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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7835658 No.7835658 [Reply] [Original]

Gameplay and development discussion:
What homebrew / hacks are you playing /vr/?

Are you working on anything? Would you like to learn? Projects and questions welcome.


IPS Patcher:





SMS Dev:

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>> No.7835765

Any creepy ROMhacks you can recommend playing?

>> No.7835802

super weegee world
if you can find romhack after megaupload was taken down

>> No.7836203


>> No.7836590
File: 556 KB, 792x524, akira_64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's your dream homebrew, /vr/?


>> No.7836858

Mickey's Magical Quest 4: Mickey and Pluto(I'm learning SNES dev to make it).

>> No.7837000

Aside otaku game, Try Corpse Party 64.

>> No.7837219

Sonic Drift 3D for the Saturn

>> No.7837326

GENERAL opinions on this?
The very first part of the video is pretty interesting.

>> No.7837341
File: 80 KB, 1500x1500, sad_pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nintendo lets shit projects go usually and stomps out the quality ones.
There was one i remember called Super Mario Bros X which was amazing in the late 2000s. There were all sorts of custom levels, objects, and an editor. Nintendo stomped that shit and released Mario Maker a couple years later lul. Also what they did to AM2R was just fucking uncalled for.

>> No.7837357

SMBX is still in development. Though it's more of a hackjob now since the original dev fucked off.
The new team added a metric shitload of new characters and they are all fucking terrible.

>> No.7837374

that's surprising, i remember it being completely scrubbed from the internet like 7/8 years ago. maybe nintendo stopped giving af

>> No.7837393


>> No.7837398

Here's a look at all those new characters.

>> No.7837404

Does anyone have a link to a patched ROM of the latest revision of the F-Zero Final hack, please? Tried patching it myself, but it won't work. Checksum is correct for everything, folders are where they're supposed to be, and even the patcher says I've done everything right. But, upon booting the game, it's just the vanilla F-Zero.

>> No.7837446


>> No.7837467

Demilogic/Redigit left SMBX to make Terraria

>> No.7839060

AM2R was shit

>> No.7839064

Darkstalkers 1 / Vampire: The Night Warrior (SNES/SFC)

>> No.7839095
File: 12 KB, 120x120, samus4_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are retarded. game is polish af. what did you get filtered by the bosses lul

>> No.7839259

Sorry, but I don't plan on releasing the OoT editor. It's not in a usable state, and I don't plan on expanding it further. The reason why? The community is moving on to source-level modding, so there's not much point.

>> No.7839634

No Missles Ridley > any AM2R superboss

>> No.7839718


how aboutta Atari 2600 Insector X?

>> No.7839756

lol its obviously one of the better metroid hacks ever made
or are you just one of those dudes who never finished his own metroid 2 remake?
salty that he got the C&D instead of you?

>> No.7839771

bah. most of those Nintendo C&D emails are robot-generated anyway. they have a bot crawl the web and search for phrases like "mario ROM download" and send an automated email to the webmaster.

>> No.7839819

Leaks revealed that they hired people to literally stalk homebrew devs

>> No.7839828

>make a fangame
>do NOT tell anyone while you are making it
>finish fangame
>release it on the internet
Done. DMCA can't stop people from playing it now. But no, they have to tell everyone they are making Chrono Trigger 3D.

>> No.7839837
File: 834 KB, 576x864, V I T A L I T Y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of metroid hacks, and likely really old news for everyone here, but just in case anyone hasnt yet: play vitality
gorgeous hack

i was already a fan of dman thanks to eris, but the dude has gotten much better since then
the faux-pas lighting effects that he did in some spots was just slick as hell. i hope that idea catches on with other hackers. made a huge difference to the atmosphere
its a lot easier than eris, but the level/world-design is honestly on par with, even surpassing at points, the original SM itself

i really like the fake movie promo poster too desu

idk i think the only reason nintendo even bothered was because they realized that AM2R btfo their own M2 remake, and was getting an insane amount of buzz from players
there were normie-ass jewtubers whod never even heard of romhacks singing its praise like a day after it dropped
how would YOU like to try to sell a game for money thats not even close to as good as a game that some dude made by himself and dropped for free?

