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7881870 No.7881870 [Reply] [Original]

Why people say the PS1's library is much stronger than the PS2's?

>> No.7881881

Doesn't matter what way you slice it, they're the two greatest consoles of all time.

>> No.7881883

They’re both stronger than the PS3, at least.

>> No.7881910

my niqqa
i have been on crash bandicoot 2 and vice city today

>> No.7881912
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PS1 & PS2 = catnip for brainlets.

>> No.7881941

They're close, but
>more high profile games due to shorter dev cycle
>it did all the 3D firsts, while the PS2 was mostly just continuations
That said I think as PS2 emulation gets more accessible and people explore its library more it will gain more esteem.

>> No.7881945

Both libraries are so ridiculously strong, any kind of comparison is pointless. They both have upwards of 4,000 games. That's ludicrous even by modern standards.

>> No.7882148

Hell yeah! I've been running through some Crash 2 lately as well.

This right here.
In the first half of the 2000s I spent more time playing PS1 games that I could get for only $5-10 at EB Games and flea markets. Never ran out of new games to try. The second half of the decade is when I did the same with PS2 games (but they were like $10-20).
Sure I picked up a couple duds that I only played for a week but I'm glad I got to experience so many different games. I used to keep a handwritten list of every game I'd ever played and my rating of it but alas, it was lost when I moved in 2010 :(

>> No.7882153

NES >> PS1 >>> PS2

>> No.7882192

I have literally never heard that before
Shit game
Good game

>> No.7882218

Not a PS2 exclusive, it's way better on Xbox.

>> No.7882231
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Final fantasys and the ridge racer games were better on it also this guy

>> No.7882883

Indeed they are, shame how Sony turned out later on.

>> No.7882892

The ratio of classics to shovelware was much better on PS1. But that's mostly due to the sheer volume of games that came out on the PS2.

>> No.7882895

When the later PS3 models dropped backwards compatability with the PS2, it signaled the beginning of the end. The PS4 era destroyed any respect I had left for them. Those last few months of 2020 were especially bad.

>> No.7882907

PS1 had more real exclusives while the PS2 had more shared games I guess. Lots of games I think of as reasons to buy a PS2 back in the day were still multiplatform

>> No.7882910
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Ps1 had more genre's

can't think of a Ps2 metroid clone, ps1 has more than one

and "link to the past" clones

>> No.7882939

PS5 seems like PS3 all over again. Sony's fucking up, drunk on hubris.

>> No.7883013

Experimental 3D games vs. Polished 3D games.
Some people prefer the first option to the second.

>> No.7883910

It is a shame. The PS4 had some improvement at first but they went back to their old habits. Now, the PS5 has no real selling point. At least that new Xbox has backwards compatability.

The fact that more people tuned in to Nintendo’s E3 for a hardware revision that doesn’t exist then for Sony talking about news for a console that’s actually real speaks volumes. Hoping the boys in blue get their act together, but for now I’m sticking with their first two consoles.

>> No.7883971

Ps5 is selling like hotcakes and besting the latest xbox goofies

>> No.7883972

>Ps5 is selling like hotcakes
To scalpers

>> No.7883985

PS1 had the better games in a larger variety of genres. PS2 developed existing genres into highly refined versions of themselves, but the sheer number of great PS1 games far outstrips the selection on PS2. It's important not to forget that the PS2's library far outstrips its contemporaries - just to give you a framework for how far head the PS1 is.

>> No.7883986


>> No.7883987

What PS1 metroid clones?

>> No.7883991

Irrelevant. Even still, if scalpers couldn't sell them at a profit then they wouldn't be buying them in the first place. Retard.

>> No.7883992

it did have the first 3D metroid, blaster master blasting again

>> No.7884238

Ok but it’s still a bad console bro. Sales don’t make something good.

We’ll see how the sales shake up in a year. In the meantime, enjoy FIFA, COD, and that PS3 port.

>> No.7884248

Because the PS2 has basically no weird obscure games like the PS1. It's just an RPG, port and showelware machine

>> No.7884296

I don't like it either but I'm not the target audience. It's a decent cuckbox for people who like new gen games. My friends who have one like it so far.
I don't think it has anything to offer over PS4 (doesn't even have a web browser app), but I rarely play any game made after 2001 anyway.

>> No.7884315

That depends on your own opinion anon. Do you have your own opinion on this or are you waiting for validation to see what is the more popular answer?

>> No.7884325

PS1 had peak Squaresoft.

>> No.7884345

Without PS1 there would not be a PS2.