retardedly corny even for a kids game. Like I said before, these things weren't that evident back then because people were hyping the shit out of this game.

>> No.7892989

The only real fondly shared memory of Sonic Adventure always seems to be "DUDE WHALE LMAO" but never extends far beyond that.

>> No.7893001

>You cant really compare a game that old to a PS5 or Xbox one game
I agree, no good reviewer would do this. What you can do though, is compare it other games of its era. There are way better games than Sonic Adventure just on the Dreamcast alone.

>> No.7893008
File: 374 KB, 1920x1080, 20210620153510_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing wrong with it is the awful fucking camera getting stuck on everything.

Oh and Big. Fuck that guy.

>> No.7893015

lol I had no issues with the camera in the Dreamcast version. You must be playing DX

>> No.7893968 [DELETED] 

Let me guess a nintentard?

>> No.7894169 [DELETED] 

because you can knife to the side like a jank missile which makes people instantly put down the controller. it's a bad game people tolerate to see more of, but I and many others will simply never play again.

>> No.7894264 [DELETED] 

You mean a Nintenchad ?

>> No.7894267

The camera is bad in both versions.

>> No.7894325

You need to stop lying. I have played this game at least several times a year since launch including the DX version and I have never experienced a single negative thing with the controls.

>> No.7894464 [DELETED] 

>how did they manage to pack so much AUTISM into one videogame

>> No.7894507

cool story bro but why did you reply to everyone

>> No.7894557

Your autism is showing. I just replied to the people who are speaking positively about this shit game.

>> No.7894559 [DELETED] 


>> No.7894561

Says the sperging autist who took the effort to tag all the anons in his post. Just becuase you don't like it doesn't make it shit

>> No.7894570

3D sonic is trash

>> No.7894584

Sorry I take that back 3d blast is good. Adventure is still shit. And "adventure battle 2" is responsible for a generation of fur fags, my friend was obsessed with that game and became a brony faggot.

>> No.7894713 [DELETED] 

Keep seething. You are the autistic one here, liking Sonic automatically makes you an autist.

>> No.7894726 [DELETED] 

that thread you linked is just you sperging out about "nincels" and saying how you need to be a furry to enjoy sonic. Then there is a guy literally admitting that he is a "weird autistic" person so he feels inclined to try the 3d sonic games even though he hasn't played them before.
I'm baffled as to why you would link to that thread. All it does is confirm the Sonic stereotypes.

>> No.7894728
File: 63 KB, 204x600, tumblr_7a3e29a29b98bdd61374055d4a0df53f_22db9ab5_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nostalgia is one hell of a drug.

>> No.7894734 [DELETED] 
File: 724 B, 246x184, 1507831368044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted a 9/11 meme lmao

>> No.7894804 [DELETED] 

I'm not even the anon you were dribbling at when you sperged out, have fun being mad knowing that people like this game

>> No.7895240 [DELETED] 

>spergs out because most people don't like Sonic
n-n-no people actually like this game!! you're a sperg

>> No.7895265 [DELETED] 

Most people don't like any video game anon. Sonic is one of the most popular franchises ever. Get a fucking grip.

>> No.7895393

imagine having a game whose entire concept was "how much content can we possibly fit into this" in current year?

>> No.7895394

I got it around the same time along with the harry potter books at the bookstore at the mall. Such a happy memory for me. God I'm miserable now.

>> No.7895396 [DELETED] 

>Most people don't like any video game anon.
>What is Minecraft
>what is Among Us
>what is Fortnite
try harder sonic autist.

>> No.7895401 [DELETED] 

>Sonic is one of the most popular franchises ever
HYPER KEK. It's not even the most popular franchise out of Sega, let alone "ever". Fucking delusional mate.

>> No.7895441 [DELETED] 

Can you faggots shut the hell up and just enjoy some Sonic Adventure kino?

>> No.7895452 [DELETED] 


>> No.7895454 [DELETED] 

Is this australia-troon?

