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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.06 MB, 3024x3024, emulation vs crt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7811580 No.7811580 [Reply] [Original]

>Either spend several hundreds on Retrotink, OSSC, or Framemeister, as well as overpriced A/V cables for each console
>or hunt down and then give up space for a bulky, heavy, and increasingly rare CRT TV that you will only ever use for vidya
Look, I can appreciate original hardware autism but is it really worth all of this instead of emulating with shaders?

>> No.7811591

worth it for me because i have the space and money. if you don't, emulation is a fine way to play.

>> No.7811610

I prefer just emulating without shaders, but then I hated CRTs long before there were other options.

>> No.7811656

CRTs suck, but you don't think retro games look at least a little better on them? What do you think of the OP pic aside from the weird stuff on the side of the 4k TV?
The thing about emulation is it really bothers me when a game is missing some inconsequential visual effects because the emulator isn't 100% perfect. I'm exaggerating a little but sometimes I'll emulate a game and then a few years later come back to see that with the updated emulator certain games look noticeably different since it is more accurate, leading me to feel as though i never experienced the game.

>> No.7811660

I grew up on consumer CRTs and composite/s-video. Couldn't go back to that anymore. It's nice to look at, but if I had a big, bulky CRT again all I'd think about is getting rid of it.

>> No.7811695

Completely understandable.

>> No.7811697

CRTs are crap pieces of hardware yet look amazing. I don't know where I stand on it.

Like owning them is a bitch but using them is a delight.

>> No.7811719

Do you people live in 1 room apartments in China or some shit that a single crt is some fucking atrocious space consumer? Jesus christ.

>> No.7811725

>either spend hundreds to buy cables and specialized equipment
>or go on Facebook Marketplace for two minutes
Tough choice

>> No.7811734

I'm sorry you don't remember a world before 9/11/2001, OP.

>> No.7811750

>is it really worth all of this
All of what? Getting a free CRT off Craigslist and having to find some space in your apartment to put it? You really can't spare the space dude?

>> No.7811756

Fuck off you nigger, yes it's worth it. You don't have to grab a giant crt I have one with a 13" screen. Emulation is for turbo poorfags and babbys first retro.

>> No.7811778

Nah. I had a CRT and a fuck ton of consoles, bough all the RGB cables I could for each console and flashcarts and all. After all that I found myself emulating games with a CRT shader anyway. It's much less of a hassle and looks good enough, plus all the other benefits of emulation.

>> No.7811781

Nice try with the false flag, OP

>> No.7811787

>CRTs suck, but you don't think retro games look at least a little better on them? What do you think of the OP pic aside from the weird stuff on the side of the 4k TV?

Not him, excuse my meddling. I've never used any fancy connectors until the 6th-gen (when I started using component and could revisit older games). So, my mind is burned with low-quality retrogaming images from my childhood. Granted, I never had to deal with dithering, and even got the infamous Sonic's waterfall right, there's that. However, I don't thinki that's necessarily a victory. See, those games had really low resolution and color limitations, so you had two options:

a. Use RF/composite and hide away all imperfections, while turning everything else into a blurry mess.
b. Use s-video/RGB and gain sharpness, while revealing imperfections and giving everything a rough look.

Either way, we were fucked. As we've seen here in this board, there are fans of option A and fans of option B. Not that anyone have much choice. Retro games have that look and feel, and I do find many of them beautiful ("soul", some might say), but they're rough around the edges (literally, even).

Anyway, since I won't have perfection with a CRT either, I choose to not have perfection with a LCD. I have a large one and use bilinear filter (yeah, the hated) to achieve a middle ground between options A and B. Is it perfect? Of course not! But it's balanced, it doesn't matter the game: not too sharp, I can still see individual pixels, they're just not too rough; not too blurry, some imperfections were taken care of, but dithering still remains, though smoothed.

That's my long post about it! Feel free to reply. Better yet if it's not shitposting.

>> No.7811817

>uh big bulky tv bad
Cringe zoomers. Go jerk off to your soulless shitty 4k remasters

>> No.7811870
File: 509 KB, 2002x1502, P10706811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CRTs suck, but you don't think retro games look at least a little better on them? What do you think of the OP pic aside from the weird stuff on the side of the 4k TV?

No. I know this seems weird to people here, but I unironically 100% like big chunky sharp pixels. Growing up I always hated how CRTs blurred things and seeing every pixel clearly like on Gameboy for example was to me always the ideal. Even knowing some developers used the CRT blur to get certain effects, I'd still just rather see them sharp. I will admit I'm a little unusual in my tastes but I also know I'm not unique.

