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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 9 KB, 640x400, oil barons (Epyx DOS 1983).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7865482 No.7865482 [Reply] [Original]

Gameplay and development discussion:
What homebrew / hacks are you playing /vr/?

Are you working on anything? Would you like to learn? Projects and questions welcome.


IPS Patcher:





SMS Dev:

Genesisss Does:

Saturn Dev:

GB Dev:

GBA Dev:

DS Dev:

>> No.7865483


>> No.7865585


>> No.7865593

How do I realistically recreate the kind of learning environment people in the 70s and 80s would have had to go through to learn programming? I feel like I've been spoiled with too many high level languages being available.

>> No.7865623
File: 8 KB, 212x237, ye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the actual fuck nes pokemon yellow and ff7 ports are actually so good!! Lugia2009 is a fucking nes god. has anyone else played these? are there any other hacks or demakes this level of quality?

>> No.7865625

kek turn off your internet and buy a book on assembly

>> No.7865631

They really that good? I'll have to try them

>> No.7865634

When Green version on SNES?

>> No.7865654

yaaaaaa they're both pretty good. the originals were made by some chinese knock off company and suck, but then this dude spent 4 years translating and updating ff7 and 2 years on yellow. tiles sprites music story p much everything.


>> No.7865693

About this game. Epyx's Oil Barons, also on the Apple II and C64. It came with a game board and pieces so you can't really play it without those. The IBM version was a BASIC program, I assume the 8-bit ones probably were too, maybe with some asm for the graphics.

>> No.7865697

PS1 new build game

>> No.7865748

You hasn’t try other kino.

>> No.7865754

There was no Atari 8-bit port, maybe because they didn't want to deal with its non-Microsoft BASIC which would create a headache porting the game. IDK.

>> No.7865883 [DELETED] 
File: 48 KB, 500x350, 5785689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guys will waste 2 years on porting Pokemon Yellow to the NES but a port of Jr. Pac-Man is too much to ask?

>> No.7865917 [DELETED] 

Honestly there are far more interesting homebrew projects to spend 2 years on than this. for example a Jr. Pac-Man port for the NES would sure be nice.

>> No.7865969

this game seems like it would be really fitting for the TRS-80 CoCo due to its Texas theme

>> No.7866230

Is this some bad rom hack?

>> No.7866260

No. It's a bootleg Taiwanese "port" of Pokemon Yellow that a guy translated to English and touched up the audiovisuals..

>> No.7866294

There are really more interesting NES projects one could be doing than this.

>> No.7866336
File: 1.48 MB, 1000x1333, 1*tEDdG7Hr_Ob1RxMj-fM-cg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the 80s, I learned BASIC first. Then C, then assembly. Not sure if I would bother with BASIC today, but C and assembly are still useful. Pictured is still the best book for learning C.

>> No.7866481

Hah! Nerd!

>> No.7866486


>> No.7866552 [DELETED] 


Buggy, poorly designed mess (the crashes he noted were probably shit coding, not the C64 malfunctioning). that board game must have been an expensive gimmick. on the other hand it would have made the game essentially piracy-proof since you can't play without with the board and pieces.

and yeah yeah 1983 software made on a tight development schedule is less than perfect. tell us something we don't know.

>> No.7866568

Someone should try the game on VICE. It would probably still crash.

>> No.7866589

First to get rekt in fighting game.

>> No.7866715


>> No.7866739

I think we discussed Jr. Pac-Man for the NES before; I'd love for someone to do that. Yet instead they'll waste their time on some retarded Taiwanese demake of FF7.

>> No.7866808

you touched on one of the big issues with homebrew guys which is that a lot of them want to appeal to relative normies mostly acquainted with AAA console games. sure you could do stuff like a port of an obscure Atari 8-bit computer game like we've been doing in these threads, but the typical homebrewer will go "Ah yes a lot more people know Pokemon Yellow than Sea Chase."

>> No.7866870

There will never be a good homebrew gba game except pokemon rom hacks

>> No.7866873

I just want an extra kirby gba game to make it a trlogy. Same with metroid

>> No.7866930

we picked that game because it was so small and we thought it would be an easy conversion job, turns out not exactly

>> No.7867059

It interesting but rest was meh

>> No.7867302

Or, y'know, they just pick games they'd like to see ported.