>> No.7839970

>Leaks revealed that they hired people to literally stalk homebrew devs
this doesnt surprise me at all desu
nintendo has literally always been a vicious cut-throat, probably still yakuza-run, corporation
go back to the 80s and look at their monopolistic practices in the US market. they strangled out almost all competition for over a decade, violating all kinds of anti-trust laws, and generally giving zero fucks
or take a look at the whole atari/tengen v nintendo case
the list goes on and on
and that was with their direct competitors in the market, who they knew would have a team of lawyers to back them up. didnt think twice about bullying them or trying to out-lawyer others with frivolous litigation, even if it carried on for years

now ffwd to now, where nu-tendo is still banking on the same tired old franchises they have been for decades
people buy the new bing wahoo simply because its what theyre familiar with, even though their best days were well over 20 years ago at this point
and thanks to digital re-releases of old classics and poor, imo emulation, they can no-effort shit out all their old hits on every new gen and make even MORE money and pocket it ALL

but then a challenger appears
de-centralized lone-wolf autists, fueled only by their own tism and a want for a true sequel to their old favorites, are frequently BTFOing them with their hobby projects, released for free.
they know they cant compete in that arena anymore, and they cant just sit by and let these scrubs dilute the value of their tired old IPs that theyre trying to charge full-price for
and so you have this: a giant intl corporation bullying/stalking random dudes who arent even making any money

if they had a fucking brain, theyd be hiring these dudes, not harassing them
the interest in retro-styled games has arguably never been higher, and even total normalfags now know what romhacks are

>> No.7839974

wasn't one of the Sonic Adventure games originally a fan project and Sega hired the guy and made it official?

>> No.7839991

You're probably thinking of Sonic Mania, but even that wasn't originally a fan project. It was made by fans of classic games, but it was still a proper business pitch to Sega rather than being a legitimatized fan project.

>> No.7839995

It's more a case of Nintendo has a really archaic 1980s business model and have never really figured out the Internet. they don't really "get" fan communities you have for franchises like FF or Sonic, they tend to view themselves as a toy company that primarily makes closed-box products for children.

>> No.7840005

i think that was mania desu

but thats exactly the point
theres a whole dedicated community around ripping these old games apart and putting them back together in a different order. and some of them are extremely talented.
and its hard to argue that they arent passionate about it as theyre doing it knowing full well they can never make money off of it.
rather than trying to tap into that pool of talent, they piss in it
nu-tendo is just all about alienating their own fans. idk wtf they think is gonna happen if they keep this bullshit up

>> No.7840015

its a really dusty old business model, and even hardline bing wahoo advocates are starting to get tired of it

>> No.7840018

>It was made by fans of classic games, but it was still a proper business pitch to Sega rather than being a legitimatized fan project.
So for all practical purposes short of nitpicking it was a fan project where they said "Hey we love the classic Sonic games, we really want to make this game an official release." Nintendo wouldn't even do that, they didn't even want ID's PC conversion of SMB3 back in the day.

>> No.7840031

The game didn't exist when it was pitched. That's hardly nitpicking.

>> No.7840040

btw, nitpicking would be the argument of "It did exist there was a playable prototype"

>> No.7840052

A court ruled in Sony vs Bleem 23 years ago that emulation in of itself is not illegal. Nintendo's website has a legal FAQ that lies and claims it is.

>> No.7840068

Hmm well they supposedly sent C&D email to guy who made SMB C64 port. now you can argue fan Metroid project was competition with official remake but I don't see how guy making SMB on old-ass 80s computer directly compete with any Nintendo product line.

>> No.7840104

desu i think in AM2Rs case it was the direct competition that had them sweating

but in other cases, i think its just them going for random low-hanging fruit to try and make an example out of them. they know they cant shut it all down, so theyre just martyring a select few to try to discourage newcomers to the homebrew scene.
how they dont realize that this only serves to make them look like totally desperate fucking assholes is beyond me, but i reckon thats the point.
their entire history as a vidya manufacturer has been conducted like this. its just, in the past, they were up against other companies that had their own lawyers on retainer.
now they can just bully whoever, and rest easy that no one will be able to stop them, and that they wont get stuck in another multi-year long lawsuit

imo, not only is it stupid as hell, but it just looks fucking pathetic and unbelievably petty

>> No.7840119

they had huge beef with Sony over failed SNES CD project but couldn't alienate the guys that controlled the supply of a key SNES component

>> No.7840240

>The Adaams Family
>a quick check of Bootgod's site reveals...a 256k MMC1 game
>aka the ultimate bland vanilla ice cream of NES cartridges

>> No.7840278

I was surprised to learn there are a few MMC1/MMC3 games with only 32k of ROM that work like enhanced CNROM. Adventures of Lolo 2 is one.

>> No.7840374
File: 15 KB, 559x423, 653ztm9yjtg31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nintendo is full of niggerfaggots ever since Iwata died, case closed. You newfags never been the internet for about 17 years or even browse Newgrounds.