>> No.7811890

Then sharp-bilinear is the filter for you. It removes the need for integer scaling, providing even pixels and no jittering while scrolling. It adds an almost imperceptible blur to the image though. I've never seen any sharpness lovers complaining though. Give it a try.

>> No.7811893

You don't bother with CRTs/real hardware for aesthetics. You do it for the lack of modern latency.

>> No.7811897

When will the trinitron meme end?

>> No.7811901

Go post letters instead of posting online, cringe zoomer. Kids and their computers...

Seriously now, anon: even if you're old, it doesn't mean you must stick to the technologies of your era if you don't want. If you like your CRTs, fine. But assuming every old person will also like it is very narrow-minded.

>> No.7811902

When the poster's CRT TV dies and the "I will fix it myself" doesn't turn out like he intended.

>> No.7811905

Open the tv, you get the zippy

>> No.7811927

Is it objectively worth it? Probably not, but that's not the point of a hobby.

People enjoy getting autistic about it, let them have their fun.

>> No.7811935

As one that used CRTs to play when they were the only mean to display a console (I'm getting old) I genuinely don't miss them. Emulating on a regular modern monitor is so much more convenient. The minimal loss in fidelity is worth the massive gain in convenience, at least for me. How many of you purists were born in the mid 80s or before? Is there anyone? I kinda feel most of the purists are zoomers following a trend.

>> No.7811958

Eh, early 90s kid, but the CRT was my childhood tv, we didn't have an LCD until 2009. I always knew there was something different between the displays the first time I hooked my n64 up to an LCD.

>> No.7811970

>even if you're old, it doesn't mean you must stick to the technologies of your era if you don't want. If you like your CRTs, fine. But assuming every old person will also like it is very narrow-minded.
it's more that zoomers can't appreciate crts than that boomers love crts

>> No.7812750

Check Facebook Marketplace search CRT still cost 100+ dollars

>> No.7812962

>give up space for a bulky, heavy, and increasingly rare CRT TV
There are plenty of smaller CRTs, they're more common now than the huge ones. But even the big ones don't take up a ridiculous amount of space. They also aren't so rare right now that they're incredibly difficult to find. A few years from now I'm sure they will be, but right now the only rare ones are the meme ones like Trinitrons and PVMs, both of which aren't necessary and in some cases a cheaper more common one can look better than the high end ones.
>that you will only ever use for vidya
I use my CRT for all sorts of shit. Having one is a necessity for watching VHS tapes and working on certain art projects I've done. I also get more use out of it than I do my modern TV since I play old video games way more often than new ones.

>> No.7812973

Just checked, and this was only true for about 1/4 of them

>> No.7813115

>people used to own CRTs for decades with tiny apartments or smaller houses
>same size buildings or even bigger ones have been built yet people can't find space for a piece of hardware used for decades
Stop buying more shit you don't really want or need. A CRT can fit anywhere.

>> No.7813117

Your meds. Take them.

>> No.7813119

I don't think it's worth it. I don't even use shaders because I realized it doesn't effect my enjoyment at all.

>> No.7813190

The only downside to CRTs is the weight. Honestly, I feel like my stupidly wide HDTV takes up more space than my CRT.

>> No.7813225

Daily reminder that flash carts and mods exist, so using original hardware is no excuse to buy old games and support the coomllector economy.

>> No.7813231

I do not miss the days of buying a new CRT television, have to get the fucking thing in a car with help from salesbro, then drag the fucking thing up stairs, and mounting a brick on an industiral cage mount so it doesn't fall and kill someone.

Nah, the CRT was a pain in the ass.

>> No.7813241

CRTs filter non-/fit/ bros, not surprising I guess.

>> No.7813270

>all these faggots that didn't save their tube TVs in the garage/basement
I have two Trinitrons(20 and 24 inch) and a 32 inch Sanyo. The trons need some cap work though. I need learn how to safely do that.

>> No.7813271

>hunt down
consumer CRTs are still piss-easy to find. Any given day I can look at my local craigslist and see plenty of requests to haul away their CRTs. The PVM dream is long dead, but you can still get really good quality on a consumer set.

>give up space
Unless you're japanese or live in a shoebox, the "muh space" argument is ridiculous. The footprint of a CRT is not that much in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.7813313
File: 3.02 MB, 4032x3024, 77YrLnv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CRTs are trash, a relic of the past. There is no way I'm putting up with geometry and convergence issues.

OLED TVs with a CRT shader is the way to go. It's 2021, not 1991.

