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7842331 No.7842331 [Reply] [Original]

Favorite Bosses? Levels? Powers? Also, has anyone played the PSP remakes? I actually really like Maverick Hunter X! I'd be down for more X 3d remakes in this style.

>> No.7842365
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I played Powered Up just to go through hard mode as Roll and if it wasn't for her cute costumes this would've been my most miserable MM experience ever. I refuse to believe this fucker is actually beatable, I had to switch to normal just for him.

>> No.7842408

I think we all would've loved to see the PSP games continue OP. MHX and PU were great remakes which probably could've helped propelled the series' popularity forward if they hadn't come out on the PSP

>> No.7842418

Why was that remake considered a failure?

>> No.7842424
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aha yaaaaaa I'm not gonna lie I prefer NES... the graphics are nice and playing as other characters is super cool, but even shit like oil man's stage is pretty shit. I honestly think if they just remade megaman 1 3d but with the megaman 3-5 engine it would have been PERFECT.

That said I never go back and play 11... I definitely replay powered up tho. Drives me crazy they changed up yellow devil's pattern! My autism has the NES pattern memorized AHHH!!

>> No.7842436

I think both PSP games sold so poorly that any remakes of the rest of either series were just completely canned.

>> No.7842446

yeah pretty sure it was sales. I mean, the ZX games didn't sell great on the DS either, but I think PU would've fared better on the DS as the aesthetic fit the console's install base better than the PSP's. MHX might've done marginally better simply due to the consoles popularity too.

>> No.7842447
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Classic air man, rainy turtloid, BN's fire man
Snake man's, blaze heatnix', ground man's
Shadow blade, fire man chip, spike ball
By the way, it's only I that thinks commander Yammark's too cute?

>> No.7842452

You can't just have a general Megaman thread. It has to be about Inti Creates.

>> No.7842469

>commander Yammark's too cute
yandare but has the eyes of a much more kawaii commander

>> No.7842660
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Reminder that Magma Dragoon did nothing wrong, even if he deliberately sabotaged a floating city to crash into another city, killing millions, just so he could have an excuse to fight X or Zero to the death inside a volcano.

>> No.7842664
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>> No.7842671
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man I spent forever learning that fight then I found out you can just jump into a mech suit and punch his ass to death mfw

>> No.7842703

He is a dick, but fighting against him is fun. A Gouki-like reploid.

>> No.7842732 [DELETED] 

Legayman is casual garbage and only troons play them.

>> No.7842965


I see, sad to hear. Thank you for your replies, have a nice day, guys

>> No.7843153

magma dragon is best reploid bar none

>> No.7843602

Geez Dragoon, you could've just asked for a sparring match

>> No.7843982

pft its robot wars not robot cares! robots should only be programmed to fight!

>> No.7844024

What do you mean?

>> No.7844061
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I just want a remake of X5 will full voice acting like in X4 or even X6

>> No.7845781

you too anon. don't forget to pray for x9 announcement at e3 before you go to bed

>> No.7846558
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>> No.7846583

>tfw you'll never be that happy

>> No.7846618

Genuinely curious: is there a chance it can happen whenever in the future? Were Mega Man 11 numbers good?

>> No.7846668

Megaman was on a downward spiral (in sales) so in a timeline where it was on DS we probably would've gotten MHX 2/3 and maybe a Powered UP 2 at least

>> No.7846672

Apparently it did very well, and the same team is working on a new game (in which sub-series is currently unknown).

>> No.7846862

>No X2 remake with Zero as an unlockable playable character with his own mode like Vile
>No X3 remake with a properly build in Zero campaign like in X4
>No X4 remake that fixes the localization
>No X5 remake that kills the RNG and has animated cutscenes like X4
>No X6 remake that decisively ends the series and ties it into Zero

It hurts so much

>> No.7848429

This guy was really fun to fight as Zero.

>> No.7848501

NDS wasn't powerful enough for the MM remakes, and that might have been the last time either of those remakes would be greenlit and given a physical release. PS2/GC/Wii probably would have been better platforms than PSP

>> No.7848747

Most baffling mistranslation of the game, it's all but confirmed to be Wily's (Isoc's?) doing if you axtually par attention to some of Zero's Light conversations.