>> No.7895457

There's 3045 Sonic characters

>> No.7895463 [DELETED] 

I know it's denial in the sonicfags part. They had their 15 minutes of fame back in the 90's. Now they're the laughingstock of the video game world.

>> No.7895464 [DELETED] 

There is no Sonic kino to enjoy you retard.

>> No.7895470
File: 169 KB, 736x949, IMG_6817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonic adventure is anti-soul. The redesigned art-style is vomit inducing cringe. Its souless corporate selling out and pandering to hip wannabe edgy urban MTV youths of yesterday who dont give a shit and move on to the next stupid tryhard nu-metal rap rock trend. This is why the dreamcast failed. Classic sonic is timeless.

>> No.7895483 [DELETED] 

let me guess green hill zone filtered you

>> No.7895486 [DELETED] 

Stop consuming soi

>> No.7895492 [DELETED] 


>> No.7895496 [DELETED] 

>Among Us
Video games. Most people don't play video games. Do you know any fucking grownups? Kid you need to be 18 to post here.

>> No.7895545
File: 1.14 MB, 1000x562, sonicadventure-masterhcft2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's soulful but not good.
I think I used to enjoy Sonic Adventure because of what it tried to be rather than what it actually was. The idea of a semi open world Sonic game with classic-styled levels interspersed still sounds really cool to me. The dichotomy presented between the past and present was also neat. Even the art direction, graphics, and world design are highlights to this day.
The actual game is really shallow and buggy. You're either just using the analog stick and A button or spamming the spin dash. It's not much fun when breaking the game is so easy. Even if you don't it's still just the most basic run-and-jump platformer accompanied by very linear level design. One of the levels is a literal road floating in the sky.
The glitches and bugs are really inexcusable.
Anyone who says the Dreamcast version is less buggy than the later ones is just parroting opinions they've never thought much about. Give me specific examples of DX bugs not found in the DC one. Aside from the loop one there are practically none. Even at the time I can't see how people could overlook the general unpolishedness.
I think that demonstrates how desperate people are for a good 3D Sonic game, that we have to settle for Sonic Adventure. If most 3D Sonic games were actually good SA would easily be considered the worst of its contenders.

>> No.7895648 [DELETED] 

>It's not soulful and not good.

Yeah I know a lot of sonic fans have it.

No one has ever said this. Sonic games aren't even difficult it's literally one of the easiest franchises ever, especially sonic adventures. You are retarded.

>> No.7895678 [DELETED] 

>he still at it
seek help

>> No.7895689

I miss the Dreamcast, bros. They need to make a Dreamcast 2 or I’m gonna have to get involved and set things straight at Sega HQ.

>> No.7895771 [DELETED] 

yeah sonic autism is strong

>> No.7895786

>Music is shit
That is highly debatable. There's quite a few catchy tracks that stick with me.

>> No.7895790 [DELETED] 

Zoom zoom, it was well-loved when it first came out

>> No.7895954 [DELETED] 

Lol he was very popular before you were around

>> No.7896924

These songs sound like shitty muzak jazz you'd hear while shopping at a Sear's or Macy's back in

>> No.7896932 [DELETED] 

>y-y-ou must like Sanic or you're a zoom-zoom!

Nice try, but I was born in 88. Your delusions that Sonic was somehow one of the "most popular franchises ever" won't work on me, maybe some zoomer who doesn't know any better will believe you.

>> No.7896998 [DELETED] 

you are not fooling anyone auster

>> No.7897005
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>> No.7897030

Retard. This game is universally loved and you're a dumb retard who played the 360 port of the DX port.

>> No.7897071
File: 2.15 MB, 1306x976, SA shots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7897087
File: 99 KB, 1024x936, 1608245079253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

peak sonic

>> No.7897092
File: 99 KB, 919x1024, c3465c1fd32014486825eecce007ac0ea1636ebe_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7897119 [DELETED] 

this is true, liars say their uncle worked at nintedo

>> No.7897220 [DELETED] 

Have you been properly diagnosed for autism?