>> No.7813327

asking for it. bad tech.

>> No.7813347

>but is it really worth all of this instead of emulating with shaders?
It's not as hard as you think. First of all, local classifieds often have CRTs listed for dirt cheap. You know what I did though? I found someone in my area that runs a business of finding antique and retro items and furniture. I told him I wanted a large CRT from the late 90s or early 2000s, and I would pay him 60 bucks including delivery. Within a couple of weeks, he found a perfect JVC made in 2000 and delivered it up to my apartment. As for space, unless you live in a literal closet this isn't a real problem, just a rationalization. There's nothing that can replace the feeling and look of retro games on a CRT.

>> No.7813350

>putting up with geometry and convergence issues.
How can you be bothered by that and have no problems playing on a flat screen? You sound like you know CRTs are better but want to find a reason to dislike them. If you're that OCD about geometry how can you stand playing on any flat screen?

>> No.7813357

>zoomie doesn’t know how to calibrate a CRT

>> No.7813362

People who say they don't have room for a CRT are really saying they live with their parents or girlfriend / wife and they need to ask for permission lol

>> No.7813369

I have such a Sony but it only goes for like 20 euros on eBay,super sad

>> No.7813385

It's not really that hard to find a CRT.
And the horror they generate from their supposedly terrible room-dominating bulk is just silly.

>> No.7813397

>Look, I can appreciate original hardware autism but is it really worth all of this instead of emulating with shaders?
Unless you live in a shoebox it's a tiny percentage of your room's whole space. A LCD tv will also occupy a similar amount of space.

There are instances where it makes less sense to go with a CRT.

Also any tv released in the past ten years that has an excellent reputation for gaming will likely perform well. No need to just say "ah screw it" and go for emulation just because it's not economical or convenient for you to get lagless at one point in time, original hardware consists of a lot more than having a proper display.

>> No.7813404

*a lot more than having the ideal display.

>> No.7813501

86 here. i have 9 and 14 inch crts i’ve played retro on almost exclusively for the past few years. for me the image authenticity is only part of the draw. what i more enjoy is the atmospheric link to my childhood - sitting close in front of a screen, not on any connected technology that can distract me with notices, etc. it’s a form of escapism that i don’t find in modern games and that i find in its purest form only when playing outdated things on outdated technology. but i’m also lucky enough to have a home office with space for these weird toys. without that i don’t think i’d be able to justify the extra bulk and clutter of the tvs and systems - as is i just use everdrives to avoid the hassle of cartridge hoarding.

>> No.7813726

Why is a crt so much more inconvenient for people? Are you constantly moving your set all the time? They are the same length, if not smaller then a flatscreen. Its only the back that takes up some additional space.

>> No.7813732

Then stop playing games from 1991, zoomboy.

>> No.7813739

I was, and still am to an extent, a CRT fan. But once I got a nice 4K flat screen I put that bitch down in the basement.

>> No.7813796

>I put that bitch down in the basement.
where all the old consoles are

>> No.7813803

Location is now more of a problem than ever especially when you don't live in a urban setting where these displays are more abundant in terms of availability and choice when the displays that are most coveted are decades old. Size can also be an issue if you don't own your place and have limited space.

>> No.7813897


>> No.7813942

Calibration only takes a CRT so far.

>> No.7813943

So you're saying you are a virgin incel if you are a CRTfag?

>> No.7814212
File: 6 KB, 210x240, soyboy-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CRTs suck

>> No.7814286

I don't mean to sound rude but wtf are you talking about?! In urban areas you're going to have much more limited space per cost and there may be more trouble moving the tv (you can't just back the car up to the door and take out the tv and bring it up x amount of apartments if the only access is from a busy city road). If you live in a rural area and there's one in an urban area all you have to do is drive to the urban area once, it's no big deal surely.

But what did I expect on this website... logic.

>> No.7814293

I used to emulate all the time, now I'm happy I can finally play games on original hardware, once this phase gets old, might return to emulation.
Overall, do what makes you happy anon, or what you can afford, at the end of the day, it's about having fun playing the games you love.

>> No.7814413
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It's really one of the dumbest anti-crt arguments that just keeps getting repeated over and over by people who aren't even thinking about what they're saying. It's like saying you hate refrigerators because they're really big and heavy.....OK but why are you moving your refrigerator around so much? Put it in the kitchen and forget about it and likewise put the fucking crt on the tv stand and forget about it.

