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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 166 KB, 1080x570, Screenshot_20210523-160904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7786603 No.7786603 [Reply] [Original]

The market is inflated as hell right now and everyone knows it. It's looking like the USA might go back to normal over the summer, so let's post some of the most hilariously insane hyper inflated games you can find.
List their value before the American State of Emergency was declared (February 2020 since that happened in March) and compare it to the present value.
Clock Tower 2 complete in box for PlayStation 1:
$120 to $401
>Retro shop owners will tell you this isn't due to the emergency but in fact the real market value that was previously under valued
Completely insane. Think about that.

>> No.7786616
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Chulip complete in box for PlayStation 2:
$62 to $249

>> No.7786662

lol i paid like 25 cad for this shit

>> No.7786676

25? Back in 2007 that game was 9.99. All these trash games costing a fortune now is hilarious. Fuck retro culture, fuck millennials. fuck fat people.

>> No.7786687

Based. Fuck coomlectors.

>> No.7786708

1) Pent up demand, people haven't been spending much on their hobbies and are now coming back and driving prices up because you can't just produce more retro games
2) Connected to 1), people blowing their stimmy checks
3) A lot of these prices are straight up fake as fuck, they just buy shit from themselves in order to make their batshit insane prices look legit and hopefully trick a dumbass or two into paying those prices. The retro game collecting craze had been, at least partially, dying down a bit for a while now and a lot of people who hoarded a bunch of games to resell suddenly saw their inventory value drop, if it drops again and they start getting desperate I expect to see other shenanigans like this in the future.

>> No.7786838

Faggot's Law: If you ever spend on a game more than 1/10 of the price of the best flash cart or mod chip available for a system, you should suck a cock instead.

>> No.7786861

5Below had these for 5$ new around like 2013. Bought myself a copy, but damn I wish i had been a dirty scalper and just snagged their entire inventory. That place use to get a lot of niche PS2 stuff in back then.

>> No.7786869

I have been hoard'n duplicates I find on the cheap, but only with the mindset of being able to try and trade them for stuff I want. Unfortunately, cons are the only place this will probably be possible to do unless I meet some people I know who want to trade some stuff.

>> No.7787023

You have no idea how envious I am that's like my favorite game
I would gladly hoard copies

>> No.7787335

>might go back to normal
nothing will ever drop in price because it costs nothing to hang on to a cart you idiot

look at your graph, when did anything ever go down? never

>> No.7787340

>but in fact the real market value that was previously under valued
wasn't it?

come the fuck on, people were selling this shit for pennies at yard sales and flea markets. these are games they spent anywhere from $40-70 brand new and they were selling them for $5. they were thought to be junk. now everybody knows that thousands of people are looking for these games, everybody can look up what people pay for each game. Why on earth do you expect people to give up games they spent $50 on to you for sucker prices when six other people have their eye on the same cart?

>> No.7787341

This. Retro video game prices never decreases, its value is infinite, like real estate and bitcoins.

>> No.7787351

I don't expect them to sell for sucker prices but I do expect them to give me a better deal than what I would find online. If you're just going to give me ebay prices then why the fuck would I even bother leaving my house?

>> No.7787394

draw a 40 year trend line for real estate i dare you

but "crypto" will soon be illegal, china took out 60% of the global hash rate and now they have a 1-800 type number to snitch on miners for a reward

>> No.7787401

I believe that anon was being sarcastic. Either that or he's a complete idiot.

>> No.7787426
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>> No.7787431

>crypto will be illegal

What a fuckin moron you are, blockchain tech is gonna be used you numbnuts, fuckin boomer doesn't know shit about crypto outside of hash rates and mining.

>> No.7787432

Welcome to today's edition of Rotting Plastic Costs More Than It Did Yesterday.