>> No.7867704

a NES Pokemon Yellow is even more pointless than those dudes who wanted to port Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade on C64

>> No.7867935

You realistically recreate an entire world where humans stopped devolving in the 70's

>> No.7867948


>> No.7868051

>80s, 90s
>devolved from the 70s

>> No.7868131
File: 1.56 MB, 1280x720, 6502_16bit_artithmetic.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty easily. get a commodore 64 or an apple ][ and a book. this was a popular choice:
anyway it's hard enough already to learn and so much easier in modern times within modern IDEs and emulators with step through debuggers that i don't know why you would torture yourself like this.

>> No.7868878


>> No.7869274
File: 166 KB, 404x561, zoomer-quick-floss.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks for proving my point bucko

>> No.7869796

ROM hackers, translators and homebrewers tend to share the same mindset of wanting the fame, attention and notoriety from the things they make, so they'll pick the genres and games that already have a large following to use as a base to gauge the level of dedication they'll put into any project. If it's a Nintendo brand and/or a JRPG, that's the primary thing that'll get hacked, translated or ported. It's an expected pattern, just don't let it get to you.

>> No.7869921


>> No.7870414

> ROM hackers pick popular games because they want fame
motherfucker i want tools and documentation. it just so happens popular games have editors and a shit ton of information about them.

>> No.7870526
File: 110 KB, 940x940, laughing (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it goes without saying that they're also lazy and stupid

>> No.7871193

what have you ever done?

>> No.7871372

Aside from making a little bitch seethe? More than you could possibly imagine. Irregardless, no amount of cope will every make faggots who make shitty romhacks of meme games because they need child friendly tools anything more than pathetic jokes.

>> No.7871506

> More than you could possibly imagine.
Ah right. Absolutely nothing. Gotcha.
Maybe you should try and do something with your miserable waste of a life before you pass judgement on people actually accomplishing things.

>> No.7872062

Why haven't you started a disassembly of your favorite game, anon?

>> No.7872115

That port of Mouse Trap might be one.

>> No.7872125 [DELETED] 

Here Street Fighter II Famicom tech demo:https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HJ9tI1NxjnI

>> No.7872129

Here Street Fighter II Famicom tech demo: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HJ9tI1NxjnI

>> No.7872136

they didn't port it back in the day because they figured the NES's sprites were too small and it wouldn't work

>> No.7872142

>it wouldn’t work
Kept telling yourself. Crapcom can’t even try to port original first Street Fighter whiles this person does somehow without no problems.

>> No.7872190
File: 28 KB, 480x360, kart_fighter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost as cool as Kart Fighter. One of my favorite bootlegs.

>> No.7872195

Maybe, also not having nearly enough buttons for the moves is a fairly major problem.

>> No.7872203

wasn't SF2 ported to the ZX Spectrum and C64?

>> No.7872205


>> No.7872207

i don't know the specifics of those or if they even have all of the moves

>> No.7872212

They sucked. Also those ports prove nothing since it was a shit UK publisher who only cared about making some crap that vaguely resembled Street Fighter for money. Capcom obviously wouldn't have ported their own game if they didn't think the target platform could do it.

>> No.7872238

There was a Brazil-only SF2 for the Master System, dunno if you've seen that but it uses char sprites to make large-sized characters which you cannot do on the NES due to its palette limitations.

>> No.7872260

They did a reasonably decent SF2 for the Gameboy, no?

>> No.7872270

god no, the Gameboy SF2 is terrible

>> No.7872285

I don't think it would be that hard to do the game on the NES barring the issue with only two buttons. Arena fighters are not particularly complex games from a programming standpoint and the NES has a few advantages over the SNES namely being able to bank in fighter sprites instantaneously instead of slowly de-packing and copying them into video RAM. The arenas are only 2 screens wide as well so you don't have to do much with updating the tile map.

>> No.7872308

would CHR RAM make things easier?

>> No.7872316

Rom hack me easys mode versi9ns. Ess hits or easier foes or less foesl or less pits. Etcl

>> No.7872330

MMC3 would really make SF2 easier as it lets you switch in 1k of CHR ROM at a time and it takes only three instructions to bank the ROM. CHR ROM would be slow as balls since you can only copy 300 bytes per frame. So realistically you would need a setup like TMNT Tournament Fighters.

>> No.7872409

Yay, it too terrible. At least Skullgirls exist.

>> No.7872417

Gosh. MS SF2CE gameplay was below tier trash.

>> No.7872420

> it too terrible
i mean its the kind of terrible that's generally hilarious. turning mario kart into street fighter 2 just brings a chuckle everytime. it's honestly not bad for what it is either.

>> No.7872424


>> No.7872425

The NES and Game Gear were the only two commercially relevant 8-bit machines at the time that didn't get SF2, so the lack of the game sticks out like a sore thumb.

