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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7829723 No.7829723 [Reply] [Original]

love this game

>> No.7829725
File: 44 KB, 289x266, 82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and don't forget the improved sequel

>> No.7829921
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>> No.7829928

I prefer the first one

>> No.7829982

Both this and 2nd Offensive were amazing! Better than Twisted Metal.

>> No.7830016
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>literally impossible to emulate

>> No.7830019

Works on my machine. Throw your chink handheld into the trash.

>> No.7830028


>> No.7830030

Everdrive 64.

Not even an expensive legit cart either.

>> No.7830071

First's still better.

>> No.7830225

there was nothing to improve upon, first game was already perfect

>> No.7830292

Such an underrated sound track. I haven't played this in 20 years and I still remember the tracks.

>> No.7830321

PS1 version had better music

>> No.7830381

Ahhh I should give it a try then. I only had these on N64.

>> No.7830431

N64 load time: 6 seconds.
PS1/DC load times: 26 seconds.

>> No.7830440

20 seconds extra for better music, textures (PS1) and gameplay (PS1).

>> No.7830451

PS1 has far worse textures and gameplay, though. And N64's music has more soul. (Alex Brandon is King.)

>> No.7830456

>Worse textures
The N64 has decidedly worse texture resolution and an ugly built-in filter that makes everything look blurry as shit. Both soundtracks have soul but PS1's has actual instruments, and higher quality. Don't even try it.

>> No.7830552

Emulating is gay. The game is like $20 just go buy it poorfag.

>> No.7830762

i like that this cool bus on front cover is unlockable vehicle. i miss that in games where you had to work to unlock cool shit first and get your jollies up

>> No.7830768

wait really? it worked on psp and i even got annoying cdda to work on it too. but i thought your duckstation god "saved emulation" around here

>> No.7830807

You just imagined up a boogeyman and got yourself upset over it.

>> No.7830853

Cel Damage > Carmageddon > Vigilante 8 > Twisted Metal > Interstate 76

>> No.7830870
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>Cel Damage
I'm going to make Violet /v/'s or /vr/'s FOTM waifu some day.

>> No.7831004

yes but why would you play it on anything but PSX ?

>> No.7831005

I don't have a dedicated console room like every incel out there

>> No.7831014

Who said anything about setting up a cringe mancave you nigger?

>> No.7831040

because the n64 version is far better

>> No.7831097

how else do you play games on dedicated hardware of every console ?

how so ?

>> No.7831113

I remember the ps version menus are buggy emulated

>> No.7831142

Define console room. Is it a room woth a few consoles in it, or a room full of games collecting dust while sitting on cheap IKEA furniture that's been fitted with retarded neon lighting?

>> No.7831146

That's a funny way of saying based and red PILLED hardware linear filtering and not wonky bilinear nearest neighbour chunky pixel vomit with Alzheimer's Parkinson's disease shaking and wobble

>> No.7831158

These idiots are emulating and That's their only reference of the N64. Embarrassing, really.

>> No.7831194

Holy fuck the prices of the used 64 consoles are cheap. You must be shite poor. My apologies.

>> No.7831215

I don't know what its like now but you could pick up N64 games for around $10-$30 a few years ago. The most expensive game was Conker which went for $50+
N64 collecting was fun and reasonably affordable.

>> No.7831265

of course the manchild uses /pol/ speak in his schizo rambling

>> No.7831285


>> No.7831289

>being a tendie and calling anyone else a manchild

>> No.7831301

just play the superior PS version whit ending FMV and high-quality ost.

>> No.7831309

have sex
lol you're so ashamed of being a nintoddler that you project it on me

>> No.7831432

I can’t wait for whities to finally be extinct

>> No.7831748

I love these games but only if I can use the low gravity cheat. Playing a heavy vehicle and going off road and getting stuck on a slight incline is THE WORST. It does break the super ability of that ninja girl in 2 but whatever

>> No.7831751

You just leave shit in your closet and pull one console out at a time.

>> No.7832213

Its gotten better a bit these recent years. Not by much, but in-game it is almost playable. Playstation version as far as I can tell works really well.
I actually liked both the midi tracks on the n64 and the cd version with actual music. They are both great.
For Vigilante 1, there is a bonus character and stage on the N64 version. Kinda wish this game would actually emulate properly on n64 so that we could make a texture/sound replacement for the N64 version and get the best of both versions.

For Vigilante 2 the best version is the Dreamcast version as that one will allow you to load the levels of the first game giving you a lot more maps to play on. I wonder if the vehicles of V1 could be eventually modded into this version as well.

No one remembers the Xbox Live reboot Vigilante 8.

>> No.7832264

The PS1 version also has the bonus character, Y the Alien. The N64 only has an extra quest and a shoehorned Nintendo level.
The Dreamcast version of 2nd Offense has shitty textures and more boring care physics.