>> No.7787449

>blockchain tech is gonna be used
why? it's so much extra work, just cryptographically sign each transaction as you go

shit you gotta do this with "blockchain" anyhow, why not just store the public key as part of the metadata? we already do this, it's how the SWIFT system works

>> No.7787464

not him but when did it ever go down in value?

it's like babe ruth rookie tobacco / baseball cards, they never went down in value

>> No.7787473

why is it that you need to go out of your way to identify yourself every time you post with this keyword? don't be a fag, the exterior casing could crumble over the next 120+ years but maybe not, I have several solid Bakelite items over 100 years old which are strong and hale even today.

Disc rot is a meme too. Nothing's "rotting" and if there's any complaint it's that batteries run dry or discs have been abused on the top layer, which for older games usually had no protective layer like a modern blu-ray or now DVD does

>> No.7787483

>He's thinks his Nintendies are made of Bakelite

Oh my.

>> No.7787492

>he thinks old videogames won't outlive them
kek, keep coping.

>> No.7787509

The games might. Your personal copy of them? Nope.


That why the price keeps increasing.

>> No.7787516

There are corrections, but long term the trend is clear.

All those have infinite and ever growing demand, with a finite and ever decreasing supply.

There are high and lows, but in a long enough timeframe its constant increase in price is a mathematical certainty.

>> No.7787524

lol falling for memes? Really? Do poor people do this to cope or is it just to be retarded? What is it?

>> No.7787527

???? My 1985 music cds are still mint. Please tell me how a game disc made to better standards will fail? Don't reply, I won't read it.

>> No.7787532

>look, this brand new sealed game is expensive
God you people are retarded

>> No.7787537

kinda like lydian gold coins

damn in the 1990s i had a chance to buy a papered one for like $5500, these days they will run you $250k

>> No.7787548

brothers in arms, sealed first print on silver center philips media, in the long box, will cost you $200 or more now, last time I checked was 2 years ago because I have one

>> No.7787570

it's all just whatever plastic fits the bill

>> No.7787591

NES stuff has gone down in value, but not to pre-craze prices. Certain stuff stays expensive, but the stuff between the top value and cheap shit has mellow'd out.

>> No.7787595

And long term durability wasn't a requirement in the plastic used by console manufacturers, flame retardent was. Henceforth, plastic rot AKA yellowing and brittleness.

>> No.7787753

Retro games are already lowering a little bit. It likely won't go as low as pre-covid days but it will drop significantly.

>> No.7787770

But once I have the flashcart, I need roms to put on it. Bet you didn’t think of that, dumbass.

>> No.7787774

That’s why everyone is glad that you don’t have them.

>> No.7787904

>nothing will ever drop in price because it costs nothing to hang on to a cart you idiot
o im laughin

>> No.7787908

I'm expecting 1.5 times Feb2020 prices instead of 4 times

>> No.7787915

this is what happens when the govt gives people that live in their parents basement free money

>> No.7787918

>NES stuff has gone down in value
cite realized values or btfo

still haven't seen a cartridge rot
caps and stuff can be replaced

>> No.7787924

well it's a simple calculation, do you need to flip all the time to fund your hobby or are you content to sink some long term dollars?

>> No.7787946

and zoomies never went through the atari boom/bust in the 2000s. yes, atari shit actually got pretty expensive. somethings don't go down much though. Home computers have always had a steady climb (commodore, atari, apple II). amiga somewhat. what's gotten fucking insane is handhelds. Fucking vitas, psps, and game boys have 3-5x in past year. some of it is the mods they've come out with but shits crazy. a gameboy color is like $50 right now. maybe it's the ninendo switch bringing back handheld nostalgia

>> No.7787973
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>> No.7787975

Description is hilarious too.
>competitively priced

>> No.7787976
File: 156 KB, 2048x1536, F61258E4-B567-4DA0-B2C2-F2759EFC75A4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to post the image. Sorry

>> No.7787979
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>> No.7787981
File: 66 KB, 572x439, economics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw government prints money and hands it to coomlectors but retro games have been out of print for decades

>> No.7787989

I'm am emufag but these threads fascinate me. Do absurdly overpriced games like this ever actually get bought, or does it just end up a stalemate where people refuse to buy overpriced shit, and sellers refuse to lower their prices because they think they'll eventually get a sucker?