>> No.7897230 [DELETED] 

>universally loved
A few autists and zoomers is not "universal". It's nothing compared to actual popular games from that era or the current era. Holy shit you sonicfags are delusional.

>> No.7897246 [DELETED] 

Amiga sucks

>> No.7897583

Holy soul. I don't think any new Sonic game can capture the aesthetics of this.

>> No.7897653 [DELETED] 

I'm almost 30 years old lol. Never seen a single person hate Sonic Adventure until the creator of MetalGearAwesome made it popular to hate

>> No.7897657 [DELETED] 

Man this blows mario 64 out of the water

>> No.7897793 [DELETED] 


>> No.7897802 [DELETED] 

Yeah you like to samefag

>> No.7897805 [DELETED] 

>I'm almost 30 years old lo
So you're a zoomer. and you were probably 5 when this game came out.
>Never seen a single person hate Sonic Adventure until the creator of MetalGearAwesome made it popular to hate
I don't even know what or who the fuck you are talking about. Also it's not "popular to hate", it's just a shit game that been forgotten by almost everyone except sonicautists.

>> No.7897814 [DELETED] 

euro pc games suck

>> No.7898561 [DELETED] 

Almost 10, you mean, because that's how math works.

>> No.7898819 [DELETED] 

You didn't say a specific number, dipshit. Man, these sonicfags are really something else.

>> No.7898821

S3&K is ludo.

>> No.7898826 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7898827

they fudge packed the soul straight through the dreamcasts shit canal, into your mouth. thats why you eat shit.

>> No.7898845 [DELETED] 

Not retro

>> No.7898848 [DELETED] 


>> No.7898862 [DELETED] 
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>"y-you only dislike sonic adventure because a youtuber shat on it"
wrong, retard; ive been shitting on that game since before youtube existed

>> No.7898997

Sonic Adventure 1 is fun, but man Sonic Adventure 2 is ass.

>> No.7899064

This, Sonic Adventure 2 is absolute slog to play through when 80% of the game is mediocre at best. Only Sonic seems to have the most thought put into level design and even then there are some terrible levels like Final Rush that lean into the rail meme way too hard. The Shadow stages suck cock for the most part and abuse rails even harder than Sonic does, it seems like the Dark story stages are overall weaker to the point where they feel rushed. The speed cap on the shoot em up stages makes them a chore to play through. Even the treasure hunting got shit on because some gook thought it'd be a great idea to fuck with pacing and have the emeralds spawn one at a time instead of having all three on the map like Adventure 1 did, and stages like Death Chamber and Egg Quarters and their linear interconnected hallway design completely go against the open ended design of treasure hunting and are annoying to play as a result. Adventure 2 was one step forward for presentation and two steps back for gameplay design.

>> No.7899071

SA1 looks better to me. More color, and better lighting

>> No.7899087
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Artstyle was also pretty whack, even though the character models where more technically impressive and the animations smoother they looked awful in a lot of scenes. I know Adventure 1 also had a lot of goofy facial animations but they generally looked cooler if that makes any sense.

>> No.7899106

This is one of the best games of all time. I dont even care about the bugs the game makes up for it by having tons of things to do like fishing and Chao racing.

>> No.7900810

It's kind of a tragedy they won't dare to put something like Big's story mode in a Sonic game ever again.

>> No.7901869 [DELETED] 


>> No.7901891

The dreamcast died because it was trying to compete with the PS2 despite having inferior hardware and less support.

>> No.7902035

I would unironically rather play through Big's story than SA2 mech or treasure hunting segments. How they fucked up a good formula so badly I'll never know.

