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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7842264 No.7842264 [Reply] [Original]

Nintendo 64 thread

>> No.7842280

End labels look like shit.

>> No.7842313

Why do people display games like ornaments? It looks incredibly lame.

>> No.7842324

Tetrisphere will never be surpassed as a zen puzzle game. It feels like a good drug trip playing that game.

>> No.7842530

For me its that Disney Tetris game

>> No.7842603

But I was told Nintendo 64 had only 10 games?

>> No.7842609
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good to know someone made a new thread
WWF No Mercy
Pokemon Stadium 2
Animal Forest
Any 64DD game

>> No.7842614

nice collection. Nowhere near as big but I've got about 50 carts.

I was thinking about getting end labels but I'm thinking instead about going the repro case route and just sticking my games in a box with a nice end label on the spine.

>> No.7842670

The New Tetris > everything else
Chillest possible experience with electronics

>> No.7842683

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hz8mW7DrOxY Required watching.

>> No.7842684
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Anybody ever try this? I've read some reviews saying this is a miracle cleaner for the cartridge slot but it's $20 and I'm wondering what it does that I can't do with a rag

>> No.7842710
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>> No.7842714

If it's anything like other cart cleaners it's only advantage is you can jam it in deeper.

>> No.7842762

Im a huge Sega fan and the Nintendo 64 is one of my favorite consoles to collect for, not particularly the best games-wise but the games are cheap, nothing is truly irredeemable, and theres so many titles on it that nobody knows about yet deserve a playthrough.

>> No.7842769

Hmm. I probably could just wrap a thin rag around an expired credit card. That would probably go inside the slot.

>> No.7842797


Glad I'm not the only one who thinks they look like dog shit. I have no idea who designed them but they clearly never saw what the NES and SNES end labels look like. They're just a single color from the front label with a small version of the game's logo or the title. The idea is that it's meant to be a high contrast graphic to easily indicate what game it is on a shelf. Meanwhile in this pic I can't even tell what half of the fucking games are because they're so noisy looking.

>> No.7842813

You'd probably damage something.

>> No.7842852

All the bing bing WAHOO and sonic shit is fucking cringe. And personally, i am not a fan of those labels on the carts but that's just a matter of opinion.


>> No.7842925

I will not fall for Jewish tricks.

>t. not falling for Jewish tricks

>> No.7842929

It's a little cringe but what can you do? These carts are fucking impossible to scan and grab when they are on a shelf like this.

>> No.7842937

>But I was told Nintendo 64 had only 10 games
10 GOOD games anon. It's ok tho. Don't beat yourself up over it. It's a common misconception.

>> No.7842984
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This game has to be the biggest slog on the system, I've never gotten more than a few hours into it after starting it a couple of times. I believe it's the only Western developed RPG on the system. I feel like if it had a good soundtrack it could be carried by it a bit, but the early game consists of hearing these two awful songs

>> No.7843038

What do you expect? Fuck this game.

>> No.7843118

I need n64 best sports games stat!

>> No.7843145

It was someone on thecoverproject and because Nintendo fags can't do anything themselves no one ever tried to improve on them.

>> No.7843160

Didn't have the system but from what I e played at friends houses here is what I can recommend:
>wcw wrestling

>> No.7843195

Where do people get their boxed N64 games from? For disposable packaging it seems like they're really common in collections.

>> No.7843203

for the average game they're surprisingly not that expensive, not much more than adding $20 to a loose cart. Of course if its a high in demand game or a rare game then the prices get fucked.

>> No.7843207

How many people here have an Everdrive x5 or x7? Do you regret buying your respective version and wish you got the other instead (such as bought a x5 but now would prefer a x7)?

>> No.7843239

Any ISS game, though 64 is my fav
FIFA 98/99
Wayne Gretzky 3D Hockey
NBA Hangtime or Showtime at NBC
Ken Griffey Jr. Slugfest
Mario Tennis
Mario Golf
NFL Blitz
NFL Quarterback 2000
WWF No Mercy
Knockout Kings 2000

>> No.7843364


>> No.7843381
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gonna try to beat this beast

>> No.7843480

I remember renting this from the vidya store.