>> No.7788007
File: 2.47 MB, 2048x1536, 960D80B2-8B06-4833-9B19-E849FE1BCE01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive seen shit sit on ebay for years. This copy of Dracula X has been on eBay for 2 years now.

>> No.7788209

Based comrade pooh

>> No.7788225

the smart ones wouldnt give a shit, but seeing as companies are doing new AES carts now and ChiSNK's want to whore out their IPs as much as they can, I would rub my fat tummy and get a real kick out of AES "investors" go into a mental breakdown state if they ever started producing reprints of AES carts.

>> No.7788232

Defending a game bring 750 makes you the only mentally deficient one, boyo, sure you got some boots to lick somewhere

>> No.7788312

ITT entitled crybabies who think they deserve to play games they can't afford

>> No.7788327

That version is garbage compared to the PCE version.

>> No.7788345

Actually, the polymers used to make consumer goods like these, especially in electronics, tends to be of very cheap and low quality. Minimal refining leaves behind trace amounts of precursors and excess plasticizers that degrade the polymer in question pretty quickly, leaving a shelf-life of between 10-50 years, depending.
Consumer electronics components are also built down to a price. Sub-par silicon and electrolyte for example.

These companies didn't create these products for longevity.

>> No.7788368
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>> No.7788385
File: 176 KB, 1209x554, goldeneyepog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf pandemicbros how am I gonna get my goldeneye pog now??

>> No.7788389

Mine too, if it's any consolation I know I would've sold them way before it was worth this kind of money but I think about it a lot.

>> No.7788412
File: 601 KB, 1936x1452, Photo_2021-05-24_12-08-03_AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God DAMN if feels good to be a gangster who bought everything at thrift stores and yardsales 11 years ago

>> No.7788425


Fuck off retard. We have shit that's 40 years old and works fine

>> No.7788432
File: 586 KB, 3120x1582, 20210523_180124-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7788475

It's going to die soon. It's already starting to die. It's impossible to avoid. Take a Sega Genesis for example. It was sold for less than $300 when it came out. In order to meet that price, Sega needed to skimp on all kinds of costs. Even the silicon used in the 68K clone CPU made by whoever. The standards on the metallic layers of that chip were far lower than on something designed for robust quality. THUS you get a lot of bleeding and other issues that, over time, damages the metal oxides and silicon substrates and other shit. ESPECIALLY with the caps and resistors and diodes losing their spec and letting power flux enter the chip more dirty than it should be.

Consumer goods are trash and disposable after the 1970s or so. Nobody in a corporation wants you to possess a media title or the means to play it for long periods of time because they can't sell you "upgraded" replacements to these things as fast.

>> No.7788482

I've never encountered a Sega Genesis that didn't just work

>> No.7788764

>systems: 59
spare parts?

>> No.7788781

>I haven't seen it

More anecdata to add to the pile cope.

>> No.7788826
File: 190 KB, 1280x960, E4A91F9E-B24F-4125-B089-73B1CD6C524F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can’t go by what people are asking. Search the REALIZED prices to know what people ACTUALLY pay, idiot. Fucking zoomer retards, I swear.

>> No.7788831


39 unique platforms. I mainly have extra handhelds, like multiple DS and gameboys people have given over the years.

>> No.7788842

damn, so you got all the gen 2 and gen 5 consoles as well huh?
you must have a lot of room

>> No.7788879
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HAHAHAHAHAHA no fucking way I got this game for 1$ leaf bucks at liquidation world back in 2000 or something still got the thing

>> No.7788889

You paid the appropriate price, the game sucks

>> No.7788895

yeah its shit you use the analog stick as a mouse its a point and click game from what I remember only played it once

>> No.7788903

>loose carts
ok, so 1100 dollar for cib is realistic

>> No.7788908

a lot of it is also social media induced fomo. like you can be a true fan of a game only if you own a physical copy of it.

>> No.7789036

Please move all reseller-scum-threads to /v/ or /biz/.