They also never acknowledge that crt's come in all shapes and sizes, from tiny portables, desktop size, normal size, and of course the massive 200 pound behemoths they hate...but here's an idea, don't buy those and get a small one! "problem" solved.

>> No.7814450

lol, right. Or like making a thread asking if it's "really worth" getting a couch and saying single chairs are almost as good and take up less space and are easier to move (though the analogy to refridgerator and couch aren't completely accurate since those are vastly harder than crts to move). If you seriously can't figure out how to move a CRT without a lot of trouble or it's just too mindblowing for you to plan and do you're a fucking retard and are nowhere near a real man.

>> No.7814489

big crts are everywhere but smaller crts seem to be pretty rare in my area

>> No.7814526

i think the space argument is more about having both a flatscreen and a crt, since not having the former is not an option for most people. if it was an either or affair i agree it’d be a non-issue.

>> No.7814557

I will admit that CRTs have a certain look that filters can't 100% recreate but honestly the pros of a CRT are heavily outweighed by the cons. If I had to choose between a fancy rare CRT and an LCD with filters I'd take the LCD every time.

>> No.7814819

>heavily outweighed by the cons
Such as?

>> No.7814841

I just plug the consoles we've had for years into our current TVs. I already have the AV cables cuz we got them when we got the consoles...

>> No.7814848

Yeah this. I used to live in an apartment where I had to forego having a normal TV so I could have a CRT for retro gaming. It was an okay trade-off because I almost never watch TV. Room mates would give me shit about it though kek
I think here it's largely a zoomer trend. There are genuine 80s/90s people who chase after CRTs but they want the high-end ones, they're the ones that made BVMs and the like so stupidly expensive. They'd laugh you off if you told people to make do with some Magnavox TV just because it's free.
I found a decent one for $40. It really depends on where you live.

>> No.7814907

That’s great, some of us prefer for them to look good

>> No.7814951

Worse than playing them on a emulator with CRT filters, unless it's a console that only has trash emulators like PS2 or N64.

>> No.7815013

>bad emulation

>> No.7815019

>Look, I can appreciate original hardware autism but is it really worth all of this instead of emulating with shaders?
>all of this
I never got rid of my CRT or any of my consoles. When I want to play them, I walk into my game room, hook them up and play them. Is my CRT calibrated and outputting optimally? I do not give a shit. All I know is it looks like ass on an LCD. Some shaders can make them look better, so if I emulate, I use them. You seem to be misconstruing people who are passionate about the technical side with the people who want to play the games.
The people who spend hundreds on perfecting output are usually only interested in having fun with the technical side and tweaking the experience, usually to try and replicate and recapture some nostalgic feeling from their childhood. When an autist spergs about masking or some other specific aspect and pretends it's the right/best way to experience a game, it's all meaningless (in terms of the game) babble that they've read online while they aren't playing games. Games aren't fun but they still love them so they instead focus on technically perfecting them. And if your hobby is increasing the quality of games, yes it's worth the money, because you're having fun tweaking shit.

>> No.7815110

It's sheer size and weight

>> No.7815134

I have what many consider to be the best 4:3 CRT ever made and I still prefer to emulate with shaders on a 4k oled. Bigger screen, better colors, perfect contrast, 4k crt royale looks fantastic, can replicate a consumer or professional set, doesn't take up additional space and also hooked up to my sound system. The only downside is the inferior motion clarity but its not that bad and BFI fixes it if you can stand BFI

And even then I'd rather have the inferior motion clarity over slight geometry issues. Shit is maddening to me

>> No.7815138
File: 1.38 MB, 1532x1404, froglook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check Facebook Marketplace and search 'tv', look around until I find CRTs
>there's a dozen or so of them, none of which are more than $20 and the majority of which are free
Wow crazy it's like your experiences aren't the only ones that have ever happened and we don't all live where you live. Fucking retard.

>> No.7815149

Wow crazy it's like your experiences aren't the only ones that have ever happened and we don't all live where you live. Fucking retard.

>> No.7815193

>searching "CRT"
Don't do that. You'll just get people who've wisened up to the fact they're valuable and will try to rip you off. Just search "TV"
You'll still have to do some searching though. In my area there's very few decent CRTs. The rest are either shitty old LCD TVs from the 360/PS3 era or absolute garbage CRTs that can't even take composite inputs.
Post pics

>> No.7815216

>You'll just get people who've wisened up to the fact they're valuable and will try to rip you off.
If you're trying to get them 80-100% off its value you're the one ripping them off lol. They paid $500 for that tv and you want it for less than $20 lol.

I mean, sure, based as fuck, but still, don't forget what you're doing.

