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7810990 No.7810990 [Reply] [Original]

SA2 was like the last good Sonic game or first bad Sonic game. It was the start of the edgelord Weapon X anime plots and had the divisive treasure hunting/shooting stuff, but was the last Sonic game for a Sega console and executed the grim-darkness better than later games.

>> No.7811006

I never played another 3D sonic after SA2 so I have no idea how badly sonic fell.

>> No.7811012

All sonic games are bad IMO. Mazes bore me to tears, you can't really go fast which defeats the game's premises (unless you're a turbo autist), and the health system makes it incredibly easy.

>> No.7811039

>and had the divisive treasure hunting/shooting stuff
So did the first game you fucking retard

>> No.7811045

SA2 is the only 'good' 3D Sonic game and that's because it's a 4/10 elevated to a 6/10 by Chao Garden. Even the best of the other 3D Sonics cap out at a 5/10 and fail to have a Chao Garden.
The 2D games have never been fun to me and I've played each of them for dozens of hours.

>> No.7811049

Yes but those were more tolerable than SA2's. Gamma's controls were lighter and less clunky than Tails' mech, Knuckles had a better radar and smaller levels in SA1 which made those levels faster, compared to SA2's 20 minute hunts for the last shard.

>> No.7811068

>Gamma's controls were lighter and less clunky than Tails' mech
I liked them making the mechs feel different mechanically than Sonic or Knuckles and it fit their gameplay style. ...that's what I like to say but yeah it doesn't control as 'fun' as in SA1 and that's valid. I like how SA2 tried to make all the gameplay styles feel distinct. Gamma is basically just Sonic except he can mindlessly mash the B button during his stages. Gamma stages have no substance.
>Knuckles had a better radar and smaller levels in SA1 which made those levels faster
I liked how SA2 had unique levels for hunting characters rather than just plopping them into a Sonic level and they increase in size and complexity as they go along. That being said just spamming restart until the first emerald is already on the radar and then spamming hint boxes is the way to go unless you're going for score. If you hit the 20 minute mark you're actually retarded. If you're going for score, basically do that with no hint boxes. In terms of A ranks the Hunting stages are by far the easiest, all their level 5s are a gimme since you can look up the results online and 1 and 3 you just do what I said above. Hunting is easy, not much to really come to master besides getting lucky to get a high score. Don't see why people complain about it
SA1 was easily worse than SA2 in terms of gameplay, only half of Sonic's levels were actually good and he has the only good levels in the game. For the rest you're lucky if it's fine since most of them are just Sonic levels with a tweest
Also this reviewer is retarded anyway because the first bad Sonic game came far before SA2

>> No.7811090

No where near as much and it wasn't as broken as SA2.

>> No.7811107

How can it be the first bad Sonic game when 3d blast already existed?

>> No.7811198

>it wasn't as broken as SA2.
It was fundamentally broken from a game design perspective
Why do people defend most of the game being rehashed content when blue hedgehog is on the cover

>> No.7812343

I think it's funny that it became popular to go against the grain and claim Sonic Adventure was good these days, so now people have to make up NEW reasons they think Sonic Adventure 2 was bad, without also incriminating the bad game they must now claim to like before it. If you didn't let other people affect what you like you wouldn't have this problem, OP.

>> No.7812378

SA2's plot was genuinely great, the ending cutscene is so fucking good it can easily stand as the conclusion to Sonic as a whole. "muh edge" meme loving fucks can't stand a story made in earnest.

>> No.7812664

stfu everyone who likes SA1 are people who just played it first time recently
for some reason 40 year old chris-chan tier oldfag sonic fans are crazily defending SA2

>> No.7812676

Why do SA1fags always come up with some headcanon to invent some bizarre console war between both games?

>> No.7813090

Last good Sonic game. It isn't great by any means but I can still have a lot of fun with it. Everything else afterwards aside from a few boost games and Mania is garbage.

