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7825173 No.7825173 [Reply] [Original]

best super famicom game change my mind

>> No.7825179

...if is booty

>> No.7825191

That's some bad ass box art

>> No.7825240

Soundtrack on the PCE version is fucking sick. SMT 1 is godly, OP. I think MT2 is a the best retro Megaten game but SMT is real close. When the hell is that MT2 Famicom translation going to get released?

>> No.7825242
File: 110 KB, 408x720, y_5f9ac0a83f3f1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best sfc game
>posts pce box art

>> No.7825263

I was born in 1997. Will I be able to beat this without a guide?

>> No.7825264
File: 699 KB, 1366x1536, PCE Destiny Land Exclusive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to be fair the PCE version is superior

>> No.7825269
File: 469 KB, 854x1500, CC76A3F5-D27B-4EA6-A2EB-1DE00297D1D5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You couldn’t be more wrong

>> No.7825287

Best atlus game as well. Fuck the non first person SMT games.

>> No.7825384

SMT1 is worse that Kmt1?, i play Kmt for a while and its really grindy, smt its worse?

>> No.7825457
File: 20 KB, 456x404, 1618020553683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw can't find the absolute kino that is PCECD SMT1 cutscenes

>> No.7825548

Is the IOS port any good? The Aeon Genesis menus are too choppy, it lessens my enjoyment of the game. Really wish I could read moon runes desu

>> No.7825565

SMT is one of the most overrated franchises ever. Name dropping just about every occult, religious, and mythological figure and term in the book doesn't make it any more deep than the basic Wizardry derived rpgs they are.

>> No.7825652

SMT 1 is better than KMT 1 imo but otherwise pretty much.
It's fun playing KMT2 and seeing how its basically proto-SMT 2

>> No.7825658

Nobody pretends that SMT is 'deep', nigger.

>> No.7825664

>Its overrated because I don't like it!

>> No.7825663

Overrated by who? The games have a fairly niche following and don't really sell all to well compared to the faggy persona games. Sounds like you got filtered

>> No.7825670

>everyone who doesn't like what I like is "muh filtered"

>> No.7825675

Pretty much thanks for admitting it

>> No.7825749

PCE is basically the same game with a couple of minor additions. Stop trying to justify your non-EOP status, retard.

>> No.7825752

What is this some, jarpig """""game"""""?

>> No.7825803

It's basically wizardry with an occult theme and a 'pokemon' gimmick before pokemon. You can whine all you want but it's a pretty traditionally dungeon crawler and SMT as a whole, main series wise, has always been way more about the raw gameplay then any other aspect.

>> No.7825942
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>> No.7825957
File: 134 KB, 512x768, based_and_gorepilled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What order should I play the pre-nocturne SMT games in? Have already played nocturne, SJ and the later ones.

>> No.7825998

MT 1 /KMT 1 and 2 follow after each other.
SMT 2 is a direct sequel to 1 and should be played after.
...If takes place during the events of 1 (sorta, they also retcon it) and lead to the Persona games but it's not SUPER important though there are some recurring characters in Persona 1 and 2.
It's all pretty simple really.

>> No.7826004

1, 2, ...if, KMT, MT nes, Soul Hackers, Raidou, DDS

>> No.7826051

Man, I love the Saturn Raidou and Soul Hackers game. Is there any difference between the 3DS one and the Saturn one? The Raidou psp version is nice, mostly because the PSP emulator is better for now.

>> No.7826079

you are confusing Radiou with Devil Summoner
Devil Summoner had 4 games, the original one was on Saturn and ported to PSP, the second one if Soul Niggers and the third and fourth are Raidou duology on the PS2

>> No.7826149

>wizardry with an occult theme and a 'pokemon' gimmick
holy fuck that sounds amazing, how have I not played this yet

Which translation patch should I go with?

>> No.7826163

No, that guy is out of his mind.
As stated before I just prefer the soundtrack. I don't speak nihongo and when I beat SMT I did it with the ATLUS port on iOS. I fucking hate AeonGenesis and avoid their work when possible.
It is amazing. Megaten did the monster catching thing in 1987 and it's got the best art and music in the business. Some chinese guy ported the official ATLUS translation mentioned above from iOS back to GBA, I would go for that. The SNES translation is full of nonsense.

>> No.7826206
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Navigating menus is a pain in the ass. Such a chore just to equip items. Checking summons and always popping up slime is a never ending frustrations. Still, gave me a better impression of the series than persona did. Demon fusion feels more encouraged since the primary focus is the gameplay, but the setting and story aren't bad either. The atmosphere is top notch.