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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7796418 No.7796418 [Reply] [Original]

Retroarch support thread

>> No.7796421 [DELETED] 

We need a board for you emulation dweebs.

>> No.7796426

yeah my retroarch wont boot on my toaster how do i toast retroarch I hate plate bread

>> No.7796441 [DELETED] 
File: 158 KB, 1000x563, NTR_fat_bastard_calling_card.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>threads upon threads of CRT fags outing themselves as the attention whoring fags they are with their shitty pictures and RGB vs. composite discussion #3262
>m-muh emufags
Eat shit.

>> No.7796459 [DELETED] 

get out of here you real hardware fag

>> No.7796771

Why doesn't CRT Royale work when I load it? I'm using the Steam version with the Vulkan driver, and I was told to load the slangp file for that driver.

>> No.7796782 [DELETED] 

>caring about picture quality
Performance is all that matters to real gamers. I'd play on an old black and white TV over your bastardised emulation set up.

>> No.7796796

try other options like Cg shaders, or GLSL. some hardware cant do 1 or the other

>> No.7796803 [DELETED] 

I run on a back and wight shader

>> No.7796893

>internet archive
>download no intro set
>download bios back
>search for Redump + name of ps1/saturn/DC shit you want and download.
>download FBNeo romset(fuck MAME)

>install retroarch
>put bios files on the system folder
>scan all that shit you have downloaded
>download the cores

Cmon, isn't that hard.

>> No.7796894

The hard part isn't setting it up, it's finding the motivation to play anything.

>> No.7796916
File: 203 KB, 1280x720, 1619994428668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's finding the motivation to play anything
Imagine needing motivation to play video games.

>> No.7796937

Problem when you have no real hobbies, job or friends.

>> No.7796956

Any reason why GBA cheats don't work but every other console's do?

>> No.7796962


>> No.7797074

how do i fast forward?

>> No.7797129

There’s a steam version?

>> No.7797131

space bar is default

>> No.7797741

how do i enable frameskipping on gambatte core? seems like RA is only way to play shantae on psp, but it runs on full speed at 333mhz, and running gbc games at 333mhz is kind of meme when pokemon gold underclocks at 133mhz with frameskip of 2

>> No.7798667 [DELETED] 
File: 112 KB, 410x598, 6C1DF8B7-043A-4765-8EB8-06DB0E496A9C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worst thread on /vr/

>> No.7798671

>i don't actually like vidya, it really is just about plastic crap on a shelf and how i was "born in the wrong generation everything today sucks"
At least people are finally starting to admit it.

>> No.7798719

That's not what frameskip does.

>> No.7798738

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