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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7808278 No.7808278 [Reply] [Original]

In retrospect, the quantity of shovelware on the Gameboy and the rarity of actual good games made it the inferior platform. We're no longer limited by the screens or battery life issues of the 90s, all that is left is the library and the Game Gear is without a doubt better.

>> No.7808285

it has less than 5 games though that aren't ports?

>> No.7808295

>screens or battery life issues of the 90s
They weren't issues back then.
Most people played their game gear plugged and it was no big deal.
The gameboy is still better.

>> No.7808313

>no Zelda
>no Mario
>no Metroid
>no Pokémon
>no Wario

What did the Game Gear have for counterparts for these? It has Columns, which is a pretty good alternative to Tetris, but what else does it have?

>> No.7808340

>nintendo fans can only mention the same games over and over again

>> No.7808342

Once you touch boobs you stop caring about all these kiddy games

>> No.7808350

Poor replies. The reason I bring them up is because they're good games; action platformers and fantasy adventures.

It's a very legit question, and I'm not hating, what does the Game Gear have as an equivalent? The Genesis has Crusader Of Centy, which can be compared to a Zelda game, but what does the Game Gear have?

>> No.7808360

I always forget how wildly ahead of nintendo sega was back in the day. They explored online downloading with sega channel in the mid 90s, the dreamcast was just a fucking beast. The game gear in power, color, and resolution just shit all over the GB yet nintendo won every generation that sega was a contender

>> No.7808375

Wario Land shits all over the entirety of the Game Gear’s library.

>> No.7808392

The Gameboy was successful because it was more utilitarian and actually served the purpose of transportable gaming, it was cheaper, so people could afford it easier, and you could actually play it on long car rides

>> No.7808398

This, and people forget that the handheld discussion faded away by the mid 90s. The game gear and game boy basically sat still for half a decade until the game boy got one last shot in the arm with pokemon. Before this point the game gear and game boy were pretty close with the GB in the lead as far as HW units go (although the GG's library is far superior.) Pokemon is an outlier situation and to this day Nintendo muddies the actual count of the hardware platform by including 4 different systems for just the game boy hardware sales.

>> No.7808429

Nintendo has always been a generation or two behind.

>> No.7808615

Spotted the teen

>> No.7808718

>library and the Game Gear is without a doubt better.
>They weren't issues back then.
>Before this point the game gear and game boy were pretty close with the GB in the lead as far as HW units go
lies, lies, lies

>> No.7808735

OP probably never even had a Game Gear and is just shitposting. I actually did have one as a kid instead of a Game Boy. It has some decent stuff.

Shining Force
Defenders of Oasis
Puzzle Bobble
Shinobi I and II
Streets of Rage 1 and 2
Sonic games
Castle of Illusion
Mortal Kombat II
Road Rash

>> No.7808740

Oh and Virtua Fighter Animation which is surprisingly decent.

>> No.7808769

No one compares to Nintendo and everyone knows it. Including you. That's why your post was met with rage. You're not being honest.

>> No.7808774

Yeah but once you have a long term gf you just want to be left alone and play games again.

>> No.7808793

No one wants to be around their GF or wife 24/7

>> No.7808829

The Game Gear is also region free AFAIK unlike the Game Boy.

>> No.7808860

The original Gameboy is unplayable today for me as an adult, I had the Gameboy color as a kid in 2000, while I had hours of enjoyment as a kid with it, playing even that today is just a horrible experience.

I bought a game gear on Craigslist during high school, were talking 2007/2008ish, and it came with a stack of games, Sonics, mortal kombat, shooters, best em ups, etc. it was so fucking cool because I was obsessed with the avgn at the time and I wanted to collect old systems, and I shit you not I played that beautiful game gear for weeks and weeks, hours and hours. It’s fucking fun and WAY better then the original Gameboy.

>> No.7808881

It’s a great handheld. Sega was in their prime back then so the Game Gear was well supported with a pretty big library.

>> No.7808892

The Gameboy is region free.

>> No.7808895

Oh okay. I thought the Japanese cartridges were a different shape or something. My bad.

>> No.7808909


Sega's main strength is that they know how to make lighthearted and youthful games without having them be completely infantile, which is the reason why Nintendrones can only think of Sonic when talking about Sega since it's the only thing that's as infantile as the things they obsses over. Shinobi, Streets of Rage, Shining Force, etc. are genuinely timeless franchises, than you can enjoy to their fullest regardless of age, and far cooler than any equivalent on Nintendo consoles. I was a Gameboy kid (my brother had the GG), and I do have nostalgia for it, but the GG has remained far more playable than the GB, the latter is really hard to go back to.

