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7836938 No.7836938 [Reply] [Original]

A Castlevania that doesn't take place in Castlevania? What the fuck were they thinking? The Pisa level was cool but that ammo "factory" was god awful.

>> No.7837003

this game is a masterpiece, I particularly like a lot the factory stage

>> No.7837125

What are your thoughts on the gba Castlevanias.
I was trying to play them today and i just kept getting lost and going in circles.

>> No.7837135


>> No.7837182


Castlevania II also doesn't take place in the castle.

Castlevania 3 also starts with a trip to the castle and the castle is maybe 3 or 4 levels. I don't remember.

Bloodlines had awesome music and it felt great traveling through Europe.

The ammunition factory had great music.

>> No.7837184


Circle of the Moon isn't bad but the grinding for cards just sucks... There is a romhack but I didn't play much of it.

Harmony of dissonance is good. Terrible music though.

Aria of sorrow is just amazing. Better than dawn and probably one of the best castlevania.

>> No.7837286

A. Bloodlines is technically a spin off of the main series, intended to be a prologue to a new series centered around Eric Lecarde which never materialized.

B. All the old stage themes are still in the Europe Stages. The Pisa level is just Bloodlines' version of the Red Tower levels from CVI and CVIII. Atlantis Shrine is just the Sunken City/ Crystal Castle from CVIII and Belmont's Revenge.

>> No.7837295

I saw the card in the menu but didnt know what they are for. I just ignored it

I havent go to use magic spells in
Harmony of dissonance yet. Love the way it looks.

Havent played much of the best one yet.

>> No.7837323
File: 136 KB, 720x724, C43C52BEBEA14065AD0E246E34B3CC83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy thinks he's some holier-than-thou purist.

Get bent.

>> No.7837343

>the grinding for cards just sucks
This is completely optional, you don't need the cards. And there is a simple trick for using any card combination, including cards you dont have.

All of the GBA Castlevania games are utter masterpieces.

Here's the trick btw:

>> No.7837350

I could never beat the Palace of Versailles level

>> No.7837414


>> No.7837441
File: 37 KB, 640x480, castlevainia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A Castlevania that doesn't take place in Castlevania?
It's the first stage.
>intended to be a prologue to a new series centered around Eric Lecarde which never materialized.

>> No.7837537

Bloodlines is the game for the true castlevania fan, unlike that dumpster-fire IV

>> No.7837540

The more I look at this image, the more concerned I get.
It's fucking beautiful.

>> No.7837554

I couldn't get past the part with the laser-shooting enemies in the Eric route

>> No.7837761

IV's a fine game, and I don't fault the developers for wanting to get bolder with the fourth retelling of Castlevania 1. It'd have been nice if they made more games that refined the multi-whip idea.

>> No.7837932

The entire section or just the eyeballs that shoot lasers?

>> No.7838880

>Here's the trick btw:
Is the trick that there's no trick?

>> No.7838889

The trick is after you get a matching pair of cards, hit the button and as Nathan is glowing, go back to the card menu and select any other two cards, you'll be able to use any combo you want this way. It's just it'll be more of a crapshoot seeing as you won't have the card icons or descriptions of their effects.

>> No.7838931


>> No.7838948

>wanting to get bolder with the fourth retelling of Castlevania 1
Agreed but I wish they would have just called it "Super Castlevania" instead of giving it a number. That should have been reserved for the next game chronologically which I'm guessing was Rondo.
>new series centered around Eric Lecarde which never materialized.
I would also like to know more.
>What the fuck were they thinking?
If you have a problem with Bloodlines then you really just have a problem with yourself.

>> No.7839293

>I saw the card in the menu but didnt know what they are for. I just ignored it
You use a God card with an Element card to access a huge smorgasboard of abilities.

>> No.7839302

aria of sorrow

>> No.7839336

Now that I think about it, in Circle of the Moon, Dracula is revived inside of Castlevania, as opposed to the castle manifesting as a result of his revival.

But, plenty of games find a way to make Castlevania appear without Drac so whatever. Dracula never even appeared proper in Harmony of Dissonance, that was just a wraith.

>> No.7839352

rank the 16-bit castlevanias anons
i want to smash whoever gave us that shitty """"""port"""""" of the best castlevania ever with a hammer until they stop moving
dracula x was one of the most irritating games id ever played as a kid, and that hatred compounded once i found out about how insanely good rondo was

>> No.7839358

iirc the plot of the gba games is that the castle was sealed in the eclipse
guess ol drac didnt have a choice to make his usual entrance

>> No.7839427

Bloodlines feels cheap to me compared to other Castlevania games. There's no weight to killing anything. It just feels janky. I don't think it's bad necessarily but it's definitely different.

This is coming from someone who thinks the original Castlevania is a masterpiece though.

>> No.7839456

>Agreed but I wish they would have just called it "Super Castlevania" instead of giving it a number
They did do something like that in Japan; it was English localization that called it "Super Castlevania IV". Over there, it's just another "Akumajou Dracula".

>> No.7839468

>This is coming from someone who thinks the original Castlevania is a masterpiece though
it definitely is
newfags get dunked on by it because they cant into committing to their jumps

give bloodlines another go anon
its definitely very different, but once you get used to it, its only surpassed by nip rondo in the 16-bit era imo
it being set all around yurop makes it visually very distinct, and once youre used to it, the games actually very fast and responsive compared to the rest of the series
if youre still getting memed on for whatever reason, play as eric. hes easier to clear the game with

>> No.7839584

you thick cunt it was never aport of rondo, stop this myth.

>> No.7839616

im aware
hence the excessive quotations
regardless, it was a "port" back then because thats what we were told
we were lied to

dracula x has absolutely no right to exist and if every cart were to sublimate back into the atmosphere, literally no one would notice or care
i fucking hate that game so much

>> No.7839802

Fuck off and die, Stage 4 was the best stage in the game and has the most iconic music of the game

>> No.7839816

>a knock-off clock tower that can't even commit to its theme ending with a retarded looking boss
>best stage
If only the third reich blimp section made it into the final game.

>> No.7839967

Gear robot > gay generic bat

>> No.7840308

Bloodlines is the same as Contra Hard Corps where it's worse than its predecessors but everyone sucks it off for le difficult meme. I don't know if it's Genesis babies or what.

>> No.7840331

Bloodlines is one of those games where it's hard as fuck at first but after finishing one level once barring, said level becomes easy instantly unlike, say, Castlevania 1 and 3.

>> No.7840421

Bloodlines is best. Rondo sucks because of all the gay tranime and Super is shit because it's too easy with how the controls work and how the enemies pose no threat.

>> No.7840434

>the country that produces and consumes the most anime has one of the lowest rates of troonism
Really makes you think doesn't it

>> No.7842204

Does anyone have a download to the non-altered download of x68000? Pretty bizarre that there really are versions modified with lower damage scaling out there.

>> No.7842426
File: 2.91 MB, 510x360, Bloodlines1up.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7842427
File: 158 KB, 1152x768, 202005021204480263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bloodlines is easy though.


>> No.7842434

>You can go full bionic commando in bloodlines
I had no idea all this time.

>> No.7842445

damn really?
makes a lot of the game much easier and more fun

>> No.7842451

Thanks anon, if I don't 1cc this one as well then the version I downloaded really was unaltered.

>> No.7842724 [DELETED] 
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>Bloodlines is easy though.
Harder than Snoozer Casualvania Bore and Rondo of Tranime, however, and one of the hardest to speedrun as it doubles as a no-damage run in order to keep the flame whip so as to kill enemies faster and get the best times.