>> No.7840406

>ever since Iwata
>as if it was not like that before

>> No.7840417

is there a hack that makes mega Man easier? i just want to enjoy those games and I've been trying to since the day they came out but it's just too hard for me. i just want to have fun playing video games.

>> No.7840452

But MM is easy. The more you play, the easier it gets too.

>> No.7840468

I'm pretty sure Yamauchi started it.

>> No.7840481

Yeah, a fixed up Mega Man 1 would be nice, I considered doing it but that one in particular was programmed so hackish that it might be easier to redo it from scratch or port it to the MM2 or MM3 engine.

As for the other NES MM's, the main problem was the possibility of getting stuck in certain areas when too low on key item power, needing to off yourself repeatedly to restart or leave a stage is annoying even to us retro players.

>> No.7840484

The only really annoying glitch in MM1 is falling through the floating platforms in Ice Man's level but you can just use the Magnet Beam to bypass them anyway, so...

>> No.7840550

I could list a ton of problems with MM1, but just an example few;
Control was even more sluggish, sort of a stick & slide with maneuvering.
The rail-carts in GutsMan stage just don't work right, they drop the player early and cant be landed on for a bit longer than expected.
Final Boss-rush is nearly impossible to beat fairly, you either need to perfectly exploit their weaknesses and patterns or abuse the pause trick or luck out.
Similar for the whatshisname big yellow boss.

>> No.7840713

What's the best emulator for Mario 64 Romhacks? I figure a lot of them might be built around PJ64's quirks or something.

>> No.7840870

Know where I can find nude rom hacks? So far I've got...

>Naked Blaze in Streets Of Rage 2 & 3
>A nude rom hack of Lara Croft in Tomb Raider 2 on PS1(for my PS1 mini)
>Nude Chun Li in Street Fighter Turbo(SNES)
>Nude Sarah in Golden Axe 3.
That's about it. I seem to have more nude hacks/games for the Genesis than the Super Nintendo.

>> No.7840883

>they strangled out almost all competition for over a decade

There were only three years where they forced publishers to have an exclusivity clause until a Federal judge ruled it violated anti-trust statutes.

>> No.7840891

now Famicom had no lockout protection and anyone could make games for it. arcade company like Namco and Konami who have hardware manufacturing capability simply make their own cartridges and Nintendo don't make a penny from sales of their games. with FDS they insisted on controlling production themselves and required substantial licensing fees to make FDS games. also they get greedy and start demanding publishers back-pay them for previous sales of cartridge games. Namco get butthurt and start supporting other systems like PC Engine instead.

>> No.7840896

Nothing will ever top Yamauchi's childish temper tantrum against RPGs which he had never had a problem with back when people were buying Famicoms just to play Dragon Quest.

>> No.7840903

NOA often get unfairly blamed for street gangster-tier legal tactics when it's not really their fault, they're just executing orders from Japan.

>> No.7840925

There's a Sonic.exe hack

>> No.7840935

They've hired a hacker at least once forcibly. I think. I saw an email in the Nintendo ninjas leak where Hyken was snitching on every Nintendo hacker he knew, I looked him up, and there he was saying Nintendo ruined his life and he couldn't talk about it.

>> No.7840938


I don't have access to the leaks right now but I can say this reeks of backroom settlement.

>> No.7840959

Oh yeah and something else random I just remembered from the same leak that never got talked about. Remember a modchip called Wii-Key U? The one the Scene dumpers had back in the early days, were hyping up, then it never got released? I do. I saw another email where someone else was talking about it to Nintendo. He gave them the exploit.

>> No.7840981

>Nintendo wouldn't even do that, they didn't even want ID's PC conversion of SMB3 back in the day.
As soon as Nintendo released the Famicom, they wanted to make the Famicom the only console to be able to play Nintendo games. No wonder Mario Bros was ported to some computers but no other Mario game was officially ported.

>> No.7840985

there were some ports of their games on JPCs and the CD-i but the less said about those the better

>> No.7841025

To be fair it was NOA who turned down ID Software. now I don't know how much power they had at that time or how bound they were to following orders from the mothership. by the mid-90s they definitely got quite defiant and felt confident enough to do things like refuse to localize SNES games after 1995.

>> No.7841860

>Nude Chun Li in Street Fighter Turbo(SNES)
Sounds interesting

I recently found a patch that added the charged shot to Mega Man 2, and I think the slide move. Maybe that helps?

>> No.7841893

I never got the appeal of such rom hacks. I feel like gaming time and jerk-off time should be two separate things.
You can't have your dick in your hand and both hands on the controller at the same time.