>> No.7789248

I'll sell you my copy of suikoden 2 with original jewel case and instruction booklet for $2000.

>> No.7789365

>Didn't bitch about the PE2 thread that's been up for days
Threads are advertisements now. Deal with it.

>> No.7789374
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>> No.7789390

>i just want to play the game
>i just want to play the game on original hardware
Flash Carts/Mod Chips.

If you don't already have these games from your childhood, the above two options will have you 100% covered for actually playing and enjoying the games. If you wish to "collect" the games, then you're going to have to pay the hoarder tax as you should.

>> No.7789408


>> No.7789456

Why the fuck are you fags so obsessed with collecting when you can download every game for free

>> No.7790164

Yeah that’s a reasonable price for a fake cart. Which it is.

>> No.7790172

Why do people want Mickey mantle baseball cards when you can look at photos of him for free? Why do you complain in threads like this if you’re happy to emulate?

>> No.7790198

>It's looking like the USA might go back to normal over the summer

Too many people buying at those prices to ever fall down to original levels again. In market graphs we call that "resistance". The Youtubers will keep them pumped after that....supply and demand.

>> No.7790391

Because I like having stuff.

>> No.7790427

>750+ to place something on a shelf and never play


>> No.7790452

I'll never understand this, nothing wrong with wanting to buy shit to decorate your shelves but if that's all you want why not just buying the far cheaper JP versions?

>> No.7790608

I swear to God this entire board is too young to have ever seen any kind of economic bubble in any shape or form.

>> No.7790795

>implying we don't play our games

>> No.7790858

You act as if price resistance never breaks.

>> No.7790860

If they want to go through the high risk, low reward method of buying some potentially busted game after waiting days or weeks for delivery, that's their problem.

>> No.7790934

The most I ever spent on a game was $125 for Project Justice. That game was always overpriced though, even back in 2014 it was around $75 on Ebay. Just over $100 is my limit and even then I have to REALLY want the game. But yes, there are people that buy at these ludicrously expensive prices. There are still people buying Panzer Dragoon Saga and Snatcher despite them being multi hundreds of dollars.

>> No.7790942

do the sd card mod on your PS2, don't buy shit

>> No.7790948

God I hate casualfags. You can emulate, I really don't care, but criticising people who have a deep enough interest in gaming to actually want to own these games is nonsensical.

>> No.7790950

>The most I ever spent on a game was $125 for Project Justice
Based taste. I remember getting Rival School on the PS1 for like $25 years ago and loving everything about it. Sad the us never got that cool SoL board game mode.

>> No.7790970

Instead of bitching about inflation this board should be taking about how to get the best deals online for retro shit.

I got my tricks for ebay. What do you all do?

>> No.7791305

For a bubble to occur in retro video games, the majority of the buyers must be buying now to sell in the future at a higher price and obtain a profit. We all know that is clearly not the case, in fact hoarding, nostalgia, and Youtube hype is driving these prices up. Governments are printing money right now so they can do it. Charts are on my side, you are speculating.

There is no new supply entering the market. Demand and hoarders will inevitably keep the price up above pre-Covid levels.

>> No.7791315

I'm just waiting for some collectorfag troons to off themselves so I can catch their parents selling off their entire collections for pennies.

>> No.7791328

>entire collections for pennies.

Those days are gone, a quick Google search and Ebay will inform them of the obscene money they can make from that plastic now.

>> No.7791334

It's rarer for sure but it still happens.

>> No.7791356

I don't think prices are going down but if they do I would gladly buy some games.

>> No.7791396

But it's "rare!"

>> No.7791457

>being a consumer makes you a non-casual

>> No.7791495

I know what I have. Buy it or move on.

>> No.7791584

Why would you pay 700+ to buy a sealed game vs buying an already open game?

>> No.7791593


>> No.7791597

I hate cunts who do this and don't list the price. If you "know" list the damn price or open an auction.

>> No.7791614
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>> No.7791828

I take it back. I'm actually just a dumb retard who didn't see that it was sealed. Nobody buys sealed games to play.