>> No.7813091

>you can't really go fast which defeats the game's premises
>the health system makes it incredibly easy.

how can the game both be incredibly easy and too hard for non autistic people to go fast in

i hate that sonic is too big brain a series for people like you

>> No.7813112

Nobody mentions Heroes as being particularly good or bad as far as Sonic games go, though. Most people agree it was a little bit better than SA2
Dumb thread.

>> No.7813114

>SA1 was easily worse than SA2 in terms of gameplay, only half of Sonic's levels were actually good
That's more than SA2 has.

>> No.7813189

I actually consider SA1 to be the first good Sonic game. I’ve never understood 2D Sonic and I doubt I ever will. I really think it sucks.

>> No.7813196


>> No.7813242

Sonic Adventure 2 was definitely the last good sonic game. To use zoomer-speak: it was indeed cringey edgelord shit but it had SOUL because it was unironic in its presentation.

>> No.7813392
File: 516 KB, 1792x1043, Tails_and_Big_fighting_Badniks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SA1 was more fun than it was bad. If you didn't enjoy Big the Cat then you don't enjoy Sonic.

>> No.7813551

Heroes was fucking garbage, only nostalgic zoomers like it.

>> No.7813641

Chao garden is so fun. Put so many hours into that in middle school with my then (and current) best friend. Lots of good memories with it

>> No.7813652

The health system makes it easier to complete but not to go faster in. The weird level design is what makes it hard to go at a consistent speed.

What was going through your mind when you posted that? What were you trying to say?

>> No.7813817

>SA2's plot was genuinely great
Yeah I don't know about this one.

>> No.7813914

I never got into 2D Sonic and I’ve played them all. Let me preface by saying I’m bad at them. I never beat a single one. I just don’t like the physics. When you do have to move slow and do precise platforming, it feels clunky. I don’t like the spin dash either. You come to a dead stop to do it. The whole thing doesn’t gel with me and I don’t understand why. I like just about every platformer but Sonic. 3D Sonic makes more sense to me. I’d take the worst 3D Sonic over the best 2D.

>> No.7813920


>> No.7813934

Sonic games are so bad because Sega had no idea what genre Sonic was in. Sonic games are fast paced platformers but apparently Sega couldn't figure this out. They ended up just creating a shitty new genre instead of sticking to the fast paced plat former that Sonic is supposed to be. Just copy the shit that Nintendo is doing with Mario and make it faster, its that simple.

>> No.7813960

3d sonic is bad period

>> No.7813986
File: 209 KB, 306x343, tumblr_inline_o5q4v2xIVB1soqk68_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All they had to do was have no ambition beyond gameplay. Sonic Adventure should have been just Sonic levels, at least 20 of them, with unlockable Tails and Knuckles to fuck around in the levels with after you're done with that to totally break them
Instead they got all excited about realistic settings and worldbuilding and Echidnas and Chaos and having all these playable characters and they'll interconnect with this deep story and then they'll all have different gameplay styles and go through different parts of each level and wow it's gonna be so great! Then they had to rush the entire game to even attempt to implement all these ambitious ideas and it turned out meh at best.
Starting 3D Sonic with Sonic alone and with more and better designed and polished Sonic stages would have started them in a far better place. Could even do Adventure 2 with Sonic and Shadow stages but give Shadow's stages a unique twist. With more dev time specifically dedicated to getting those 3D Sonic levels right it could have been so much better. As it is Sonic Team is both obsessed with adding shitty elements to all their 3D Sonic games that drag them down (Hunting, Shooting, the entirety of Heroes gameplay, Werehog, etc.). They're kind of like the Kingdom Hearts games in that regard
Now Sonic Team after years without nary a peep of a 3D Sonic are coming out with.... yeah it's just another BOTW knock off. Woo hoo.

>> No.7813992

>Then they had to rush the entire game to even attempt to implement all these ambitious ideas and it turned out meh at best.
Forgot to mention, with this I'm referring to the strict "we have to make the Dreamcast launch" time limit

>> No.7814085

Forces wasn't that long ago. Their silence in the meanwhile isn't that surprising to me. Who knows how the new one will be. 3D Sonic is more miss than hit for me anyway. Generations is the one exception.