>> No.7842046

this game looks ok but the pallate he chose is so shit. almost every room looks too dark, and incredibly blue for some reason. where's the red? it looks like i'd get depressed playing it

>> No.7842062

omfg lmao
i'm older than you kiddo and you're shitting on people that aren't much younger than you. why would you take any information as meaning you're superior when you're gloating about it with a fuckfrog. underage, summer, filtered, and banned

>> No.7842543

he always had this Jack Tramiel "You want your money? Then come sue us and take it." attitude.

>> No.7842551

I just play sonic robo blast 2 kart with a USB saturn pad and pretend it's the one, though desu I don't think that game would run that well on saturn, given so many maps seem reliant on really far draw distances.

>> No.7842560

I remember SMBX as feeling like shit, the chars jumped too high and had no weight to them.

Interested to find out more.

>> No.7842571

Say what you will about Nintendo, but they aren't yakuza, for sure. Them and Namco are two of the only game companies that avoided that. If you're looking for yakuza involvement in games, sega is a prime example, but snk has some history as well, at least in the beginning.

>> No.7842580

if they ever made pachinko games or slot machines they're probably mob-affiliated (I see you Konami).

>> No.7842582

>what you will about Nintendo, but they aren't yakuza
read this

>> No.7842641

On the other hand clinging to their inwardly-focused old Japanese boomer mentality has probably kept them from adopting some of the worst aspects of modern day western devs.

>> No.7842704

That's not yakuza, it's just being a dick.

>> No.7842780

Nintendo doesn't give a shit about hardcore players. They only give a shit about how they can sell their latest games to children. They've always been this way, and it would help nintendofags immensely to just give up on them once they stop being newbies. You aren't the audience, so stop praying for them to listen to you. The most they will do is see your fan work, decide to make their own version, and C&D you to remove the "competition". It's like being an adult sitting in a kiddie pool and demanding higher water levels. Just move on already.

>> No.7842784

>nobody know it exist

>> No.7842796

An official PC port would just weaken NES sales and encourage piracy of the PC port. Nintendo makes money off of every part of the system. There's no reason they would benefit from PC releases, especially in the "don't copy that floppy" era.

>> No.7842804

Konami's absolutely involved with yakuza, for years and years. There's definitely dudes walking around their top ranks with four fingers.

>> No.7842818

Any good guides on how to set up a win XP VM? I don't know how else to run ZSNES and all those SMW hacks with their original sound effects.

>> No.7842832

this sounds like some butthurt intern in Nintendo's legal department

>> No.7842863

They do if you release it in places like 4chan, mate. The point is to not let anyone know it exists until you make it.

>> No.7842875

Whatever. Nintendo lawyer-b8ing is an established sport since way back when Atari made bootleg lockout chips.

>> No.7842882

Really, faggot? You're so lazy you couldn't type three letters to properly spell a word?

>> No.7842885

I'm seriously not convinced these guys understand how the Internet works. I mean, once that Metroid fan remake is online it will be there in perpetuity. They seem to think if you send them a C&D letter that it will magically vanish into the ether like pressing a button.

>> No.7842896

DO NOT USE s.0.yswear abreviations, FUCK.

>> No.7842907

The SMB C64 project got released and they only send guy a C&D letter after it was out, even though it had been public knowledge for while. My guess was someone at NOA had to send them the C&D letter because they were required by company policy to but didn't really care about the game so they allowed it to get released before sending them a token C&D letter.

>> No.7842910

You don't just "make" a game. The process of developing it is to "make" several different things and mash them together into a final product. I think you're looking for "until you finish it" here.

>> No.7842943

this was always an issue. the Famicom/NES was an exception because it started before the console market was really a thing yet and ended up becoming too big for Nintendo to control, especially in the Japanese home market where there was nothing to prevent anyone from making a game for it. beginning with the SNES they gradually turn every console into locked down casual shovelware box for children, which is really what they always wanted all along.

>> No.7842964

I love how snoys can't resist making childish jabs like this

>> No.7843014

You can already notice this trend with the SNES.

>slow CPU more suited to casual games than hardcore arcade action
>lots of bright pastel colors and soft music everywhere

>> No.7843028

Shit, Nintendo had secret beef with Rare because they make better games than them on their own hardware and stuff like Battletoads aimed more at hardcore gamer which wasn't audience they wanted to cultivate. They didn't like them but the money from Rare's games was too much to pass up.

>> No.7843042

Also it's worth noting that Nintendo's first party games in NES era were much more hardcore since they didn't quite know what they were doing yet and were still working from an arcade mindset, by the SNES era they had gotten the formula down and games all become kiddie "press button to win" bullshit.

>> No.7843068

entertaining fact of the day. Nintendo have lost 70% of all lawsuits they filed since 1990.

