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File: 402 KB, 1920x1080, ff9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7884793 No.7884793 [Reply] [Original]

why do you guys like this game so much? I grew up in ps1 era and 7 and 8 were great! loved em as a kid and still pretty fun replays even now.

to me ff9 is a sad sack of boring characters getting chased around. zidane is little monkey cuck. vivi and steiner are little bitches. quina is just a fat frog eating fuck. garnet is decent and the bad guys are cool. but when does it get good? what are the good parts? disc 1 has been a BUST

>> No.7884858
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>> No.7884917

You're right, this game fucking sucks.

>> No.7885085

can confirm. ty

>> No.7885467
File: 37 KB, 640x400, 1580174749053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>played on a rental shop in brazil (locadora) when it was brand new.
>worse than ff8
>tried again years later in emulator
>prefered WOW
>tried again when remake was made
>fugly graphs mixed with new graphs made it laughably bad looking
>tried to focus on story
>your MC is literally a faggot monkey frenchmen
>tried to ignore
>antagonist is a even faggier monkey frenchmen
>soldiered on to final game
>faggotry, all around.
>mfw when credits were rolling

>> No.7885772

It was an ok rpg, but it was a FF in name only.
8 swung too hard away from the FF formula (and too hard into edgelord territory), and 9 tried to compensate for this but they swung too hard in the opposite direction.
9 looks like the result of someone who was tasked with making a FF but wasn't allowed to look at/play any of the games, just hear about them from other people.
Then the X chatty-animu-twinks shitshow happened and we haven't had a decent FF game since.

>> No.7885984

>your MC is literally a faggot monkey frenchmen
>antagonist is a even faggier monkey frenchmen
ahahaha based exactly this!

>> No.7886204

Yep it sucks. It's the Earthbound of final fantasies. Everyone pretends it's good when it's mediocre.

>> No.7886248

Shit got too fuckin weird for me. Vivi was a cool concept for a mage but what the fuck about literally everything else in the game? Besides Steiner I can't even remember the characters

>> No.7886249

How was ff8 edgelord territory? It wasn't even grimdark like ff7

>> No.7886524

It's carried by art, music, and soul. It was my favorite FF for awhile growing up but recently I enjoyed playing all three NES games while IX is a brainless stomp.

>> No.7886542
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>why do you guys like this game so much?
people think their taste will appear more refined if they pick the "misunderstood" IX as their favorite. I replayed it recently and made my complaints clear, basically:
>Just like FF8, game gets progressively worse. Disc 3 is literal filler
>Most characters are unlikeable and their designs are puke inducing
>Regression in systems, every other FF since V feels more modern
>I'm not against character representing locked jobs, but I'm against not being able to pick my party during 2 discs and a half. You replay the game and every time the tactics will be the same because you always have the same characters during the same fights.
>OST is not bad, but it's a definite step back compared to the holy trinity that was 6-7-8
>Battles are slow and drawn out, ATB is slow as fuck, loading times are the worst out of every FF title in history (in original hardware at least)
>The ATB itself is broken because they couldn't push many enemies at once since you have an extra character compared to VII and VIII. So they tried giving the enemies many double turns and weird quirks. End result is that commands you've inputted will be executed way too late, to the point you'll be curing/reviving members you don't need to cure.
>It's literally boring AF
Notice how guys that jerk off to IX are the same that the ones that jerk off to VI. These guys don't like playing games, they just care about their reputation of "knowledgeable" gamers.

>> No.7886553

Forgot to mention that the sidequests are the worst of all PS1 titles. Not a single fun one. And you need to do the worst of them (fucking chocoboshits) if you want to fight the game's superboss.

>> No.7887016

>zidane is little monkey cuck
Zidane is a hounddog that has fucked his way around Lindblum and spends the game getting into Garnet's pants.
He was a revelation compared to Cloud and Squall's bitchasses.

>> No.7887040

>Notice how guys that jerk off to IX are the same that the ones that jerk off to VI.

FF6 is my favorite RPG ever, and I still think FF9 is a big fat piece of shit. And that FF8 is a massive turd, too. FF7 really was the swansong of the series.

>> No.7887058

You people will find a problem with anything. Just enjoy the game for what it is, man. Seriously. You don't have to love every part of it or even like it. But this is just nit-picking

>> No.7887226

>But this is just nit-picking
all valid criticism is a nit-pick to you guys. This is not your safe space.

>> No.7887237

This game fricken SUXXXXXXXXX.
It doesnt even have goth characters with wings and giant swords. lyke just what the F*** were dey thinking

>> No.7888332

What's so good about ff6?

>> No.7888347

Super Nintendo bonus points

>> No.7888398

it's not 7

>> No.7888410

This response doesn't even make sense

>> No.7888446

This game's characters and visuals are amazing and I like most of the story (OUTTA FUCKING NOWHERE aside) but the gameplay is a massive step backwards from 7 and 8 and I think the soundtrack is probably the weakest in mainline.

>> No.7888498

bad troll is bad. Go sneed your dick off

>> No.7888502

>load times out the ass
>slowest battles in the series
>gameplay manages to be worse than every game since 5
>all time worst boss theme in the series
I've never gotten the love. All the staff involved say it's their favorite, maybe this was just a game that was fun or enjoyable for them to make but it sure isn't one to play compared to the blatantly superior others.

>> No.7888535
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>This game fricken SUXXXXXXXXX.
It doesnt even have goth characters with wings and giant swords. lyke just what the F*** were dey thinking

>> No.7888854

>designs are puke inducing
>OST is not bad, but it's a definite step back
FF9 is extremely overrated, but you are a tastelet

>> No.7889761


but its ff8 that's the "misunderstood" ff game.

>> No.7889785

>steiner is a bitch
this is how I know you haven't played the game

>> No.7889794

Muh uprah

>> No.7890026


Yeah seriously. Also he isn't a faggot monkey Frenchman either. The antagonist is, yes, but Zidane is not. He's just a regular monkey. (Granted, that's not great in itself. No playable character should have had a tail in this game except maybe Quina because who cares what's in the back of Quina.)

>> No.7890029


"Battles are slow, ATB is broken, game is boring AF" is not nitpicking. Those are major complaints, not nits.

>> No.7890037


No 3D graphics to ruin the visual style and pace of animation, no CD storage to bloat up the music with clutter. (This also applies to the first five games of course. Not surprisingly, those are all good too.)

>> No.7890041

You are so fucking gay and stupid.
I liked FFIX the moment I played it at release date.

>> No.7890045

he's a IX fag, of course it he makes no sense.

>> No.7890140

>I'm not against character representing locked jobs, but I'm against not being able to pick my party during 2 discs and a half. You replay the game and every time the tactics will be the same because you always have the same characters during the same fights.
I agree with this, but I never replay RPGs so I actually liked that about the game. It doesn't give as much flexibility in choosing tactics as the previous games, but instead it's more of a puzzle game where you're trying to figure out the "correct" way to beat an enemy.

>> No.7890171

Disagree on music. I think FF9 is my favorite Uematsu soundtrack as a whole (even if I like select tracks better from other games)
FF9 is just full of awesome scene-appropriate music. Here's one of my favorites, where Uematsu does a major-key parody of his own style of battle theme for the fake battle in the theater:

Also disagree on the game getting progressively worse. Sure disc 3 might be filler story-wise but by that point you're actually starting to be let off the rails a bit and have a chance to play the game. And the ending is good.
As far as mixing up characters on replay, I wouldn't know because the slow plot makes this game so hard for me to slog through on a replay that I've only ever done two full playthroughs.

>> No.7890174


>> No.7890197

Pretty much this