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File: 1017 KB, 2100x1524, Castlevania_-_Dracula_X_-_(NA)_-_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7821610 No.7821610 [Reply] [Original]

It had a better soundtrack than Rondo of Blood

>> No.7821614

It has better everything than Rondo

>> No.7821641
File: 2.86 MB, 768x672, redaxearmor3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dracula XX > Dracula X

>> No.7822385

SNES Dracula X improvements:
Better platforming level design
Got rid of the cringey moeshit

SNES Dracula X downgrades:
Less enemy variety
Less stages overall
Worse secret paths
Worse boss fights

>> No.7822912

Cross a Fear >>> the whole SNES game

>> No.7823032

The opening intro of Rondo is cooler than anything Dracula X does.

>> No.7823053

You simply duck to dodge this obnoxious charge attack? How was anyone suppose to figure this out?

>> No.7823082

You could also just time a backflip, seems like a programming oversight though, those guys do damage when they touch you in RoB.

>> No.7823096
File: 10 KB, 251x242, peepee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being this delusional.

>> No.7823582

based & Snezzpilled

>> No.7823836

I domt think its an oversight, the animation sprite literally goes from holding the are down to foolishly wagging it above his head when he does his charge attack. If anything the game is trying to show you to dodge

>> No.7823873

X is inferior in every way.

>> No.7823909 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 540x405, castlekino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only filthy casuals hold that opinion.

>> No.7823915

Then what happened? Bit rot?

>> No.7823930

it’s genuinely a better game than rondo of blood

>> No.7824001

It's not the ducking. It's the flickering.

>> No.7825387 [DELETED] 
File: 283 KB, 748x398, castlevania_remakes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

~ /vr/'s official 4th gen Castlevania tierlist ~

God Tier:
X68000 (avoid the crap Playstation X port)

High Tier:

Mid Tier:
Rondo of Blood

Low Tier:
Snezz Dracula X

Trashure Tier:

>> No.7825836

Lmao not it didn't

>> No.7825842

Not you again

>> No.7826956

based & australiapilled.

>> No.7827008

I just started playing Castlevania IV right after finishing III and for once the auster is right, this game is fucking embarrassing. The pitiful difficulty with mostly barren levels, the slowdown from particles (standing under water and mudmen) and that goddamn cylindrical mode 7 room that lags by itself and the subpar soundtrack. Should I play both Rondo of Blood and Dracula X next or just RoB?

>> No.7827024

No, rondo has CD audio quality, already better by default, but enjoy your “sounds like it’s underwater” sound chip though.

>> No.7827026

Play both, then you can laugh at how much of a step down X on the Super Nintendo is compared to the real version.

>> No.7827029

If you just started, try to at least get to the end before judging IVs difficulty, the last couple levels are among the hardest in the series.
If "barren levels" is a complaint you have, you will not like rondo much, lots of simple hallways.
If you're just auster samefagging I fell for it I guess

>> No.7827036

Both are pretty good. X has way better background tilesets and is a lot more challenging than RoB

>> No.7827037

You know the PS1 copy has the original X68k game as an option right? All you need to do is beat the 1st level and you unlock [original mode]

>> No.7827062

Original mode is still inferior to the authentic X68k version.

>> No.7827089

Why would a casual prefer the harder game?

>> No.7827091

Just play Rondo. Don’t bother with X.

>> No.7827095

X is an easy game with a lot of cheap deaths. The bosses especially are trivially easy to cheese. I feel bad for anyone who finds it genuinely challenging.

>> No.7827141

how so? seems to be the same to me

>> No.7827148

How many pints in a rondo of blood? please help, i am american and don't understand metric.

>> No.7827165

If Konami wanted to port Rondo of Blood to another system, why they didn't ported it to the Sega CD?

>> No.7827181

because SNES had a bigger install base than the sega cd

>> No.7827189

X is just a novelty for people who played Rondo already, it's inferior but not a bad game on its own. If you haven't played Rondo yet stop wasting time and get on it

>> No.7827357

Rondo is the second easiest classic CV after 4, it's why it's peoples favourite. You should love the SNES Dracula X though.