>> No.7814101

>Forces wasn't that long ago. Their silence in the meanwhile isn't that surprising to me.
It's just funny to me they stayed quiet during that time and are now returning with a 2 second teaser trailer for BOTW Sonic edition without even letting us know it's BOTW Sonic edition
It's like if in 2010 they came out with a gritty first person shooter Sonic, it's so "of the time", solely chasing trends

>> No.7814268

SA1 wasn't the way it was because it was overly ambitious retard, it was the way it was because they knew how to reuse assets and make it seem like you were getting more value out of the package with all of the playable characters revisiting Sonic's existing levels but slightly modified. Adventure fields were further padding since they're nearly identical for everyone with item locations altered.

It would have been a tremendous amount more effort to make 20 Sonic stages compared to what they actually did with Adventure 1.

>> No.7814305

I didn't like any non-Sonic+Shadow section of SA2. I don't remember hating the non-Sonic parts of SA1, I thought they were either amusing or just meh

>> No.7814308

This is my exact experience.

>> No.7814314

So they weren't ambitious they were just lazy, got it

>> No.7814317

I'm the opposite, I like Adventure 2's variety because it's actual variety and not slightly altered Sonic gameplay going through the same fucking stages (plus big the cat, the most bizarre idea of all time).

Gamma is fun but completely unengaging. The mech stages aren't particularly hard but the way they control does make you feel like you're in a mech and they require more competency than playing a brainless version of an existing Sonic stage Treasure Hunting in SA2 feels like a proper hunt, in Adventure 1 there's barely any hunting to be had at all and the stages are over in an instant since they were never made with puzzling the player in mind.

I've played both games again very recently, Adventure 1 grates on me hard by the end whereas 2 still holds up. Mad Space is annoying, sure, but one level that goes a bit too far is better than making me bored out of my mind playing copypasted shit.

>> No.7814403

This except finding Hunting and Shooting to be 6/10 at best in SA2 (often worse). Besides that I agree with everything you said

>> No.7814407

>the most bizarre idea of all time
You are a fan of Big the Cat right?

>> No.7814434

I don't play Sonic for variety, both games especially 2 would be better if they were 100% Sonic (or Sonic+Shadow). Whatever they were, the non-Sonic sections weren't the highlight of either game

>> No.7814634

I will say that 2 could have afforded to be an entirely Sonic/Shadow game since the alternate gameplay styles were less of recycled content padding and more seriously taken after with their own assets and time taken to make their gameplay far more different. But I also get why they did what they did because after Adventure 1, it would have seemed like going back in scope even if it wasn't.

I personally enjoy the mech stages a lot and think they're a legitimate highlight of 2, I don't like the treasure hunting THAT much but I certainly don't hate it, it's a unique gameplay style I haven't seen much of elsewhere and has some pretty interesting closed loop level design going on. Now the kart racing is just fucking weird and I don't know why that's in the game, admittedly. But it's still less offputting than Big.

>> No.7814652

>but I certainly don't hate it
I recall one level where Knuckles radar didn't work at all leading me to randomly dig over the entire map.
>But it's still less offputting than Big.
Don't say this. When Big hooks froggy and that music start playing I get hype. God damn SA had a kick ass soundtrack.


>> No.7814769

I can't say I've ever encountered anything like that but I believe you. That'd certainly be a souring experience. I think it'd be faster to just reset the console or something if a simple stage restart didn't work since that's clearly a bug.

The music is good, and I can certainly go and just beat Big's campaign in less than 30 minutes at this point now that I know the mechanics well, but it was fucking agonizing when I was younger and first played the game with no prior experience.

>> No.7814784

>but it was fucking agonizing when I was younger and first played the game with no prior experience
Probably because the game never fucking mentions you need an additional button press to catch Froggy that's never needed for any of the other fish.

>> No.7815120

Meh, I like SA2 the same way I like Dragon Ball Z. Looking back at them now as an adult, I can clearly see a lot of the faults... But fuck you, I was 12 and I loved the hell out of both of them at the time.