>> No.7808912

No problem, anon.

>> No.7808921

even neo geo pocket library sucks in comparison to the gameboy, this coming from a huge snk fanboy

>> No.7808930

Well to be fair it came out when SNK was in major decline. The fighting games for it were awesome though.

>> No.7808938

learn how to 1cc arcade bmups and you'll never be able to go back to shites of rage and will see all its abysmal flaws, the only thing good about it is the music. It's clunky, overlong, eats inputs on higher modes, has absolutely no balancing so they just chucked lives at you like candy to get around it on higher difficulties, and teaches you bad habits whilst starving you of having to learn proper skills which are necessary to 1cc arcade bmups. It's passable by console standards and nothing more, can't hold a candle to the top 15 arcade bmups.

>> No.7808941

I don’t know about all that but the SoR games on Game Gear are really solid ports.

>> No.7809284

What did he mean by this?

>The original Gameboy is unplayable today for me as an adult
I think it's fine. I'm just about finishing up Link's Awakening for the first time, and I've had a lot of fun.

>> No.7809307

people apply too much hyperbole to this nonsense. GB is perfectly playable and has many fun games. GG does as well. The main problem for GG (to me) is it's just a bigger pain in the ass. More batteries for less battery life, basically requires modding to fix it (I'm in the middle of recapping one now) and likewise, you either need to swap out the florescent tube or put in a whole new screen to get anything close to decent battery life.

Best thing about GG is most of the games are cheap as shit and are pretty good, as stated. GB has a lot more nintendo tax, especially on the most popular games.All that said, the biggest and best GB games are the peak of 90s portables. I don't know that anything on GG meets or exceeds the quality of the very best GB games, nor the best Neo-Geo/WS games.

>> No.7809340

the game gear has the same resolution as the gameboy

>> No.7809378

After a while 04/7 is pushing it lol

>> No.7809402

Sony markets itself as boutique electronics and their game division as a grown up Nintendo yet follows closely in Nintendo's footprints. Sega invented mascots to compete with Nintendo and failed trying. Companies come and go, each slandering Nintendo in the press for their outdated hardware because it's their only advantage. Their only selling point over Nintendo. "It costs more of your money." "Come see what's possible when you spend more money." Everyone eyes with envy the seat Nintendo is in, but it is God Himself that set Nintendo on that throne. To the point where if you ask "Where is the ______ equivalent to a Nintendo game?" you are actually speaking a ruthless and cutting insult. There is no equivalent on earth to Nintendo.

>> No.7809405

The gameboy had more sprites per scanline, could flip said sprites, could do vertical line scrolling, had an extra (limited) background window, and had a superior sound chip. All the game gear had was superior color fidelity.

>> No.7809447

This is true, and Microsoft has acknowledged this and thus seems to be making friends with Nintendo these days.

>but it is God Himself that set Nintendo on that throne
No, being cut-throat and conservative did.

>> No.7810254

>console war shit

>> No.7810302

I started Gayming on the nes, I got a GG over this, not even a question. Even for me back then as a kid GB felt too dated. Glorified TI calculator.

>> No.7810464

Magic knight rayearth
Multitude of sonic games
Tails adventure
Land of illusion
GG shinobi series
Shining force series
Defenders of oasis
Madly monogatari 1,2,3,A
The game gear had a stellar library

>> No.7810763

>shitty mega system port machine
i had great games on my GG that i have never seen talked about (e.g. Slider), but the gameboy has without a doubt the better library. moreover with later devices were backwards compadible

>> No.7810771
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this (port) was fun

>> No.7810780

Shovelware? The gameboy is a console I could easily make a top 50 for and still have more I would feel bad about leaving out.

>> No.7811002

In retrospect, the quality of /vr/ shitposts has gotten much worse since the zoomie invasion.

>> No.7811253

>married with 2 kids
I still regret ever touching boobs.

>> No.7811486
File: 161 KB, 1688x954, When You're THAT Stupid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love these 'tard threads. They're always made by spastics who have barely scratched the surface when it comes to what the DMG/Color offers. That, or sore little faggots who chose to buy Sega's handheld over Nintendo's way back when. 30+ years ago. Get over it.

>> No.7811502

>only 2
Are u gay

>> No.7811509
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>It's a very legit question, and I'm not hating, what does the Game Gear have as an equivalent? The Genesis has Crusader Of Centy, which can be compared to a Zelda game, but what does the Game Gear have?

>> No.7811592

You think we didn't have stupid shitposts like these just a couple of years ago?

>> No.7811618

Same. I have two kids. My wife fucks another man at her work. But I've got my retro video games to make me feel alive.