>> No.7843542

I'd argue Gauntlet Legends is also a western RPG. it's very action-oriented but there are classes, stats, exp/levels, a shop with items, spells etc.

>> No.7843545

i was playing it at some point but it was so damn slow I had to play it on an emulator with fast-forward, it actually was a bit more manageable.

>> No.7843549

How's everyone's local availability N64-wise? In my part of the midwest it's hard to find anything that isn't Sports 6400 at a local store.

>> No.7843562

I live in the middle of nowhere, western Canada. The nearest retro vidya store is like 150 miles away. The best substitute I have in this little shit town is one of the local pawn shops, who sometimes manage get their hands on a gem or two. The most interesting N64 titles I've picked up there were Goldeneye, Quake 64, and Conker's. Thank fuck the people running that shop are clueless hicks, I got all three of those games for crazy cheap.

>> No.7843590

not good, I have to use Facebook to buy N64 stuff and I always have to be wary of repros.
t. chilean

>> No.7843826

Yeah that counts, I didn't think about that one, fun game

>> No.7844069

Agreed. Bookshelves are incredibly cringe.
I keep my shit in cabinets or drawers.

>> No.7844096

went to the local games store the other day and they had zero decent n64 games, they even had a large empty spot on the top shelf where the good games normally go

>> No.7844126

I got an x5. I love it but it's main inconveniences are no battery backups so no Animal Crossing 64 and you have to hold reset to save natively in game.

That said I love my everdrive

>> No.7844183

those are just abrasive nylon material that fits in the slot to reach the pins
instead pick yourself up a bottle of deoxit or other contact cleaner and a small paintbrush. also remember that solvents like iso don't clean soda residue very well, in that case it's better to use the smallest bit of distilled water

>> No.7844259

Southwest here. Good N64 games used to be easier to find than Playstation games, but since the memeplague every store's been wiped out.

>> No.7844978
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Im Dutch and its alright, prices tend to fall below actual worth a lot, worst problem is having to compete with Germans and Belgians, making Ebay useless.

>> No.7844994

You only need like 8 games max for this console. I don’t see the need for end labels. It should be simple - 2 gold carts, 4 grey carts, 1 yellow cart and 1 black cart.

>> No.7844998

Learn a console before posting in threads about it if you seriously believe this

>> No.7845142
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So you can organize the games and easily look through your collection and find what you're looking for
You do play games, right?

>> No.7845168

N64 was very popular here during it's peak and early 2000s, the WWF games were especially popular. I've easily picked up the best selling games already, but now I'm having trouble finding more niche games like Ogre Battle 64.

>> No.7845406


>> No.7845407

Remember to grease the bowls of your N64 sticks. A touch of silicone grease on all parts except for the gear's teeth should do the trick and keep it well-maintained for a few years.

>> No.7845437

I don't need Sonic 2 on display like an ornament to find it easily you frog posting retard.

>> No.7845673
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>> No.7845748

>diablo 2 discs on the desk
also perfect dark is still the best multiplayer shooter on any console

>> No.7845779

i always saw this game in stores and always wondered if it was any good.
is it any good? or should i just pop in OOT again?

>> No.7847078

I just bought an Everdrive, what are some good games?

>> No.7847085

depends on the genre? what you like?

>> No.7847106

I'll play anything. Game just has to be good.

>> No.7847113

NFL Blitz period

>> No.7847118

Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon or Goemon's Great Adventure
Jet Force Gemini
Doom 64

>> No.7847142

wew what a list. I had a lot of these

Ken Griffey, Mario Tennis, Blitz, and my buddy had Wayne Gretzky and WWF

I can attest to all of these being a high bar in their respective sports. The n64 was so good. And you forgot 1080 snowboarding.

shooting games you have jetforce gemini, goldeneye, perfect dark, turok, duke nukem, STAR FOX 64. does it count? yeah it does.

racing games you had mario kart, f zero, diddy kong racing/mickey speedway usa, wave race, star wars pod racer...

Then you had the mario parties, smash brothers, bomberman, kirby 64, all the minigames in the rare platformers, yoshi story, paper mario, the zeldas, harvest moon. I'm gushing here but NOTHING compares to the N64

>> No.7847154

All 4 players by the way. N64 wasn't just the best console of all time. It MOGGED arcades. Listen to the attract mode on Star Fox 64 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TaIFp41oEoI

>> No.7847168

>only one shmup
It's not fucking fair.