>> No.7827432

And if you use the loli, Rondo is easier than 4. Luckily they made her unplayable in the SNES port.

>> No.7827440

I wasn't even thinking about her when I said that but it's true, everytime I see people make posts saying they used her to go past the boss rush. Rondo is great they say. The bitch has a move that can kill everything, including bosses, in 1-2 hits. She should have been an NG+ character only.

>> No.7827979

Stage one BGM is better in X. The guitar sample sounds like Eric Clapton's "I Shot the Sheriff".

>> No.7829008

>the last couple levels are among the hardest in the series.
This is pure fucking bullshit, the only hard level is the one with the saw because the falling stairs are pure ass.

>> No.7829134

Post your no damage run of all the castle interior levels if it's so easy, stream it and timestamp it.
>Struggling with stairs
You have been filtered by Castlevania.

>> No.7829167

>not knowing the stairs are nothing like other CVs and disintegrate as you walk on them

Good job, poser.

>> No.7829169

Oh no, how will I ever no damage through the game with the least offensive enemies in the series? Pretty cute of you to even think this constitutes as a challenge.

>> No.7829190

>not knowing the important part, which is that you can't jump while climbing stairs like on the nes games
Projecting on that poser thing, eh?
Rant all you want, you still don't stream yourself doing a no damage run, because you can't. But keep making excuses and posing as a castlevania expert, it's amusing.

>> No.7829201

We get it, the easiest game in the franchise destroyed your ass softly and anyone who's not shit enough at games is some kind of no damage run autist God. Work on that self esteem anon.

>> No.7829225

Take those meds man.
Also I never said IV is the hardest, but the last stages are among the hardest. Castlevania 1 si easier on replays, once you know the game. Rondo is the easiest of the classics to me though, still a great game.
I was just saying, if you think the last part of IV is easy, just stream yourself blasting through it, show these ivbabbies bro! Hahaha

>> No.7829254

I agree that some parts in the last stages of CV4 are hard, but only because of bad game design. Stuff like very cramped spaces on the Y axis but if you bump your head into the ceiling you'll glitch fall through the floor; and the fact that the saw is on a timer rather than coming up at certain locations, coupled with the fact that it's impossible to dodge it if it comes up in certain areas, mean it's actually possible to get punished for doing better than you previously did.

Then, after that there are the ceiling spikes which hit detection is much bigger than their art. Also the platforms floating upwards move too rapidly, and if when you jump on the first platform, but then jump back onto the stairs, you'll be in a dead man walking scenario because the screen will have scrolled so slightly up that it's not longer possible to jump back on the platform.

The entire stage is just bad design after bad design and that's why it's hard. I know retards are going to answer "get good", but I also know everything I just described is objective facts, not opinion. There can be no excuse for falling through floors or dead man walking scenarios.

>> No.7829278

>but the last stages are among the hardest
Let's see what those so called hard stages are.
>dungeon (level 8)
Completely uneventful with an easy as shit boss you can tank through (a common theme in this game)
>treasury (level 9)
Completely uneventful but hey, this stage shits out a ton of money bags for an extra life or two! Also comes with an easy boss.
>clock tower (stage A)
The only thing this one has going for it is the fact it's not as shit as the clock tower from CV3. Boring boss? You got it.
>tower (stage B)
A long ass boring bridge followed by annoying falling stairs with a timed insta-kill trap? Gee I guess the game had to have at least one decently challenging stage after all. Slogra is fun, I guess. Face it anon, you're fucking shit.

>> No.7829336

>B-bad design!
Nice unpopular opinion. Still no stream though.

>> No.7829428

>>not knowing the important part, which is that you can't jump while climbing stairs like on the nes games
Nice moving the goalposts, but that's not why they're hard, it's because they're programmed poorly and you often fall off them as they're crumbling and since they don't regenerate, you just die to the sawblade. Bad game design.

And no, you're still a poser. Thinking the easiest CV game isn't actually easy doesn't change that fact.