>> No.7815126

If I saw SA2 the way I see Dragon Ball, I'd love it endlessly despite its many, many flaws. Instead of SA2, for me that game would be Jet Set Radio (DC)

>> No.7815148

The goal of the game is to get good enough to maintain your momentum throughout the level. Do you bitch about blocks getting in your way while playing Mario?

>> No.7815847

Gotta agree with >>7812378 that genuinely great might be going a bit far, but I absolutely agree on the ending cutscene. I re-watched it recently because somebody posted it here and it is great.
The story was campy and fun. It didn't take itself too seriously, but still had moments where it attempted to address more serious themes, which I think it did a decent enough job at for a video game (and a Sonic game at that).

>> No.7816018

Budget- and time-conscious, more like.

>> No.7816029

I don't think it's that difficult to like one and dislike the other. Just looking at Sonic's stages alone, there's a relatively large difference between SA1's level design and SA2's.

>> No.7817189

Literally everyone says the radar was better in SA1 but I didn't give a shit at all. If anything, coming across an emerald not yet on your radar was a pleasant surprise.

>> No.7817249

I meant the radar was so inaccurate it didn't work. It was a canyon level with Knuckles iirc. I can't believe SA1 vs SA2 is even up for debate. Who honestly enjoyed Robotnik and Tails levels? Very meh to me. What's even harder to understand is how people rate SA games over the mega drive originals.

>> No.7818115

heroes & shadow basically build off of the adventure games.

06 & boom were the lowest points of the franchise.

the boost games (unleashed, colors, generations, forces & the DS/3DS games) were arguably a return to form for sonic (removed the bloated supporting cast, gameplay was more speed focused & the return of 2D sections) but forces pretty much flanderized the formula of those games and looked even worse when it was released alongside mania.

i haven't played lost world but everything i've seen of it looks like a mario game with sonic.

they were worse versions of what SA1 had.

>> No.7818116

Eggman's levels are great, they really shine when you're A ranking them and especially on hard mode.

>> No.7818426

the radar absolutely DOES work and wild canyon is the easiest knuckles stage. unless you were having difficulty on the hard mode mission where theres an emerald in a secret room (you're basically supposed to use the hints until you learn the fixed locations for hard mode), then you either encountered a bug or you're just retarded.

>> No.7819784

Based post. Big is very underrated

>> No.7819813

I beat sa2 before you were born. Watch your mouth.

>> No.7819836

Guess you're proof wisdom doesn't always come with age.

>> No.7819837
File: 826 KB, 1313x1688, Metallica Premium Flyer Back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first good metallica game.

>> No.7819852

i liked SA2 as a kid but i revisited it as an adult and the game fucking blows

>> No.7819856

Give any non AGDQ watching gamer that Canyon level and ask them to complete it. They will all struggle due to that shitty radar.
What's this got to do with Sonic?

>> No.7819860

I don't get how you could hate SA2 but like SA1 unless SA2's aesthetic just pisses you off. Gameplay-wise they're very similar
I actually prefer SA1 myself for that reason. The DC original has a very nice look to it, with its classic proportions and advanced lighting system. Plus better music. Shallow reasoning yea but Sonic has always sold itself based off its aesthetic

>> No.7819925

It's in response to the image in the OP.

>> No.7820237

>heroes & shadow basically build off of the adventure games.
In equally awful ways
>06 & boom were the lowest points of the franchise.
Shadow was worse than Sonic '06 imo
>i haven't played lost world but everything i've seen of it looks like a mario game with sonic.
I haven't p;layed it either but I have seen plenty of footage and watched a review or two and I can say that isn't a fair assessment at all
>Give any non AGDQ watching gamer that Canyon level and ask them to complete it. They will all struggle due to that shitty radar.
Are you actually retarded my man? That's the smallest Knuckles level in the game and there's basically four total areas, where you start, above where you start, the side with the big head, and the side with the statue. It's a fucking tiny stage. I can't even believe anyone with a working brain would have trouble with that stage at all. You could have said Meteor Herd and I would have shrugged and said "yeah, you're basically right" but Wild Canyon? Come on dude

>> No.7820290

Meteor Herd isn't that big either and all of its areas are visually distinct, it's just vertical which apparently blows idiots' minds. I find it one of the easier stages to work with.

