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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7804575 No.7804575 [Reply] [Original]

Was it perfection?

>> No.7804874

probably not or this thread would have had more posts

>> No.7804994

Used to play it with the lads.

>> No.7805090

It was a weird situation. Getting an entire generation's worth of an RPG franchise all at once at the tail end of the PS1's life isn't how people really want to experience a series for the first time, especially when the next gen is already a thing and the games show their age. Imagine being offered something like the Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection when you've never heard of Street Fighter up to that point. Its a great set but it was also a big ask at $80.

>> No.7807278

Liked the 1st one, need to play the rest

>> No.7807437

Wasn't perfect but damn if it wasn't good. Each game played differently and the art style changed with each one as well. Really fun series of games.

>> No.7807440

>wrecking designs
Don't think so pal

>> No.7807558
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Nack in my day Working Designs logo always ment you were getting a good unique RPG. We didnt know things were being cut out or censored and we didn't care. We were just happy to play a good RPG that without Working Designs we would've never got to experience. Alundra, Lunar, Popful Mail, Vay, Ele-fucking-mental Gear-fucking-bolt! We would've never gotten these games without them. Check out their Wikipedia page. Thats a pretty good track record. What was brought to the west thanks to them made me and so many others happy. Regardless of what we know about the company Working Designs and the games they published (for the most part) were gems. Play one and stop being so cynical. Alundra makes Zelda Games and Link look like pussie ass bitches. Alundra is absolutely fantastic and your doing yourself a disservice if you have never played it.