>> No.7847407

not really, it has some neat things but the gameplay gets dull real quick and the story is a mess.
Apparently the jp version has some tweaks that makes the game more bearable but dunno if that would make it good, if you want RPGs try Shiren the Wanderer 2.

>> No.7847463


>> No.7848557
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>> No.7849195

Why choose?
Just put all of the games and try them
There's about 350 in total and more than half is good if you enjoy the era's style

>> No.7849346

I'll try these thanks.
That's my problem, I have no idea of where to start.

>> No.7850798
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>> No.7851202

Anyone collects Japanese carts? I'm learning the language and it has been great, my reading speed is much faster now because of it. They're also much cheaper (especially the Zelda games, they're like a third of the American price) and the region lock is easy to remove without damaging anything.

>> No.7852202
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Playing Quake 64, fun times

>> No.7853334
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>> No.7854926
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>> No.7856060
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>> No.7856072

I have low standards so I enjoy it. It's not great by any means but the atmosphere is fun and the battle system is unique. Play the foreign releases though, the U.S one got butchered

>> No.7856089

If you’re over the age of 11 this is very depressing

>> No.7856646

Thanks for keeping my thread alive guys, love talking about the 64

>> No.7857778

idk if this is a common take, but I've come to realize that playing the N64 nowadays is super redundant.

Literally every good game on the system is available legally in an enhanced, more accessible version, and the obscure stuff is really easy to emulate.

>> No.7857783

Have you actually played it with other people recently?

Those are some of the worst-designed multiplayer levels I've ever played. I played it with 4 players recently and we all were just running in circles in those empty maps.

You're entitled to your opinion, but I think you should revisit it and see if your opinion holds up.

>> No.7857868
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I bought a copy of mischief makers with a shitty reprinted label at the start of the year for $2
today i got a new copy with a pristine real label for $5.
it came with this savefile where the guy somehow finished the final fight without getting touched, getting the gold gem, but had no other boss golden gems.
they both have the same age and it seems like whoever owned this before me only had it for display as it had that shitty custom label on the "spine", aka at the top of the cart.

>> No.7857886

i dunno i prefer playing games on the n64 rather than emulating them.

>> No.7859563
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>> No.7861229
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>> No.7861369

All of this on a single microsd card. Man we've come a long way

>> No.7861437


>> No.7862369

If you're talking about remasters of the exclusive titles, than this could more or less be said about almost anything. The Saturn and PS1 have also had their titles remastered.

If you're talking about the multiplat titles, it's true if after all of these years you have every 5th gen console there's very few that are genuinely superior on the 64. But still, we don't all have every single console. I still don't own any Sony consoles. I've got a genesis and Saturn but not a dreamcast, so of course I still have my 64 versions of games that were also released for DC. My PC could probably run DOS games emulated, but can't play Win98 games in their original formats either. But frankly I just don't use my PC for gaming at all. I used to play Quake and Duke Nukem on my old Windows 98 machine but in all honesty I just stick with the carts today.

>> No.7864106
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>> No.7864627

Magical thinking. It's how the majority of humans always have and will think. Welcome to knowing that you're rare.

>> No.7864629

Intriguing. What will you do with the cartridge?

>> No.7864892
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Better be good.

>> No.7866347

I like you guys so I'll tell you a secret. Clean every single n64 game you own with contact cleaner by the end of this decade asap. N64 games are going to experience alot more failures then other systems because of the systems high speed bus, in fact it already is. Also make sure you SCRUB the pins with contact cleaner don't just spray it.

>> No.7866367

Yeah I'm about to clean every cart I own soon.

>> No.7866386

I tried Banjo Tooie and I regret to say I'm not a fan. Besides the oversized worlds and low FPS people usually mention, I dislike the shift of focus to a puzzle platformer where you need to search every inch of the level to find jiggies, and the game isn't that good at guiding you along. Also the interconnected world is cool in principle but when progression is as tightly locked in on finding the right items in the right order it spoils the fun a bit. In other words, most of the game is running into stuff you can't do because you lack an ability or you haven't found the obscure trigger for that thing yet, and it ruins the fun a bit. Also, most upgrades are contextual as opposed to the generally universal upgrades of the first game.