>> No.7815308

>>searching "CRT"
>Don't do that. You'll just get people who've wisened up to the fact they're valuable and will try to rip you off. Just search "TV"
Did you read my post?

>> No.7815312

>you're the one ripping them off lol
Not him, but a product's value degrades over time. It's basic economics. A TV from ten years ago is worth less than a TV made yesterday. A TV used for ten years is worth less than a brand new TV.
Also, most people try to get rid of them for free because they're huge and hard to maneuver, I've even seen people offering money for people to come in and take them because they're desperate to be rid of it. They're not worth full price anymore.

>> No.7815316

I'm fine with emulation but I'm tired of pcsx2 and Play! is still a ways away from being good. No point investing in an OSSC just for one console

>> No.7815759

A product's value can increase, decrease or stay around the same. Try buying a good 5 year old graphics card second hand today - you'll be paying at least about 3 times the price it was released at new because the market has gone crazy (which in a way is nice to see the zoomzooms and carrot-chasers experience this sort of regret and not always the retro gamers). Many other things increase in value - wine, paintings. The idea of something falling in price over time is a new concept.

To sum up: you are stupid.

>> No.7815803

>many other things increase in value
>lists a few extenuating items which break the norm
Look around your room and tell me everything that has increased in value since you purchased it. A worldwide pandemic creating shortages of electronics is not the norm. If you buy a keyboard, a graphics card, a lamp, a book, a desk, a pool, a car, 90%+ of items will lose value progressively as you own and use them.

>the idea of something falling in price over time is a new concept
I don't even know how to address this besides saying it's wrong. The idea of technological progression lowering the quality of products while simultaneously creating immediate obsolescence of others is new but "use -> lower quality/value" has been a concept ever since tools and products were created for sale.

>> No.7815815

Are you me? A fellow fv310 chad perhaps? I mostly agree with this sentiment but I still mainly use my CRT for games because my emulation hardware is sort of lacking (nvidia shield). It can for sure get a really nice image to my OLED with CRT shaders etc but it has a whisper of input lag and the overall ease of use is just so much greater on the CRT setup.

The issue with emulation is that to actually do it right imo you need a decent computer, pi type devices or android boxes etc are "good enough" for 4th gen, PS1 etc but not anything much more advanced than that. Right now I'd say the best setup would be a source with the cpu horsepower to handle demanding MAME titles etc, and ability to output VRR, to an OLED with VRR support. But even then, that takes away your ability to use BFI. So basically the best you can do right now is pricey and still doesn't tick every box. Which provides a compelling reason for keeping the CRT around because everything just werks and it looks/feels great.

>> No.7815829

Or option 3...get a CRT TV, original consoles, as well as buying HDMI converters for original consoles, and buy console minis so that you can get the best of both worlds. Which is exactly what I did because with a CRT, I can still play lightgun games. But with an HDTV, I can use my capture card and upload game play on my YouTube channel.

>> No.7815842

Fuckin cringe bro

>> No.7815848

Wat. Smashfags raus

>> No.7815851

>Look around your room and tell me everything that has increased in value since you purchased it. A worldwide pandemic creating shortages of electronics is not the norm. If you buy a keyboard, a graphics card, a lamp, a book, a desk, a pool, a car, 90%+ of items will lose value progressively as you own and use them.
I never claimed the majority of things don't decrease in value.

>I don't even know how to address this besides saying it's wrong. The idea of technological progression lowering the quality of products while simultaneously creating immediate obsolescence of others is new but "use -> lower quality/value" has been a concept ever since tools and products were created for sale.
Again I didn't say anything about use, I said by just time going by. If something has the exact same value in use, eg. a well-built house, then it shouldn't decrease in value.

>> No.7815872

Nah. Everyone and my girlfriend loves my set up and play with me.

>> No.7815918

Have you actually tried to pick up the TV in the OP. I did all the time, very nice TV but something that heavy and bulky is a liability

>> No.7815927
File: 65 KB, 500x628, confused cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck cares which one you play?
If the game plays fine, and you're having fun, why care?? I don't fucking get this CRT-Not CR argument.
Just play the game and have fun!

>> No.7815929

>it's $currYear, not $prevYear
>I also suck dicks btw
Every time.

>> No.7816146

>ameriniggers never had SCART

>> No.7816169

You know who else didn't have SCART? Japan. You know...the region that made 99% of all good games.
>b-b-but my epic british computer monkeformer!!!!
Put some estrogen tablets in your tea, limey. No one cares but you.
You're basically the prototype to emufags. Ruining developer's intentions with your razor sharp jaggy images and your slower speeds.

