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7816582 No.7816582 [Reply] [Original]

Playing Skies of Arcadia for the first time on Dreamcast. Any tips?

>> No.7816586

Drop it early and play a better game

>> No.7816606

enjoy the fucked up encounter rate

>> No.7816630
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GC has far far lower quality of music, also they made it a billion times darker for no raisin.
It's a good enough game DESU, however it is not this.

>ebay copies of bangio are $946
I fucking hate the retro market so much. Holy shit.

>> No.7816636

Its a turn based RPG by Sega so it is as barebones as a Dragon Quest game.

>> No.7816649

>getting filtered by having to fight more often
lol, nintendobabbies...

>> No.7816753

Moonstone cannon, fire!

>> No.7817034

Try to have some ship healing items before going into a desert themed dungeon.

Other than that the game is generally pretty easy. I played/beat it for the first time a few months ago and enjoyed it tremendously.

>> No.7817078

It works both ways though. Less random encounters generally means that you are weaker for boss fights, so the boss fights are harder and require more thought.

>> No.7817135

nah, they boosted the xp you get from fights in the cube port, making it easier to get higher levels by fighting less than you'd have to on dreamcast.

>> No.7817149

*tips fedora*

>> No.7817156

This has been on bucket list for years. I couldn't figure out how to burn multi disc dreamcast games and gave but recently got around to installing wiiflow. Looking forward to playing it after I finish a few games.

>> No.7817881

combat is slow, easy and boring and you don't want to spend too much time doing this chore
simple as

>> No.7818092

girl on the middle is hot any good porn? guess ill play this

>> No.7818142

Game's easy. No tips required. I did enjoy it's light hearted atmosphere, though. Have fun.

>> No.7818154

Enjoy 480i video, worse colours, awful music quality, and non-cohesive bonus quests made by non-developers. All of this for some slightly bumpier textures.

>> No.7818456

Why are you all being so rude to this guy? You are all a bunch of dicks.

>> No.7818463

by that logic, may as well go all the way and use cheats to skip the battles completely.

>> No.7819013

People won't stop ugly-crying about the encounter rate, like it's really that different from any game at all that had random encounters. The reason it feels different to people is because they can't perceive that the world map is a game-long dungeon in and of itself, so navigating and exploring it feels like a chore to them when they have to fight in it as often as they do. And when they get fucked by the wind patterns it doubles their aggravation.

>> No.7819016

the only correct way to play JRPGs unironically

>> No.7819021

Play game instead of talking about playing it online.

>> No.7819025
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>> No.7819129

They should have designed it to have a visual indicator of the zones that, if you walk in, you'll get into a battle.

>> No.7819158

Bangai-O is such a miraculously good game, easily the best game on the Dreamcast by a large margin.

>> No.7819165

I honestly can't think of any tips because the combat is a fairly simple JRPG fare. There's really nothing you gotta be on the lookout for. One tip I would give is to not skimp out on upgrading your ship too much lest you put yourself in a tough spot against a ship boss fight, even then I don't think you can softlock yourself or anything.

>> No.7819187

lovely Aika

>> No.7819241

They need to port or remake this game so we get an influx of art of Aika.

>> No.7819247
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>> No.7820472

Dead thread? No love for SkiesOfArcadia?

>> No.7820483

I love Skies of Arcadia. It was a breath of fresh air from Square RPGs and the characters are legitimately fun.

But even now I still don't have a good grasp of how airship battles work. That Red Gigas fight always takes me forever.

>> No.7820498

>easily the best game on the Dreamcast by a large margin.
Even though I never played it I know this is wrong.

>> No.7822527
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It's my favourite game but I haven't replayed it in nearly a decade now so I've forgotten a lot, maybe I should give it another shot to see if it holds up.

>> No.7822859

pretty sure there's a patch that fixes the gc version

>> No.7823272

I can only laugh at you americans. Got my copie of it for 30 euros. Dreamcast is dirt cheap for the most part here in europe. Even grandia 2 still has a reasonable price.