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7869737 No.7869737 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people say Twilight Princess is the better game?

>> No.7869740

One is boring and the other is a 15hr tutorial. Pick your poison

>> No.7869741

because it is

>> No.7869746

Most people did not like the art style of WW and wanted a "mature" zelda title. Twilight Princess blew me away upon the first playthrough, maybe because it touched on OoT nostalgia while feeling like a brand new experience

>> No.7869751

It's not unfinished like WW is

>> No.7869754

Twilight Princess feels like someone at Nintendo saw Shadow of the Colossus in mid-development and REALLY liked it. I definitely prefer Wind Waker.

>> No.7869762

they both suck

>> No.7869767


>> No.7870019

Because it is. Best dungeons in 3D Zelda.

>> No.7870052

People who never grew out of Cartoon Bad

>> No.7870085

Because cartoons are gay kiddy shit and I only need dark and mature games for hardcore gamers like myself

>> No.7870093

Because a flooded overworld with no foot travel option is a slap in the face. Too different. Just because the platform was codenamed after water creatures doesn't mean all the stuff produced for it needs to be in fucking water and about water. Sphinx And The Cursed Mummy was the best game on the system, byte me.

>> No.7870094

The problem is that there's a consistent negative correlation between the quality of dungeons and the quality of everything else in 3D Zelda games.

>> No.7870096

Because of the Imp.

>the other is a 15hr tutorial.
>average playtime
>37 hours

>Twilight Princess blew me away upon the first playthrough
I wish I could get blown away by hours of padding and shitty cutscenes.

>> No.7870119

>Wind Waker HD
>cut out most of the triforce hunt because even Nintendo realizes it's shit
>introduce the fast sail to cut down on your sailing bathroom break, a huge part of the game
>nothing cut
Big think.

>> No.7870121

Frankly the bug hunts in TP are more tedious than anything in Wind Waker. I have no idea how that made the final cut.

>> No.7870135

the only people who didnt like the artstyle were insecure little boys who want to be cool. its sad some people never outgrow that. Eternal low confidence virgins.

>> No.7870202

the ocean is so full of interesting things

>> No.7870210

at least big N was trying to save the whales while everybody else was tryin' to be edgy

>> No.7870223

>Having to search an environment filled with enemies is worse than having to sail in certain directions for five hours.
Pathetic nostalgiafag cope.

>> No.7870226

Because people are afraid of color and being associated with child-like things out of dreadful fear of appearing xhildish, so they go for the game with less color and more drabness.

I use present tense because this is precisely why people are afraid to play games like mario, kingdom hearts, final fantasy, or anything even remotely anime looking.

>> No.7870229

Because it's objectively better. This is like calling sunshine better than galaxy, it just isn't true for long list of reasons.

>> No.7870237

That's probably the reason reddit nu-males don't like it, but that's just a strawman here. Get a better argument, faggot.

>> No.7870238

IMO yes. The wolf sections in TP are incredibly bland.

>> No.7870240

It is objectively better than sailing in one direction for an hour. You can't just say this.

>> No.7870246

>thats a strawman
>thats an argument
Use your brain adaptively instead of just spewing out words you heard other people use correctly. You aren't 1/10 as smart as you think you are

>> No.7870249

>an hour
No need to grossly exaggerate. You can sail across the entire map in like 10 minutes.

>> No.7870250

I don't even care if that's a strawman argument, it's a fake argument regardless.
>You aren't 1/10 as smart as you think you are
I am.

>> No.7870252

I'm referring to the triforce collection thing. But that was equally unfun and bad.

>> No.7870280

you can’t cut the absence of anything meaningful

>> No.7870282

Left = soul
Right = soulless

>> No.7870286

>what i like = soul
>what i dont like = soulless

>> No.7870289

Wind Waker came out in 2003 which was a very soulful year. TP came out in 2006 which sucked. QED.

>> No.7870291

What a great argument.

>> No.7870296

Hard to deny though. 2003 was extremely based.

>> No.7870303

Don't really understand how they're so different.

>> No.7870308

2003 movies:
Pirates of the Caribbean
Finding Nemo
Return of the King
The Last Samurai
Bad Boys 2

The sixth gen was in full swing, all was right in the world.

>> No.7870312

Sorry that you consider 2006 to be such a terrible year because your media wasn't as good.

>> No.7870314

Well yeah. That’s literally what this board is for.

>> No.7870316

Those aren't retro games though.

>> No.7870319

For reference, 2003 in gaming had:
Wind Waker
Prince of Persia
Beyond Good & Evil
SoulCalibur II
Virtua Fighter 4
Viewtiful Joe
Aria of Sorrow
F-Zero GX
Panzer Dragoon Orta
Jak II
Warcraft III

>> No.7870326

2006 had:
Gears of War
Dead Rising
New Super Mario Bros.
Twilight Princess
Tomb Raider Legend
Half-Life 2: Episode 1

Not all bad but pretty grim compared to the prime sixth gen days of 2003.

>> No.7870337

Silent Hill 3 was also 2003

>> No.7870338

Wii Sports
Elder Scrolls IV
Final Fantasy XII

>> No.7870417

There actually was an anecdote floating around back in the day of Miyamoto seeing SotC for the first time and then sending his entire team over to look at/play it. Even if it's true it never really manifested until BotW

>> No.7870421

It's not the worst style but it is a terrible choice if you want to try to tell a serious story, which Wind Waker tries to do at the very end but is impossible to take with a straight face since you spent the whole game laughing at how goofy the whole thing was.

>> No.7870434
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Even with the whole Triforce fetch quest and missing dungeons, I feel that Wind Waker comes out stronger, and feels closer to the N64 games.

>> No.7870578

TP has better dungeons, swordplay, and side content (Poes, Bugs, and Heart Pieces are more fun to collect than anything in TWW).

