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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 9 KB, 197x256, download (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7795889 No.7795889 [Reply] [Original]

Is resident evil considered retro yet? What's considered retro? Where is the line drawn?

>> No.7795893

6th Gen and Back in Considered Retro on /vr/

>> No.7795904
File: 248 KB, 954x1300, NEXT_Generation_56_0030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The OG trio is certainly retro.

>> No.7795905

That is a lot more recent than i was expecting desu

>> No.7795906

RE 1-3 was always allowed on /vr/

>> No.7795910

Op here, on a pic related note, which REmaster was your favorite? I personally choose the gamecube

>> No.7795912
File: 484 KB, 474x532, aresident evil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

definitely seems like some kind of mistake

>> No.7795916 [DELETED] 

I just played through the REmake. Its good. Better then the recent remakes they released.

>> No.7795921

In the past 6th gen wasnt discussed but since its been like legitimately over 20 years since the 6th gen started.
It kinda makes sense to include 6th gen. It technically started in 1999

>> No.7795923

>calling clock tower a resi also-ran
That annoys me well more than it should.

>> No.7795925

>Better then
>not better than

>> No.7795926

RE3 for me. Though the Gamecube REmake is pretty good. Better then the recent ones they released.

>> No.7795928

I don't think RE3 was a "REmake" It was just enchanced graphics.
Only the first RE got "REmake" status.

>> No.7795929

REmake will always be the perfect one but 2 REmake comes really close.

>> No.7795932

You're correct but the other guy asked about remasters not remakes. Those are very different concepts.

>> No.7795940

Actually you're not correct because both 2 and 3 had direct remakes while everything up to and including CV had the lightgun remake treatment with the Chronicles games. I know you knew this but I like to set the record straight.

>> No.7795950

Thats like saying Legacy of Kain on the dreamcast is a Remaster when its just bumped up shitty ps1 graphics. But i misread the comment.
i thought it said RE3 was my favorite Remake

>> No.7795960

>Thats like saying Legacy of Kain on the dreamcast is a Remaster when its just bumped up shitty ps1 graphics
Yes, that's what a remaster is. It's taking the original material and doing it up a bit. Just because a remaster was a shit job does not preclude it from being a remaster. Remakes are different beasts entirely and it confounds me that people mix the two things up.

>> No.7795974

I guess if you consider a port a "remaster".

>> No.7795980

There's no line, it's as arbitrary as the 4channel managers™ want whether the fags here like it or not.

>> No.7796040

Anything allowed on Gamecenter CX is retro. Gamecenter CX recently allowed PS2, Xbox and Gamecube games, so those are all allowed

>> No.7796047
File: 488 KB, 2048x1536, Amiga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's not 16-bits or under, then it's not real retro.

>> No.7796080


>> No.7796098

Thanks to the anon in the previous thread for posting the link to those Classic REBirth mods. They work really well, about as good as you'd hope for a GoG release.

>> No.7796167

6th gen is the birth of everything about modern gaming, the only thing classifying it retro is it's age which is enormously dumb in my opinion

>> No.7796536

I think you both make good points, although i think it makes more sense for retro to be a mechanics and gamestyle marker rather than an age marker

>> No.7796541

Idk i think games like sm64 should be considered retro. What makes you say? What did retro mean to you?

>> No.7796645

Just ignore him. He just wants attention for saying fifth gen isn’t retro. He doesn’t actually want to discuss the fourth gen and below.

>> No.7796681
File: 67 KB, 1024x758, 1613101876547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got the ISO for the Japanese and US (UK?) PowerVR PC versions? I've got an actual PowerVR card and I'd like to give them a shot sometime. I think the Japanese version is stuck at 640x480 and the western version is 800x600. Haven't found a lot of concrete info.

>> No.7796972

This is more or less my opinion. Gen 6 is the transition into modern gaming, but at the start of the generation there's still plenty of games that have the N64/PS1 era mechanical clunkiness & an aesthetic more reminiscent of 90's arcade games than late Gen 6 titles. Heck, you don't really get anything resembling a modern third person shooter until RE4 comes out.

