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File: 87 KB, 640x910, ps2_rule_of_rose-110214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7864319 No.7864319 [Reply] [Original]

How good is this game really?

>> No.7864323

Probably shit survival horror games are all terrible.

>> No.7864325

The gameplay is terrible.

>> No.7864428

rule of shit

>> No.7864432

This game isn’t pricey because it’s good. It’s pricey because it’s rare. As far as survival horror games go, it pretty terrible. I say this as someone who adores the genre and loves shit that other people usually hate like Siren. It’s only saving grace is the atmosphere and weird ass, surreal symbolic story.

>> No.7864470

plays like shit

>> No.7864492

Atrocious gameplay, the story is The Others for pedos, cringe and sickly.

>> No.7864858

>for pedos
I'm in.

>> No.7864878


And despite that it didn't have a large impact?
Man it must really suck.

>> No.7864898

Poorfag fox and grapes

>> No.7864904

No. It was shortprinted specifically because they knew it was such a janky niche game that not many people would be interested in it. Game journalists just happened to catch wind of it and started making "hardcore pedophilia game on PS2" clickbait headlines, which drew a lot more people's attention to it. Then people who didn't give a damn about the game started buying it up expecting it to shoot up in value for being controversial.

So it sold out immediately and became the posterchild for rare PS2 games. Nowadays, people mainly want it just for its reputation of being rare.

>> No.7864905

why have so many kinda shitty middle of the road ps2 games like this and Eternal Poison spiked in price?

>> No.7865179

rule of rose was always the most expensive game, anon

>> No.7865218

I burned a copy, the game is shit, boring. Kuon is a game that is overpriced but actually good compared to Rule of Shit

>> No.7865414

Gameplay is broken.
The presentation however is incredible, the soundtrack, voice acting, characters are all great.
Was it a fun experience? No.
It was certainly an unique experience, it clearly has a lot of passion and detail put into it, but if you are not up for that, then steer clear.

>> No.7865418

It cost zero dollars to play this on real hardware in 2021

>> No.7865956

Collectors are fucking retarded. Shelling out hundreds for a piece of shit game just because "it rare". Wow you own rule of rose i dont fucking care.

>> No.7866035
File: 266 KB, 1134x1600, Kuon (2004-2006) PS2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But how good is this?

>> No.7866065

You which game is actually worth the expanse? Steel Battalion, not this

>> No.7866278

I actually do have it. Bought it in the day because I like horror games. It's worth playing because horror games are fun and short, but it's not a good game.

>> No.7866876

Bought it when it released. Never got around to playing it. Still sitting on the shelf in its original wrapping.

>> No.7866884

>lying on the Internet

>> No.7866914
File: 152 KB, 567x756, someshittygame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7866937
File: 336 KB, 756x972, collection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw, I took a year off from college and worked at Gamestop in the mid 00's. Didn't really need the money, since my grandparents paid for both my tuition and my rent, so I mostly blew my check on all the junk that got traded in or new releases that I would never get around to playing.

Unfortunately, a lot of my collection got lost in a flood;

Still pisses me off, but I'm mostly over it. I think I do have some pictures from back then, but it would just be painful to tell/show you the shit I lost, a packratting going back as far as the early 90's.

>> No.7866962
File: 1.16 MB, 2592x1456, 2011-07-31_15-36-18_424 - The top 4 are the WoW CEs, the bottom middle one is Warcraft 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck it, here's one.

>> No.7866971
File: 1.55 MB, 2592x1456, 2011-07-15_15-44-50_172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And another. Don't know how much money was in those binders, but probably more than $2000 at this point.

>> No.7867181
File: 34 KB, 500x375, 0_qnwiftuNb97lQ0tr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is it anything like The Others you fucking mongoloid? The main character in Rule of Rose is delusional; she is not seeing ghosts.

>> No.7867187

Its painful and shit but has an immensely satisfying pay-off.

>> No.7867220

Cool shit anon, Im jealous, thats a second-hand car right in your hand! But a protectors box for it though, dont want to rip the plastic.

>> No.7867226

Thats incredibly sad anon, reminds me of how I lost 70k worth of bitcoins by losing the code.

>> No.7867234

That sucks man. Are you still collecting or did you stop entirely because of this? A cancer diagnosis stopped my collecting habit two years ago. Although I haven't lost my stuff, I sold a lot of it and haven't bought anything new since. Time's just not worth it, can't play them all anyways.

>> No.7867245

I collect some things, and I'd say maybe 10% of my collection I did have the foresight to pack up and save when I had to evacuate, most of my good stuff being in the collection pic.

On the one hand, it's a bit of a relief because I likely would have dragged all that garbage around with me until the day I died, but on the other, I had a lot of cool things that would have looked great on display. Lot of "big box" PC games from over the years, consoles, standees, etc. I still refuse to get back into magic, too.

>> No.7867254

Some other stuff I have is the Cyberpunk 2077 E3 statue given to press whenever that was, and the PC Collector's Edition that will probably not be worth shit considering how that game was received, and also an unopened copy of Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 LE/CE, whatever it was that got a bunch of shit and wasn't initially released in the US.

>> No.7867341

It's actually kinda funny that I tend to care more about my collectibles rather than the fact that I damn near lost my house, it had to be completely gutted and rebuilt. FEMA didn't pay for the whole thing, either.