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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 134 KB, 780x878, n64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
785195 No.785195 [Reply] [Original]

/vr/, I'm that one fag who keeps posting about Perfect Dark in any thread that has anything to do with the N64 or Rareware. But, the sad day has come when I think I'm starting to get sick of it. I've beaten the entire game on Special Agent, several levels on Perfect and gotten about 35 levels into the Challenges. Point being, I'm tired of this game and want something new for my N64 collection.

Here's a list of other games I've played to death:
>Anything with Mario in the title, unless there was Mario Golf 64
>Star Fox 64
>Super Smash Bros.
>Turok series
>Pokemon Snap
>Pokemon Stadium
>Mortal Kombat 4
>Something like The Deadly Arts or The Art of Fighting or something. Very animu, has character creation system.

Wat do /vr/?

>> No.785205

>Unless there was mario golf 64

Do I have good news for you,

>> No.785207


>> No.785226

You could get OoT and MM, I don't see Hey, You! Pikachu! on that list, and I remember the Spider-Man game to be... At least not as bad as the Superman game.

>> No.785235

Paper Boy 64
Kirby 64
Rayman 2 the Great Escape
Conkers BFD

All of those have a LOT of content and different ways to play. Go get lost in games again, son.

>> No.785248

>Recommending Hey You Pikachu
What the hell man
Also the PS1 version of Spiderman is the best

>> No.785252


I was actually considering picking it up just for the novelty alone

>> No.785254
File: 47 KB, 605x336, WaveRace64--article_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should get yourself these:
>1080° Snowboarding
>Doom 64
>Star Wars Episode 1 Podracer
>Pokemon Puzzle League
>Gauntlet Legends
>Jet Force Gemini

>> No.785265

You should graduate to the PSX, you have already played pretty much everything worth playing on the N64.

>> No.785287

Want something new?
Hybrid Heaven.
I guarantee you've never played anything quite like it.

>> No.785298

I liked it better when it was called Fire Pro Wrestling.

>> No.785304
File: 332 KB, 586x655, nus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both Goemon games, Mischief Makers, Hybrid Heaven, Sin and Punishment (import), Megaman 64/Legends, Blast Corps

>> No.785308

First time I saw that, I thought I was playing as Wolverine.

>> No.785318

Besides missing Banjo Tooie and the other Goemon, this is the best N64 collection I've ever seen.

>> No.785336

I don't see Pokémon Stadium 2.

>> No.785337


That's an old pic, I added many other boxed games: Paper Mario, Yoshi's Island, megaman 64, i also have Goemon's Great Adventure (sadly, cart only).

I also used to own a lot of games whe I was a kid (Mario 64, OOT, etc) but I sold them long ago and I already have OOT for gamecube and 3DS.

Thanks by the way!

>> No.785342

Both of the Stadium games are overrated as fuck. I don't see what the point of them even is any more.

>> No.785390


I only played Stadium 1, but it's kind of interesting. Graphics are good for n64 (also the pokemon stadium staff was helping development on Mother 3's graphics back when it was a N64 game until it got cancelled).
The game is mainly a way to play with your own pokemon in 3D form, if you don't have the Gameboy game, then Stadium becomes kind of shitty because it has default pokemon with set levels and attacks, if you transfer your own pokemon, you can use them on the N64. It's especially fun (or at least, I imagine so) to play against another friend's pokemon on the N64.
I only got to try it a few years ago, but if I had this back when pokemon red/blue was the shit, I would have loved it.
It serves mostly as an extension of the gameboy games though.

The minigames are boss, truth be said. I had a lot of fun renting Stadium back in the day and just play minigames with friends during weekends.

anyway, I don't think they are overrated, not many people talk about them and it's known they are kind of boring if you dont transfer your own monsters

>> No.785651

Uh, OP... You've beaten "several levels on Perfect"? YOU HAVEN'T EVEN FINISHED THE MAIN CAMPAIGN YET!

Fortunately, I'm the other anon who constantly posts about the glorious PD, so the glory of PD shall continue to be declared.

Anyway, check out World is Not Enough, Sin & Punishment, Conker's Bad Fur Day, and Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine.

>> No.785780

Donkey Kong 64
Body Harvest
Army Men: Sarge's Heroes 1 and 2
Army Men: Air Attack

>> No.785948

Have you tried Jet Force Gemini?

>> No.785953

Shadowman was fun.

>> No.785959

shadowman was edgey

>> No.786419

Road Rash 64 and The World Is Not Enough are pretty good.

>> No.786519
File: 45 KB, 300x227, Mighty Gazelle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ctrl F

F-Zero X mother fucker

>> No.786568

Mike/Shadow Man's dialogue and little monologues were pretty cringey at times, but the game itself is great, despite the large amounts of backtracking.

>> No.788747
File: 25 KB, 254x185, 254px-Extreme-G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Donkey Kong 64
Banjo Kazooie/Tooie
Quake 2 (it's different)
Doom 64 (I think the only Doom title that is exclusive to one platform)

Also for the guys recommending F-Zero, I love your taste but sadly Extreme-G made everything else feel slow

>> No.788774

>Doom 64
My nigah

>> No.788807
File: 14 KB, 472x412, 1366323232695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently bought one too. I'm enjoying the shit out of Banjo Kazooie.

>> No.788809

>Go to the local gaming shop near my town
>Golden N64 for $79
>Winback for $2.00


>> No.788810

I want to get BK so bad but I don't want to dish out for the expansion pack. Feels bad.

>> No.788814

Good news, it doesn't need one. The only Rare games I can think of that do are Perfect Dark and Donkey Kong 64.

>> No.788816

BK doesn't need it.

>> No.788941
File: 60 KB, 610x343, caughtintheblob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Body Harvest. Go out and get that shit now.

>> No.788963

You're making a mistake not getting it. A lot of N64 games benefit from the expansion pack in some way. Rayman 2, Resident Evil 2 look significantly better + Factor 5's Indiana Jones game benefits - and of course Majora's Mask needs it.

>> No.788992

I plan to get one eventually for DK64 and Perfect Dark. Right now I'm okay with MM on the Wii.

>> No.789820

I think the 64 version is better for the analog

>> No.789834

Play blast corps, brother?

>> No.791857

>Evangelion 64
So jelly! I tried playing that on an emulator once and got wrecked on the level where the Angel invades Central Dogma and you have to push it onto the launch elevator. That game's controls do not emulate well.

>> No.792663

Operation Winback is a bretty cool game. Have to get the cartridge though, every ROM in existence has an annoying, recurring graphical error last I checked.

>> No.792981
File: 63 KB, 609x603, Mario_Generic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every ROM in existence has an annoying, recurring graphical error last I checked.
It's not the rom. It's the video plugin. I believe an older version of Jabo fixes the "floating grey square" thing.

>controls do not emulate well.
Here's my recommended "default" keyboard controls. I can't imagine them any other way, and they're rather flexible. Even some FPS games work okay.