>> No.7811626

To be fair, most of those are GBC games, which is technically a generation forward and more in line with the GG. I'm pretty sure OP was refering to the ones you played on the vomit green screen, which there are some good games but most of them inferior to what you would find on a GG. We don't have to pit them, though, we were just comparing them.

>> No.7811684

>less games better
why do losers always use this talking point?

>> No.7811685

>most of those are GBC games
Not only is that not true, but most of the GBC games listed are either color updates, or have dual compatibility.

>> No.7811795

>The Gameboy has so many great classic titles that I'm going to pretend that bringing them up isn't fair to my argument

I like the Game Gear, but it really doesn''t have very many good original games. Maybe a dozen or so worth playing, and thats only if you include Japanese exclusives

>> No.7811813

So what it is, is the GB got good thanks to new hardware launching in 1998. Before then the GG was definitely the better platform.

>> No.7811832

"Technically a generation forward" come on man, there is no generational difference between GB and GBC, it's just a different screen with colors, the GBA was the major hardware upgrade and that lasted nowhere near as long as the GB/GBC. The GB/GBC taken as one console just simply had a longer life span to put out better games.

>> No.7811863

The game gear is nice, but unless your parents were rich you would never actually get to play it due to having no batteries.

>> No.7811884

They did have a car adapter for it to be fair.

>> No.7811886

Why even have a battery compartment at that point. It only lasts 3-5 hours and requires 6AA.

>> No.7812438

> CPU: ~4 MHz -> ~8 MHz (twice as fast)
> VRAM: 8 KB -> 16 KB (twice as much)
> WRAM: 8 KB -> 32 KB (four times as much)
> Other features: Extra DMA features for quickly loading graphics into VRAM mid-frame
And, of course:
> Palettes: 3 4-color palettes (fixed 4-color grayscale) -> 16 4-color palettes (15-bit RGB)

GBC was a pretty decent upgrade from the GB, even if few games really took advantage of it to avoid breaking backward compatibility.

>> No.7812449

Why are you pretending it's not a generational improvement? Spec, time, and even compatibility wise it is in every way. Even design wise the big grey brick was distinctly late 80s utilitarian while the gbc was late 90s extreme. It's such a stupid game you're playing here.

>> No.7812458

Agreed. The OG Gameboy library is pathetic compared to that of the Gamegear. The Gamegear library has so many more quality titles while the Gameboy only has about 30 good titles and mosy are first party. Most Nintendo consoles are shovelware machines. The NES, Gameboy, GBC and the Wii have more cash grab crap games then the PS2.

>> No.7812468

Mosy = mostly

>> No.7812475

>the idiot doesn't know that the original Game Boy was a cultural phenomenon
That's just if you're talking about popularity. As for the games? Stop talking absurd shit. Name any game on the GG that comes even close to Link's Awakening in terms of quality? You are DELUSIONAL. There's nothing on the platform of any genre that the DMG hasn't done better, and in higher quantity.

>> No.7812478
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>The Genesis has Crusader Of Centy, which can be compared to a Zelda game, but what does the Game Gear have?

Golden Axe warrior thanks to the sms adapter. I had one of these and the gamegear to sms adapter that worked on my sms power base adapter for the Genesis. I could play it all. Loved being a Sega kid.

>> No.7812479

>CPU: 66MHz -> 133MHz (twice as fast)
>RAM: 4MB -> 16MB (four times as much)
>other features: new DMA channels and 32-bit VRAM bus for quickly loading graphics
And of course:
>Wholly new DSP for video and audio processing
DSi is clearly a generational improvement over the DS.

>> No.7812487
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Thanks for the laugh anon. Needed a good chuckle.

>> No.7812505

game gear is soulless corporate garbage

>> No.7812541

I guess I never knew because I only ever owned GBC, I really thought the only difference was the screen and that most memory expansions were done inside the cartridge PCB (since carts with bigger memory were happening all the way on the original GB). With that one system I was able to play a very large library. Oh well, if you own a GBC that's all you need. I guess I'll admit the GB sucks if we're just looking at that one system but it seems like an arbitrary cut off to just not include GBC games when it feels like the logical conclusion of the original GB concept.

>> No.7812574

That's pretty cool. As a kid, I would have loved a gadget with which I could plug in my NES games to play on my Game Boy Pocket (of course, it wouldn't be as simple as that).

>> No.7812625

Counterpoint: DSi games hardly looked any different from DS games. The same is not true of GB and GBC games. The main thing that gives a console a feeling of a "generational improvement" is an improvement in graphics.