>> No.7872436

wasn't Street Fighter vs Mega Man a fan project that Capcom made official?

>> No.7872439

It was like that one Sonic game where a commercial dev offered it as a pitch to Capcom.

>> No.7872445

Colecovison may not count. Do SuperGrafx, X1, PC-88 and 7800 system includes?

>> No.7872448

>commercially relevant

>> No.7872468

It's also missing sprite frames despite still using a 512k cartridge. Didn't Gameboy carts run up to 1MB?

>> No.7872478

Only Pokemon RBY used a 1MB ROM and that was at the end of its run. During the time when SF2 was hot, most Gameboy games were 128k-256k and since they sold for less money and carried smaller profit margins than games for the main consoles, those games typically got made on lower budgets. Bigger Gameboy ROMs cost more and this did not change throughout its commercial lifespan.

>> No.7872486

i mean yeah you'd have an issue with sprite frames as the Gameboy didn't have CHR ROM like the NES and there was no DMA until the GBC.

>> No.7872506

Actually I've never been able to figure out why Burai Fighter Deluxe is so-called when it actually misses stuff from the NES original despite the same ROM size (64k).

Alfred Chicken is the exact opposite. Both the NES and Gameboy use a 128k ROM but the former is missing half the game.

>> No.7872937


>> No.7873036

No, this is homebrew, doit

>> No.7873064

In that case you're not a very smart person if you think any of those systems could handle SF2.

>> No.7873127

7800 arguably could

>> No.7873404

You've accomplished nothing other than seething coping and projecting my sorry little haxor

>> No.7873536

going into a homebrew and romhack general to shit on homebrew and romhacks. you really have nothing better to do? that's a sad fuckin life dude. i'm sorry things haven't turned out well.

>> No.7875193

Will see =)

>> No.7875806
File: 21 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Worm War 1 for the Atari 2600. Now reimagine this as an NES game.

>could have more detailed backgrounds than just black
>several levels and then an ending boss instead of just continue on forever until your thumbs fall off
>maybe some music, intermission screens, etc.

>> No.7876123

Horror shooter

>> No.7876317

Great tier port

>> No.7878104


>> No.7879349

Anyone have a prepatched rom for the recently released widescreen Super Mario World hack? Also, any recommendations on what emulator to use? I am super out of touch with this stuff these days...

>> No.7879718


>> No.7881587


>> No.7881938

Tekken, Aliens 1990, Castlevania Bloodline and Contra Hard Corp for SNES.

>> No.7881996
File: 4 KB, 584x524, dq12crash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone help with an issue, removing the splash screen for the recent DQ I&II patch causes DQII to crash entirely, the game crashes when you input your name

This does not happen with v1.02.
Can someone help me with this issue?

>> No.7882008

I don't want to be that guy but maybe they heard about your desplash and put DRM into it.

>> No.7882067
File: 235 KB, 954x669, wario's woods.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's no way they needed 512k of ROM for this. what the hell were they doing with all that space?

>> No.7882149

Clearing out old inventory, maybe?
It's possible.

>> No.7882237

read through rhdn post, that kid gone full autismo

>> No.7882268

Detailed animated faces

>> No.7882271

I guess some of our NES experts will have to disassemble it and see but that's more ROM than SMB3 has in a game that's basically just Tetris.

>> No.7882326

Yeah, definitely sounds like he may have added something to intentionally break the game if his intro was removed.

>> No.7882498

Just looking in YYchr they made some really big and detailed graphics with a bunch of sprite animations. I'd expect the code parts to be empty / repeat but it seems they are actually mostly filled too. They probably just used all of that space to write lazy code and build the game as quickly as possible.

>> No.7882515

If you've seen the ROM of Sonic 1 that is a mess. it's full of leftover code bits from earlier builds of the game and it's not optimized nearly as well as it could be.

>> No.7882614

The game mechanics are really solid, the game has a tutorial mode and everything, lots of levels... It might just be a bigger game than it lets on.

>> No.7882625

Wario's Woods has a 256k PRG ROM. that's a fairly typical size for a NES game. it does however have a larger than typical CHR ROM for all the animations.

>> No.7883696


Cool, that's another port project for us.

>> No.7884375

That cool.