>> No.7843090

pretty normal to have feuds like that. Rare had internal feuds between the separate teams, and even some nintendo internals have beef with each other. There's a long-standing one, for example, about those who haven't worked under Miyamoto, feeling like they are rivals/opponents of those who have, and having a sort of pride about not working under him.

It's normal to have rivalries in a highly competitive and creative industry. It's if you act on them in a way that sabotages all parties that you go from inspired and driven to full-retard.

>> No.7843107

>It's if you act on them in a way that sabotages all parties that you go from inspired and driven to full-retard.
in that case it becomes 90s Sega where they imploded due to childish feud between Japan and US division

>> No.7843117

it's a scare tactic, but more often used to stop projects that compete with their stuff. C&D'd the Super Mario Bros battle royale before introducing their own, for example. Same with finally C&D'ing Project M over some character addition (Knuckles I think?) when they were about to release a skin of the char for Smash 4 (I find the smash one particularly funny, as so much of Smash 4 design and DLC matched shit done in Project M that it was impossible that they didn't play and copy shit. Even Smash Ultimate uses some stuff that was in Project M).

They don't care much about doing a total kill of all materials they dislike, they just want to scare people into not doing shit with their golden goose (Nintendo IP is worth more than some fan game).

>> No.7843121

It doesn't help that they tried to sell 8 different game systems with 7 different architectures at once.

>> No.7843126

Censorship of game content in NES/SNES era was probably somewhat understandable given the US marketplace at the time. the exclusivity contract for publishers was clearly illegal and eventually zapped by a Federal court, although it probably had less effect than you think. the NES's two main competitors both had terrible marketing and wouldn't have succeeded regardless.

>> No.7843168

The Project M guys could have been asses if they wanted to counter-sued Nintendo for using their source code without permission.

>but is Nintendo's IPs, right? surely they don't have to...

Well no actually you can go back to cases like the Ikegami lawsuit where they lost case over ownership of the Donkey Kong arcade game. even though they owned the characters, Ikegami developed the game under contract so it was their source code and it was merely licensed to Nintendo.

>> No.7843306

Can you guys recommend me a good SMW hack that isn't hard and full of cool new things? Also with SBW style sprites. Better if it has lots of cool new power ups.

>> No.7843324

The SNES market in Japan was still pretty much a free-for-all (despite there now being lockout chips which the Famicom did not have) which led to Yamauchi throwing a temper tantrum and demanding a console that would be really hard to develop for to keep out shovelware.

>> No.7843474

people might have suffered Nintendo's legal chicanery in the 80s-90s when they put out good product but since they do nothing but lamely milk nostalgia now it becomes harder to overlook

>> No.7843517


>> No.7843521

That arrange version of Vampire Savior 2 with every character included in the PS2 compilation, but playable in proper CPS2 emulators without shit scaling and lag out the ass.

>> No.7843530


>> No.7843812

link for the MM patch please
also MM is such a famous series why are there no hacks???

>> No.7843835

>Mega Man
>no romhacks
Let me tell you about this little hack called Rockman 4 Minus Infinity...

>> No.7843939

Download a virtual machine program and a virtual machine image of WinXP I guess? Unfortunately I don't think I have a link right now.


>> No.7844030

Here's the easiest way:
>Download and install VirtualBox
>Download a disk image like https://archive.org/details/xp51_20191108 and load 'er up

Also note that VirtualBox (at least newer versions) doesn't support 3D acceleration for Windows XP. Don't expect amazing performance for games.

>> No.7844072 [DELETED] 
File: 103 KB, 700x746, 578554788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of these are legitimate complaints and no, you don't get a pass in 2021 for what you did in 1986.

>> No.7844107


Even companies as notoriously lawsuit-happy as Disney aren't quite this out of touch with the modern world. Nintendo wouldn't accept the idea of your Princess Peach erotic fanfiction as falling under parody, they would still send you a C&D letter over it.

>> No.7844147

Many (most?) major companies file scores of nuisance lawsuits even when they know they can't win them since unfortunately when you have a legal department, you can't pay them to sit around doing nothing. Disney or McDonalds or Nintendo are almost obligated to file frivolous lawsuits every two weeks to justify their lawyers' salaries. Don't get yourself wrong here, it's not about protecting anyone's IPs. More like you can't pay them $100k a year to sit around the office looking at porn on a computer screen.

>> No.7844195

>company that brought gaming back from the brink
Fuck people that have no idea of what they are talking about.

>> No.7844213

Who saved video games in the west then? Surely not Sega?