Mad Space is the singular bad Treasure Hunting level, the rest are all not that big and easy to find shit in. How anyone struggles with the gametype so much or complains about the radar is utterly baffling.

>> No.7820292

>Meteor Herd isn't that big either and all of its areas are visually distinct, it's just vertical which apparently blows idiots' minds. I find it one of the easier stages to work with.
For me the biggest issue is just with how much space there is it can be hard to hit on the initial green Emerald signal if you're trying to not use hint boxes for score

>> No.7820305

Score doesn't matter so long as you get an A rank, and you can get away with using multiple monitors in Meteor Herd and still hit the breakpoint. Rings help.

>> No.7820403

>Gameplay-wise they're very similar
SA1's Sonic levels involve a lot more platforming. To some extent this show's off the game's flaws, but it nevertheless makes the level design more interesting.

The one thing I prefer about SA2 is the way Sonic himself handles. I know a lot of people love the looser controls of SA1 but I prefer SA2's relative tightness.

>> No.7820454

Metallica have never made a "bad" album

>> No.7820478

>That's the smallest Knuckles level in the game and there's basically four total areas, where you start, above where you start, the side with the big head, and the side with the statue. It's a fucking tiny stage. I can't even believe anyone with a working brain would have trouble with that stage at all.
I get that Sonic is your life in gaming and it angers you when someone nitpicks a poorly designed level that you feel isn't as poorly designed as the one before it. I had no trouble with any other part of the game. I can't even remember any other part of the game other than Sonics first stage as it was a popular demo disc back then.

>> No.7820682

I'm telling you outright that the level is objectively small. Like I said there are only four areas in the level. All you had to do was wander around the area until you got a signal. It's really not that hard.
This is unironically like complaining that you couldn't find the front door of Peach's Castle in Super Mario 64. Unironically.

>> No.7820706

Small or big its irrelevant. The radar was constantly going off making it a game of dig everywhere and anywhere. It's nothing like Peaches castle front door which you clearly are guided to.

>> No.7820712

>The radar was constantly going off making it a game of dig everywhere and anywhere.
Good thing the level you're describing comes before you even get the ability to dig you fucking idiot.
Also I thought you said something about the radar not working.

>> No.7820719

>Good thing the level you're describing comes before you even get the ability to dig you fucking idiot.
I played this on launch. Sorry if I can't perfectly describe a mediocre game like your favourite speed runner.
>Also I thought you said something about the radar not working.
I already explained by not working I meant it was as good as useless.

>> No.7820730

>I played this on launch. Sorry if I can't perfectly describe a mediocre game like your favourite speed runner.
If the level was so traumatizingly bad why can you not remember that none of the Emerald shards involve digging
Wait nevermind. There's no way on earth someone could actually be this stupid.
>apparently played all the hunting stages
>decides to tism out over the simplest, smallest, and easiest one
>when there's shit like the Eggman Base levels, the Space levels, even fucking Aquatic Mine would make more sense
Yeah fucking right. Well, you got me to reply this long so your bait worked. Congratulations.

>> No.7820746

>why can you not remember that none of the Emerald shards involve digging
Because it was almost 20 years ago and an average verging on bad game. I'm not sure why it upsets you the way I described finding treasure.
Yeah I made up playing SA2 just to bait you. You got me. Everyone in this thread who found Treasure hunting and mech levels boring must also be baiting.

>> No.7820754

Not falling for it retard, move on to someone else.