>> No.7884406
File: 2.64 MB, 853x480, seachase_21_6_21.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The scoring system has been converted to decimal mode. This was tough and i am so glad it's over. After a couple failed attempts of "hacking in" decimal mode, i just rewrote the whole thing in Hex and just converted the output; which is what i should have done in the first place... Source control is important kids! There were also issues with the original game that i fixed, such as you were awarded points when the enemies suicided against a barrel, which i didn't like, so i fixed them. I also made the score able to handle up to 10 million, added a couple more 1ups, and made it so higher difficulties give you a higher scoring scale.
Anyway, this is the end of the core coding portion! The project is getting very close to completion which is very exciting and a huge relief. The only thing i haven't worked on is Sound, which you wouldn't know from these webm's obviously, but once that is done, the port is ready to release. So hopefully if i can knock out SFX and a couple songs by the end of the month.

>> No.7884440


>> No.7886048


>> No.7886052

that looks fun
where was this on my palm pilot in highschool

>> No.7886086

its a somewhat rare all but forgotten atari 800 game. it is fun. soon to be an NES game!

>> No.7888125


>> No.7888830


These comparisons of Agent USA show the Atari 8-bit's unfortunate limitations, namely how animation is always at 160x200 resolution and isn't as smooth as the C64 where everything animates at 320x200 resolution.

>> No.7888842

To be fair, it also shows the C64s limited 16 color palette.

>> No.7888851

The Atari can't display more than 4-5 colors on screen anyway despite a nominal palette of 128.

>> No.7888901

> The Atari can't display more than 4-5 colors
Per scanline. you can update them with in hblank with wsync, but yes it is problematic and limited.

>> No.7888909

the DLI system, while neat, would also require more memory than is available in the computer to be used to its full potential

>> No.7889259

Best SM hacks? I'm not an expert so if something needs a ton of tricks to complete I can't do it.

>> No.7889295
File: 316 KB, 645x555, SM_vitality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vitality, super zero mission, and redesign should get you started. they're harder than the original but no speedautist kaizo shit.

>> No.7889298

thanks senpai

>> No.7889406

Any Dracula X and Final Fight hack?

>> No.7889554

going to try to get Hyper Metroid working with msu1 support.

>> No.7889556

I played 30 minutes of Hyper Metroid so far and this game is BIG. Feels like an open world game.

>> No.7889564

It didn't work.

>> No.7889767

I don't even know where else i should ask, but does anyone know where the fuck can i get some Xbox hueg isos?
I used to get them from isozone but that place is kill.

>> No.7890621

Just now getting into playing with homebrew, maybe I'll try to whip up something like this. I've also been thinking about how remakes of River Raid and other Activision games could look

>> No.7890626

any idea where I can find this rom? I can do the English patch but cant find the original

>> No.7890782
File: 35 KB, 342x353, 61GV27M7ZJL._SX342_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Realistically how difficulty would it be for someone with zero romhacking experience to change the encounter rates and exp yields in this game? Is it as simple as going in there and changing around some variables? The random encounter rate in Sigma Star Saga is way too fucking high considering how long they take and I just want to tone it down and increase the exp to compensate.

>> No.7890802
File: 8 KB, 114x114, NESticle_hand2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you need help with NES stuff just ask. there are a ton of pitfalls and gotchas starting out and i can guarantee two things: you will fall in them and i already have =)

>> No.7890824

>if you need help with NES stuff just ask. there are a ton of pitfalls and gotchas starting out

It's not as hard to program as an Atari 2600 but it's still pretty difficult and quite timing sensitive. The Master System would be easier to figure out, not as many gotchas and not as limiting.

>> No.7890840

> It's not as hard as the 2600
Maybe initially, but with the ability to handle more complexity things get more complex.

>> No.7890849

NES games can be up to 40k of ROM before you need bank switching. Most 2600 games are 4-8k, some are 16k and there are just a few 32k ones all from the late 80s. Doing a straight port generally means you will not need to play with mappers, but depending on how much content you add (and you probably will to bring the game up to NES standards) you may well need to.

>> No.7890881

I remember looking into this, you can cheese encounters with rewind so that means it's pure rng. If you use the levitate ability you don't get encounters at all.

>> No.7891773


>> No.7892159

Look for "Lei Dian Huang Bi Ka Qiu Chuan Shuo" rom, it seems to give a lot of results.

>> No.7893646
File: 64 KB, 300x276, mario_isScrewed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found this the other day, tech specs and architecture for a bunch of retro consoles.

>> No.7893656

>The Master System had collision detection, a feature inherited from the original TMS9918 but which was omitted from the NES's PPU
Sea Chase anon's life might have been easier if he made the game for the Master System instead, even if it would have involved having to completely convert all code to Z80.

>> No.7893687

i doubt it. i chose the NES because i was already familiar with the architecture and how to code it. collisions took about 3 weeks, porting all of that code to z80 would have probably taken much longer. you'd still have to redraw everything and write new graphics routines, which was most of the project.

