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7818486 No.7818486 [Reply] [Original]

what do you guys think about save states ?

>> No.7818489

cant beat any game without them

>> No.7818493

i use them for games that have passwords

>> No.7818505

Savestates don't kill games, people kill games.

>> No.7818509
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i stopped using them when I realized that after beating a game I was still dog shit at it. I could understand using them if you led a productive life though. Thankfully I don't and have all the time in the world.

>> No.7818510

I ain't 12 anymore with unlimited time on my hands. Save states are fine

>> No.7818528

No one cares. This thread is like asking if it's okay to dink a basketball while on a ladder. You're not in the NBA and no one cares about what you do in your free time.

Now stop making this thread or I will beat you over the head with aforementioned ladder.

>> No.7818534

alright I got it, you use save states, chill out now

>> No.7818537

Only game I ever used Save States in was Sonic Spinball on the last stage, because i'd never beat it before, i'd usually game over before even knowing half the level. Sonic Spinball was one of those games i'd play once a year just to see if I could beat it.

>> No.7818538 [DELETED] 

They fix broken and unfair game design. I have a wife and kids and I don't that much time to waste on a single game. I could get good if I really wanted to. Sometimes after a hard day at work you just want to sit down on the couch relax and feel like a goddamn superhero.
I'm not bad at games though, really.

>> No.7818548

Savestates are fucking based. Nothing better than wrecking through parts other faggots wasted hours struggling with.

>> No.7818557

I actually dont.

>> No.7818578

Save state at the beginning of a level is fine.

>> No.7818603

Handy, but be wary that abusing them will ruin the fun of your game, and fun is why you play.

>> No.7818652

Need it.

>> No.7818656

Save State shaming is legitimately retarded.

>> No.7818668

I don't use them for pre-gen 5 games and platformers in general
And sometimes this

>> No.7818670

Hard truth. Pros outweight the cons but after completion it just doesn't feel the same as beating it without them. It also makes the game easier because it relieves a lot of pressure, which otherwise causes more mistakes.

>> No.7818683

I used to play the games at my own place, I stop and resume whenever I want to.

>> No.7818687

People who use save states to get through games ultimately have less fun. You see it because the people who get really really into these old games, the type of people that devour an entire console's worth of games and still want more, these people are never save state users.

The people that seriously use save states play a few games and then lose interest and leave for something else.

Same thing with 1cc vs quarter feeding. The people who quarter feed never get very into arcade games and the 1ccers become addicts.

>> No.7818701

I'm sure most of us here grew up playing on original hardware. I had to play and beat everything legit in my younger years. Now, I use save states. But I'm not delusional about it either, I said some of the bigger downsides here >>7818670

>> No.7818712

92' here, I played on both hardware and emulator (we didn't have a SNES or Genesis, so we emulated to experience the joy of those in the late 90s and early 2000s). Almost never used save states though.

Also, I'll never go back to playing console games with a keyboard, Jesus Christ, my hands couldn't take that today.

>> No.7818716

To expand, me and pals would actually trade and share passwords to each other at school for stuff like Megaman X and what not, instead of using save states. I think that maybe we didn't know how to use save states, or the emulators we used didn't have them.

>> No.7818718

Save states are cheating and like cheats, they can be fun sometimes

>> No.7818726

OP and 95' here, grew up with the genesis as a kid and the ps1 as a teen, but after I start using emulators, I too used save states I'm not gonna lie, but after some time I just felt something was off and stoped using save states, after that I haven't used it anymore

>> No.7818727 [DELETED] 

Please do not copypaste from /r/retrogames. Thank you.

>> No.7818740
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I wish save states could give us bighead mode in every game. Now that would be fun.

>> No.7818762

I use them to save my progress for games that don't support saves. Anything else is playing the game on easy mode, and that's fine of you wanna do that, but you definitely didn't beat the game

>> No.7818802

I burned through SMB1-4 with the rewind feature on Switch the other week. It was a fucking blast. I have a fulltime career and dont give a fuck.

>> No.7818806 [DELETED] 

>I cheated at a children's game
have an upvote kind sir

>> No.7818873

I just started again in smb 3, I'll make a save state at the start of each world so that it mimics the all stars save system. The reason is I play in the evening and I'll usually play until I complete the world at which point I will save, I don't have time to be playing smb 3 all night so I spread it out a bit. Its been 30 years, I think enough time has passed to start using save states in this game.
Most games I don't use save states because it ruins them except to save password screens.
I did use them to save scum the japanese last battle and even then I couldn't beat it. I will sometimes use it to practice a level in a game I have been playing for a few months such as the 2nd level jump in the lion king.