>> No.7848753

>No X4 remake that fixes the localization
The fuckiest part is the original X Collection almost did this and more but Inafune shot it down because he had faith in the PSP remakes being greenlit, and the Legacy Collection cowards won't do this.

>> No.7848762

It'll take take more than replacing the godawful voices.
As the anime segments are badly compressed, they would've reanimated them from scratch if the masters no longer exist.

>> No.7848767

PSP remakes were alright. Powered Up has a so-so main game saved by the awesome level editor (why haven't they retried this concept?). MHX had the unique Vile playstyle but I have to mute the repetitive music (who thought that was a good idea?). In most cases I'd rather replay the originals though, they just feel tighter.

>> No.7848775
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What about PU's playable characters too?

>> No.7848793

They didn't really work for me in practice. They're just variations of Mega Man's special weapons but with boss strengths and weaknesses, which makes some parts unnecessarily frustrating (Oil vs Fire). Vile mode is at least something entirely new we hadn't seen before. It somehow works for the game and doesn't feel nearly as forced.

>> No.7849381
File: 37 KB, 456x476, Powered Up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Favorite Bosses
Hidden Phantom and the Anchus Bros from the bossrush
Pharaoh Man, Clown man and Galaxy man
Flame Stag and Yammar Option
>PSP remakes
I enjoyed Maverick Hunter X, but Powered Up was just on another level.
Not only did it have all three classic MM control formulas, but it also had Protoman, all the bosses, and Roll for those who prefer melee combat.
It also had a fairly competent level creator with additional stuff that wasn't in the main game.

>> No.7849460

No, they wouldn't have. That Chibi style Of PU wouldn't have won people over. Over-saturation had already hit for the Mega Man titles. The concept of remaking those games and selling them one by one was poor to begin with. They should have done it like they did Wily Wars, three games at a time.

>> No.7849510
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Only ever played and finished Mega Man 2 (emulated), what are some other good games from the series?

>> No.7849662

There's an undub version floating around. It restores the original japanese voices with subtitles from a new translation. Most texts within the game are also retranslated. See if it tickles your fancy.

>> No.7849962

Classic ones? Follow up with 3 and 4. After these, opinions vary, but I personally still like 5, but not much the rest. Check also X and Zero series.

>> No.7850103

I think 9 and 10 are breddy gud. The X games for the SNES are worth looking at, too.

>> No.7850121

honestly I think 5 is the best follow up for people who played through 2. in terms of difficulty from "normal" mode 2 I think 5 is the next bump up in difficulty and then after that 1 3 4 are all pretty comparable, but 3 and 4 you get the slide so they're more fun aha.

>> No.7850146

Isn't the voice over dialogue actually saying something along the lines of "When I came to my senses, I already had a body"?
I know for sure, Zero tells this to Dr. Light and Dr. Light clumsily dodges the whole thng.

As for Isoc, I think it's clear as day it's Wily
>Knows Zero enough to fix him and create the Nightmare replicas
>calls Zero a "robot", not a Reploid
>voiced by Dr. Wily
>When Zero destroys High Max he nuts so hard he dies.

>> No.7850156

blame Mega Man Battle Network 4. 3 was such a good game, and it made so much buzz in Japan about Mega Man, Capcom rushed and released 4 at the same year as 3 and it's a really mediocre game with a lot of compromise-for-length (having to replay the campaign 3 times to get everything, for example).

If you look at the sales, BN4 didn't just kill BN, it tarnished the Mega Man brand as a whole harder than even X7.

>> No.7850164

If I recall right, what got translated as "I hid myself while I tried to repair myself" is actually him saying he laid low while his auto-repair systems kicked in. This is just an excuse, and Zero doesn't actually know how he came back to life.
I'm leaning on it being a resurrection by Isoc too.

>> No.7850175

Play the rest of the NES game. If you still want more Mega, continue with 7-11

>> No.7850201
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Okay hold up.

So Serges is Wily.
"An old man" / Sigma's "new partner" in X5 is Wily.
Isoc is Wily.
Part of the Maverick Virus is Wily.

Is that it or am I missing anything here.

>> No.7850264
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The Battle Network release schedule was so fucked and grueling it's incredible we got as many good games out of it as we did.

