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7789084 No.7789084[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

In the name of god, heaven, and hell, everything in between, every creature of the earth, by the far reaches of the galaxy, by the inner rims of the universe and every mega verse in the ultra verse, let it be known, let the word be known this wall jump mechanic is fucking


>> No.7789087

I agree this area was poorly designed. Restart or learn to jump.

>> No.7789089

Acquire satisfactory

>> No.7789092

After an hour of trial and error, and refusing to look up a tutorial on the internet, I finally got the hang of it but I still hate how it works.

>> No.7789093

Lol there's a learning curve but it's not broken, I had trouble with it the first time I played, and never again. Once I mastered it, I mastered it, and it's effortless to me.

Now, you want a game with a bad double jump mechanic that is broken? Try Revenge of Shinobi.

>> No.7789094

Walljumping in Super Metroid is literally not hard at all.

>> No.7789097

It took me less time to get the hang of beating Jakio in Ninja Gaiden, than figuring out this cursed mechanic.

>> No.7789101

It's not that hard but it could be so much better

>> No.7789105
File: 140 KB, 320x468, 1616632225793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how the whole game you don't think that you could even wall jump, and then they just throw you to the sharks like that.

>> No.7789110

>this mechanic in this game is too hard for me

Git gud, child.

>> No.7789112

The entire section is a masterpiece.
>fake floor E-tank from NES returns to troll again
>save point right there as soon as you hit the bottom, and in the same direction the E-tank door was facing, goading players to open it to loop back up for the E tank
>right is deadly hallway of spikes and the parasite guys
>reach end
>"learn to walljump bitch"

>> No.7789113

>Try Revenge of Shinobi.
Try Shinobi X on Saturn. I would miss it 50% of the time and eventually resorted to mashing jump to get it.
It's easy because you're subscribed to AGDQ Metroid speed runners where you found out about this game.

>> No.7789118

>It's easy because you're subscribed to AGDQ Metroid speed runners where you found out about this game.
No it's easy because I'm at least remotely competent at video games.

>> No.7789127

Other Anons in this thread have compared that room to a shark tank. Theres no way you pulled this off instantly your first go when you stepped into that room.

>> No.7789130

playing this as a 6 year old I can attest that this was complete bullshit. My friends and I would take turns playing and we lost several saves from falling trying to get the E tank. we could never consistently wall jump back up and of course someone would always save down there. I found my old SNES again when I was 15 and completely crushed this game and learned all the tricks really easily. way too hard for a little bambino though.

>> No.7789146


Fucking retards. Its not about being too hard, I can pull it off easily now, but the mechanic is just ass.

>> No.7789149

it's literally perfect, you have to learn to walljump

>> No.7789215

It's fucking terrible.
Many games had good wall-jump mechanics before, but Nintendo just shat the bed with their attempt.

>> No.7789218
File: 337 KB, 634x511, super metroid wall jump sprite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wall jumping in Super Metroid is ridiculously easy.
Literally just watch for the sprite to change to get your cue to press the jump button.

>> No.7789223

>many games had good WJ before
name one

>> No.7789228

Batman, Ninja Gaiden, Mega Man X, the list goes on.

>> No.7789234
File: 58 KB, 600x600, 61514231-32FC-4EEF-BEDB-C8D2E032111E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this was too hard for me at age 6, therefore one of the most highly esteemed games of all time is bad
>the game didn't hold my hand with an hour long cutscene
underage zoomer detected

>> No.7789235

This is the Ultimate zoomie filter.

>> No.7789236

>noob bridge
why did Super Metroid have so many pleb filters?

>> No.7789241

Why couldn't they just copy NES Batman, that game got it right so there's no excuse for this fuckup

>> No.7789242

So if you didn't grow up on NES you were fucked?

>> No.7789246
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And Megaman X walljumps are nothing like Metroids.

>> No.7789247

>why do execution barriers exist for secret tech?
I expected /v/ to be this casual but not /vr/

>> No.7789251

yeah, they're a good mechanic.