>> No.7792487

Read the post.

>> No.7792852

>Why do people have standards
Good genes and upbringing

>> No.7792859

>consuming stuffs aimed at kids

>> No.7792931

What the fuck happened to make literally every fucking thing so expensive? Even gay shit like pokemon cards exploded in popularity and you literally can't find them in places. Same with the PS5 and XSex. GPUs too. FUCK.

>> No.7792949

the internet and eceleb faggots happened

>> No.7792959

true, but with that has also been the influx of Mods, ODE's and Flash cards which is pretty great

>> No.7792978

fuck I miss when games would go down in price with time. You could get to explore a consoles library on your own and pick out the games you really like and play them as much as you want. Now its like every thing is $60 at launch and only goes up. If its shit it may go down to $30. Back in the day I could impulse buy like crazy games worth $5, but now there is a $20 minimum just to pay for shipping since all the used game stores near me are closed. Occasionally you get lucky at a Goodwill or Thrift store, but usually its catalogue is just spammed with sports games.

>> No.7792985

It’s still that way though? A lot of great games from the ps2 all the way up to the ps4 can be had for 15 bucks or less? Are you angry that 30 year old Sega genesis shoot em ups aren’t 5 dollars anymore? What games are you exactly frustrated about?

>> No.7792994
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>> No.7793000

so his problem is just MAME
I don't blame him honestly

>> No.7793029

I did, it sucked

>> No.7793663

yea his window is off. plenty of 360 stuff and some ps3 are still cheap. Go on gamestop and order by price. AAA/AA titles for XBONE and ps4 from 3 -5 years ago are $4.99 with free shipping on large orders.

>> No.7793871

We don’t cotton to freaks around here

>> No.7793914

I like the market. I sold a psx game the other day for $650, and ordered FX Pak Pro, Mega Everdrive, and Everdrive 64 x7 with the money.

>> No.7794154
File: 133 KB, 843x1147, 178536792_10165346858775051_7572073132242798503_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Antique Dealer here, I've specialized in many different categories over the years- I'm not sure if this helps or not but here goes.

My dad collected antique furniture and early electronics in the 1980's-early 2000's. At the time the market was insane, prices were going up as his generation were buying their childhood toys and memories, fighting each other for items that "were becoming rarer every day".

What eventually happened was that his generation slowed down their collecting habit and prices stagnated, then dropped. Then continued dropping for 20+ years, as supply was far greater than demand. Items people thought were rare came up in large amounts as the hoarders and speculators died off or dumped their stock. When prices were rising this seemed impossible as so much was off the market.

I already see NES games dropping in value (minus sealed/boxed/graded items) and believe despite youtube/speculators the market will eventually have to drop. That doesn't mean they won't go up another 5+ years, it doesn't mean that prices won't continue to rise and youtube won't help prices, but it does mean that the younger generations will not care.

Imagine trying to sell an Atari system to a zoomer, they are not going to have the same experience as someone who grew up with it. The same goes with NES. SNES, and eventually XBOX etc.

>> No.7794293

I'm really considering selling most of my collection. I bought 95% of it in the late 2000s to early 2010s so I'll turn a profit I guess. A lot of it is nostalgic for me, but it's all sitting in boxes right now because I haven't had a desire to play anything in years and I don't want it to get stolen

>> No.7794520

>"look how inflated"

fucking autist

>> No.7794559

Slug one was sold less than a day.

>> No.7794569


>> No.7794695

isn't this the bad one?

>> No.7794752

It's a side story not meant to be a sequel.

>> No.7794761

Post fat tummy please

>> No.7794812
File: 1023 KB, 2862x2065, My retro collection so-far.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno but here are all the retro game purchases I've made in the last year let me know what ya think.

>> No.7794815

I'm a millennial. I hate millennials.

>> No.7794816

Yes. One of the worst horror games ever.

>> No.7794821

Very nice. What would you recommend for an N64 flashcart?