>> No.7816175


composite tranny on suicide watch

>> No.7816181

>reddit spacing

>> No.7816269

He's a fag and SCART is based but still.
Composite is great.

>> No.7816290

You can keep your SHART cables. S-Video is superior in every way.

>> No.7816298

If you can't think of more than 5 retro games that you would want to play on a CRT TV then you don't belong here.

>> No.7816319 [DELETED] 

Do you even know that the scanlines and 4:3 bars will literally ruin your tv at some point?

>> No.7816335

SCAT is shit and only you baguette sausage bongs used it for your slow ass 50hz Tv's while the rest of the world used Composite S-video to get 3d image out of 2d

>> No.7816337

>>7811719 they're wagie slaves, what you can spect from the tard Land of the Free or pussyboi Eurocucks with their sitty single apartment?

>> No.7816347

Lol, this is pretty sad. Just because you can't afford one doesn't mean they suck. I dare to find an example of an OLED being burnt in by letterboxing and post a pic

>> No.7816360

OLEDs are pretty but they have significant input lag even with game mode

>> No.7816381

? LG's oleds are something like 12ms@60hz. Is that really high? Lol. I'll take that anyday over some gay washed out tiny 27" ips gaming monitor

>> No.7816394

OLED's have among some of the lowest delays among modern televisions. My LG is something like 9-11ms in game mode

>> No.7816427

>ignoring the bit about scanlines because you know you can't debunk it

>> No.7816442


damn I didnt know they were that good

>> No.7816445

Again, pics or it didn't happen

>> No.7816460

Just look at the clay series games at SNES and even DKC
even megaman X3 on a good composite CRT looks something out of Megaman X4 til X6 art.

MM7 had its art made for composite early on but they updated it for RGB arcade machines due to power fighters series, and it still gives MM8 and MM&B art a run for its money.

90's capcom along with SNK never fucked around.

>> No.7816461

What, that static content (which is what emulated scanlines are) can cause burn in on OLEDS? This is pretty well documented.

>> No.7816464

Yes that's higher latency that even IPS monitors. There's a reason why competitive gamers aren't using OLEDs.
Modern televisions are garbage for latency, that's not exactly a high bar.

>> No.7816479 [DELETED] 

>he was so starved of attention he had to create a whole new thread for a copy of his post
fuck you nigger

>> No.7816592

If it is the retroarch post, is a toxic fuckfest.

>> No.7816758

So basically, you can't find any examples. Cool. Again, just because you can't afford an OLED doesn't mean that they suck or people are getting ripped off for buying them.

>> No.7816761

Your shader is shit though.

>> No.7816879

You won't find examples of scanlines specifically because you're the one of the very few people retarded enough to use scanlines on an OLED. If you admit that static content has a burn-in risk, then it logically follows that scanlines would too. Of course, you'll deny this to protect your own ego. That's fine, the only person you're hurting here is yourself. Have fun with all your content having scanlines in the next year or so, anon.

>> No.7816890 [DELETED] 

no one here said that they suck or are a rip off, just they're a shoddy way to play retro games
but i guess if i'd spent over $1000 on established cutting edge technology i'd be pretty defensive too

>> No.7816892

no one here said that they suck or are a rip off, just they're a shoddy way to play retro games
but i guess if i'd spent over $1000 on unproven technology i'd be pretty defensive too

>> No.7816919

>putting up with geometry and convergence issues.

>> No.7816976

Your rationale doesn't really make sense though. OLEDs end up burning in because of static, unchanging elements illuminated in the same part of the screen consistently over long periods of time. This is why news tickers/logos/scoreboxes are the most commonly burnt in things. When you consider that nobody has ever advised against watching too many wide aspect movies on an OLED or plasma, it then follows that unless your scanlined content itself had static elements that were there for crazy long amounts of time, there's no real burn in risk created in this case just like watching a movie with an aspect wider than 16:9 doesn't create a risk of burning in a letterbox since the images displayed within it are presumably dynamic enough to not be degrading specific areas/colors faster than others. If all you can argue is that using an OLED exclusively for 4:3 or wide content for thousands of hours would eventually make that part of the screen dimmer, that's a pretty weak argument since most people are using them for a variety of content.