TWW has a better story, overworld, and item variety. They’re both pretty even in terms of overall quality.

>> No.7870823

>I wish I could get blown away by hours of padding and shitty cutscenes.
Being young will do that for you. Game doesn't hold up as well but starting it up for the first time was great.

>> No.7870836

because they're faggots

>> No.7870840

it's a cope

>> No.7870849

Because it is

>> No.7870854

i played twice TP and already forgot any memorable moments, doesnt feel that good and its boring.

>> No.7870879
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Anyone who prefers TP to wind waker is unironically a newfag no taste retard. Wind waker is an almost - flawless classic and TP is a forgettable grimdark slog through boring invisible - wall environments. I remember almost nothing about TP, whereas wind waker stands out in my memory in many ways. Dat music. Dem beautiful handmade graphics. The only bad thing about WW was the treasure hunting bullshit. And the first level, the fortress, was too hard and sprawling for a first dungeon, and didn't even have a boss fight.

There were better Zelda games than both, of course, but putting the soulless TP a peg higher than wind waker is just ridiculous.

>> No.7870884

>but putting the soulless TP a peg higher than wind waker is just ridiculous.

I suspect that Phantom Hourglass soured people on Wind Waker. It was a direct sequel in the same art style, but it was also a soulless and formulaic iteration of Zelda.

>> No.7870894

both are around the same level (8/10~9/10 range without the Nintendo Bonus), but tendies have deep-rooted insecurities due being stereotyped as children or manchildren, so they associate the "darker" game with being more mature and therefore better, TP is also an OoT nostalgia-bait

WW has one of the best art directions on the franchise, it's much more pleasant to look at than the bloom-ridden TP or even the washed-out BOTW, resolution aside

>> No.7870916

This debate is always "No, MY pile of shit smells WORSE!". Stop obsessing over bad games.

>> No.7870921

The Wind Waker has the worst dungeons of the 3D games.

>> No.7870953

I don’t know, the overall look of Twilight Princess shares a lot with SotC.

>> No.7870987

I can't disagree but as we all know the dungeons aren't the main focus of zelda games.

However majora's Mask dungeons were also shit tier and everyone universally dick rides that game, despite OoT being clearly better and the true patrician's choice, so why shouldn't WW get a free pass on its shit dungeons. It's not like TP had good dungeons either.

>> No.7870993

Now you’ve gone and riled up the Majora autists. Can’t wait to hear about how it’s “Nintendo’s Twin Peaks” for the hundredth time.

>> No.7871001

Plays like a discombobulated fever dream, reminiscent of an unfinished fan made mod. Why anybody likes it is beyond me. It's interesting as a side track,i suppose

>> No.7871007

>everyone universally dickrides that game
No they don't. It has always been overshadowed by OoT. It only gets talked a lot on here because it's the underdog 64 Zelda title.

I guess wind waker will be the new underdog for a few years.

>> No.7871015

This taste, anon... Majora's Mask probably has the best dungeons of the 3D games. They're actual, elaborate set pieces that challenge your observational and navigational skills, and actually make use of their verticality in nuanced ways. The timer also keeps puzzles tense since you can't fuck around as many times as you'd like.

>It's not like TP had good dungeons either.

I am repulsed.

>> No.7871028

Zelda is about the dungeons. period.

>> No.7871034

>However majora's Mask dungeons were also shit tier

They vary in quality, not just between dungeons but between rooms. Sometimes you do a decent puzzle and then in the next room you come across something ill-conceived and half-baked. A good example would be the room in Ikana Castle where you are expected to guess at the presence of an invisible platform, even though that ploy has never been used in the game prior to that point, and there is no indication or hint of it.

The Great Bay Temple was consistently shit-tier, however, and that was mainly because of the garish waterpark colour scheme.

>> No.7871035


Yo, forgot about this. Thanks. STAR TREK IV DAWG

>> No.7871039


Based Midna for ze wiin. Forget not

>> No.7871041

>That's probably the reason reddit nu-males don't like it

Well it seems that for those very reasons are there points of ridicule by the CoD crowds so invert

>> No.7871054

To be honest I’ve always had an appreciation for Wind Waker’s art style, it reminds me of Samurai Jack.

>> No.7871060

The invisible platforms is actually a staple of the Snowhead region and the Stone Tower Temple makes use of pretty much every item in your toolkit, which is why you need the Lens of Truth for that room. The temple is as much is own thematic set piece as it is the game's final dungeon, so it goes all out.

>> No.7871065

Best Star Trek movie

>> No.7871068



>> No.7871070

>The invisible platforms is actually a staple of the Snowhead region

You're right, I forgot about that. I took a break from the game before I did Ikana.

>> No.7871078

Wind Waker
>cutesy art style that certainly looks unique, expressive, and has aged well, but isn't to everyone's tastes
>large open world ocean with long bouts of sailing to get to specific areas
>smaller number of dungeons and drawn-out Triforce fetchquest due to development time constraints, kino boss encounters though
>items are well-designed and have a lot of utility, proving useful through the remainder of the game after acquiring them, a few of them even have different functions while sailing

Twilight Princess
>more mature art style evocative of Ocarina and Majora, running on the same engine as Wind Waker, but hasn't aged great on a technical level
>large but structured pear-shaped open world
>solid number of dungeons with memorable themes and locations, equally-awesome boss fights
>lots of items that are well designed, but many of them are practically useless outside of the main dungeons they're used in, but to compensate combat options are expanded thanks to new moves learned by the Hero's Shade (the badass ghost of OoT/MM Link)

Apples and oranges, they're both equally great and have their own strengths and weaknesses over one another. Personally I kind of prefer Wind Waker though because of its originality and sense of exploration. Replaying Twilight Princess is a hard pill to swallow because the prologue is so drawn-out and slow.

>> No.7871086

Same. It’s also very Miyazaki inspired.

