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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7883139 No.7883139 [Reply] [Original]

Inevitable remakes that scare the hell out of you

>> No.7883159
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>> No.7883287

You can just not play them

>> No.7883290
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>> No.7883313

What is pure should not be defiled.

>> No.7883319

lmao how are remakes scary for you? Nigger just don't touch the mouse. Like nigger just replay the old games.

>> No.7883331
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>> No.7883332 [DELETED] 


>> No.7883338

1. Don't be a fucking faggot
2. I could say that of Fallout 2 being a fucking shitty sequel to an actually good game

>> No.7883340 [DELETED] 


>> No.7883341 [DELETED] 

>getting this violently upset over people pointing out that your anger is unjustified and irrational
yep it's mental illness
inb4 "kys"

>> No.7883346

>Fallout 1 > Fallout 2
Stale meme

>> No.7883347

explain how 2 is better

>> No.7883349

Not him but it's more fun, has better allies and a lot of enjoyable content to experience. The only thing FO1 has over it, really, is a more consistent tone and tighter pacing but that's not enough to declare it better imo

>> No.7883351

>it's more fun
very convincing statement

>> No.7883358
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>actually going full autismo about someone calling something fun
It's a more enjoyable experience, you fucking retarded autist. I know it's probably shocking and damaging to your world view but you can't just line up points against each other and objectively declare something like how fun a game is (and this how one is better then the other since fun is teh main factor in a video game) and actually expect people to not laugh at your face.

>> No.7883363

Other than the fact that everything is bigger and more complex, Fallout 2 is actually well designed. In Fallout 1, 10/16 skills are worthless, 41/53 perks are worthless, and charisma is a dump stat.

>> No.7883548

Of all the games I think would get a remake, FO1&2 are definitely very low on that list. I think they'd remake 3 or New Vegas before that.

>> No.7883562

This. Fuck historical revisionism.

>> No.7883582

even if you decide to not play them, you'll get affected. Try looking info online about OG FF7, instead you'll get all kinds of shit about the remake. And let's not even mention reboots like DOOM.

Remakes/Reboots do hurt established communities, and will keep on doing so. Dismissing it all is shill behavior.

>> No.7883608
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>> No.7883656

>Try looking info online about OG FF7, instead you'll get all kinds of shit about the remake.
Isn't there at least one, if not more well kept and detailed Wikis for Final Fantasy? On top of god knows how many FAQs, they're not hard to find.

>And let's not even mention reboots like DOOM.
I haven't had much problems with nuDoom being conflated with the original games, but maybe that's because I avoid Twitter and seldom talk about Doom outside of /vr/.

>> No.7883851

>Beamdog does it
>Pre-installs free mods and restoration projects
>Updates the game with modernized and appropriate content (i.e. censors the shit out of it)
>Adds fanfic tier characters
>Bugged as all fuck
>Publisher removes original from the web, now you need to search old russian sites with malware or buy Fallout EE
>Eventually makes a sequel to F2 that shits all over the lore and becomes canon

>> No.7883862

Oh no I might have to type original or the year it came out in my search engine results.
The horror...

>> No.7883893

>Remakes/Reboots do hurt established communities
oh no, the fallout "community"
whatever will we do

>> No.7883898

>Try looking info online about OG FF7, instead you'll get all kinds of shit about the remake.
The way you brought it up out of thin air?

>> No.7884004

Fallout 2 will not be remade. It has a lot of degenerate weird shit and hardcore misogyny that would make any 2021 tranny developer seethe with suicidal rage.

Fallout 1 is possible though.

>> No.7884078

>Remakes/Reboots do hurt established communities, and will keep on doing so.
Can you bring up any kind of concrete examples, or will you just make vague retarded handwaives?

>> No.7884109

how about you use a search engine when looking for images

>> No.7884123

I remember once looking for videos of cool materia combos and I only got shit about the FF7 remake

>> No.7884137

Oh no, they'll... what's the actual fear on this one? Have dim lighting that doesn't drastically reduce the color count? Everything in this game is a 3D asset rendered to sprite, dufus. It also runs on modern hardware presently and would be tons of work, so no, it's not happening.

>> No.7884398

I fucking did, and had no problems. Maybe you're just shit at searching the web.

YouTube specifically can be quite retarded, if you try to search after something very specific which is similarly named or somewhat related to something that's currently much more popular, it'll sometimes frontload your search results with "NEW THING! GET EXCITED AND BUY!" but if you keep scrolling you can eventually find what you're actually looking for. I think it may be a combination of tag abuse by uploaders and Google assuming you can't spell and you're actually looking for what they got paid to promote.

This is entirely a fault of Google and YouTube, which are the people you should be wishing gruesome death upon.

>> No.7884426

dont go giving them any ideas

>> No.7884430

>Oh no, they'll...
remove slavers, problematic jokes, becoming a pornstar, rape and all the edgy stuff from the 90s. also they will remove anything related to RPG systems

>> No.7884450

Sounds like a pretty bland product.

What you can do instead is to not buy that game, and then encourage people to play the original games, rather than such a remake. Package them in an upload with any necessary setup/compat patches to run it on modern systems, then link an upload to it when people talk about it here.
When nuBethesda leads people astray, YOU can help bring them into the light.

>> No.7884462

and also every major or minor quest giver will be invincible, as well as half the NPCs in general, regardless of importance.
theyll make it for a now ~2 decade old, completely broken, 3D engine
all dialog will be reduced to (((the wheel))), and every single NPC will be voiced between about 3 or 4 different VAs who are paid too much
paid mods
muh live service

i can think of about a thousand ways they could/would fuck it up

if theyve never played CRPGs, then i doubt FO2 would reel them in desu
for us, theyre great, but CRPGs may as well be indecipherable gook babble to the average gaymer

>> No.7884959

>if theyve never played CRPGs, then i doubt FO2 would reel them in desu
Obviously, the controls aren't exactly slick, but for anyone who's at all interested they make take the plunge.

>> No.7884976

yea theyll just need some dumb jewtuber to tell em to go play it first

>> No.7884979

Be that as it may, if they actually do play it and then enjoy it, isn't the end result still good?

>> No.7885001

lol yea i mean idc
im just saying
im not about to go start some youtube channel to go shill old classic CRPGs at zoomers.
seems like an uphill battle

youd think "fallout" would at least pique their interest, but not so much i guess
and the combat is admittedly crude, even by isometric RPG standards of the day. i envision some 16yo spending three hours figuring out how to run it in compatibility mode, only to get bored before they get out of the tutorial

of course the combat isnt even the point of the game, but i still maintain FO2 isnt exactly the most approachable by modern gaymer standards
id prolly recommend icewind dale 2 because of its better pacing, but even thats a bit of a stretch if the kids not at least somewhat familiar with tabletop games

>> No.7885180

this isn’t scary they might be able to make it not shit

>> No.7885306

Can't wait to see how they fuck up the Chrono Trigger remake some day. They already had a trial run with the DS version.

>> No.7885452

Fallout 2 will never, ever be remade, because it has too much content. It would require too much effort to convert even half the content to some shitty 3D engine or hires sprites and voice every piece of dialogue like Bethesda would want. They absolutely will not do it under any circumstances, they're a developer that does calculations on effort -> payoff, and this sure as fuck isn't it.

>> No.7885472

>Fallout 2 will never, ever be remade
one can only hope

>> No.7886283

A Deus Ex remake in this day and age would be pretty shit

>> No.7886295

not that anon but game discussion would be "i like this" and "no i dont like that" endlessly if there wasn't a more objective way of discussing games, which you seem to be pretending is true