>> No.7893716

also if i had done a straight port i'd probably have been done a month ago. there are various QOL improvements sprinkled all around. the animated barrels, missiles exploding, a scoring system that increases with difficulty, and even silly things like the demo used to be unskippable and lead to the game over screen which felt dumb so i fixed it to go right back to the title as you would expect from an NES game.

>> No.7893985

Porting stuff to a system with the same CPU is generally easier. For example (as we've discussed before) it'd be no big deal to port the Colecovision Mouse Trap to the ZX Spectrum but for the NES it would make more sense to use the arcade code as that used a 6502.

>> No.7894153

Anyone know what Tom/DDS are up to? I wanted to check the status of the Tokimeki translation but their site is fucked (redirects to some google login screen) and they've nuked their twatters yet again.

>> No.7894247

C64 actually because he'd have scanline IRQs, collision registers, and a working 6502 BCD mode. in addition it uses the same joystick so rewriting that part of the code wouldn't be necessary.

>> No.7894594

Well are one of ya gonna start it already???
This is probably true. Some of the graphics code might have even been salvageable, but I don't know the C64 well enough to say. I had reasons to pick the NES; there were some things I wanted to practice and experiment with.

>> No.7894605

>This is probably true. Some of the graphics code might have even been salvageable, but I don't know the C64 well enough to say
It has char graphics but the sprites don't work anything like the Atari's do.

>> No.7896454


>> No.7898536


>> No.7898708
File: 160 KB, 343x300, 7227182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I'm about a fourth of the way through Hyper Metroid now. It's pretty good but I don't think it is as good as Redesign. It doesn't have the same organic feel to the map. It doesn't feel like every single room had a lot of thought put into it like Redesign's rooms do.

The biggest thing I have liked about the game is it is just a very good looking game, perhaps even more so than the original Super Metroid. Sometimes it's hard to believe it would run on a real SNES.

>> No.7900078

haven't tried it yet, loved Vitality, that is definitely next on the list. thx anon.

>> No.7900241

How do you feel about retro PC games? I was thinking making something for DOS.

Considering DOSbox is a pretty common thing it should be easy enough for people to play.

>> No.7900256

Tricky because unlike a C64 or whatever there are many things that constitute a retro PC game, also there's not really any dev tools for such a thing, at least nothing that will run on a modern OS.

>> No.7900275

Fair point. I think I'd like to give it a go though. One advantage I have is I have some old hardware and software that may help.

We'll see though. Worth a try and if nothing comes feom it, what have I lost?

>> No.7900440

> no dev tools
wat. i mean you're on a PC. there are step through debuggers and like borland turbo C or some shit. maybe check what tools the demo scene uses at pouet.net

>> No.7900446

What I mean is retro PC games span a wide range of CPU generations, OSes, memory models, and graphics standards. A CGA IBM XT game from 1983 is completely unlike a Windows 95 game.

>> No.7900463

you'd have to pick an "era" and a processor to target. VGA / 386 might be a nice combo for a DOS project.

>> No.7900470

and for most of these there are no modern development tools. A lot of VGA era games like X-COM were written in Wacom C++ which had libraries to support 32-bit extended memory but there's no modern equivalent of that.

>> No.7900598

There's this: http://www.doshaven.eu/programming-tools/
Forums are pretty dead.
There's old development software you can emulate in here under IBM: https://archive.org/details/TOSEC_2020_Roundup

>> No.7900691

Any new major mods/translations within the past few weeks? Updates to prepatched are also acceptable.

>> No.7900713


>> No.7900798

>7800 arguably could
I agree. People tend to underestimate the the graphical ability of the 7800.

>> No.7900815

too bad that like the Master System it suffered from massively shit sound capabilities

>> No.7900983

I think the ability to use expansion sound chips baked directly into game cartridges, like you would on a Famicom, gives the Atari 7800 an edge.
On the other hand, the stock TIA is far shittier at making sounds than the Master System's SN76489 is.

>> No.7902127
File: 254 KB, 1024x743, POKEY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was listening to some homebrew 7800 games with pokey chips on youtube and it would have been entirely serviceable for the 8-bit era had it been included on the motherboard, especially with developers adding TIA into the mix sparingly.

>> No.7904029


>> No.7904046
File: 20 KB, 512x448, 5938titlescreen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's there a patch that reverts the shitty byuu gfx to the original version for the most recent version of his patch? I have a patch for v1.0 if someone cares

>> No.7904243

I'm not sure why the goombas are round, but this is pretty bitchin'