>> No.7789252

>Mega Man X
Yeah they're literally better and far more intuitive

>> No.7789256

this board is full of zoomers who couldn't start a lawnmower

>> No.7789264

Metroid was launched only a few months after Megaman X in my region. Awful game to list as one we should all be acquainted with when discussing Super Metroid.

>> No.7789269

You don't matter

>> No.7789270

Your list was shit for easy wall jumps further proving it's not as obvious as you make out.

>> No.7789272

I didn't post that list, I'm a different anon

>> No.7789273

You're also missing the fucking point of that guy's post. I think you have shit reading comprehension.

>> No.7789274

He had no point as wall jumping was not obvious anywhere up until that point.

>> No.7789276

His point was that wall jumping had been done better before in earlier games, and Nintendo fucked up with Super Metroid's walljump. It's that simple, it has nothing to do with your personal experience.

>> No.7789282

If it's perfectly doable and not that hard to learn, they didn't fuck up. I have never fucked up a walljump since my initial playthrough, it was meant to be a special technique that requires special timing to know, which is why you can get to secret areas using it or bypass shit using it, it wasn't MEANT to be a default move, it was meant to be something you had to learn. And it is, perfectly learnable. It's not glitched or broken, just very specific.

>> No.7789283

Those other games force you to wall jump instantly. Had Metroid done the same it would be no different. Its certainly an odd way to teach you to walljump.

>> No.7789290

I can do it just fine as well, but I think it's too specific for a move that isn't described in the manual and is taught through mere sprite animations. Also it kinda hurts my fingers to do it. I get what they were going for, but I don't like the way they handled it. I do still think it was super cool that they had a secret section to force the player to learn, though.

>> No.7789292

>I do still think it was super cool that they had a secret section to force the player to learn, though.
Cool huh? They should have added a walk of shame route for all the players who gave up.

>> No.7789293

The walk of shame is the player never getting out and quitting the game because they have no dedication.

>> No.7789295

There is actually a bailout route for people who can only make it to the first ledge. You don't have to climb the whole tube, and only have to hit one successful wall jump.

>> No.7789296

You could always reload a previous save and avoid that pit. Forcing someone to learn a technique that way just feels wrong. I felt like I was raped.

>> No.7789297

In fact, it is the most literal example of a pleb filter that I have ever seen in a game. You literally can't get through the game if you reach that part and don't learn how to get out.

>> No.7789301

This room is genius. Why do you have to be such a troll?

>> No.7789302

>it is the most literal example of a pleb filter that I have ever seen in a game.
A pity it's an easy pleb game.

>> No.7789304

I don't feel the same way. Maybe I was more immersed in the game, but it felt like a survival situation rather than a bullshit trap due to the way the developers presented it. I thought it was great, but I didn't like how the walljump itself was so specific and required like 3 different cues to do each time.

>> No.7789305

It's average difficulty. Not too easy, not too hard. The average player can beat it with enough time, but the skill ceiling is high and beating it quickly actually takes dedication.

>> No.7789348

I got the WJ down in five minutes as a child. Maybe you just fuckin suck. Git gud you faggot tranny

>> No.7789376

>Now, you want a game with a bad double jump mechanic that is broken? Try Revenge of Shinobi
protip: don't fuck it up

>> No.7789380

I did at ten years old when I got the game new.

>> No.7789389

>Ten year old first time playing
>Pulls off cryptic ability first attempt

>> No.7789404

Love Super Metroid, I have played it a million times, and I sequence break almost every time I play now. I can wall jump with ease.

The mechanic sucks and isn’t intuitive. It’s supposed to be an advance technique, and if it were easier to perform, they wouldn’t be able to lock you out of breaking the game with ease on your first time through. Breaking the game is a reward for mastering a difficult technique.

Megaman X does it better and more easily, but the whole game is designed around you being able to do it freely and easily.

>> No.7789406
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Are you playing this game with a keyboard or something? If not you need to put down the bong

>> No.7789414

Looks like you didn't play Ninja Garden, Bonk, and Mega Man X before Super Metroid.

>> No.7789420

It would be a shark tank if there were some danger involved. Here it just puts you at the bottom of a pit and gives you as much time as you need to figure it out while a bunch of little gremlins show you what to do.