>> No.7812730

>F-1 Race
>Jet Set Willy
Wow such a selection! Truly classic games!

>> No.7812783

But aside from the color pallets the graphics are still the same between the two. Obviously the color is a huge deal, they put it in the title for a reason. But the sprite work is no different, and a lot of color games were backwards compatible with the original gameboy/super gameboy. Compare Link's Awakening to the Oracle Games, the spritework looks the same, just one has color and the other doesn't. It isn't until the Advance that you get a true next gen look.

The super gameboy is also a missing link in this conversation. Lots of original gameboy games were designed with color pallets in mind and were programmed to have them on the super gameboy. Developers knew color was just around the corner. So when they added color support it simply was the continuation of what they already were doing. I think the point about a faster processor and CPU is valid but that same point could be argued that it's just an expansion/revision. I don't think most people viewed it as a next gen console and I'm sure people even criticized it for being so basic.

>> No.7812823


The addition of color is a pretty dramatic one, enough to entice buyers to buy the console. In any case, a lot of the heavy hitters like DQIII and the later Wario and Zelda games were GBC exclusives, and clearly on a different graphical level.

>> No.7812838

What Game Gear game can compare to Wario Land?

>> No.7813008

>ignores the rest of the (huge) list like the dumb little faggot that he is
All that you listed had good ratings, by the way.

>> No.7813043
File: 24 KB, 522x461, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No platformer, but there are some good games. Here's a list of my favorites.

>> No.7813213

Nice attempt at deflection. Your list is laughably padded and only serves to prove OP's point. Enjoy playing Mobile Golf, Keystone Kapers, Q-Bert, and "Q-Bert For Gameboy" I guess.

>> No.7813429

What deflection, you simpleton? Do you even know the definition of that misapplied word, you spastic? Those games were highly rated upon release. That's a matter of fact. And the games you've just listed are also good. Mobile Golf is basically Mario Golf 2, Keystone Kapers is much loved, and Q*bert is fucking Q*bert. How are you so dumb?

>> No.7813487

The more you try to defend this absolutely shoddy list, the more you only call attention to just how shit it is.
>Pokemon Picross
>Mario's Picross
>Mario's Picross 2
No padding to be found here, surely.
>Kirby Tile n Tumble
>Kirby Tilt n Tumble (PC VBA)
Certainly extremely different games.
>Solar Striker
>Aero Star
>Track & Field
>Lock'n Chase
>Boulder Dash
Really? Get this Atari shit out of here. You're supposed to be bringing your best to prove that your precious Game Boy is not shit when compared to the far superiour Game Gear, and this is the most you have to show? Truly the nintendrones find themselves in a dire situation, trying to defend their shit consoles.
>Those games were highly rated upon release.
By whom, Nintendo Power? Give me a fucking break.

>> No.7813523
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I had one of these bad boys on the back of my game gear. They said it extended the life to 8 hours. That was a massive load of horse shit, it gave me like an extra 30 or 45min, tops.

>> No.7813531
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So, what I got from your supreme faggotry:
>sequels are padding
>identical games (one hacked for use with a different device, one not) are padding
>Atari games are padding(?)
>you're a fucking retard
Actually, I figured the last one out just as soon as I read your initial reply.
>Nintendo Power. Nintendrone
Don't read vacuous burger magazines, owned just about every commercially available Sega console ever made.
Sigh... You try so hard. Smacks so much of desperation. So easily falters. Story of your life, I imagine. I have a solution for you. Hear me out. Just two words:
I'm sure that even a complete fuckwit like you can figure out the rest...

>> No.7813542

None of you fags were there. No matter what system you had, you were given some bugs bunny and the tower of fuck bullshit, tetris, Spiderman, and you had to wait 6 months either for your birthday or Christmas for your family to even consider giving you a new game, and they picked out some licensed M&M game. And you liked it!

>> No.7813559
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>> No.7813562

2 kid gang also. My oldest is only 3 so he can only play road rash 3 and shit like that on emulator. Any good vidya for toddlers?

>> No.7813568

Yeah, but game gear took 400 batteries.

>> No.7813571

>They explored online downloading with sega channel in the mid 90s
Nintendo did too, in Japan.

>> No.7813575

Don't forget Garfield.

>> No.7813587

I am sorry but I would love to love the Underdog here but what good games does the Game Gear have? Really I have tried them all, even played on actual hardware, played on modded hardware with better screens, played it back in the day when it was new but seriously the games for it just fucking suck. It has no really good games, the GB has an insane amount of amazing games.

It is so amazing to see how many great games had it's first entry on the GB or how the GB would continue great franchises as well.