>> No.7816984

>muh space
stop living like a bug

>> No.7817005

Also, to drive my point home - do CRT's that display only 240p content burn in the shape of thin horizontal stripes? I've never heard of that. I've definitely seen my share of burnt arcade monitors from running thousands of hours of the exact same graphics in attract mode, but never a TV that started to get stripey from playing too much 240p and not evenly using the lines, lol

>> No.7817018
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Retard, if you google "OLED burn-in gaming" you'll see that it's a common problem. Some newer games will change up the display, but it's a case-by-case basis. Retro games will fucking kill your OLED in no time. Yeah, the games will look nice, but have fun budgeting for a new TV every year.

>> No.7817045 [DELETED] 

That's weird, directing the search to be about retro games specifically, I mostly find threads of people using older, more burn-in prone models saying they love it, it works great with their ossc, etc. So basically, you have no answer for anything I laid out there. Which is to be expected, because I'm right and you're wrong. Therefore it can be made official at this point - You have been cucked. By me, and by your uncontrollable need to cope over not being able to afford $1000 or 50" of wall space. Many such cases. Sad!

>> No.7817051 [DELETED] 

Jannies, this Troll is showing his underage mind

>> No.7817062 [DELETED] 

>I mostly find threads of people using older, more burn-in prone models saying they love it, it works great with their ossc, etc
so you admit that OLEDs are prone to burn-in and you're using other peoples' cope to help you cope. You just invalidated your own point.

>> No.7817190

You gotta be retarded for real to think this is true lol. Or maybe just not someone who's ever owned an OLED

>> No.7817209

cope harder

>> No.7817789

I'm assuming the people that complain about space are zoomers who are either in a tiny college dorm or living at home and need to have the TV in their cramped bedroom rather than somewhere else.

>> No.7817790

japs had JP-21 which carried RGB signals and was functionally/visually identical to SCART, just with a different pinout. Do you also think it's a coincidence that almost all old consoles could output RGB?

>> No.7817871
File: 179 KB, 1280x720, boomhur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hundreds on Retrotink, OSSC, or Framemeister, as well as overpriced A/V cables for each console
only retards think that, just buy the damn 20 euro cable and plug it in to your tv of choice!

>> No.7817993

I prefer original

>> No.7818029

Youre retarded

>> No.7818843

>Land of the Free
>single apartment
I think you meant 4 bedroom house for $500 a month.

>> No.7818846
File: 298 KB, 1080x962, emulation-poorfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just play original games on original hardware

>> No.7818882

>CRTs suck

ok boomer

>> No.7818913

>Playstation logos in the black bars
>FPS displayed over game
>FPS displayed at all
What the fuck? How the hell are you supposed to enjoy this?

>> No.7819141

Agree. I mean I think emulation can have a place, but it's getting sad how in order to even buy original hardware anymore you have to sieve through all these junk emulation nonsense contraptions.

>> No.7819153

I remember you posting this set up back in 2015....we've wasted so much of our lives

>> No.7819423
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>> No.7819445

its not a waste if you enjoy it anon

>> No.7819862

Let them be. Flat panels are for tasteless normies.

>> No.7819910
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>cant afford $100 upscaler
time for a new hobby

let me guess you dont even have a 1ms gaming monitor also

>> No.7819949

so i'm not alone here.
I just don't collect anymore, I have a 700sqft apartment, I can't justify hundreds of gaymes when I could have them all on a pc... i am a sinner

>> No.7820230

ossc and retrotinks arent several hundred dollars. wtf are you talking about?

>> No.7820335

input delay kills

>> No.7820358
File: 63 KB, 1180x1080, 1540045244487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Either spend several hundreds on Retrotink, OSSC, or Framemeister
imagine getting a fraMemester in 2021 when so many other, better and cheaper products exist now.
>as well as overpriced A/V cables for each console
I pay $10 for each console on S-video or composite cables.
>or hunt down and then give up space for a bulky, heavy, and increasingly rare CRT TV
CRTs aren't hard to find. Try fb marketplace, craigslist and estate sales. They aren't rare by a longshot and they're only heavy if you get something larger than 13" or if you're a weakling.
>that you will only ever use for vidya
yeah, and?
>Look, I can appreciate original hardware autism but is it really worth all of this instead of emulating with shaders?
you do whatever's most fulfilling for you.

>> No.7820734

CRT hurt my eyes bitd, why would I back to that now?

>> No.7821592

You seem to be mad about something others do and which doesn't affect you in any way. Why ?

>> No.7821597

CRT Bros.

Stop acting like plebbiters. Don't you realize you are creating a demand for CRTs and won't be able to score on in a couple of years? STFU. Stop promoting them.

>> No.7822809

I have VGA and component.
What the fuck do I need SCART for?

>> No.7822812

Get an IPS 4K TV, you knob!