>> No.7871107

WW is boring, and while Zelda isn't known for being hard, WW is way to fucking easy
Sailing is a chore
Combat : wait for A to appear and win
Dungeons are
Pacing is bad

>> No.7871108

We don't live in the NES era anymore, get the fuck over it, ever since LttP and LA Zelda has been a full package game with dungeons AND story, exploration, and NPC interaction. It hasn't been "just about dungeons" in over 25 years.

>> No.7871117

Zelda's not all about dungeons, but dungeons are undeniably a HUGE part of the franchise's identity and one of its core tenets.

>> No.7871121

This. Wind Waker has an incredibly charming main and supporting cast as well as one of Nintendo’s better stories that goes a long way in covering for its shortcomings.

>> No.7871167

The game is about being a hero and the dungeons are the only parts where you get to do anything heroic. Chasing chickens and headbutting trees is a good laugh, but the real excitement comes from performing the heroic feat. Which is always a dungeon.

>> No.7871176

But you need the downtime and light exploration to make the dungeoneering compelling. It's a balancing act. The best Zelda games settle on a healthy mix of engaging side content and high quality dungeons.

>> No.7871189

Majora's Mask does a great job of making the player and Link feel heroic, given the bleak, tragic setting and the fact that the player has the ability to do every sidequest (except for the bomb bag lady and Kafei/Anju) and dungeon in a single three day cycle before fighting the final boss.

>> No.7871196

Wind Waker is the underdog Zelda on the GameCube which is easily the ultimate underdog console to be a fan of.

>> No.7871224

Yeah, honestly, I don't know who is autistic enough to just blare through eight dungeons one after the other. You need those moments of walking around and getting excited about what's new to come, hours of just straight puzzle solving would get tiring quickly. Even playing Zelda 1 which is almost all dungeons I just save and come back after I beat a dungeon since there's no actual resting time in that game.

>> No.7871242

They did in fact trim the bug hunts in TP HD. You need fewer to fill the guage. I believe there are some other minor optimizations as well in terms of item management, travel, etc., but in general that's really all TP needed.

In some respects, the WW optimizations are just as small as those in TP, but their impact is much larger and their benefit is felt to a greater effect.

Ultimately both of the original games were flawed, and the HD updates fix up both games quite nicely, and make them generally much more enjoyable today. They still don't hold a candle to any of the Zelda's that preceded them, but they're certainly in a more enjoyable state.

>> No.7871258

This, it's always been the duality of the games, ever since the first.

The world above is the one you fight for in the worlds below.

If it was all about the dungeons, then it would be Metroid. Zelda is a different experience.

>> No.7871263

We're trying to have an intelligent discussion here, your nostalgia isn't an argument.
>Dat music. Dem beautiful handmade graphics.
Seriously go back you fucking redditor.

>> No.7871276

>Yeah, honestly, I don't know who is autistic enough to just blare through eight dungeons one after the other. You need those moments of walking around and getting excited about what's new to come, hours of just straight puzzle solving would get tiring quickly.

There's no need to bring autism into it. In fact it's more likely to be the autists who enjoy playing with their virtual friends in Clock Town. Peeping at the woman in the Treasure Chest shop, or playing the Postman's counting game and trying to guess it to the exact millisecond. That sounds much more autistic to me.

>> No.7871297

Not understanding the appeal of talking to people sounds a bit more autistic to me but okay.

>> No.7871306


>> No.7871310

Reading terms overly literal is also a sign of autism.

>> No.7871346 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.7871357

I don't know, every interview with Aonuma and character designer Yuusuke Nakano mention how TP's direction was explicitly mandated by NoA, when Nakano tried to do a grizzly, bearded old Link, they shot him down and told him to just do Ocarina again.

>> No.7871367

Man if they had taken the "realistic" look further to the point of slight absurdity, it really might have been something special.

I can appreciate the approach of trying to make the somewhat deformed Ocarina models realistic, but I would have preferred to see Nintendo really try something quite different. It would have helped that game stand out more.

>> No.7871378

It'sobvious, its because TP *looked* exactly like the Zelda game everyone had pictured and imagined on the new gen of consoles. When WW came out instead, the nerds that wrote the reviews were outraged at a kind of SW Ep 1 level of rage. THey were horredously triggered adults who were brutally reminded that their favourite game was meant to be for kids, not adults.

But in a way, they were right, and from a business point of view, Nintendo fucked up and misread the room, as TP outsold WW by double the amount. But WW is the superior work of creative art in basically every way, TP is "what the fans wanted"

>> No.7871382

>Man if they had taken the "realistic" look further to the point of slight absurdity, it really might have been something special.
Honestly, their interviews are awkward, it seems NoA had a LOT more of creative control than they'd like to admit after Wind Waker didn't save the GameCube, Miyamoto, Aonuma and Nakano seem to treat Twilight Princess as a sort of mistake or something they didn't exactly enjoy except for Midna, they love just telling the story of how Midna game to be.

It's really a tough act to balance.

>> No.7871390

Did it outsell Wind Waker on the Gamecube? Twilight Princess was on Wii and GC

>> No.7871397

also not even just the adults were put off by the style not being what they had in mind, the teenagers didnt really want it either. Nintendo had basically alienated most of the market that had moved on to a "mature" style in basically every genre and console, Nintendo were still under the impression that their audience were just kids for some reason.

>> No.7871398

Usually sales-wise are combined, but Twilight Princess on GameCube ran out of pre-orders right away while Wind Waker's stagnated.

Making matters worse, a lot of people in the US who preordered Wind Waker, did it for the Master Quest disc and traded back Wind Waker itself from the getgo, cuz MQ was their goal.

>> No.7871402

not sure about just GC, but overall over both consoles it sold nearly double

>> No.7871403

The artstyle didn't mesh with Zelda well at the time either, it was too big of a departure. The original 4 games had anime artwork like something you'd see Toei or Tatsunoko making while the monster artwork was very clearly DND inspried.