>> No.7789425

Its not unintuitive exactly. The actual mechanism of executing it makes perfect sense. Everyone can do A walljump. Its the timing to do many in a row that's the trick. There's not a lot of leniency in the window and no clear indication in Samus's animation when that window is open.

>> No.7789438

i literally just deleted my save file and started the game over again when i got here and just avoided it completely

>> No.7789447
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>The absolute state of /vr/

>> No.7789451

I doubt playing them would matter. As it's been mentioned up until that point it's never made clear you can wall jump and no previous Metroids had that feature.
>It would be a shark tank if there were some danger involved.
Looking for an exit can get you killed if you gets frustrated trying to figure it out.

>> No.7789452

yes, getting stuck and losing hours you spent to a mechanic you dont actually need to know to beat the game and is still fairly vaguely taught in game and having to quit and restart is a lack of dedication

>> No.7789454

Most gamers would be confused and stuck there for awhile figuring out what to do. It's more alarming all these /vr/ posters claiming to have figured it out instantly on a blind run.

>> No.7789458

>losing hours
how are you this bad at an easy video game

>> No.7789460

almost as if it was a last minuet addition, maybe even the product of a glitch and the devs decided to add that section just in case others figured it out

>> No.7789465

9 year old me wasnt going to spend the time having no fun at all doing that shit. why learn this retarded, poorly taught mechanic for a game that doesnt even need it. i might as well turn the game off and go play something better that makes its mechanics clearly laid out from the start

>> No.7789469

Because I was under 10 years old and its a game about exploration?

>> No.7789472

>everyone has to be a speedrunner and know all secrets of any game ever before they even played it once or else they are bad at video game

>> No.7789475

it would indeed be awful if somebody actually said that

>> No.7789478

There are no other rooms to explore. You're stuck there until you can do it.

>> No.7789485

> still fairly vaguely taught in game
The animals sing the item collection jingle and start wall jumping in front of you. Your own character sprite animates when you try to do it to tell you what the timing is. How much clearer does it have to be? Does a text box need to interrupt the game to tell you exactly what you have to do?

>> No.7789487

Shitendo gayme designers btfo

so much for your "pleb filter" fags

>> No.7789490

>How much clearer does it have to be?
I attempted to bomb jump my way out and I got close.

>> No.7789492

You have to jump a little after you press the opposite direction, it’s easy once you understand how it works, bomb jumping on the other hand can go fuck itself

>> No.7789494
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>> No.7789495

>I doubt playing them would matter.
Then you admit your lack of fundamental knowledge.

>> No.7789496

You can do it with a rocket jump, it's frame perfect though.

>> No.7789504

yeah and child me couldnt do it so i gave up doing something that was no longer fun and played something else or restarted the game and just avoided that place

>> No.7789507

Not him but the walljump in Super Metroid works very differently from those games. In my experience, I have played Mega Man X dozens of times but it still took me a couple hours to figure out Super Metroid's walljump because it's nothing like what I am used to and requires more precise timing.

>> No.7789514

>yeah and child me couldnt do it
like I said, bad at video games. You literally only need to do it once to escape from that room. if you can't manage that in the middle of a tutorial, you probably had better give up.

>> No.7789515

Super Metroid's wall jump does work differently, but that's why it has an ingame tutorial with an NPC demonstrating how to use it. It and the shinespark are the only abilities that do.

>> No.7789517

its still a whole lot of guessing because the animation is not clear that you are even doing it properly, you will get maybe 1 jump, 2 if you are lucky, then after that not. Mega Man X had a very clearly animated "I can do shit on walls" sprite and it made the game so much better and it showed you how to do it much better.

>> No.7789525

Cause thats real difficult to figure out. Press jump over and over.

>> No.7789529

>You literally only need to do it once to escape from that room.
Yeah im so bad at this game that I beat it as a child without ever needing to rely on this one mechanic thats only actually needed in one specific spot because the game traps you in it and can be ignored for the rest of the playthrough. If it was such an important feature, they should have added more sections that required it, but they didnt, which makes it seem like it was a last moment addition cause some dev noticed you could do some sort of wall jumping trickery.