>> No.7844216

what are you running, anon? theres zsnes builds for linux, at least
most newer hacks will run properly on snes9x, and theres some fixed versions of some popular hacks that didnt work originally (like the newer VIP & wall mix hacks)

>> No.7844232


And then there's this guy. Darwin Award Winner 202...then again, maybe not. Nintendo won $2 million out of this case which was probably just barely enough to cover their legal bills (they thought they were going to get $15 million somehow).

>> No.7844238

>Who saved video games in the west then?
You act as if there was no video games in the west on microcomputers and so on.

>> No.7844247

And you act as if the crash didn't happen.

>> No.7844249

>The Judge ruled that the site should pay $35,000 statutory damages for each of the 49 copyrighted Nintendo works hosted on the site – down from the $90,000 Nintendo requested.

>> No.7844253

In USA, yes. In the rest of the west, nope.

>> No.7844258

Ah, I get it. You're a jealous britbong, mad that your speccy didn't gain popularity. Everything is explained.

>> No.7844265

i mean, how much money did they expect one neckbeard with a website to have? yes it was dumb of him to charge money for ROMs and then represent himself instead of hire an attorney but Nintendo were a bit unrealistic in how much money they could get out of him.

>> No.7844305

>jealous britbong
I'm brazilian, though.

>> No.7844339

Any total conversion of TTYD.

>> No.7844341 [DELETED] 

didn't Nintendo also get butthurt and try to shut down guys who had live Mario Kart stream?

>> No.7844353

Supposedly, they didn't like the idea of dudebros having a stream where they play MK and yell F-bombs because it would corrupt their image as a family company. there of course they had absolutely fuck-all legal standing.

>> No.7844367

You think for what they're paying their lawyers, they might actually brush up on some laws sometime and learn what is and isn't legal. I swear they hire guys who learned the legal profession by watching Matlock in a bar with the sound off.

>> No.7844375

given that Nintendo still refuse to acknowledge legality of emulation 23 years after it was ruled legal in the Bleem case, I'm guessing not

>> No.7844464

Why would any bong be jealous of anything? We've achieved so much more in vidya than you have. Sony chose Yuros - more specifically bongs - to sell the original PS1 to the west. Our input resulted in Sony becoming the behemoth it is today. Tomb Raider, WipEout, GTA, et al; those were the games splashed all over the covers of pop culture magazines in the western world. They were the games featured on TV to promote the PlayStation, and turned gaming super mainstream. We changed the culture. You were passed up. You didn't make the cut. COPE.
>but muh gay Bandicoot
Don't make me laugh. That game didn't get a look in on any non-vidya related media until the PS1 had garnered a following - a following that was pretty much all thanks to us :D

>> No.7844486

Aw, the little bong thinks he's important. Cute!

>> No.7844573

here's other funny bit. Nintendo seem to have mostly stopped caring about their family image, especially in Japan and don't appear to give a fuck anymore about blood and swearing while Sony have become like Helen Lovejoy PLEASE THINK OF THE CHILDREEEENNNNN in recent years.

>> No.7844854

Nintendo of Japan never gave a shit, it was Nintendo of America that wanted to censor everything

>> No.7844928

Demonstrably, I am, Americunt. And I've just proven how useless you are. Sorry, you can troll like a faggot in as many ZX Spectrum threads as you like, you can vomit 'muh yuojank' for as loud and long as you want, but you can't change history. I guess that's why you do the above; you're sore that you've been almost insignificant in the grand scheme of things, and because what you tried to do in two decades (making gaming huge), we did in a year. Now COPE.

>> No.7845012

Nobody really gave a shit about the Grand Theft Autos made before 3.
None of the Wipeouts even make the top 100 best selling PS1 games (and I actually find that surprising.)
There is definitely a point to be made about Tomb Raider.
However, it seems to me that the MVPs of the PS1 are neither the Burgers or the Eurotrash, but rather Japan, since they've got Final Fantasy, Gran Turismo, Resident Evil, Tekken and Metal Gear Solid under their belt. Their output outclasses both the US and Europe. Of course, it's not really fun to throw insults at Japanese people over this dumb shit since there aren't any on this website, am I right?
In conclusion, you're all fucking gay, and this shit doesn't belong in a /vr/ homebrew thread. If you want to talk about ZX Spectrum homebrew, just do it, nobody's gonna stop you. I don't give a fuck. Nobody else should give a fuck. But this region-based arguing is fucking stupid. Shut the fuck up and fuck off back to /v/ if you're gonna be like this.
God, I hate this fucking website.

>> No.7845046

Is there a way to find older versions of the SMB2 randomizer? Downloaded the newest one but it refuses to work due to a couple of dll bullshit.
Someone mentioned it makes new power-ups and got my interest.