Then OoT did the whole sort-of-Slayers artstyle, with Majora's Mask giving it a Hellboy dash. Wind Waker was not the natural evolution of that.

>> No.7871410

Is the Master Quest stuff any good? I always thought it sounded a bit lame, based on description.

>> No.7871419

It's worse than Ocarina on a whole, but still really fun. Make sure you play Master Quest 3D, though. The mirrored map and double damage from enemies really round out the new dungeon design and puzzles.

>> No.7871427

but that was the point, the team felt they had done that style to death and there was nothing more to do, they got bored of it. which makes TP arrival shortly after kind of weird.

>> No.7871432

Saying that, the WW reviews were nearly overwhelmingly 9/10 and 10/10s at the time

>> No.7871443

Keep in mind that FOUR games in a row used The Wind Waker's art style pretty much exactly as is before Twilight Princess came out:

>The Wind Waker
>Four Swords
>Four Swords Adventures
>The Minish Cap

>> No.7871473

good point anon

>> No.7871516

Wolf link is sexy and Minda is what every Nintendotard boi fapped to back then

>> No.7871526
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I could never get over how ugly the NPCs in Twilight Princess were, even compared to OoT's and MM's.

>> No.7871528 [DELETED] 

>muh nostalgia
>twilight princess is soulless
>you dont like my opinion that means youre a newfag
kill yourself

>> No.7871532 [DELETED] 

>muh nostalgia
>using soulless as an argument
>you dont like my opinion that means youre a newfag
kill yourself

>> No.7871540

both are 5/10 mediocre trash. You're just choosing different kinds of suffering throughout the games.

>> No.7871543

>muh nostalgia
>using soulless as an argument
>you dont like my opinion that means youre a newfag
kill yourself

>> No.7871558

>which is easily the ultimate underdog console to be a fan of.
Sega Saturn

>> No.7871562

One day we're gonna have an honest conversation about the massive decline zelda fell into post ocarina.

>> No.7871571

Won't happen, windwakerfags are never going to stop acting as if this game is good.

>> No.7871572

it really honestly is Aonuma's fault.

>> No.7871581

That's one conversation you'll need to keep having in your head.

>> No.7871585

What you call decline is really just stagnation.

>> No.7871591

I vehemently disagree. If it was stagnation we would be getting games with similar quality to Ocarina, not games that are vastly incomprehensibly unforgivably inferior.

>> No.7871619

>vastly incomprehensibly unforgivably inferior.
This is so hyperbolic that you're killing any potential for meaningful or nuanced discussion about the series' quality post-OoT right out the game.

No, they aren't vastly incomprehensibly unforgivably inferior, that's ridiculous. Most of the post-OoT Zelda games are great while at the same time failing to reach OoT's heights. That doesn't mean the series hasn't improved in specific ways since, though. It's also worth mentioning that the franchise's design philosophy has obviously changed in the TWO DECADES since Ocarina of Time came out.

>> No.7871624

You can't capture that magic in a bottle ever again. They're not "unforgivably inferior", you're just disenchanted by now.

>> No.7871663

No hyperbole. Majora's Mask is the closest to Ocarina in quality and it's still obviously a worse game, though with a 9 month turnaround it's far better than should be expected.
Wind Waker? Awful. Twilight Princess? Awful. Skyward Sword? Legitimately so terrible it shouldn't have been released. Breath of the Wild is good but still heavily flawed, hopefully the sequel irons out the missteps.

None of the subsequent games are near flawless masterpieces, and aside from Majora there's no excuse for their quality. Ocarina was the FIRST fucking one. the first game of its type and complexity that Nintendo had ever made, an accomplishment so ahead of the competition that it took all other devs until the next console generation to start making 3D games of its quality, I'd go so far as to argue that you can use Ocarina as essentially a dividing line between early 3D games and modern 3D games.

And yes, when I say unforgivably, I mean it. Skyward Sword took over 5 years to make with a staff of hundreds. Ocarina took under 3 with less than 70 people working on it. Compare the assets put in with the results accomplished

>> No.7871673

Not trolling or being contrarian, but OoT was a major disappointment after playing MM and TP before it.

This is clearly a perspective problem. Nothing objective about it. We don't all have the same tastes and if you weren't blown away by the magic of OoT initially you probably won't be today. MM was my magic 3D Zelda experience as a kid, OoT didn't even come close to it.

>> No.7871724

>Wind Waker? Awful. Twilight Princess? Awful. Skyward Sword? Legitimately so terrible it shouldn't have been released. Breath of the Wild is good but still heavily flawed, hopefully the sequel irons out the missteps.
I love Ocarina of Time and replay it multiple times of year, but this is nothing but pure delusion.

>> No.7871737

I'm not convinced Nintendo knows what made Ocarina a success.

>> No.7871741

>Wind Waker, Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword are worse than Breath of the Wild.
Stopped reading there. Your opinion is invalid.

>> No.7871751

Reviews dont matter much if sales aren't there.
I still remember in the Club Nintendo MX mag, during the hype surrounding Twilight Princess and Revolution, Aonuma mentioning it was the make-or-break moment for Zelda, alluding at the possibility of the series getting shelved.

>> No.7871784

wind waker is much more charming and comfy compared to gloom and doom TP. Even combat is more fun. Probably the most charming title I have ever tried. Opinions are fun.

>> No.7871791


>> No.7871795

Nah the Saturn gets way too much attention these days. Meanwhile the poor GC gets so much unwarranted hate, even amongst Nintendo fans.

>> No.7871803
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>the things I disagree with is reddit you guys

>> No.7871807

Your typing style is reddit and you should go back.