>> No.7797029

Modern gaming is mobile Gacha games. You have a lot of games which are still derivative of PS3 and XBX360 but how many games are there that are actually made in the style of the average gen 6 games

>> No.7797082

There is something interesting about this article

>RE3 is cripser thanks in part to using higher resolution

RE3 doesn't use higher resolution. On PSX it's the same resolution as RE2. So why would they say this? Well, they probably got the info from the devs/publisher.

I think what it means is that the devs worked on a higher source resolution before converting stuff for PSX. Implying that they would have worked on the backgrounds at 640*480 before converting them at 320*240 for the game, whereas previous games would have directly worked on the backgrounds at 320*240.

People tend to claim/think that 640*480 backgrounds for RE2 don't exist in the PC ports because the source files were trashed as soon as the game was released. This is hard to swallow considering the number of ports the game had (although there is evidence showing that some of the ports, and even RE3's RPD, were done using an earlier version of RE2 at first...)

I think high-res RE2 backgrounds don't exist simply because, only for RE3, they never existed. And this article would support that theory.

Or I'm reading too much into and the journo is just making shit up.

>> No.7797094

>Or I'm reading too much into and the journo is just making shit up.

Although, they're also using a picture from the RPD to claim that the backgrounds are more hi-res (which is precisely the only place in the game where it's not), this tends to make me think that instead of making shit up they are indeed repeating what the devs told them, they don't really know and just picked the wrong picture for the explanation

>> No.7797113


They are probably referring to RE3 backgrounds looking sharper and more detailed. Or they're mangling something that the devs told them.

>> No.7797142

>Or they're mangling something that the devs told them.

I think that's it and this is precisely why I hate articles where instead of establishing a proper interviews they editorialize the shit out of it and it's basically hear-says. Interviews can't be trusted, but this shit even less so we can't known for sure.

Still, usually (and I say usually), journos don't make shit up, they just repeat something they were told and that sometimes they don't understand properly.
Before presenting the game to a show or to the press, they make bullet points to tell to the journos (either as such or redacted), and technical stuff like resolution is exactly the kind of stuff people loved back then because it's taken as "fact: this game looks better".

>> No.7797152

I think that only makes sense if you see gaming as a binary of 'retro' and 'modern'. 8 and 16 bit games weren't designed like ones for the 2600 and its contemporaries. 3D consoles have several distinct eras too, unless you're refusing to look past the basic mechanical framework of first and third person cameras in a 3D environment. Half-Life 2, a technical milestone heading into the PS360 era, plays absolutely nothing like the games in the same genre that would go on to define that era.
I agree that games of the contemporary era don't currently belong on /vr/ but I don't agree that we're locked into considering the same systems 'retro' as AVGN videos did in 2004.

>> No.7797160

Things don't just become retro here, anon. Resident Evil has always been retro here, however.

>> No.7797164

>over 20 years since
When has that ever been the standard for "retro"?

>> No.7797171

you should be banned for not reading the sticky, tbqh.

>> No.7797369

Always. Retro comes from retrograde, meaning something adhering to the standards if the past rather than modern standards.

Anything from 2 generations ago should safely be considered retro. PS2 games are archaic compared to PS4 games. PS3 games are archaic to PS5 games because they were mostly complete games as opposed to today's season pass nightmares.

>> No.7797374

>disc consoles
Nothing that is read off a disc with a laser can be considered retro

cartridge and pixels is where the line is drawn

>> No.7797624

What mechanics and gameplay styles are changing? Sure graphics look better and everything sounds better but that is only a small metric of what determines retro

>> No.7797663

Dreamcast/Gamecube/PS2/XBOX is "retro"? Fucking kids. Get off my lawn.

>> No.7797747

exact. i played this cool new game smt nocturne and shit felt incredibly modern. this aint no wizardry ripoff that was smt on snes. get this zoomer shit out of my /vr/

>> No.7797921
File: 1.02 MB, 2731x4096, ririyozi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Majority consensus on /vr/ was that retro stopped at 5th gen

Then a random mod barged in to say that 6th gen is allowed to appease an autist that spammed the board for a whole summer

Anyone who criticized the rule change was banned

And 90% of the regulars who used to post cool shit got driven away

Thanks mods!