>> No.7789530

That's the space jump.

>> No.7789536

I'm completely aware of that, but sprite animations don't really explain when to press the buttons. It took me quite a few tries to reach the top of that chamber.

>> No.7789541
File: 100 KB, 798x517, super metroid wall jump room.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its still a whole lot of guessing because the animation is not clear that you are even doing it properly, you will get maybe 1 jump, 2 if you are lucky, then after that not.
Fortunately that's all you need to be able to escape.

>> No.7789547

>It took me quite a few tries to reach the top of that chamber.
It was supposed to

>> No.7789548

>I'm so bad at this game that I couldn't learn this one mechanic during its tutorial
Yes. Stop trying to worm out of it and just accept that your child self was too bad at video games to play them.

>> No.7789554

You have severe adhd

>> No.7789557

Oh, well shinespark was a little tricky to figure out how to aim.

Out of everything in Metroid the most cryptic abilities were her special weapon power ups. They were never demonstrated in game and never mentioned in the manual. How was anyone suppose to figure those out?


>> No.7789560

yet somehow bad enough that I could beat everything that actually mattered
stop defending a shitty, poorly thought out mechanic. clearly others think it was shit too and I bet many of them are far better at games then you are

>> No.7789563

The title screen demo shows you how to do it.
It also shows you the crystal flash, but it doesn't indicate that you have to hold the shoulder buttons.

>> No.7789564

>learning shit mechanics is fun

>> No.7789568

>I can't do a mechanic therefore it's shit

>> No.7789572

>i can do a retarded feature a Jap thought was a good idea so its therefor a good mechanic

>> No.7789573

Must have missed that. The Crystal flash power up I would occasionally figure out with many many attempts using a fuck load of wasted bombs.

>> No.7789579

You haven't actually described anything wrong with the mechanic, except that you weren't able to do it. The game is full of opportunities to use it and it's more than adequately explained how to use it. So yeah, it really is just that you're bad. Deal with it.

>> No.7789580

Also shows bomb jumping. To this day I still can't do it.

>> No.7789585

Honestly, bomb jumping is more of a ZM thing. There are typically other and better ways to get somewhere in SM than bomb jumping.

>> No.7789587

Playing Super Metroid the standard route is playing it on easy mode. You don't know the first thing about this game.

>> No.7789593

First time I played it took me like 15min to learn, and I was playing on keyboard. It's not that hard.

>> No.7789601

Those title screen demos with the hidden abilities only show after you beat the game.
It's a neat idea, have a hidden ability, tease it after someone beats the game to encourage replays.
But who the hell watches the title screen demos AFTER beating the game?

>> No.7789610

So which is it? Are we stupid for not figuring it out in 5 minutes or were we supposed to take an hour to figure it out because the mechanic is genius or something?

>> No.7789615

It's just a Nintendo game

>> No.7789619

Super Metroid puts a lot of emphasis on replay value. Maybe for some other games you only play once it doesn't make sense.

>> No.7789687

filtered lmao

>> No.7789859

It shouldn't take long to figure out how to do a single walljump. The game goes out of its way to show you what to do. From there its just practice to do it repeatedly. If that does happen to take a long time then its just an execution problem.

>> No.7789886

>If that does happen to take a long time then its just an execution problem.
Which is exactly what I am talking about. It took me a while to learn how to properly execute it because of the way I had to time my inputs and because it felt awkward to hold the direction away from the wall when I am so used to holding the direction towards the wall to walljump in other games. Samus would often move off of the wall when I press the direction, or I would catch a glimpse of her turning animation but miss the jump. I think having to press away from the wall is the biggest issue for me and the reason I missed the walljumps so much. The aliens don't really teach you how to properly time your presses btw you have to figure that out yourself. The only thing they did was show me that it was possible.

>> No.7789916

Shinobi 3 had an easy to pull off wall jump as well

>> No.7789921

It's very satisfying and easy if you apply. It's my favorite walljump mechanic, it doesn't just stick you to the wall or make you slide, it feels like you're actually climbing and overcoming an obstacle.

>> No.7789923

what is a tutorial gonna do for you?