>> No.7871870

Twilight Princess is actually a little underrated. There are certainly aspects in which Wind Waker is better. The setting and art style of Wind Waker is certainly more original, and the music is better too. It's a little more challenging (albeit still on the easier side) and there are more interesting sidequests and side-characters in Wind Waker. Windfall Island's villagers blow Castle Town's citizens out of the water, I can barely remember anyone from the latter. It also seems like Twilight Princess has a more bland script than other installments, with vague terminology used around key plot points in cutscenes. Maybe the game could use a fan re-localization.

Twilight Princess has many strengths though. The world is big, beautiful, and has a lot of secrets and enemies to fight. The dungeons are fantastic, easily the best the series ever had after Ocarina of Time. Link has a more complete and fluid moveset, with more to do in combat. Midna is a fantastic character, and everything around her is interesting, certainly giving the game more of an identity than its reputation as an Ocarina of Time retread would imply. The game easily has most of the best cutscenes and cinematic setpieces in the series; the horde battle against the Bulbins on their hogs and the ensuing one-on-one bridge showdown is unforgettable, as is the final boss gauntlet. The items are all great too, even if some of them are underused.

It also has more and better dungeons than Wind Waker. Riding around on Epona, with its fluid combat and fast movement, is much more fun than sailing the Great Sea, where combat is a chore and there are vast swathes of completely empty space. People call the bug gathering parts in Twilight Princess padding, but they at least make use of a whole new moveset to traverse areas, and go on for less long overall than the Triforce chart quest in Wind Waker, which legitimately is padding, and terrible padding at that.

For me, Twilight Princess is the better game.

>> No.7871874

Based Zyzz poster

>> No.7871876

Ocarina of Time had badass atmospheric dungeons with just the right amount of challenge to them, AND a soulful world, storyline, and soundtrack.

>> No.7871879


>> No.7871882

>le typing style
you consider yourself an expert on reddit dont you haha, enjoy your stay here anyway contrarian newfag- you will fit right in.

>> No.7871890
File: 158 KB, 773x800, zyzz_billboard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So.. everyone who posts things you dont like is reddit, and anyone who agrees with/likes something you dont like is automatically a samefag. I think Schizo is the proper term here, kek.

>> No.7871892

Looks like I hit a nerve. Your forces smugness doesn't fool me, faggot.

>> No.7871895

The odds of someone randomly replying to you to say "based" are low enough to the point where I think it's safe to say that you're replying to yourself.

>> No.7871896
File: 514 KB, 640x939, arnold-schwarzenegger-conan-the-barbarian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does this even mean lol

>> No.7871902

>If it was stagnation we would be getting games with similar quality to Ocarina
That's not quite what stagnation is

>> No.7871904

if you learned english you'd understand that I'm saying that you pretending to be smug doesn't cover up the fact that you're clearly mad.

>> No.7871907

t. Zoomer who has no idea who Zyzz is

>> No.7871908

I too, reply "based x poster" to something I like within a minute of it being posted.

>> No.7871910
File: 592 KB, 480x960, 1610683592491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you tell? You dont know "the odds". You have no idea who replies to what as the site is anonymous kek. Schizo.
I am not going to take a screenshot and upload it to some fag site to prove to some irate dork with a shit life that I didnt post "based" to my own reply.

>> No.7871912

Stop being a sad cunt, brah.

>> No.7871918

I genuinely do say "based x poster" within a minute of replying if the poster is indeed a based x poster.

>> No.7871920

I’ve always found it weird how Nintendo has never had a Link with a mother and father, either he lives alone, or with some other relative.

>> No.7871923

I do know the odds, unlike you I'm not a retard so I can estimate the chances of something happening, based on the variables given. I do have an idea of who posts here, it's very easy to spot samefags.
>I am not going to take a screenshot and upload it to some fag site
You're so new to this website that you don't even know how to use inspect element. Pathetic.

>> No.7871924

Nigger what? It's not even as dark as OOT or MM.

>> No.7871929

based schizo poster

>> No.7871930

What the fuck does "dark" even mean, it's a fucking nu-male term for being edgy in the way they like?

>> No.7871931

>"dark" is a nu-male term
Holy shit dude, you use this website way too much.

>> No.7871937
File: 32 KB, 595x918, 1585369637317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is one miserable phaggot
>I can estimate the chances of something happening, based on the variables given
Fuck sake, no you can not haha. Based miserable low IQ schizo.

>> No.7871941

>DUDE have you watched this video essay of the new season of Spongebob? It's so heckin' DARK bro, it tackles existential nihilism and is honestly so mature for a "kids" TV show. Like seriously this was made for us adults to watch.
It is onions.

>> No.7871947

You are so fucking retarded, people were calling things "dark" way before youtube video essays please kill yourself

>> No.7871953

And people were saying "wholesome" over a thousand years before it became associated with 30 year old manchildren, this is irrelevant. Anyway what is it even supposed to mean?

>> No.7871961

Except movies were advertised and marketed as "dark" explicitly decades before this reddit association you're talking about.

Are you really this autistic? You can't figure what "dark" means? It means something that is grim and serious typically with themes that touch on unpleasant topics.

>> No.7871976

Why no one remembers A Link Between Worlds exists? That game was fantastic. Like no joke, after PH and ST I expected ALBW to be shit, and yet they managed to make a worthy sequel to ALttP.

>> No.7871998

>release date: 2013

What the fuck. Where was I? What was I doing? Never even heard of it.

>> No.7872019

You keep telling yourself that faggot. At least I'm intelligent enough to know that the word "faggot" isn't word filtered here.

>> No.7872020

and 3 games after Twilight Princess.

>> No.7872025

Its coping for the fact that nether TP or WW are really that great.
Easier to compare to another subpar entry then the better earlier titles.

>> No.7872030

Yer genuinely missing out. It's really good. Even though the Hyrule portion is very similar, to A Link to the Past proper, when you get to the Eastern Palace, the dungeon design itself was completely changed inside and it quickly becomes it's own thing after the opening act.