> 2001, they put out a full ass RPG for the GBA launch
> They announce 2 only three months later, which they then somehow manage to put out by the end of 2001.
> 3 comes out at the end of 2002 (a full year to polish, which is probably why this one is commonly regarded as the best). Three months after this, they put out an enhanced version in March 2003.
> Capcom is now fully in on releasing two versions per game, Pokemon style. The team somehow manages to ship both versions of 4 only nine months later, in December 2003, with an all-new art style and three seperate tournament paths per game. This doesn't go super well, and the game is a complete mess.
> Only eight months later, August 2004, the put out 4.5, a side game to test mechanics that will be used in 5.
> Four monthes after this, in December 2004, they put out 5: Team Protoman. The branching paths element is cut, making the major difference which Navis join your team. Two months later, in February 2005, 5: Team Colonel comes out, with different Navis. This delay (even small) is probably a huge relief.
> Nine months later in November 2005, they put out both versions of 6.

>> No.7850284

Sigma and the Maverick Virus became one, honestly I think it's safe to say the reploid known as Sigma ceased to exist after X1 and everything else is the Virus, merged with Sigma's personality snd memories, looking to replicate itself. Because what does s colony drop do for Reploid evolution?

Wily died supposedly without finishing Zero, finishing him finally in X2, so I assume Wily is around as a sort of wireless AI like Dr. Light is.

>> No.7850780

The canon in part 2 is X retrieving Zero's parts or not?

>> No.7851340

X retrieving the parts if you consider the opening cinematic of X5 as canon, but considering in X1, Zero was just a torso and an arm when he died, Serges/Wily actually went through the trouble of fixing his god damn robot, finishing him as the schematics intended them to be and... disassembled him to bait X.

Please always keep in mind Mega Man stories run on idiocy and crimes against common sense.
"Muh Integrated Circuit/Control Chip, muh Robot Master tech, that X has it, so I must bait"

>> No.7851441

Thanks! The story is pretty simple, but was engaging for me. I remember eagerly waiting for the conclusion on X5, only for it to be so halfhearted. I didn't stop playing the games, but gave up almost entirely of keeping up with the lore.

>> No.7851610
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Have you played Zero at all? Prob has the best lore & worldbuilding in Mega Man.

>> No.7851637

I genuinely like the story of the X games, I actually enjoyed the PS1 trilogy over the SNES games (I only really like X1 to begin with anyway) mostly due to the expanded worldbuilding.

>> No.7851649

A huge problem with Mega Man lore is that the games are plagued with horrible translations (for example, Irregular Hunter and Irregular were renamed Purifier Unit and Aberrant in the english release of Mega Man Legends, completely axing the connection to the X series, not to mention the plothole from renaming Rock Volnutt to MegaMan Volnutt), as well that a lot of the lore remains Japanese-only in websites that are now defunct (such as the Rockman X5 website) or guidebooks such as the "Chou Hyakka Rockman X" books written by the Capcom devs and published by Kodansha. That fucking book CONFIRMS Serges is Wily, ffs.

Mega Man's story isn't perfect, it runs of a lot of idiocy (see: X4) but we're missing so many details that make Mega Man so... fascinating narratively. And that sucks.

>> No.7851664
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>> No.7851679
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>> No.7851701

I played the first one only, in 2006, through emulation and a crappy keyboard. Not the best experience, but I finished the game. However, I was kinda confused by its story. Maybe I'll give it another shot soon and pay more attention. It's tightly connected to the X series, isn't it?

>> No.7851703

that is absolutely disgusting

>> No.7851707

that is absolutely incredible

>> No.7851741
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>I played the first one only, in 2006, through emulation and a crappy keyboard. Not the best experience, but I finished the game.

Holy shit, I'm very impressed. I had enough trouble playing it on the GBA.

>However, I was kinda confused by its story. Maybe I'll give it another shot soon and pay more attention.

This is pretty fair, the first game's translation is... not the best.

>It's tightly connected to the X series, isn't it?

Sort of, but not really. They don't reference its specific events often, but there are some fun callbacks. You definitely don't need to play all of the X series though.

The games also get far better as they go on, with some top tier megaman-ing to be had in 2/3 especially.

>> No.7851789

Thanks for rekindling my interest! I will be sure to check these games as soon as I can.

>> No.7851860

does it have slide or charge shot?

>> No.7851882

it's just mega man 1 with new visuals and bgm

>> No.7853141

I forget that all those games came out in only 4 years.
I always think it was like a decade's time like normal development would be.