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/vr/ - Retro Games

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784802 No.784802 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, I was wondering if there is anyone willing to sell a copy of Earthbound. I live aeound the Chicago area and I just to see how much somebody would be willing to sell it.

>> No.784842

Earthbound's price is inflated and everyone in this board knows that.
If anybody is willing to sell it, they won't do it for cheap, and they would probably put it up for auction at eBay.

Here's my tip if you want to own Earthbound: Buy japanese Mother 2 (which is also uncensored, unlike NOA version) and play Earthbound on emulator, it's not like you'll miss anything because of emulating it since it's a turn based RPG, not a shmup or a fighter, you won't struggle with input lag or anything, you'll enjoy it just the same as the real thing, and, you can play the real thing (in japanese) as Mother 2, which you can probably buy for $20 or so.

Or just wait a few years and buy Earthbound for $30 or $40 once all this retrogaming fad bubble burst away.

>> No.784875


>he thinks this is going away


Just buy the VC version when it drops.

>> No.784893
File: 18 KB, 200x305, 200px-Tetsuya_Mizuguchi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Atari, Coleco and other old games also used to be very expensive about 10 years ago.
Nowdays the people that felt nostalgia (either real or "hipster"-like) are now older and don't care that much, that's why you can buy atari games for much cheaper nowdays. The main focus now is the kind of games generation Y/millenials played growing up, gens 4 and 5.
I predict in about 6 years, Earthbound will be reasonably priced again.
It's not a rare game, "Nintendo world championship" (or whatever that is called) will always be expensive because it is rare, EB is not.

>> No.784898



I was waiting for someone to say that.

>> No.784914


Note that I used " ", I didn't meant it seriously. I just meant fake nostalgia: people that never played the game as kids, but still feel some sort of nostalgia because other people feel nostalgia, it's a crowd thing I guess.
Since many people use "hipster" to explain that phenomenon, I used it to avoid explaining this, but here you are. No I don't use "hipster" seriously.

>> No.784921


Why do you think someone who wants to play EB is experiencing "fake" nostalgia? Maybe they just wanted to see what the big deal is.

I also find it funny how many people here have the idea of "I'm a legitimate fan but THEY aren't!"

>> No.784957

>Why do you think someone who wants to play EB is experiencing "fake" nostalgia? Maybe they just wanted to see what the big deal is.

Then they should just wait for the fad to end and buy it for a reasonable price, buyt the japanese release, or wait for the VC release. Or emulate it. That's what I was telling OP, nobody is going to sell their copy of EB, not in this board at least. Also this may very well be a troll thread, we all know what /vr/'s reaction toward EB's pricing and selling is, right? I was just trying to give OP a coherent explanation of the whole situation, yet you are trying to shit on my posts by pointing out useless things like the use of the word "hipster" that I didn't even meant seriously, I just wanted to avoid explaining the fake nostalgia thing.
Oh there is nothing wrong with wanting to experience EB, it's a good game, but if you never played it as a kid, why would you be so horny to own the cart? just emulate it or buy Mother 2, it's not like EB has an emotional connection to you like it has to the people who actually played it as kids. And even then, if I was one of those, I would NOT buy EB for the price people is asking nowdays, no way.

>I also find it funny how many people here have the idea of "I'm a legitimate fan but THEY aren't!"

I'm sorry, but I never played EB when I was a kid, and anyway I don't think about "true fans" or "fake fans"... all I meant was the nostagia factor. I don't have nostalgia for EB (not childhood nostalgia at least) since I didn't play it as a kid. But as I said, even if I had childhood nostalgia for it, I wouldn't pay the ridiculous prices, better to wait.

>> No.784967

>Then they should just wait for the fad to end and buy it for a reasonable price, buyt the japanese release, or wait for the VC release. Or emulate it.

Err, why do you care how other people decide to enjoy their video games, especially when they make the decision to spend their money.

>but if you never played it as a kid, why would you be so horny to own the cart?

Have you missed the daily collector's threads? Those aren't full of people rebuying their childhood. Some people like to collect things.

>> No.784984


>Err, why do you care how other people decide to enjoy their video games, especially when they make the decision to spend their money.

I don't, I was just trying yo tell OP why he's not gonna have any luck here on /vr/, we all know about EB's inflated prices. Anyone who owns an EB cart and IF he's willing to part with it, he's gonna put it up for auction on ebay, not sell it here.
Also I was trying to give OP some advice, he can still own the real thing (Mother 2) withut paying the high prices.
If you think Earthbound is reasonably priced nowdays, then we should stop the discussion here because I disagree.

>Some people like to collect things.
It's alright, I was just giving him some advice, if he wants to shell out $400 and buy the cart, I'm not stopping him.

You just seem upset about the way I think... don't worry, I don't go around insulting people on collector's threads, I was just giving OP my own observations and opinions on the EB price thing, and my personal advice on how he can enjoy the game, and still own the real game, without spending much money, but of course he can do as he please.

>> No.784990

>If you think Earthbound is reasonably priced nowdays, then we should stop the discussion here because I disagree.

Not even sure why one would begin to think this was implied anywhere.

>> No.785005


Alright then.
I'm sorry if I sounded arrogant or something, it really wasn't the intention. It was just my personal advice to OP. If he wants to buy the game, go ahead.
At least I gave him a real answer, instead of "get off hipster" "oh another earthbound thread" and other common replies this thread would likely have.

>> No.785047
File: 41 KB, 305x457, 3609wk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bound Earth
hipster detected

>> No.785089

I'll give you that much. Sorry about my autism or something. Sincerely.

>> No.785117

Realistically and in the current state of it's price, I think $80-90 would be a fair offer for Earthbound.

>> No.786332


First time I saw a resolution on 4chan without shit-slinging.

You guys are pretty cool. I'd buy you a beer

>> No.786598

can someone post those websites that show the "rarity" of earthbound (as a stand alone cart, with box, etc)? i want to prove to this kid that earthbound isn't rare, its just high sought after.

>> No.786616

never mind, found it. it was nintendoage.

>> No.787327

Is there a patch so I can play the uncensored version.

>> No.788000

What was censored on the censored version?

>> No.788009


>> No.788116




not sure if they are worth it, maybe anon can confirm.

>> No.788128

What if Giygas is just a partially initialized GET IT YOURSELF GASOLINE, and Earthbound is just the drug-addled story of the fight against self-service gas stations?

>> No.788212
File: 15 KB, 256x223, Mother 2 - Gyiyg Strikes Back.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't be silly, there is no war against any "Giygas"

>> No.788235

>Gas sign in the back
Theory still stands.

>> No.788795

What's the name of that Nintendo-made SuFami game that's a perfect cross between Earthbound and Metroid?