>> No.7794828


>> No.7794876

ED64 and Chinkshit flashcarts work fine, but if you insist on Animal Forest being fully-playable without compromise you'll want the newest Everdrive64 with built-in RTC.

>> No.7794886

I don't get how these games and such keep going up in value when one day they're all going to eventually die from disc and data rot on discs and cartridges.

>> No.7794898

I hate to spend around $180 after taxes to get that cart though. Also hate how they made a GIANT powergap between the X5 and X7 for the sake of getting people to pay more for the x7. Like why can't I buy a "x6" for like $120 that includes everything the x7 has, expect for the dev tool feature.

>> No.7794902

Also just FYI I don't think the English translation of Animal Forest works at-all on any flashcart, only made for emulators and specialized repro carts.

>> No.7794917

Honestly I would just play the translated AC:e+ version that came out last year at that point. Side note: What SNES Everdrive version is the best?

>> No.7794928

I will never understand people who convinced themselves that retro games prices can only go up just because supply either stays the same or goes down. You know demand can very easily go down too right? These people are severely underestimating the capacity for a lot of people to just stop caring about this some years from now. There is not a single asset on this earth whose price can only go up and believing so only makes you delusional.

>> No.7794943

Yeah, I love and support the work Krikzz does but I'm not ready to make that kind of investment even if it means saving money on more expensive N64 games in the long term. But hey I guess it's still cheaper than buying a DoctorV64 which as far to my knowledge was the only alternative until the late-2000's/early-2010's.

SD2SNES (AKA FXPak Pro because they had to change the name due to copyright faggotry involving the SD card brand). Do not get a Super Everdrive or any of its derivatives or you'll be severely-compromising ROM compatibility (no Super FX games, Super Mario RPG, or Kirby Super Star for example).

>> No.7794947

See >>7787516

>> No.7794958
File: 2.40 MB, 854x480, watchv=f0AOzKwStM0-[42.15.400-42.27.934].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine trying to sell an Atari system to a zoomer
>he doesn't know

>> No.7794961

You can't just say the demand for retro games will keep growing forever and act like that's axiomatic, that's just pure delusion.

>> No.7794974

I paid $80 Canadabux for my copy of Earthbound in December 2010. At the time I thought it was a huge ripoff, and my roommates mocked me endlessly for it ("$80? I could have bought 80 SNES games for that!") but in retrospect it seems like a huge bargain. Prices went up a little bit over the next 2 years after I bought it, but were stagnant for a long time until the pandemic. That's when I started seeing loose carts go for $400 easily.

The prices of a lot of games fell, in real terms, between about 2012 and early 2020. I know the going rate for a copy of Earthbound was around $180 for the longest time. But $180 in 2012 was worth more than $180 in 2020.

Anyways you're a retard, but for other reasons.

They probably have it lying around and play it occasionally and are in no hurry to sell. If someone wants to buy for that insane price, great, but otherwise they're probably content to hold on.

>> No.7794976

As the same poster for both comments, thanks for the feedback! I don't have a SNES yet due to how expensive they are for now, but I did get a N64 from the goodwill website for $75 and it seems to work fine. So now it becomes a waiting game in regards to sales and pandemic price drops.

>> No.7794983

Unironically today's kids will probably be more receptive towards retro games in the future due to being used to playing phone games with simple gameplay mechanics like infinite runners and such. Put a zoomie playing Mario or whatever and they'll instantly get it while a lot of 20 something fags will complain about lives being outdated game design or whatever.

>> No.7794997

because the zoomies on this board have never seen it happen. They really think snes games will be $60 for the next 2 decades. as the other poster said, it's already happened to atari/2nd gen shit and NES is close behind it. No, you probably won't get to buy super mario bros for 29 cents again or have people just give you their megaman collection but they're not going to be $10-30 like a few years ago. It will go down but not for a long time. Not until millennials lose interest and they're in the peak career and peak consuming phase right now.

I'm more curious about the digital distribution wall. at some point everything will be digital and theres really not going to be a secondary market.