First Kirby, Game Boy
First Gargoyl's Quest, Game boy
Second Metroid, Game Boy
one of the best Zelda games at the time, Game Boy?
Fucking Pokemon.
Final Fantasy Games.
Really the list of GB games is amazing and it is amazing to see what they pulled off with their shitty hardware. Like I recently tried to force myself to get into the Sega Master System again. It's the first console that I have played and all my friends had one, nobody had a NES because I am European so I could be nostalgic about the SMS but all the games are just so dull. The NES is limited but the games are creative, unique and just fun. It is sad because I wish Sega would do better and would have done better back in the day, really don't understand me wrong, I have a soft spot for SEGA, SEGA stocks are the only stocks I have ever bought and I want to see Sega succeed and wish there would be a Dreamcast 2 but nintendo has more fun games with more limited hardware. I also blame nintendo for forcing third party devs to only work for them but still there is no fun on Sega stuff.

>> No.7813779
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>i think i'm the first zoomie invader

>> No.7814016

Get Dragon Crystal. It's a roguelike, kinda like a portable version of Fatal Labyrinth on the Genesis.

>> No.7815020

>Most people played their game gear plugged and it was no big deal.
That defeats the entire goddamn purpose of it being portable. You might as well be playing a console game at that point. I took my Game Boy all over the place since it was the saving grace of being dragged around during family trips and long car rides. I hated dealing with its batteries and constantly having to ask for more even with the good battery life due to the amount I played that shit, I can not imagine the pain a Game Gear back in the day would have brought.

I didn't know a single soul who owned a Game Gear when I was younger. Meanwhile, every single kid had a Game Boy well before Pokemon ever hit western shores and part of the reason it exploded so much was because of that long-established install base. Where did you live? Genuine question. This certainly didn't seem to be the case in the southern US.

>> No.7815040

There's a Master System version available. What's the difference between the two?

>> No.7815051

Yeah but I’m pretty sure AA battery technology has improved significantly since the early 90s. I bet if you were to put modern day high quality rechargeables into a Game Gear, it would almost certainly last longer.

>> No.7815060

Even if that were true, the stipulation of this entire thread has been about the original consoles in the 90s, people were getting mad when I brought up the GBC because it was "later on", I don't think 2021 rechargeable batteries should fly if the GBC can't fly.

>> No.7815072

Fair enough. I also wanted to point out that the original GB actually took four AAs to the GG’s six. The GBC and original GBA only needed two which is pretty impressive.

>> No.7815136

>losing you shit this hard

>> No.7815163

>My wife fucks another man at her work.
That is enough /vr/ for me.

>> No.7815220

Game Boy took 4 batteries but the battery life was three times as long as a Game Gear or longer.

>> No.7815245

Tone's difficult in text but I'm more baffled than anything at some of this thread's responses. The idea of defending a portable based on the merit of plugging it in is lunacy to me considering what the appeal of, well, a portable is meant to be. A car adapter like mentioned once would at least help, but it just seems so unwieldy.

>> No.7817303

Master System has higher screen resolution than the Game Gear, but I think the Master System version of the game is PAL only, so it's probably lower framerate.

>> No.7817457

You're looosing your shit in a troll thread, new friend.

>> No.7817493

OP is obviously a troll, doesn't meant the replies are.

>> No.7817914

There were a lot of shit games for GB/C, but there were also a considerable amount of good ones. Most of the especially bad carts were licensed (Rugrats, Toy Story 2, etc.) shovelware designed to scam a few bucks out of parents who didn't know any better. Original content fared much better.
This is true also. That said, Pokemon and the Mario games on GB were pretty good. Also, Kirby's Dream Land was badass.
We're all about the DFC here.

>> No.7817931

>That defeats the entire goddamn purpose of it being portable.
But it was portable. I had the car adapter and the ac adapter. I took it on car rides all the time, and when we'd go to other neighbors houses for dinner or sports games (happened several times a month) I would play off the wall outlet and it was super comfy. Neither of those situations would have allowed me play my snes, so things worked out very well having a portable color system.

>> No.7819134

sometimes the kiss rule applies to game design/ console design.
which is why indie games are doing really well now adays

>> No.7819160

Oh yeah, all of them long standing franchises still pumping games out today. Games so good people still talk about them today! Amazing games!

>> No.7820665
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>any post on 4chan isn't a troll

>> No.7821121
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Flatchads represent.

>> No.7822049

You act like 5 games, many of which had 2 or 3 games a piece is a few.

Were you born retarded or have you been retarded since birth, anon?

>> No.7822053

Series*, guess I'm also retarded