>> No.7832273
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>> No.7832280

Imagine going to the closet, pulling out a console with entangled cables, moving your tv away, plugging shit in, every time you want to play a game on another platform?

The amount of trouble you retards are ready to take in order to save face is ridiculous.

>> No.7832391

i dont have to imagine normal behavior. And it's no trouble at all to set up a machine. I store my toaster as well when it's not in use.

>> No.7832398

You are so desperate to make buying a $20 n64 game sound unreasonable

>> No.7832431

$20 + $20 + $20 + $20 + $20 + $20 + $20 + $20 + $20 + $20 + $20 (which are only shit games prices on the current market)
+ the consoles prices
+ plugging shit in and out
+ the retarded look of original hardware on LCD screens
+ all the space it ends up taking

yeah, kinda insane

>> No.7832449

That's not all the fault of the filtering itself, it's a result of the lower quality textures and the idiot team that misplaced them

>> No.7832461

the suggestion to buy the game was for people who already owned the console and presumably have it set up already you autistic fuck

>> No.7832484

>it's a result of the lower quality textures
The N64 could only have 128x128 textures at its very best, and that's being generous since it could rarely pull that off at the end of its life cycle. The PS1 on the other hand could have 256x256 textures without any blurring to make up for it. For the N64 Developers either had to resort to pre-rendered textures in the cartridge or had to split textures in 4 or 8 smaller ones for 4 kilobytes each.
N64 texture capabilities were simply hot fucking garbage compared to the PS1. It's not hard to figure that out.

>> No.7832489

anon I'm not disagreeing with you. The texture quality on N64 was one of its obvious drawbacks. All I was saying is that your example wasn't all to blame on the filtering itself and that misplaced textures like that are obviously going to look worse. There are plenty of examples to point to if you want to actually poke fun of the N64's texture quality while not being a cherrypicking turd about it.

>> No.7832494

And yet they look so much better, more soulful, rounder, and they make you seethe to this day

>> No.7832502

>misplaced textures like that are obviously going to look worse
The CPU is supposed to piece them together correctly but it's really not that good even in Nintendo's own games.
I don't need to seethe at a console that got outsold by the Saturn in Japan and trampled by the PS1 in the west. Enjoy your inferior port, you dumb nigger.

>> No.7832506
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>already owned the console and presumably have it set up
oh they magically have the console and it's already magically set up

>> No.7832531

>nooo they're only misplaced because big bad daddy nintendo and they're dumb dumb CPU
sure thing anon, I'm sure your example has absolutely nothing to do with that being a shit port of a playstation game

>> No.7832578

>Completely different game
Ok now show it in motion where the fucking lines can't stand still WOBBLE WOBBLE SHAKE SHAKE

>> No.7832580

>shitty port of a playstation game
That's all N64 ports.

>> No.7832585


>> No.7832594

>Filtered by soulful graphics
Keep your still, corpse-like graphics and fog.

>> No.7832607

If you don't own a 64 I don't even know why you're responding

>> No.7832625

>I don't need to seethe at a console that got outsold by the Saturn in Japan and trampled by the PS1 in the west.
Guess what nigger? You and I don't live in Japan, you will never be a 90s Jap Saturn owner, and in America every kid on the block had either an n64 or a ps1 and everybody went over to each other's house in peace and harmony to play good games.

>> No.7832718
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>unlock the most interesting character
>he doesn't even have a quest mode

This still makes me seethe even all these years later. I wish there would be a remake that includes quest modes for the last three characters.

>> No.7833061
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>I wish there would be a remake
>check online on who may own it
There is no chance. Our only hope is someone makes a vehicular car combat game on PC that is highly modifiable (or even open source) and modding in the Vigilante 8 crew in it.

>> No.7833067

>noooo please stop making things look like they're supposed to I hate it I want to be retarded for all of my life nooooooo

>> No.7833101

n64 version has better graphics and an exclusive level

>> No.7833107

conker was $100+ online even back in 2013-2014

>> No.7833108

there was a remake for xbox 360 but it wasn't very good

>> No.7833110

bullshit it was like $60 average back then

>> No.7833130

I haven't played it, but from what I saw it basically looked like a graphically updated Vigilante 8 with much less content and no fun environmental physics.

>> No.7833271

>better graphics

>> No.7833276

nah he's correct

>> No.7834389

I'd rather play without blur and fog and with some actual detail on the textures, thanks

>> No.7834472 [DELETED] 


>> No.7834479

If you only looked at the first two search results, maybe.

>> No.7834492

>without blur
Without blur the PS1 would look even worse.

>> No.7834572

Don't forget the wobble wobble

>> No.7834586

>Don't forget the soul
Of course not anon

>> No.7834736

Opinion discarded.

>> No.7834743
File: 46 KB, 437x450, Condescending-Shrek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't discard the truth anon