It's such a striking change in design it makes me wonder what happened

>> No.7866392

They had already done "BK but bigger and more" with DK64 so they had to go in a totally different direction when they made a proper sequel.

>> No.7866397

Razorfist likes this game

>> No.7866691

it gets better the further along you go. if you're only at the 3rd world or so, keep playing.

>> No.7866923

True. I can't fault them for having ambition either. It does make more sense to save your experimental puzzle platformer for the series you haven't turned into 3D yet though, and then Banjo fans who liked the first game won't be surprised by getting something really different
I'm at Grundy Industries. It's not a bad level though

>> No.7868994

I like DK64 more than Banjo

>> No.7868995

It is a damn good platformer.

>> No.7869691

>want a game for my n64
>retro game stores only have the japanese copies (i dont understand japanese)
>ebay is filled with repros
fuck my life

>> No.7869704

Everdrive x7 is your (expensive) friend.

I never played Banjo so I will come off as a mega bitch, but from the videos I have seen of Banjo I have to agree. Though I have a huge bias for K.Rool.

>> No.7871209


>> No.7871421

Thanks anon

>> No.7873571
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>> No.7873604

Retarded take

>> No.7873665

I have a x7 and i’m very happy with it. Saving without pressing reset is a bliss

>> No.7874942

>check n64 game prices outta boredom
holy shit they skyrocketed

>> No.7874954

My N64 collection recently broke the 250 game mark, and the most valuable one I have (Legacy of Darkness) is STILL among the 10 games I had before I started collecting..........

>> No.7875116


isn't this the game that contains hilarious rants buried in in the source code?

>> No.7875121


It's worth trying. You might find it fun.

>> No.7875167
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>> No.7875173

>"...will provide diehard RPG players and newcomers to the genre with many hours of solid gameplay."
Are you calling Q64 a liar? Does the gameplay get dull "real quick" or is it "solid for many hours"?

>> No.7875175

Me but with Bomberman 64 The Second Attack and only 50 games

>> No.7875341

Disposable? Blasphemy!
t. Autist who kept all his SNES and N64 boxes and manuals in like new condition since buying them as a kid in the 90s.

>> No.7876715
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>> No.7877193
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i kind of want to wipe it clean but i already have my own savefile which is missing boss gems on the cart with the reprinted label, so i honestly have no clue.
is picrel any good

>> No.7877215

"... will set the standard for 3D epics." - Nintendo Power"

>> No.7879271
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>> No.7879341
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Beat pic related last night.

I don't get the hate. It still holds up, it's fun and for the value it's a great buy - especially back then.

Not only are you getting a 25-hour adventure, but you're getting a multi-player game and two additional games in Donkey Kong and Jetpac

There are frustrating things like the camera and some control issues like Diddy's rocketpack but they're easy to look over with enough persistence.

>> No.7879568

it's pleasant. play it through and see how you like it.

>> No.7881720
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>> No.7882126

This system doesn't have many good games. Only the first party Nintendo games and rare games.

>> No.7882194

Are you the same anon I recommended this game to? Have fun! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

>> No.7882338

How much is a good price for an official n64 controller

>> No.7882343

$20, maybe up to $30.

>> No.7882348

The is an atomic purple one I may get for around $28 after tax and shipping. I'm gonna say fuck it and try my bid and see if I don't get sniped.

>> No.7882352

That's your opinion but it's wrong.

>> No.7882404
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I've got an N64 and a bunch of games
Some games boot flawlessly each time but others I can't get to boot reliably without a cart adapter and then they boot perfectly everytime
What could be the problem? Since it's only certain carts it makes me think the carts are the issue, but since they boot reliably using an adapter then that makes it seem like the console is the issue.

>> No.7883767

get a gamebit screwdriver and deep clean the carts with rubbing alcohol
or if ur not a third world-er like me, get isopropyl alcohol instead

>> No.7886040
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>> No.7887764

I got to build 64Doom, runs alright.
I'd like to see more games being ported to the 64