The fact you can get all items from the getgo and explore the Dark World equivalent, Lorule, to your heart's content does a lot for it.

>> No.7872297



>> No.7872317

I don't think making items useless and rehashing so much of lttp was a success, I'd rather see zelda boil down what actually works and emphasize that.

>> No.7872318


>> No.7872324

>nearly flawless
Yeah no that Tingle fetch quest pretty well mars the game. You make a decent argument otherwise though. I like a few of TP's unique quirks but I would rate both games similarly so Wind Waker is probably slightly better overall.

>> No.7872326

fsfbsf first samefag best samefag

>> No.7872331

Link Between Worlds is in my top 5 for the series but that's a 2D Zelda, we're talking about 3D Zelda.

>> No.7872369

>Twilight Princess if forgettable; I have more memories playing Windwaker.
>Windwaker has more charm; Twilight Princess is soulless.
>If you disagree then you are a newfag.
Those are not "decent arguments". Those are not arguments at all, in fact. Fuck off.

>> No.7872378


>> No.7872398

>muh triforce hunt is so terrible
not even going to read this thread. wind waker haters are the same as skyward sword haters and they hate when you point it out

>> No.7872402

You sound like one of those Sonic fans that starts talking about Game Grumps when someone criticizes Sonic Adventure

>> No.7872410

So you're just going to ignore criticism and continue pretending that this game is good?

>> No.7872479

Because Twilight Princess is the better game.

>> No.7872512

/vr/ is such a toxic board lol.

>> No.7872616

It really is and has been for a long time. Chalk it up to so many NEETs throwing tantrums because they never learned how to communicate any other way. Anyway.

>> No.7872628

there is nowhere else to talk about retro games too. no leddit, no v for coomers, etc.

>> No.7872661

If you don't like /vr/ for being "toxic" why don't you fuck off to reddit? You already act the way they do.

>> No.7872676


Thanks for restating my observation anon. But truly? I was a channer long before I ever deleted my reddit account.

>> No.7872682

Yes, if you don't like it here no ones forcing you to stay.

>> No.7872694

Again, I extend my thanks.

>> No.7872702

Do you think you sound smart or something?

>> No.7872720

We were shown this

And yet, Wind Waker is what we got.
In this context, the hate is fucking justified.

>> No.7872739

in hindsight it seems more or less obvious to me that that was a tech-demo movie and never framed as being a real game at any point. Looks kinda dumb too and if you want something like that you can play melee. The consoomer base was immature for responding poorly to wind waker and I'm glad we have left the 2000's behind for many reasons

>> No.7872745

Hey, any game that lets me fight the Prince of Darkness face-to-face is good.

>> No.7872767

You like Castlevania don't you?

>> No.7872783

I could swear Ganon's been referred to by that moniker in one of the games.

>> No.7872857


Seems like I rememeber that toi, or some facsimilistic title. He is the main "bad guy" in Hyrule's universe.

>> No.7872926
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Well they both are ripping off the same movie.

>> No.7873138

TP was desperately trying to court the tards who wouldn't look past WW returning Zelda to cartoon visuals (and are still pitching fits about it 20 years later) and being as derivative and safe as it possibly could. Twilight Princess is the game I think of when I hear the word "soulless" because it was solely created to appease a market and ape a sad expectation that this market had. WW was trying to be expressive and was made following a designer's actual vision for a game, not a fucking focus group of angry teenagers.

>> No.7873160

He's called that in the opening scroll of the original game.

>> No.7873238

Was she ever in another game? I stopped playing the series after TP but I still see Midna all the time.

>> No.7873298

Once you get past the art style, you realize Wind Waker was also as derivative and safe as possible.

>> No.7873321

>TP was in response to people being mad at WWs style
>acktually WW was the safe one
Notice one actually has some sort of logic behind it and the other is "No u". Somehow the flashy ocean sailing simulator is safe compared to the padded OOT clone.

>> No.7873324

TP babies have never been good at argumentation and logic.

>> No.7873347

Wind Waker is a padded OoT clone.

>> No.7873349
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>> No.7873356

There's nothing enjoyable about Wind Waker, it's just a bad game in general. Twilight Princess sucks at the beginning but it gets better later on.

ww is such a shitty game that I don't want it in my collection but have to keep it as a boot disc, lol

>> No.7873408

Explain how it isn't.

>> No.7873414

>but it gets better later on.
No it doesn't. It's shit all the way to the very end. Gannon's Castle was a huge letdown and that final bossfight was fucking terrible. The only good dungeon I remember is the mansion in the mountains.

>> No.7873420

>people who dislike one bad game also dislike another bad game

>> No.7873426
File: 26 KB, 769x733, 751d6a1f7e8949e89b2c0db180137df8ac4963e49dc3df6a7e8fcb8a0977c274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Majority of the game being based around a massive ocean you can explore at any time with boat mechanics that has boss fights and puzzles based around them plus secret maps and other stuff to change up the exploration aspect of the game
>As opposed to TP which at most gives you the Twilight world and wolf form to change things up which only pops up for contextual plot-driven much like the dungeon gears which doesn't even work outside of the dungeons
Already know where it's going.

>> No.7873441

Maybe I should give TP another playthrough then because all I remember is that I liked the dungeons. Whereas WW I remember the whole thing being stupid and not fun at all.

>> No.7873529

Meanwhile windwaker nostalgiafags have yet to give an argument which isn't "it has soul".

>> No.7873530

That's a matter of opinion. The fact that windwaker is terribly designed throughout is not.

>> No.7873548


>> No.7873562

It is a better game objectively.

>> No.7873567

I guess people like melodramatic cheese and braindead-easy gameplay (not that Wind Waker is much harder, but still).