>> No.7820805

imagine pretending that the radar is useless because you are so fucking stupid that you can't tell the difference in radar intensities

>> No.7822145

>i had trouble with a tiny level shaped like a "T". i cant possibly be wrong, so clearly the level is poorly designed.
you cant dig yet. and yes, the radar is constantly going off. the level is SMALL, so you dont really have to go very far for it to start pinging GREEN. it pings YELLOW when you're closer, and only RED when you're 4ft away, and you'll get a fucking exclamation point when right on top of it. the radar works fine, you're just literally too retarded for it.
>20 years ago
so you were extra retarded as a kid, and you think that your opinion based off of your own retardation and shoddy memory is any sort of valid. yikes, dude. you're so fucking confident about something so far removed from your life. shut up and go try it again to see how wrong you are, or admit that you're fucking retarded and struggled with the most basic of tasks.

>> No.7822229

AJFA is the first bad Metallica album.

>> No.7822268
File: 1.38 MB, 1532x1404, froglook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the Namek Saga the last good Dragon Ball arc or the first bad Dragon Ball arc?

>> No.7822383

Sorry but I will never take SA2 seriously as a story. You zoomzoom fucks grew up raised on pure unadulterated 2000s kitsch and have begun mistaking it for "kino" or whatever lame excuse you want to retroactively apply to it. All in service of ignoring the weak gameplay it does elsewhere besides a handful of hedgehog action stages.

>> No.7822395

I don't really get anything out of it either but I don't get anything out of any Sonic game's story besides apathy or annoyance

>> No.7822434

and justice for brawl and the black album?

>> No.7822454

Anon, if you were older than 14 the first time you played SA2, you're not the target audience. Recognize that you're not supposed to like kid's games and move on.
t. millennial

>> No.7822561

Most people that played Adventure 2 and enjoyed it were those who got it when it was new, the only one being retroactive is you. Zoomers tend to shit on it because their impressions of the game are either tainted by the shit that came out afterwards, e-celebs, or both.

No matter what you may think of the story going "too far" in the tone direction, it's a straight up fact that Adventure 2 is such a colossal improvement upon Adventure 1 in the storytelling department that it's not even a remote comparison. Adventure 1's cutscenes are a complete joke with utterly trash animations and a terrible, drawn out story. We have to get the Emeralds before Eggman! Whoops guess he got the drop on us and then called Chaos to eat the Emerald(s) afterwards! Repeat several times. Then you get to view story events that have even less bearing on the plot from other perspectives (Tails's is nearly identical to Sonic's), with the only one of even remote interest being Gamma. Every character even gets to see a short pointless fragment of Tikal and Chaos's past, with enough content for a singular cutscene dragged out into EVERY SINGLE CAMPAIGN.

And don't pretend like this doesn't matter because you didn't care about Adventure 1's story either. You can't skip cutscenes in the Dreamcast version. They really, REALLY wanted to you to sit through those amazing prerendered movies they made the multiple times they recycled them for every story. You even get to see Angel Island fall one last time for Super Sonic's story solely because they wanted to show you that AGAIN, making Knuckles' story resolution absolutely hilarious.

Adventure 2 put forth a genuine effort to tell an engaging story, with competent enough cutscene animation and direction to where it still holds up decently today. Maybe you were too old at the time to appreciate it, maybe you were too young and now view it through the lens of being "cringe". But it was Sonic Team's final show before SEGA as they knew it died.

>> No.7822749

Fuck 3d sonic. I dont give a fuck about story in a sonic game.

>> No.7822764

The entire game was just them moving from the 6-10 year old boy demographic to the 8-12 year old boy demographic

>> No.7822853

Arguing over if SA1 or 2 had a better story is like asking which piece of shit smells the least kek. But Gamma alone makes SA1's story better than SA2. SA1 is repetitive and silly but Gamma reaches a high that hasn't been matched for the Sonic franchise itself. It takes one of Sonic's original ideas (animal being used to power a robot) and uses it to tell a nice kid's story. SA2 has better animations but it doesn't really do anything interesting with its story. It has little to do with anything established in the Sonic franchise by that point.
SA2's ending scene does hit a bit though. How melancholic it is fits in a meta sense, considering it was the last Sonic game for a Sega console. I wouldn't be surprised if some of the staff thought it was their last Sonic game, period. Sega had a very uncertain future.

>> No.7822880

Gas all adventurefags