Having the risk of dieing and starting from the beginning makes the game more intense especially if you are at a new bit, you are supposed to get better as you go so you progress further but some people make a save state at every difficult jump. Don't use them, you don't have to beat every single game you play of the first play through.

>> No.7818963
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>the type of people that devour an entire console's worth of games and still want more
You'd better play every single game on the system before you make that claim. Not just the "good ones" not just "games worth playing". Only someone who has played every single game including japan-only can claim to be the Game Devourer.

>> No.7818991

Not sure what the sperge-fest is for, it's a legitimate question and he didn't give any opinion on it. Seems like you are the one with the problem.

>> No.7818992

>save-stated through Mario
Mario 1 - not including the infinite 1up turtle trick, you can hold A and press start at the title to continue from the beginning of the world you were at.
Mario 2 - it's easy to get at least 1 cherry every time on the slot machine for a shitload of 1ups
Mario 3 / World - These games spam 1ups at you

>> No.7818998

>Not sure what the sperge-fest is for
You know damn well what it was for, and if you don't, you need to lurk moar.

>> No.7819131
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>> No.7819136

I absolutely love them. How did people even enjoy games without them?

>> No.7819145

I use them to practice speed runs but otherwise never use em. I tried using save states to get the Sword of Kings on Eartbound once, sat ther for almost an hour reloading, initiating the fight, getting the instant win, and got nothing. Then I stopped doing it, went back to just walking back and forth to respawn enemies and got the Sword in fifteen minutes. I’m sure it was coincidence but ever since I just never used them again except as I said to practice specific things in games.
Started trying to get better at Super Mario 1 and save states are how I’ve been practicing the world 8 stages. Otherwise I’m not even really sure what SS are for

>> No.7819146

>post never uses the phrase "save-stated"
>greentext your own thing


>> No.7819232

I'm talking about playing games for fun. That means playing all the good ones and all the mediocre ones that happen to strike a chord with you. This is still a massive list.

Playing piles of games you dont enjoy for you just so you can say you 'completed' them is not playing for fun.

>> No.7819243


>> No.7819451

I use them to practice before doing a 1cc. If you haven't 1cc'd a game without save states I don't care about your opinion of the game. 1cc is what all games were made for back in the day. Castlevania and Contra kick ass when you get good and get in the state of flow required to 1cc them, using save states is an insult against the games themselves, saying that you think their well-crafted and immaculately designed enemy placement, difficulty curve and boss patterns are "dated" or "unfair" because you're too lazy to learn them. Guess what, you're not supposed to easily get through Super Ghouls n Ghosts in one setting walking through the levels, you need to EARN that through the intensely satisfying process of finding all the chests, figuring out the puzzles and making your own solutions to each and every single spot in the level and test your reflexes and memory. They don't make them like this anymore.

>> No.7819457

Castlevania 1 and 3 are actually harder if you die a lot. Sounds like continuechads win again

>> No.7819496

OP here, actually I did 1cc some games without using save states like Shadow Danver, The Revenge of Shinobi and Shinoby 3, Aero Fighters on the SNES, Golden Axe, and almost doing the 1cc on Super Ghouls and Ghosts (stuck in the last boss) most of them even in their hardest difficult, so yeah, I know how it works

>> No.7819498

and adding one more I think is worth to mention is Castlevania Bloodlines on the hardest difficult too

>> No.7819503

I beat A LOT of SNES and NES games using continues. If I had to do it all over again, playing them for the first time the majority of them I would not use continues. Not using continues is just more fun in most cases.

>> No.7819512
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I only play games where there's literally no death mechanic or game overs

>> No.7819524

>>If you haven't 1cc'd a game without save states I don't care about your opinion of the game
>can't do 1cc without having to use save states
>probably was never able to do 1cc before he played on emulator since he couldn't use save states
>thinks he is superior to others because of doing 1cc thanks to save states

>> No.7819534
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That's every game if you're good.

>> No.7819626

Can you name some?

>> No.7819680

Fine only if you are replicating the experience of leaving the console paused overnight if the game in question didn't have a save system and you didn't have time to complete it in one sitting. If you actually need save states to be able to beat games (such as just using them as unlimited continues), you are a huge casual. Like, why even play the game at that point? Just watch a playthrough on YouTube.

>> No.7819682

Not him but Harvest Moon, Wario games after 1,

>> No.7819683

Essential training tool, but you haven't actually completed a game until you've done it without them.