>> No.7902050 [DELETED] 

>This is one of the best games of all time. I dont even care about the bugs
imagine being this retarded

>> No.7902060 [DELETED] 

>>I dont even care about the bugs
>imagine being this retarded
Not him but why should he? Calling SA the best game of all time is dubious but saying a game is bad because glitches exist is retarded. Modern AAA releases have a standard of quality for bug testing that is well below Sonic Adventure.

>> No.7902080 [DELETED] 

>hurr durrr hurrr contrarianism, ignore the broken shit, modern AAA, hurr durrrr

>> No.7902085


It wasn't really good gameplay wise but it did have a lot of soul. The gameplay wasn't the problem actually.. It was the bugs and glitches.

>> No.7902095

this guy was right what the fuck is going on? this game was and still is trash. it feels like janky garbage. I don't care if im "wrong". I cant in good conscience ever consider this game good.

>> No.7902514 [DELETED] 

Stop samefagging, schizo.

>> No.7902829
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>> No.7902965

when did it begin that no one can talk about this game at all without apologizing for or condemning it for being "buggy"? when youtubers started complaining that it was? having played this game dozens of times, the only significant bugs i ever ran into are how the scripted set pieces in emerald coast are kind of egregiously prone to failure, but if you don't quit at the first level, there aren't any notable issues afterwards.

>> No.7903039

DX did because thats the one most people ended up playing, it poisoned the well so hard for discussion going forward until the dreamcast restoration mods for PC started surfacing and went even further with additional bug fixes that people are finally starting to realize just how good Adventure was on a core level.

>> No.7903193

People never talk about this, but holy fuck this game is brain dead easy. I know it’s a kids game, but Mario games are a lot more difficult. Also, wtf is with Tail’s gay ass theme? Thought the late 90s was about being edgy. Seems like kids would be embarrassed as fuck being caught playing this when that song plays

>> No.7903640

I'm the anon who wrote this >>7885602
I've been on a break because I fun post too much, but I just wanted to tell you that you're a lying faggot

>> No.7904937
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Dicking around in Mystic Ruins on a summer morning back in 2000 is comfiest I've ever been. I know the entire layouts of Speed Highway and Lost World by heart

>> No.7904945

Vocals in video game music(not counting licensed sports/driving games) was extremely rare back then, especially in a platformer

>> No.7904949

>Even the treasure hunting got shit on because some gook thought it'd be a great idea to fuck with pacing and have the emeralds spawn one at a time instead of having all three on the map like Adventure 1 did
That's wrong though, they're all there from the moment you load into the level. It's simply the radar behavior being different.

>> No.7904950

Funny how quite literally every single aspect of this game EXCEPT for gameplay is 10/10

>> No.7904951

I agree, how did they manage to pack this much SOUL into a fangame????

>> No.7905246

I didn't like Tails' theme back then but now its one of my favorites from the soundtrack. The only theme a lot of people don't seem to care for is Big's

>> No.7905251
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We will never get a Sonic game with as much soul directly from Sonic Team ever again. For anybody who has only played the DX version, get yourself the BetterSADX mod to get the dreamcast graphics back on PC. Either that or just get a dreamcast and this game.

>> No.7905328

Okay, this has to be bait. Most of the other characters just use bits of Sonic’s levels. The only unique segments are the 30 seconds you spend inside the castle at Twinkle Park, and the alternative route Gamma takes through hot shelter to find zeta. Everyone other level as a different character is literally just the one half of a Sonic level

>> No.7905334

I beat it last week and the camera got stuck in the Mystic Ruins jungle and Egg Carrier twice, nearly forcing me to reset

>> No.7905346
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Heroes did alright and Unleashed did a good kind of filter on real architecture in the style IMO

>> No.7905348 [DELETED] 

So basically you’re saying you’ve always been retarded

>> No.7905352 [DELETED] 

Not him but you're the one obsessed with defending a mediocre game that made a generation of literal autists with weird as fuck fetishes.

