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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7863917 No.7863917 [Reply] [Original]

You know which classic A<<laim Entertainment Turok video game I consider to be the worst? Rage Wars. Some people hate on Shadows of Oblivion and Evolution but those ones don't deserve the hate they get. Rage Wars is the one asking for hate.

First off, the controls. The analog stick sensitivity is sluggish as shit, and it has to be set to Max. Even then it's better to use a 3rd party controller where the stick is less limited in movement. Also no alternate hand scheme like the original Turok so you're stuck with a left hand trigger.

The gameplay is, I don't know, it seems like it should be good but there's the minigame where you turn into a monkey which I don't even understand what the fuck is going on. I bet Kuzco had a better time being a llama. And there's a mission in the campaign that's pretty early on where it's really dark. I'm fine with dark environments but I hate inconsistent presentation in games.

The most notorious thing about the game was the glitch that made the game unbeatable and thus A<<laim issued out fixed copies. Better yet the quality assurance team should've been paying better fucking attention! I can't believe such a thing happened with an A<<laim Entertainment video game let alone the motherfucking Turok series!

The bottom line is, Rage Wars sucks ass and I say it's by far the worst of the A<<laim Turok games! If you want to play Turok themed multiplayer then go for the multiplayer modes of Turok 2, 3 and Evolution instead. Don't ever bother with Rage Wars.

>> No.7863968

>>Better yet the quality assurance team should've been paying better fucking attention!

If there even WAS one at all.

>> No.7864058

You can still beat the game you just can't finish the coop mode.

>> No.7864074

You spent all this time typing that out and regardless of your opinion it's still a pretty good game.

>> No.7865240

No. Can't change my mind, Rage Wars is shit.

>> No.7865241

Yeah I remembered it was specific about what the glitch was but I could never remember the details. Obviously if I played Rage Wars with someone I would've remembered but who the hell would want to play such a piece of shit with me

>> No.7865250

>Turok Rage Wars sucks ass
I knew this even as a 7 year old kid when my brother got this as a christmas present
I really hated the N64 we only had trash games

>> No.7865256

Yeah the N64 has a really odd, incomparable library of games and not all that many games either. But don't worry there's good games on it. The first 2 Turok games, Extreme G and Star Wars Shadows of the Empire.
(By the way I've only owned a N64 for about a year and I haven't found that many games yet but I have been able to find good games)

>> No.7865260

What other games for N64 did you have Anon? I'm curious.

>> No.7865730

The only good thing about this game would have to be the music. The music is pretty good but yeah the game is still shit.

>> No.7866217

Ocarina of Time, Super Mario 64 and GoldenEye

>> No.7866224

It was a perfectly fine arena shooter i liked quake 3 and UT so I had no problem with rage wars

>> No.7866241

Everything sucks ass.

>> No.7866276

ur a funny guy

>> No.7866378

Star Wars Episode I: Racer
Donkey Kong 64
Yoshi's Story
and ofc Turok: Rage Wars
I really hated all of them, i wish my parents would have gotten me Zelda or Mario 64 but noooooo i was stuck with this trash ofc i played both Zelda games by know but man i fucking hate the N64 because of shit childhood

>> No.7866390

You could also be turned into a chicken or play as mantid mites. It was fun, kys.

>> No.7866441

>hating star wars racer
stop gargling so much semen

>> No.7866476

No, I quite enjoyed it you guys are probably just contrarian reddit tards trying to hard to look intelligent, likely you didn't even play it at the time it was relevant.

>> No.7866478

I agree. Only turok 1 and 2 are good. All others suck my balls

>> No.7866530

>classic Turok

>> No.7866535

3 is better than 2. You can suck MY dick.

>> No.7866763

Did you just mention Reddit on 4chan? Cringe.

>> No.7866768

Evolution technically counts since it's from the same company that made the very first Turok game.

>> No.7866786
File: 485 KB, 435x396, 1605661999353.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's me.
The ONE guy who likes turok 3

>> No.7866787

>Star Wars Episode I: Racer
This game was dope though.