>> No.7798093
File: 863 KB, 2497x3495, Player Station 001 - Page 035 (1998-05).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the most based walkthrough of RE2 you'll ever see in your life


>> No.7798285
File: 2.86 MB, 1126x1554, Official_US_PlayStation_Magazine_Volume_2_Issue_9_1999-06_Ziff_Davis_US_0087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is another article that claims the background are higher res. They must have been told that by the publisher. I think my theory isn't so farfetched.

>> No.7798417

Everything up to and including the Nintendo DS is retro

>> No.7798707

>People tend to claim/think that 640*480 backgrounds for RE2 don't exist in the PC ports because the source files were trashed as soon as the game was released. This is hard to swallow considering the number of ports the game had
I don't buy that they deleted everything immediately either, considering they still had the background files for RE1 a year later to re-render new camera angles for the Director's Cut.

>> No.7798767

The thing is, there are several pieces of evidence that lead to believe that both the N64 version of RE2 and RE3 (for the RPD) used a beta version of RE2 as a base at first. That's kinda odd, but it really that doesn't really prove anything.
I really believe that the devs of RE3 worked on the backgrounds at 640*480 (which is what they meant when they told the press bg were higher res) before scaling them to down 320*240 for PSX, and then the PC port just used the 480p versions; which took zero work since they already existed.

Meanwhile RE2 would have directly worked at 240p; and even if the source files for the 3D rooms were available, it would be out of scope for a port to take the time to remake the backgrounds, I mean who knows if the coordinates for the camera angles would even be saved in the source files...

>> No.7799281

That's a stupid thing to ask.

>> No.7799429

you're actually an idiot

>> No.7799702

>Is resident evil considered retro yet?
By most standards, and by this page's standard, yes. For me, nothing released from 2000s and after can be considered retro, but I think that's just part of getting older. Some people might even consider the 3D generation (PS1/N64 onwards) too modern to be considered retro

>> No.7800747
File: 381 KB, 1026x155, intro_epilogue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If there is any RE fan here with mad googling / waybackmachine skills and who's already done some research, I'm looking for the following things regarding RE3:

>intro/ending pictures that were scrapped

source : https://survivhor.biohazardfrance.net/RE3/BETA/index.html

Their source being "a Japanese site"

on the first image it looks like Rebecca is in the back. Apparently a magazine at the time before the game's release had claimed that Rebecca would die in RE3.

>> No.7800750

It used to be the year 2000 as a cut off tile a bunch of GBA and camecube babies cries to Mods to be let into the club house.

>> No.7800754
File: 1.51 MB, 1015x769, creation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and I'm also looking for the source of the following things from the same site's other page

>screenshots of the 3D renders
>the interview where Mikami claims RE3 should have been called 1.9

Again, they have no source, except saying "he said that some time after the game's release", and this claim has been used everywhere online, and everyone sources "the other site" with nooone sourcing the real source

Also, I didn't try asking whoever wrote this site but it's probably no use asking since this stuff has been like this for more than 20 years, and they just maintain the site without updating it

>> No.7800757

I always thought that updating the retro line should go backward. Like, the board should become MORE retro with time, not less.
Basically, by now 1995 should be the cutoff.

>> No.7800778
File: 260 KB, 500x298, tumblr_nbcz5oT2Zk1t66aclo3_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found one of them. This is apparently the source image. "Released by Capcom" is all I know. Presumably it was planned for the intro fo RE3.

>> No.7800785
File: 335 KB, 640x382, tumblr_nbcz5oT2Zk1t66aclo1_640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here they are


Too bad they just had to add a watermark; and of course no source either. Why was everyone in the RE community such shitheads? I understand that wikipedia and giving source wasn't the norm at the time but goddamn. it's literally impossible to find sources and/or unmodified images anywhere.

>> No.7800801

Where can i get those scans?

>> No.7800808
File: 62 KB, 640x480, EOcUpK4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After a bit more research I was only able to find ONE of the pictures with the original res and unmodified (before you ask, yes, the pics are on the resident evil wikia but they're in lower res, the original ones should be 640*480). Hopefully anon has better internet skills than me ?

https://www.abandonware-magazines.org/ for french stuff

>> No.7800817

I had gamecube and ps1 emulators running with RE2 side by side and tried looking at backgrounds. While on gamecube they looked a bit different, all pixelized shit was still pixelized and I couldn't find any new detail in 5 or 6 backgrounds i compared. What's up with that? Every youtuber comparing those claims that it's so much better and yet...

