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File: 10 KB, 280x231, 280px-Sid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7807945 No.7807945 [Reply] [Original]

>only three voices
what's the point? even the fucking pokey at least has 4.

>> No.7808091

/prod/ here
never gonna make it

>> No.7808097
File: 19 KB, 345x353, Jack_Tramiel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

POKEY has 4 sound channels? Very cool!
>puts YM2149F with only 3 voices into Atari ST

>> No.7808101

You can do a lot with only three channels.


This one might be cheating because it's an 8580, but it still only has 3 channels

I love this shit.

>> No.7808201
File: 1.83 MB, 718x956, 1597556743856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> pokey
> 4 voices of pulse wave
> no modulation
> can't use all 4 voices independently otherwise audio goes out of tune
so this is the power of atari pedophiles? amazing.

>> No.7808207

6581 is the true master race.

>> No.7808210

that wasn't jack's decision, that was his son's. his kids are absolutely fucking retarded.

>> No.7808428 [DELETED] 

audio fags should be fucking gassed

>> No.7808449
File: 741 KB, 829x415, 1601305893430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>audio fags should be fucking gassed

>> No.7808453 [DELETED] 

nice profile pic, did your mom take it after you told her about how you use your PS1 as a CD player while she drove you for chicken nuggums?

>> No.7808467
File: 562 KB, 666x404, 1611394475754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> nice profile pic
american pedophiles, everyone.

>> No.7808493 [DELETED] 

>I cant think of an actual witty comeback so I'll post another retard and call you a pedophile
as previously stated, audio fags should be gassed

>> No.7808510

it came out in 1982, numbnuts. what else back then beat it?

>> No.7808524

I would gladly trade ring modulation for another channel.

>> No.7808527

The YM2149F was also an ancient fossilized rock from the 70s, it predated POKEY even.

>> No.7808541

Bob Yannes among other things planned for six sound channels but Jack told him they had to get it finished on time for the 1982 CES and it was good enough, it would still beat anything else on the market.

>> No.7808776

t. earlet

>> No.7810384

I read somewhere that the sid was intended to have more channels but they could not get the multiplexing working in time, so they were forced to just copy and past the entire thing three times. Imagine in parallel universe where the sid had more channels.

>> No.7812162 [DELETED] 

Not every fabricated device needs a voice for every imagined gender it has