>> No.7905354 [DELETED] 
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That doesn’t make the game bad, society is to blame

>> No.7905361

>Never seen a single person hate Sonic Adventure until the creator of MetalGearAwesome made it popular to hate
This is the same shit people use to defend The Phantom Menace.
>Well I MYSELF was so detached from society while playing with my Legos that I never ONCE heard an ounce of hate for my favorite bit of media, Mr. Bunghole Sings Christmas Carols... at least, not until that DREADED internet man made a video I happened upon, and ever since then- oh it makes me so ANGRY just thinking about it- I've noticed the tides turning against my taste from the masses! Surely he was at fault for EVERYTHING!
Go jack off to diaper porn.

>> No.7905365

No, the terrible physics, controls, and level design does.

>> No.7905393

Then bring that up instead of just calling everyone stupid

>> No.7905403 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 173x260, B1B5DDD7-78E0-4170-A6C1-70CBE3AA8CC6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tongue-in-cheek comments are supposed to be funny, or at least make an attempt. there was no joke.

>> No.7906417

It's a hardware demo and not even a good one.

>> No.7906465

For me it's the opposite, i liked SA2 a bit more than SA1

>> No.7906509 [DELETED] 

says the one who thinks any and all contempt for sonic adventure is just regurgitation of something some e-celeb who probably wasn't even alive at the time of release said a couple years ago
were YOU even playing adventure when it came out, faggot?

>> No.7906516 [DELETED] 

This is the fate of all games 20-30 years after release. Nostalgia will dictate the opinion on games. You know that shitty game today that's loading up on all the worst practices? It's a classic.

>> No.7906524

>where do these images come from?
Death Generator most likely

>> No.7906714

Thanks, i love it.

>> No.7906896

Why did they use photographs instead of hand drawn textures?

>> No.7907578

Mods = fans

So I'll just say it again

I never seen a single person hate Sonic Adventure until the creator of MetalGearAwesome made it popular to hate

>> No.7907642

The cutscenes are autistic though

>> No.7907643

>I never seen a single person hate Sonic Adventure until the creator of MetalGearAwesome made it popular to hate
Plenty of those people were around before Egoraptor's videos or Game Grumps.

>> No.7908431

Yeah retards

>> No.7908450

>I never seen a single person hate Sonic Adventure until the creator of MetalGearAwesome made it popular to hate
fucking idiot

>> No.7910146

If everyone hated Sonic Adventure, why did that make Sonic Adventure 2?

Checkmate mariocucks

>> No.7910287

Okay. Your limited experience still means fuck-all. You didn't see a "single person hate Sonic Adventure" because you were 12. They were not rare. It wasn't even a rare sentiment in magazines/online reviews.

>> No.7910629
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>This game is universally considered
Aaaand opinion discarded. Enjoy your bad taste and conformist NPC attitude, grandpa.
The future is now and the early Dreamcast era is cool again.

>> No.7910652
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They go from this beautiful fmv to that hideous abomination. The whole final boss fight needed to be re-thought. Looking bad is one thing, but cutting Open Your Heart and ending the battle only to do it again to generic boss music is even worse.

>> No.7910663

At least it's not set in space

>> No.7910846


>> No.7911021

Just swapping the music for the phases would be a huge improvement.

>> No.7911289


>> No.7912274

>never been able to play Dreamcast games after that
bro just open it up, clean up the PSU pins and bend them back into place

>> No.7913583

Only bad thing about it were the shitty big levels. Everything else was pure kino.

>> No.7914008

pick one.

>> No.7914418

how the fuck did this go on for 9 days, anyways i like sa1, probably my fav 3d sonic along with heroes

>> No.7914440

has anyone ported Sonic Heroes stages to SADX? seems like it could work

>> No.7914445

yeah actually https://gamebanana.com/mods/49969
also the reverse https://youtu.be/qlup0QNMJo8

>> No.7914503

Sonic, because sonic is above petty concepts like kino. Sonic is entertaining, even when its bad

>> No.7914626

I kneel