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7811429 No.7811429 [Reply] [Original]

Post best ones

>> No.7811440

Butchered the soul

>> No.7811446

I don't care how good they look. These are all gore.

>> No.7811469

Eh, SNES are pretty cheap dude

>> No.7811472

If you're that good, and are willing to spend the time, then you might as well just gut the insides and put them inside a self-made castlevania castle.

>> No.7811517
File: 121 KB, 350x339, 1622213081749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>neo geo aes

>> No.7811568

I agree only because devoting a console to a singular game is kind of lame.

>> No.7811581

Whys the Castlevania logo only take up half the front plate? Weird that they left so much empty space...

>> No.7811601

You'd feel like a right tit, playing anything other than Castlevania on that.

>> No.7811609

That looks hideous.

>> No.7811650
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>> No.7811789
File: 208 KB, 2436x1716, 71RVF7TvXcL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why can't i find a ghostcase for ps2 fat anywhere anymore?

>> No.7811816


>> No.7811819

Oh, cool. A gore thread.

>> No.7812002
File: 111 KB, 1242x1222, cowabunga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7812037

the only legit mods are battery mods to revive handhelds and hdds to revive dead lasers

>> No.7812043

It doesnt have a soul because it's not a living creature. Just like Dracula.

>> No.7812097

>simp much?

>> No.7812107

They got the mutant part right.

>> No.7812338

so the jack in plug is in its ass?

>> No.7812581

Not sure why you'd bother buying a transparent blue case when real official transparent blue PS2s exist

>> No.7812696

it's more impressive that it's still recognizable as a SuFami

either it was done to follow the pattern of the original system name text, or they left space to put on the JP title as well and decided not to in the end.

>> No.7812703

that's funny, I hope they at least have Radical Rescue in it

Cheaper to buy an aftermarket than to buy a real one. Plus you don't end up with an extra PS2 and/or decased PS2 parts. You won't care about the plastic feeling weird/off either because it's not a handheld. There aren't a lot of people, I would imagine, that care if a console sitting on a shelf has "off" plastic feel.

t. Someone who has done their share of console/handheld case swaps due to failing hardware/aesthetic desires

>> No.7812716

>if Sid from Toy Story modded consoles.

>> No.7812731

the art looks good, but why mod a console? Original is best, just keep it clean and neat

>> No.7812759

These are extremely brittle, probably the reason you can't find them anymore is they stopped being made because people stopped buying them when their issues became too well known.

>> No.7812836


>> No.7812852

>You steal men's souls and make them your slaves!

>> No.7813169

I don't care what anyone else says. This looks cool bro. Somebody worked hard on this.

>> No.7813283

That's pretty cool actually. All the mods I've ever done have been functional only. Maybe someday I'll do something artistic with a console, maybe a spare one.

>> No.7813294

How was that done though?

>> No.7813306

Cake frosting.

>> No.7813516

Poor holy snes

>> No.7814719

>it hurts to live

>> No.7815049
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IDK if the PS2 ones are different but the smoke PS1 shell I got off eBay still feels fine after 3ish years. Need to find a dead 5500 for an XStation compatible board, though.

I'm gonna stick RGB lights in the smoke one that mirror the PS logo just to make you anons miffed.