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7794016 No.7794016 [Reply] [Original]

First of all I'd like to say that I love this game but am I the only one who feels like it was a step down from the NES/Famicom RPGs that came before it gameplay-wise? I mean it was made after Dragon Quest 3 and you'd expect it to be at least as good but in reality it plays like it's one of the first 8 bit RPGs from 1986-1987. A fuckton of grinding and random encounters, no job/class system, nothing. Besides you always end up wondering where to go next, there is no clear direction. Why didn't they at least try to replicate DQ III or even improve on the formula?

>> No.7794038

It's a fantastic game.

>> No.7794047

It feels a bit barren with way too much empty space and the latter half of the game feels a bit rushed (which is probably true considering the rumor about Mt. Itoi not even having been playtested) but it's still a great game, I just wish it had more dialogue and lore.

>> No.7794080

Yeah, no doubt about that. Everything in this game is great and unique, but the gameplay itself man. If I didn't know it came out in 89 I'd think it's one of those early DQ formula games like Final Fantasy 1 or Phantasy Star 1

>> No.7794083

Got filtered on that dumbass meditation bullshit desu

>> No.7794142

I hear(on Game Center CX's interviews) that Itoi just approached Nintendo saying "I have this game idea" with a paper full of the plot. Miyamoto said it was nice, but what he had there was not a complete game. Weeks later he was called to direct his game idea. So, going by that, it's possible that the game is so bare bones thanks to the lack of experience in making games for Itoi. And it was not like Nintendo itself was known for its rpg series.

>> No.7794147

Itoi definitely had the life experience to make the series work and it shows. I hope that fishing game gets translated one day.

>> No.7794148

Another week, another OP reeing about grinding in MOTHER. I just want it to end. All of it. I want some world-ending catastrophe to take place so that a future generation of humanity can rediscover the joy of triumphing over challenges and adversity.

>> No.7794584

Itoi is a silver spoon hack that got his way just because he wrote a bunch of bullshit that enamored the public to him. Imagine if some other retarded writer hack like Stephen King walked up to Nintendo and asked for a chest full of money to fund some yuppie RPG game. They'd laugh straight at his face and kick his ass out into the curb afterwards.

Mother 1 has an interesting story but the gameplay is ass. Itoi should have stuck to writing novels about Mother instead of using his nepotism to fund hobby tier projects.

>> No.7794617

Well, Itoi had experience in writing stories, after all.

>> No.7794619

>They'd laugh straight at his face and kick his ass out into the curb afterwards
To this day I still can't understand why that didn't happen to Itou.

>> No.7794763

>To this day I still can't understand why that didn't happen to Itou.
Me neither. But Itoi, on the other hand...

>> No.7794772

I think it was better than the ones on snes and gba
Snes is pretty good tho

>> No.7795048

>Imagine if some other retarded writer hack like Stephen King walked up to Nintendo and asked for a chest full of money to fund some yuppie RPG game
They'd probably seriously consider it at the time.

>> No.7796181

This makes perfect sense. Honestly, the first Mother I feel is the best one because it's more grounded on it's 50's americana going all way through with the grey aliens shit with Gygas and all that conspiracy shit with the secret of PSI Ninten's grandfather stole of the greys.

>> No.7796190

He was friends with Miyamoto apparently. Miyamoto was becoming pretty popular within Nintendo after the successes of Donkey Kong, SMB, and Donkey Donkey Picnic. He probably already had enough to have his opinion carry weight to Yokoi and Yamaguchi.

>> No.7796221

I think you're thinking about it in a wrong way. I don't think Mother was made to "compete" with Square and Enix. it was just a cool idea turned into a simple RPG, and maybe sort of a parody of RPGs of the time. and Nintendo isn't exactly known to produce very complex RPGs.
also, "fuckton of grinding"? use the walkthrough and just go through locations in order. I can guarantee you you won't have to grind much more than in any other RPG. i made that mistake on my first play, went way ahead of time to some locations and fought that dragon in magicant way early. played second time, stuck to walkthrough and was surprised just how simple everything turned out to be.

>> No.7796231

>Imagine if some other retarded writer hack like Stephen King walked up to Nintendo and asked for a chest full of money to fund some yuppie RPG game.
I am pretty sure that happened many times in the history of video games. Not necessarily with nintendo and stephen king, though.

>> No.7796250

It's happening right now with the Game of Thrones fatso and Elden Ring.

>> No.7796264

Yes. Mother 1 in its simplicity has some of the nicest atmosphere and setting of the franchise.
I like the story of Mary, George and Giygas far more than the stories of 2 and 3 in-spite of its brevity.
And I have a much greater love for the setting that's evocative of 50's-80's era Rural and Suburuban America. It's entirely different from every other jrpg. It's not about prophecies, high fantasy and all other kinds of bullshit. It's about kids fighting robots, ghosts and aliens.
The game has an ernest quality that even earthbound and mother 3 lack.

>> No.7796507

The only thing I remember about this game is if you talk to certain NPCs you catch their cold and it's a bad status effect. Not sure if that's cool or bullshit.

>> No.7796648

The 1980s video game industry seemed like a really free-wheeling place. There are a bunch of Japanese developers from that time who had no game experience whatsoever and got jobs in the industry anyway. (Straight after college too.) Hideo Kojima studied economics, for example, and Gamefreak was originally a fan magazine.

>> No.7796870

deal with it OP, ive played MOTHER and the grinding grew on me. Should grow on you as well

>> No.7798424

Shiggy and him are friends, the first pitch he gave to Shiggy was in a bar where they were just hanging out.

>> No.7798731

He told Itoi "This is an interesting pitch, but you don't have enough for a game here." which prompted Itoi to develop it a lot more, to the point that it was a workable concept for a game.

>> No.7799157
File: 519 KB, 620x349, fDNHilT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think mother 1 feels more like a whole, like a finished concept. the way it all ties together makes it hit stronger than just its components. that said, it's a bit bland/basic because most towns and npcs look the same.
mother 2 feels less like a whole, its a bit of a clusterfuck of references, styles, story, etc., like you have these blues bros guys and cult guys and surrealism and aliens etc all thrown into one pot. but that said, it brought far more detail and flair to the game.
so for me it's mother 2, although i wish it did more things like 1 did.