>> No.7795004

>pandemic price drops

I'm sorry anon, but uh... >>7787516

Just take your time and save up, if nothing else you can get a Super NT with a real SNES controller to go with it, which might even make getting a flashcart redundant (you can mod it to play SNES roms natively iirc).

>> No.7795021

Well I already have an NES mini if I want to play rom files. I've just always wanted my own SNES since it is so cool. I also found Super Metroid, Star Fox, Megaman X for $5 each at a Pennywise last winter and got SMW and the All Star Collection for $30, so I have a nice little library already.

>> No.7795023

The market for antiques has absolutely cratered over the past 20 years. I bought a solid cherry dining set from the 1920s and paid $800 for it. The person I bought it from said that her father had dropped something insane for it, like $12k in the 1980s. She couldn't even get rid of it, and was losing money every month just storing the set.

I strongly suspect that the market for muscle cars is going to crater in the next 10 years, as Gen Xers buy up all the 1980s European exotics and Millenials look to re-create Initial D.

>> No.7795065

Fair enough. Point of getting a SuperNT as opposed to any other clone or emulation box is it's a perfect replica of SNES hardware that should play fine on a CRT. But honestly if you were going that route you might as well go full-on FPGA MISTer.

>> No.7795105

>download a game for free
>be surprised there's in-app charges
I did not sign up for this bros

>> No.7795216

Never heard of the SuperNT before, but hot damn that is expensive. Granted like you said it is a perfect copy of the SNES and plays roms, but it is way expensive for something play plays 80's and 90's games only. By that last part I just mean that you buy a Switch Lite for that price.

>> No.7795229

Don't even worry about it. When you get older you'll have more shit in your house and no room, maybe a family. Just get a flashcart

>> No.7795236

It is, and you'd likely be better-off just getting a used SNES but if it's not already clear by now the retro coomlector price bubble is only going to get worse. There may come a time where a real SNES costs just as much as a SuperNT and you'll also have to worry about SNES CPU cancer

>> No.7795249


>> No.7795312

>and you'll also have to worry about SNES CPU cancer
That is the main reason too why I haven't bought a SNES too. I heard that the first shipments made have a cheap CPU and that those units are starting to degrade.

>> No.7795323

Blame Gamestop stocks and crypto. A bunch of nerds in their twenties became millionaires this year. Game prices are never recovering.

>> No.7795324

This, fuck reddit

>> No.7795339

If you are worried about SNES CPU cancer, just get a 1-chip one if you can find one, like the SNES Jr, it will do the job just fine. However, those ones are more expensive than any 2-chip ones in most cases.

>> No.7795341

meant for >>7795312

>> No.7795348

I thought people never sold, or if they did they made a "couple" thousand dollars.

>> No.7795350

>when you're really ass blasted about something and you want to post to display your ass burnination but you're not smart enough to conceal that it's just sour grapes

>> No.7795363

Never really thought the Snes Jr was was worth it since I heard people say the picture quality wasn't as good or it removed some good features. But I'll keep an eye out for one now of they are more "futureproof" than the OG one.

>> No.7795401

One day you're gonna die too, why not buy something you really want now?

>> No.7795409
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>All those have infinite and ever growing demand, with a finite and ever decreasing supply.

>> No.7795417

I got it for free

>> No.7795454
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Antique Dealer here again if anyone has any questions. I am not primarily a video game dealer, I just find massive quantities of them through work.

Happy to answer any questions, also I still believe that the market will drop (again, this can take decades but it will happen).

>> No.7795473

Really? In my case, they say that the picture quality is better than it's previous versions, it just has RGB disabled and it needs a mod to restore it, and even the composite signal is pretty solid in mine

>> No.7795476

Why has the market never dropped for baseball cards?

>> No.7795480

Could of been people just memeing me just because it isn't the exact original. I may spend like $40 on one if I can, cause anything more than that would feel like a I'm overpaying.

>> No.7795496

some shit will drop back down, but not too much. people returning to work will create a drop in demand but the coomlectors were there before and will remain.

pokemon specifically is fucked forever. i think it may actually get worse than this.