>> No.7800831

I haven't verified this so take it with a grain of salt, but I'm pretty sure the backgrounds in the GC version *are* higher res, however it looks like they were upscaled from the original ones. It's possible that the upscaling done is internal too, meaning that the background files are actually the same old 240p ones but a piece of code upscales them (N64 version does that for its background with the RAM pack)

The pixelated stuff might be masks. Masks are parts of the background that can obscure 3D models (3D models can go "behind" them), and are rendered seperately, and those are usually left as is. See for instance the windows versions of RE3, they did use higher res source 480p backgrounds, but the masks still use the 240p versions.

>> No.7800875

Well I couldn't get the Sourcenext port running on my linux machine so I didn't compare that. But at least on consoles there's not much difference between ports except slightly different tint (which makes Dreamcast port look way worse in my opinion).

>> No.7800879

>slightly different tint

Yeah I have no idea wtf they did with the backgrounds in the Dreamcast versions but they're horrible. All the colours are fucked. Between that and the atrocious loading times (worse than on PS1) the DC versions are actually pretty bad if you ask me.

>> No.7800914

noooooo but avalanche reviews said the dreamcast port was the best!!! and somehow he never mentions the pink tint it has. Very weird. I think I heard on digital foundry that the tint is caused by dreamcast converting rgb values in a fucky way or something.

>> No.7801038

>Resident Evil
more like Resident FARTS lol

>> No.7801074
File: 2.64 MB, 1280x960, RE3 crouch shooting.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7801079

If you were to take down Nemesis in that hallway, would he still chase you through the rooms?

>> No.7801086
File: 2.73 MB, 960x720, Nem kill zombies.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you take him down for good, that is to say twice, no he won't. I used to do it all the time in that hallway until I found the exploit in the office room

>> No.7801225

>until I found the exploit in the office room

>> No.7801245
File: 2.77 MB, 427x320, BH3 Nem 2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did it very badly in this video, once you get the hang of it it's a rather fullproof exploit, but you get the idea

>> No.7801287

Well then another question. If you take down Nemesis in front of the police station, does he come through that window still? If so, do you get the second handgun parts for dropping him twice if you already got them in front of the police station?

>> No.7801290

it's two seperate encounters. If you don't take him down in the entrance of the police station you'll be missing one of his drops for the rest of the playthrough. It's actually the hardest fight against him since so little supplies are available at that point.

>> No.7801297

foolproof you fool

>> No.7801305

I used to (fool)proof read myself but /vr/ isn't really worth doing that anymore

>> No.7801318


>> No.7801339
File: 2.00 MB, 936x720, 1613804169255.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7801379

handdrawn map, very soul

>> No.7801557

It's probably one of the devs sketches of the level, seeing as they could not do them in real time

>> No.7801593

I doubt that very much, because there are details on there which aren't in early versions of the room that we know of

>> No.7801662

This game could have been so good. It looks fantastic but then gameplay kinda sucks, the hit detection isn't great and the constant infinite enemy respawns are a huge pain. Then, the game expects you to read literally hundreds of pages of files.

Then in the last section the game just drops the cake and gives up, and gives you guns with unlimited ammo. Also how the fuck where you supposed to know to go over that one wall?!

>> No.7801935

Here is the NextGen one


>> No.7802007

The only thing that would be better would be the compression used on the backgrounds, making artifacts less noticeable.

>> No.7802436

> Et vous n'avez pas acheté de ticket
Top kek

>> No.7803680

CV all way true RE3

>> No.7804194
File: 41 KB, 320x240, Biohazard_3_Sample_opening_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7804197
File: 43 KB, 320x240, Biohazard_3_Sample_opening_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7804201
File: 52 KB, 320x240, Biohazard_3_Sample_opening_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7804205
File: 39 KB, 320x240, Biohazard_3_Sample_opening_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7804208
File: 29 KB, 320x240, Biohazard_3_Sample_opening_5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]