>> No.7873569

>Majority of the game being based around a massive ocean you can explore at any time with boat mechanics that has boss fights and puzzles based around them plus secret maps and other stuff to change up the exploration aspect of the game
>WW was trying to be expressive and was made following a designer's actual vision for a game, not a fucking focus group of angry teenagers.
>WW has one of the best art directions on the franchise, it's much more pleasant to look at than the bloom-ridden TP or even the washed-out BOTW, resolution aside
>This. Wind Waker has an incredibly charming main and supporting cast as well as one of Nintendo’s better stories that goes a long way in covering for its shortcomings.
These are things people said in this thread in praise of Wind Waker and not a damn one of them mentioned "soul". Cope.

>> No.7873574

i know wind waker is, thank u for agreeing with me today :)

>> No.7873576

>>Majority of the game being based around a massive ocean you can explore at any time with boat mechanics that has boss fights and puzzles based around them plus secret maps and other stuff to change up the exploration aspect of the game
Unfortunate that exploring the massive ocean is not fun, at all. And Nintendo even agrees with me. You can find plenty of secrets in the other game, also.
>>WW was trying to be expressive and was made following a designer's actual vision for a game, not a fucking focus group of angry teenagers.
This is irrelevant to how good of a game it is.
>>WW has one of the best art directions on the franchise, it's much more pleasant to look at than the bloom-ridden TP or even the washed-out BOTW, resolution aside
This is a matter of opinion, I personally dislike it and think it's the worst art style. Regardless, I take your point that it looks good, but personally do not care about low poly aesthetics and games "holding up". Doesn't affect how good the gameplay is, either.
>>This. Wind Waker has an incredibly charming main and supporting cast as well as one of Nintendo’s better stories that goes a long way in covering for its shortcomings.
This is literally equivalent to saying it has soul. The story isn't anything better than average zelda.
With what?

>> No.7873687

There aren't any boss fights in the ocean.

>> No.7873783

>This is literally equivalent to saying it has soul.
Saying the characters and story are charming is the equivalent of saying it has soul? Seriously, that's the argument you're going with? Then I submit that there's absolutely nothing wrong with saying it has "soul", if that's the dumb definition you want to run with.

>> No.7873827

Because sailing was boring IMO.

>> No.7874010

This is it’s worst issue, the game is just so forgettable, outside of the spinning top of course

>> No.7874329 [DELETED] 

Yes, that is the argument I am going with. By saying that, you are giving no explanation for why it is good, just saying it is. No different to "it has soul".
>Then I submit that there's absolutely nothing wrong with saying it has "soul"
Kill yourself faggot. You're childhood game is terrible, accept it. To be clear, I don't care about defending Twilight Princess, I only care about defending you worthless game's rightful place as the second worst zelda game (after breath of the wild). Maybe you ought to give up now, as it's clear that there is no real defense for it.

>> No.7874332

Man, some of you never mentally grew up past 13, huh?

>> No.7874334

Yes, that is the argument I am going with. By saying that, you are giving no explanation for why it is good, just saying it is. No different to "it has soul".
>Then I submit that there's absolutely nothing wrong with saying it has "soul"
Kill yourself faggot. You're childhood game is terrible, accept it. To be clear, I don't care about defending Twilight Princess, I only care about defending you worthless game's rightful place as the second worst zelda game (before breath of the wild). Maybe you ought to give up now, as it's clear that there is no real defense for it.

>> No.7874337

Did you have to reply immediately, have you been waiting in this thread? Fuck you I made a mistake.

>Man, some of you never mentally grew up past 13, huh?
Thanks for giving now counter argument, which in effect admits that I'm right.

>> No.7874339

You don't have to play a song every time you want to change directions in Hyrule field in Twilight princess.

>> No.7874342

lol this fag (>>7874334) talks like an anime villain. cringe.

>> No.7874345

I win.

>> No.7874358

You win what? I wasn't even arguing with your silly ass.

>> No.7874361

I win. Windwaker = worst zelda game.

>> No.7874364

>By saying that, you are giving no explanation for why it is good, just saying it is.
You don't need to give a detailed justification for saying that you find a story and some characters to be charming, you absolute twat. The Anon who said that likes Wind Waker and he was giving a valid reason why. Period.
>Kill yourself faggot. You're childhood game is terrible, accept it.
>you're childhood game
Now that I've pissed you off, your true colors are showing. You went from bitching about Wind Waker fans giving bad or no arguments to this childish nonsense. (And no, you insufferable prick, it's not my "childhood favorite". You don't know the first thing about me, and I was not a child when the game released).
>Maybe you ought to give up now, as it's clear that there is no real defense for it.
>rightful place as the second worst zelda game (before breath of the wild).
And what's the third worst, the original Legend of Zelda? Seeing as how you hate BotW, you must be attracted to linear handholding puzzle fests ala TP and SS. I'm being scolded for having shit taste and no arguments by someone with literal shit taste and no arguments.

>> No.7874369

Sure I guess, never played.

>> No.7874380

>You don't need to give a detailed justification for saying that you find a story and some characters to be charming, you absolute twat.
Well that is an utterly invalid argument then, and there is no point in saying it.
>You went from bitching about Wind Waker fans giving bad or no arguments to this childish nonsense.
Are you new here?
>And what's the third worst, the original Legend of Zelda?
I don't know, I just know that those two are the worst. I also do not like skyward sword, despite your assumptions, so perhaps that.

Do you want to hear some facts though? Well with Twilight Princess, it has SOUL, and it has CHARM. If you did not like it, then you got FILTERED. There's my argument, irrefutably. Twilight Princess is better than windwaker proven.

>> No.7874420

>Well that is an utterly invalid argument then, and there is no point in saying it.
It's not invalid just because you disagree with it.
>Are you new here?
No, but if you want to preen and posture like you've won and everyone's arguments are inferior, you should try not to argue like a petulant child yourself. This is /vr/, not /v/. Act the age that you at least pretend to be.