>> No.7823116

OLED is good, and they can probably improve upon it dramatically in the future.
But without working with a cathode ray tube it still won't ever look as good as a CRT or have the same feel. That's just reality.

>> No.7823407

>won't ever look as good
they look better
>or have the same feel
while true, the do have that coloured room glow the CRT's have

>> No.7823460

Why would I want to get a shitty IPS tv when I have a nice oled tv? And yes, all IPS tvs suck big balls

>> No.7823612

i watch dvd rips of anime and old tv shows on my crt, I just hdmi to component out my computer and play old dos games and play on emulators n shit, its really all purpose if you like the look of a crt.

>> No.7823823

OR just buy a SNES mini and turn scanlines on

>> No.7823841

so why are you mad, exactly? Responding to ads for free or dirt cheap CRTs? Because it's either that or they get left on the side of the road and break. Or are you mad at people posting CRTs at unreasonably high prices? If so, just don't respond to them.

What even is your argument?

>> No.7824893

>he doesn't have 5 CRTs to last him until death

>> No.7826127

What's that upcoming upscaler with Hdmi in? I cannot seem to find it anywhere.

>> No.7826423

If I want to just enjoy the game for what it is, then yeah, I just stick with my hacked PS Vita and its myriad of emulators.

But I also enjoy hooking up my old SNES to my PVM, or my Genesis to my Retrotink & HDTV, and seeing how crisp and smooth a 30+ year old game can STILL look on modern tech.

This is similar to the difference between driving a beat-up old Toyota Celica because it gets you to your destination with pretty decent gas mileage, versus driving a 1967 Shelby GT500 because you enjoy the actual driving experience, especially knowing that a 50+ year old car can still run so beautifully.

Decades of love keep these machines running so flawlessly, and what's what makes them so fun to STILL use in their most original forms.

>> No.7826442

> shaders
Look, I enjoy using HDTVs for classic games, but in those cases I love seeing them in their more pure, pixelized forms. If I'm gonna use shaders, I might as well use an ACTUAL CRT.

Why FAKE the look when you can have the real thing??

> [remembers that many Anon prefer traps & hate tomboys]
oh, I guess that explains the shaders then

>> No.7826449

If I have the game and console for cheap then it kinda is just to make it look less bad.
Also off topic since its not really an upscaler, but is the Mclassic really worth it? It just sounds like snake oil when the Retrotink 2X already has a smoothing feature.

>> No.7826626

> Why FAKE the look when you can have the real thing??

Because a super large consumer CRT doesn't exist.

A 4:3 window on my 77" OLED measures 63 inches diagonal.

Tell me where I can buy a 63" CRT?

>> No.7826854

OLEDs are bleeding edge, buying them is gonna be a risk for the next few years. If you're rich enough to blow that money, go right ahead. But don't confuse caution for jealousy.
Why you'd want to see retro games at such massive sizes is beyond me. Even with shaders its gonna look bad. Those games were not designed for such huge monitors

>> No.7826942

>Tell me where I can buy a 63" CRT?

crt projectors goto like 300 inches, my neighbor growing up had a 65 inch box RP crt...

>> No.7827309

>63" picture for retro games
what, are you playing them from across the street?

>> No.7827323

>bulky, heavy, increasingly rare CRT TV

Get a small one, get a small one, and they aren’t rare

>> No.7827505

which one, there are two

>> No.7829523
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I like my crt. Are you mad? You seem mad.

>> No.7829774

Yeah, I mean, there's one example of a years old OLED with what appears to be letterboxed burn in. I have a 2020 model - and it is based. No issues with IR like that after a year. I have a really nice CRT too. So basically, I never need to cope. It's nice

>> No.7829819

That’s the most comfy thing that I have ever seen

>> No.7829828


Are you emulating on a laptop with a wired 360 fighter controller?

>> No.7830068

no, >>7811870, the dude playing monster world IV is not me
good game though
i was just saying playing games isnt a waste of time like some people say, although spending much time *here* could be :^)

>> No.7830135

small one is comfy

>> No.7830713

OLED TVs are the first technology since CRTs that I would say I'd acceptable for retro games. The second you plug these retro games into a flat screen you might as well emulate. Real hardware autism is for CRTs.

>> No.7830726
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The biggest reason I cling to my crt, vcr, and old video games is because I hate my life and the world around me in the current era. The more shit that reminds me of my happy youth, the happier my mood is overall.

>> No.7830758

OP here. I was seething because I couldn't find a CRT but I found one the day after making this post.