>> No.7845690

no they weren't as bad although they still refused to approve eroge, so all Famicom eroge consisted of unlicensed FDS stuff

>> No.7845754

A Cave Story port for Saturn.

>> No.7845761
File: 193 KB, 1440x1800, 1598292594258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can't have your dick in your hand and both hands on the controller at the same time.
ASCII made 1-handed controllers for several consoles.

>> No.7845853

Yup. I absolutely love this rom hack.

I don't plan on jacking off to these romhacks, I just like seeing sexy video game characters naked while playing.

>> No.7846604

Nintendo have no power in Brazil. here is required by law that foreign copyright holders have to send representative here in person to file copyright infringement claim. nobody wants to bother with that.

>> No.7846762

what's the point you're making? that third world countries have no respect for IP?

>> No.7846983

Shantae for TG-16

>> No.7847073

I think Nintendo saw SMBX and realized what demand there was for user created content to old mario games... It probably led to them starting development on Mario Maker.

>> No.7847103

Nothing. Just that it's amusing how huge outfits like Disney with billions of dollars and expensive lawyers can't do a single thing about a street vendor in the Philippines selling bootleg Mickey Mouse plushies.

>> No.7847195

I agree with this theory, the timeline fits. I think they saw AM2R and did the same thing too.

>> No.7847347
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All the Mario 64 and Banjo-Kazooie romhacks out there that turns them into new games makes me wish someone did the same for any of the classic Spyros

>> No.7847934


>> No.7848025

It looks like there are some tools available.
Maybe you could create something with it?

There's also a special editor for the game's skyboxes.
Interestingly, these are based on vertex-painted spheres rather than bitmaps.

>> No.7848164

Hi kikielsberg

>> No.7848250

A Clockwork Aquario Rom/Iso

>> No.7848270

See Turma da Monica

>> No.7848384

There's the Peach BBW mod called Peach's Adventure. It's in an 8 bit style but it's a lot of fun and has new power ups

>> No.7848842

>There are no MM hacks! Not even one! Yes, I never heard of search engines!

Some of the more popular ones:
MM 3 Improvement hack
Puresabe New Year Hacks
Rockman 4 Minus Infinity
Rockman 7 Economic Power
Rockman Spirits of Hackers
MM The New Lands
Rockman 6 Unique Harassment
Mario vs Airman
MM Ultra 2
Endless and Time Attack Hacks
Rockman 3 the last of Mushroom Kingdom
Megaman Indonesian Artifact
Megaman Cross X
Rockman 2 No constancy

Forgotten ones such as:
Rockman Type A
MM Forever
MM Odyssey
And many other lesser known smaller hacks

>> No.7848854

Correction: It's actually Rockman Model A (instead of Type A)

>> No.7849085

>/hbg/ on /vr/
Actual homebrew and romhacking
>/hbg/ on /vg/
Piracy tools, /pol/-tier shitposting, unfunny forced memes, and everyone is an asshole to each other
Why is there such a stark contrast?

>> No.7849256

Did you say... piracy tools?

>> No.7849398

Yeah, that better not have anything to do with butts! teehee

>> No.7849841 [DELETED] 

>Nobody really gave a shit about the Grand Theft Autos made before 3
>I'll just revise history, and completely ignore the uproar in the media the first game caused - something that caused sales to skyrocket
>None of the Wipeouts even make the top 100 best selling PS1 games
>I'll just conveniently ignore the fact that WipEout was in every club throughout the west; that you couldn't go clubbing without seeing the game projected onto a giant screen. So, no cultural significance, then...
>but rather Japan, since they've got Final Fantasy, Gran Turismo, Resident Evil, Tekken and Metal Gear Solid
But those weren't the games being shown on TV...
>you're all fucking gay
Don't forget to close the Pink News tab on your computer. Your beard's son might see it...
>and this shit doesn't belong in a /vr/ homebrew thread
Well, you can blame the mutts, since they're the ones who are always shitting up threads with their crap. Impossible to have any real kind of discourse with them here.
>If you want to talk about ZX Spectrum homebrew, just do it, nobody's gonna stop you
>But this region-based arguing is fucking stupid
Again, see above. No one else is ever the instigator.
>God, I hate this fucking website
There is no God, and don't let the door hit your raped arse on your way out.

>> No.7849882

Sir, this is a homebrew thread.

>> No.7850313

Could use a little modernization. Maybe add fent and E since those didn't exist when the game was made and maybe drop the Quaaludes (nobody uses that stuff anymore)

>> No.7850640
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Have you downloaded his prepatched roms compilations?
There's a lot.