>> No.7874437

"I like it" is an invalid argument. If it is not, then refute that which I wrote at the end of my previous post.
>if you want to preen and posture like you've won and everyone's arguments are inferior,
"It has soul" is not an inferior argument, it is no argument.
>This is /vr/, not /v/. Act the age that you at least pretend to be.
I was under the impression that /v/ was the board where "it has soul" is treated as an intelligent and compelling argument. Apparently it's the other way around?

>> No.7874473

I just replayed GC Wind Waker, it does make me realize how much Breath of the Wild was influenced by it, but man was it bad in a lot of ways OTHER than the silly look:

>Easy as fuck. I did their version of the cave of trials and I think I conquered it by just pressing B most of the time and never died once the whole game.
>Link handles like a beater van. He turns like a bus and spastically swings in all directions.
>A giant world....of mostly nothing.
>Guess I'll take 10 minutes to go anywhere on this slow boat, oh I have to stop and change the direction of the wind again or play another wind song.
>Oh good! A teleport song.... that maybe takes you to a third of the islands.
>Boomerang, Bow, bombs =good. Grappling Hook, Hammer, Leaf, Camera, Iron Boots, Hookshot, Sail=all suck ass and are a chore to use.
>New mechanic to pick up enemy weapons... that sucks ass and not remotely practical.
>Timed event attacks turn every challenging fight into "wait until the game tells you to press A".
>Every enemy is a pinata full of items, money, and hearts, good luck collecting it on the ocean.
>Oh man I beat the final dungeon, let's keep that tension high....by making the final part of the game an elaborate fetch quest
>Oh you want to find a triforce piece? FIRST rescue Tingle from jail, he'll give you a map. Oh no, not a map to the Triforce. A map to INDIVIDUAL MAPS of the triforce pieces. Oh, you found one triforce chart, you wanna go on a boat and find it in the ocean? FUCK YOU you gotta go to Tingle again and give him 400 rupies to translate it! Hope you had 8000 rupies! That's how much you'll need for all the translations of the charts from the chart of the triforce pieces!
>So many puzzles are just precision jumping and landing with turns like a bus Link.
>So many puzzles are 'make one mistake, go back to the very beginning'.
>Everything so spread out I did not care about looking for all the secrets.

>> No.7874482

She's in Hyrule Warriors and sometimes there's nods to her. Back in 2007 Aonuma said "she'll return if people want her back".

>> No.7874484

reddit is a cope used by faux intellectuals

>> No.7874501

Didn't read

>> No.7874627

I have no idea. Everytime I try to replay Twilight Princess I can't get past the first 2 hours without getting bored and turning it off.

>> No.7874818

TP is just too brown and grey for my tastes

>> No.7874863 [DELETED] 
File: 1.20 MB, 482x258, ozzy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plenty other have been called "The Prince of Darkness" than just Dracula, you know.

>> No.7874868
File: 1.20 MB, 482x258, ozzy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plenty of others have been referred to as "The Prince of Darkness", you know.

>> No.7874932

Not an argument.

>> No.7875858
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>> No.7875897

Shut the fuck up faggot. Zelda was nver meant to be cartoony. WW was made to appease manchildren who hate grim and realism. Wind Waker is blatantly unfinished and has a lot of padding to make up for it, unlike TP.

>> No.7876143

>WW was made to appease manchildren who hate grim and realism
The interview with the artists in Art and Artifacts they said it was mainly out of boredom with the previous style used in Ocarina and Majora.

Oracle of Ages and Seasons are cartoony as fuck but in a more Anime way.

>> No.7876173

>WW was made to appease manchildren who hate grim and realism.
Nu-males don't want this though, go onto reddit, they all go on about how kids TV shows etc. are really super dark and scary.

>> No.7876192

I like both.
Only Zelda game I've never enjoyed was BOTW, even SS topped it.
I think Wind Waker could have been improved if they made a lot of the open world in sea have more interesting places to explore in it though.
I assume that's why Nintendo made Swift Sail, it was the realization that they just didn't fill that vast amount of sea with enough to do and a lot of it really was just empty space.
If Nintendo weren't so lazy and cheap, they'd have just added more to it in WWHD
TP could have had more side quests involved, another thing i think Nintendo should have added in HD but just didn't bother because of them being cheap.
TP doesn't share that same issue with it's world as WW does though.

>> No.7876197

what the fuck did you just say?

>> No.7876232
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>> No.7876251

I'd probably enjoy Wind Waker more if it wasn't the easiest game in the universe.

>> No.7876263
File: 539 KB, 850x997, Scenery_(The_Legend_of_Zelda).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Zelda was nver meant to be cartoony.
I don't think the intention was to ever have WW's really ultra kiddy look, but Zelda did always represent a cartoon look that wouldn't be uncommon with morning cartoons i would watch as a kid in the 90s or something.
It was always cartoon from it's very inception.
All you need to do is look at original Zelda's artwork to see this.
The difference is different styles and tone.
Later games got darker tones in the artwork, but Zelda 1 and 2 were notably more cartoon.

>> No.7876285

Hero Mode in Wind Waker HD thankfully adds to it. Having no means of healing outside of going for potions makes it good to think your resources ahead

>> No.7876381
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>> No.7876581

Huge OoT/MM fan. I hated Twilight Princess. There was just something about it that didn't give me the same enjoyment as the original N64 games, which doesn't make sense since a common complaint was that it was too much like OoT (?).

I don't know what that something is.

>> No.7876615

They said WW sucked in 2004 and realized how wrong they were so they had to double down.

MM > WW > TP

Always and forever. You may not like it, but it's the truth.

>> No.7876620


>> No.7876652

To be fair, most video game artwork was "cartoon style" at the time.
No argument.