>"Let's see... it says here 'get good and jump, you faggot'"

Maybe video games aren't for you?

>> No.7789941 [DELETED] 
File: 661 KB, 1920x1080, Steamworld Dig 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know which game has a shit walljump mechanic? This.
Thankfully, you're not required to walljump at all, it's only really used once - in the secret level.
There are some walls you need to cross using this. You have to jump, and time it just right. Goddamn, I spent 2-4 hours trying to cross that one fucking part, and just gave up and completed the game. Fuck this, no secret or ADHD 100% itch is worth this shit.

>> No.7789958
File: 139 KB, 792x522, metroid_64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

filtered lul. up or down will break you out of the spin. make sure to really hit the edges of the dpad. if you're using a shit controller and not a real SNES pad, you're gonna have a bad time.

>> No.7789964

regardless of how easy you think this is: name a game with a harder wall jump mechanic

hard mode: an intentional mechanic, not a wall jump glitch

>> No.7789982

It's supposed to be hard, it's NOT supposed to be something you can just do, you imbecile, you vapid insolent fool. The wall jump in Super Metroid is NOT INTENDED FOR EVERYBODY TO BE ABLE TO DO. WHICH IS WHY THE GAME IS BEATABLE WITHOUT IT, AND WHY AS YOU SEE HERE >>7789541

>> No.7789994

Nintendo is absolutely brilliant. They gave a long tunnel for us to walljump and play around in, and they put an exit in for faggot complaining scrubs so they can piss off forever and not make garbage threads like this.

>> No.7790015

>It's supposed to be hard, it's NOT supposed to be something you can just do, you imbecile, you vapid insolent fool.
I was just asking dude, like out of genuine curiosity

maybe you should switch meds

>> No.7790020

silence feeb

>> No.7790023
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ITT: emulation kiddos unknowingly out themselves by complaining about a mechanic that's balls easy when there isn't any input lag.

>> No.7790026

subsequent metroid games

>> No.7790031

The brilliance of Super Metroid is that it's a game that rewards players for their time spent mastering mechanics and exploring their environments. The game is completely beatable without doing those things, but you're playing it wrong. The game says "ok, play it wrong, you'll be rewarded less", and that's how it is. The wall jump is not supposed to be a default part of your arsenal, it's supposed to be something only for people willing to patiently learn it, so they can be rewarded for that. Just like the whole game, it's a game full of secrets and hidden shit you can only get with patience and being immersed in the game, you can't play it like it's Mega Man or something, well you can, but you're not going to get the full experience that way and likely you'll have a harder time.

>> No.7790039

It's not hard even on emulators, who are you kidding. I never had SNES growing up because I was a Sega - Sony kid and played Super Metroid for the first time on an emulator in the 00s and I still learned it quite quickly.

>> No.7790051


go to 12:17 and look how an 8 years old solve this and tell me again

>> No.7790054

>It's not hard even on emulators
You're truly the god of video games. Unlike all these other plebs.

>> No.7790061

Super Mario 64
Yeah, it's just a single button. But failing a wall jump in Super Mario 64 is way more punishing then Super Metroid.

>> No.7790070

Nintendo is still brilliant with Mario 64s walljump. Fail it and you'll likely fall into lava, but the lava burn launches you up, so even failing your walljump will likely land you where you wanted to be if you aim your assburn

>> No.7790086
File: 2.24 MB, 1104x1104, pipe_dad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

life is all about aiming your assburn.

>> No.7790132

Mr Gimmicks star jump

>> No.7790184

Rabi Ribi

>> No.7790214

Desperately trying to play the zoomer card. Theres tons of NES games that did this mechanic better. Just accept that one can dislike something about a revered game and go outside.

>> No.7790229

zoom zoom

>> No.7790246

just because an ability is harder to perform in one game than another does not make that game worse

>> No.7790306

lits actually pretty well designed if your not deaf or just a faggot desu
listen to the timing of their sounds when they start jumping
thats the timing window you have to hit the dpad in the opposite direction, then jump

always thought that was a really clever method of show dont tell

also literally git gud nigger
im not even that good at SM and i just beat the rotation hack the other day
wall jumping is not that fucking hard