>> No.7819708

>using savestate to replay a level, making 1ups pointless
>using savestate to save time on stupid bullshit

Example: Castlevania on NES, farming for hearts before fighting dracula. It's going to start you at the same spot regardless, even after continue, so why sit there and farm hearts every life?

>> No.7819721

>Example: Castlevania on NES, farming for hearts before fighting dracula

Didn't know you could do that. I just beat him with the basic cross and the candles available. Sounds like you would have more if you just didnt farm and didnt use save states and played as intended.

>> No.7819724

because is how the game is ? '-'

>> No.7819757

I just use it for stuff like this >>7819708.
A lot of retro games have strats to trivialize things anyway as >>7818992 kindly pointed out. Really no sense for getting uppity about it unless you're neurotic about muh developer's intentions, and in that case you're probably not even emulating anyway
I wonder how much the divide on this comes from if you have a background in PC gaming or not.

>> No.7819793

>would have more if you just didnt farm
I don't get what you're saying. How would I have more by getting less hearts?

>> No.7819795

but there's no challenge or missing out on anything except wasted time by using a save state. so why does it matter?

>> No.7819805

*more fun

sorry. Dont know how that word did not come out.

>> No.7819810

You don't even need to farm, you can easily take out his first form without taking damage so the 11-ish hearts you get are more than enough for the second form since it's not like you'll have a subweapon upgrade to spam anyway.

>> No.7819828

Thanks for correction. That makes a lot more sense, and I think you might be right. I just wanted to spam holy water at the second form.

I still think there are examples of spots in games that I'd rather savestate to save me time, but I can't think of a better example of that.

>I wonder how much the divide on this comes from if you have a background in PC gaming or not.
That's a good point. At what point does someone call quick save/load cheap, considering they are part of the game itself?

>> No.7819829
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Anyone else uses savestates exclusively to skip shit like long empty areas without enemies and dialog before bosses?

>> No.7819838

Used one last time for that stupid fucking jump in Super Metroid to get access to the spring ball.

Fuck quick sand.

>> No.7819868

Savestates for speedruns helps alot, I used them to practice specific parts on Super Mario RPG
I've used savestates in Harvest Moon FOMT for the mines and the horse betting.

>> No.7819970
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I'm hooked for save states
I want save states
My life is a save state itself

>> No.7819974

I use a combination of fast forward and rewind for this. Fast forward through the parts where nothing happens, and then rewind back to the very first frame of stuff happening.

>> No.7819989

I think systems of lives/continues are outdated and just designed to waste time. I save at the start of every level, and at the start of every checkpoint. Anything more than that feels like cheating though.

>> No.7820017

They suck the pleasure out of gaming. If you can't beat Super Mario Bros with no save states you can't call yourself a gamer.

Savesstates mid-level are the most unforgivable sin

>> No.7820065

good for practice and skipping all the empty time that was involved with booting up consoles, using in game save systems, sitting through death screens, etc.

>> No.7820352

Only do save before do some platforming

>> No.7820442

Savestates are only for shameless cross-eyed inbred mongoloids

>> No.7820571

I only use them to save my progress when I need to stop playing the game and do something else, and only on games that don't have a save file.

>> No.7820576

Useful for people who have lives. Not everyone can sit down and play video games for eight hours straight. Some of us have responsibilities.

>> No.7820582

>I'm busy so instead of playing it correctly I'm going to destroy all challenge by cheating.

>> No.7820596

lmao get spooked wagie

>> No.7820664

I've heard of one legitimate reason someone used a save state. Progress was locked behind a color-based puzzle and the guy was color-blind.

>> No.7821036

this is a fucking good reason

>> No.7821520

rewind is better

>> No.7821607

The NSO rewind is the only good thing about that emulator I wish other emudevs would replicate it for theirs it feels really nice

>> No.7821619

Savestates? Hmm savestates...
Yes savestates. Savestates are good, solid feature yes. I think savestates.

>> No.7821727


>> No.7821736

>fulltime career

>> No.7821746

ill use em on password screens
thats about it
fuck typing in retarded passwords

>> No.7821854


>> No.7821979

I played with and without them recently on Castlevania Chronicles and learned it felt better to play without them. Part of the fun is getting good enough to finally beat that strong as fuck boss or what not after trying for hours, the feeling of accomplishment is far better when you put in the work.
For example, ya you can beat a Souls game easily with save states, but would you still have the same experience if you didn't use them?

>> No.7822006
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>> No.7822810

if yo mama used them you wouldn've been born