>> No.7850695

i also like playing with gloves so nobody can call me a

>> No.7851012

Do niggers really play video games like that?

>> No.7851146

Bro, you're fucking blue
dabadee dabada

>> No.7851470


>> No.7851534
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>> No.7852347

Why haven't you started a disassembly of your favorite game, anon?

>> No.7853539


>> No.7853646

Does anyone have that Chum Lee romhack where you have to fuck Rick and Battletoads?

>> No.7853785

Eh nah

>> No.7854120

What is the best Chrono Trigger improvement hack?

>> No.7854520

Is there any hack of SF3 third strike that allows you to use every character's 3 supers in a single match?

>> No.7854535

>Too lazy
I will do it...eventually...

>> No.7855038

wouldn't even know where to begin

>> No.7855242

Start by mapping out data offsets. Graphics, text, numerical data, whatever, get handy with a hex editor and just keep a list of where everything is in the rom and how much space it takes up.
Then look in the rom for pointers to that stuff. Learn to visually distinguish between pointer tables and pointers that are inline with asm. You don't have to know asm for that, just be able to recognize data in context, and maybe a few basic instruction values like rets so you know where functions begin and end.
Begin mapping out ram just like you mapped out the rom, cannibalize Gameshark codes to do it or just use a cheat searcher and start writing down where health, runtime stats, and all that jazz are kept.
Look up docs for whatever platform you're working with, learn how the memory space is laid out at the console level. Start using emulator features like ram dump, background/sprite displays.
Start asm hacking in earnest, you already know where hardcoded stuff is in rom, you know where runtime stuff is in ram, most of the assembly you're interested in is copying rom to ram or manipulating stuff that's already in ram. Use your emulator's debugger, look at ram state before and after certain code is called to figure out what the code does. Look up the opcodes you don't know from the code you're looking at.

Congrats, you are now pro hax0r.

>> No.7855880
File: 2 KB, 256x239, 6127titlescreen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made a desplash for the recent DQI&II bugfix patch made by rod merida

>> No.7857257

What's a desplash?

>> No.7857273

After a bit of digging because I wasn't sure either:
>A romhack on top of another romhack, usually translations, meant to remove obnoxious unskippable lengthy screens with the translators logos all over them.
>The reason behind those screens was that some fan translators were worried repro sellers would burn the ROM on a cartridge and pass it for an official release, but the fact they last so long even on soft resets makes it clear it's purely narcissism.

>> No.7857472

I take it this includes previous fixes like the the beran inn & hardware fixes,yes? And, that this one is in english? Or is this a spanish desplash?

>> No.7857478

never mind, I see they released an english version now

>> No.7858107


>> No.7859514

now if only the spanish team that did star ocean would release their code

>> No.7859985

Does it run on SNES, GBA, PC-FX and possibly N64?

>> No.7859990

K fuking zoomer

>> No.7859993

Whatever man

>> No.7860002

Now hardcore arcade can happens for Super NES. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=t7rxn2oIcG0

>> No.7860059

Are you talking of the Star Ocean spanish translation or the blue sphere one?

>> No.7861712

no, snes game. spanish snes release has all kinds of bug fixes and improvements the old dejap release doesn't.

>> No.7862607

8 bit nostalgia edition for Famicom aka Nintendo Entertainment System. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KNz3erN87Bw

>> No.7862613

i spent hours working on mobile 64. and maybe just had to wait longer to load. is funny. tired.

>> No.7862639

Ram Ranch X/Burst Nut for Saturn or PSX

>> No.7862868


>> No.7862871


so as some of you know, we've discussed doing a NES port of this. maybe a ZX Spectrum port even since the Colecovision version would port over easily.

>> No.7862886 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 265x70, ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

about an hour, good?

>> No.7862975

Big if true, seems to run better than the older ports.

>> No.7863127

testing it on real hardware would be a problem for people on this side of the Atlantic

>> No.7863141

The complete irony is that the only homebrew game /vr/ ever successfully completed was for the Spectrum.

>> No.7863294

Atari 2600 port

>> No.7863315

would need like 16k and have to play with bank switching. it could be done, just a lot of work.

>> No.7863332

it'd require using the Sara chip which Atari used on 16k games. this also adds 256 bytes RAM so you have 384 total to play with (since 16k games will be more complex/need more work space than 4/8k ones). some homebrews have used it.

>> No.7863340

Didn't the 2600 have no write lines on the cartridge slot?

>> No.7863358

It didn't. There was some hax trick they used for banking+added cartridge RAM.

>> No.7863474

thought it was something like there's one set of memory locations to read the RAM and another to write it