>> No.7795505

Honestly fuck paying for those and just emulate or flashcard them.

>> No.7795519

i already own them, but i feel bad for people who in the future who want to play gens 1-3 and connect them with super gameboy, the gbp, pokemon stadium/colosseum/XD. people are buying a set and posting them on reddit for upboats or believing it to be an investment.

>> No.7795524
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Antique Dealer here, looking forward to additional questions.

>Why has the market never dropped for baseball cards?

That isn't quite true, there was a huge correction for sports cards in the 1990s- my dad has a friend who owned a sports/card store and no joke, closed it when his 10 year old son asked for $500 to buy a hockey card. He realized the market was beginning to go nuts and would crash, sold it all before which was very good timing.

I think quality, Americana/Iconic baseball cards in excellent graded condition will go up as investments, but the vast majority of cards are worthless. If you have something that could be argued to be a piece of history it will retain some value and is being kept as a investment. When you see people buying cards on youtube they are only going for the best ones to grade, usually.

Any more questions?

>> No.7795528

Defends 750 dollar ps1 game, calls other people autistic.

Do you need directions to the testing center?

>> No.7795574

>there was a huge correction for sports cards in the 1990s
And now? Exactly.

You'll never get those cheap games buddy. Never. Ya blew it.

>> No.7795602
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> You'll never get those cheap games buddy. Never. Ya blew it.

That's not how markets work. You are correct in saying that the cheap prices seen 10+ years ago for games are not returning anytime soon- you are incorrect in assuming that they will not go down. It just may take a very long time.

>> No.7795603

you are way too worried about a damn snes. they are brick shithouses. If you're that worried buy two. you can get a super famicom with two controllers shipped from japan for $40 right now. I have literally never seen one with a CPU failure and I have a box of 20 in my attic at 120 F and i bet every one will fire up if i blow in the slot. those were first generation CPUs and the american one launched a year later than japan. There's probably not many if any that have that issue in north america. There's like 6 major revisions of that console besides muh 1-chip and muh jr. Why are you so worried about this? You have no idea what a finnicky console or system is. Neogeos with fucked vram, C64s that self destruct their proprietary chips, bad motors and cables in the virtual boy, that god awful 50 pin connector on the white pce engine. Nintendo made fucking kids toys, they're for children to throw around the room and piss and shit on and never stop working. you can't break them. you watch too much damn youtube just buy some shit and learn how to repair it god dammit.

>> No.7795624

I believe the novelty a video game is much different than say a piece of furniture or a baseball card, the video game itself can be played and enjoyed as an art form that it is, forever preserved as the version it was released as in addition to the collection value of the former examples.

It's much more complicated to make an apples to apples comparison as a result.

>> No.7795625

I fucking hate how expensive gamecube stuff is right now, its enough to almost make me cry myself to sleep every night. Why the fuck is it so expensive? Is it cause the kids who grew up with gamecube are buying all this shit back cause muh nostalgia and the lockdown?

>> No.7795642

>Never really thought the Snes Jr was worth it

The Snes Jr is widely considered by many to be the epitome of original SNES revisions when properly modded to restore S-video and RGB. The board revision also removed alot of cross talk by properly routing power lanes further from the video signal lanes. Even composhit looks good on it.

>> No.7795707
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>I believe the novelty a video game is much different
>It's much more complicated to make an apples to apples comparison as a result.

This is true, video games and furniture are nothing alike. That being said the main principles of business, speculation, the market etc remain the same.

What I think will happen is that the graded, sealed, perfect top of the line specimens will increase in value, and will be speculated on for a long time by rich collectors and others looking to make money, long after the decrease in Millennials collecting.

What people forget is the vast majority of video games will eventually drop/crash- the loose, not mint, even mint or graded but common items that may not be desirable cannot sustain/continue the current values. At some point something will give, and a lot of speculators will get hit. That does not mean that prices will not increase in the short term though.

> the video game itself can be played and enjoyed as an art form that it is, forever preserved as the version it was released as in addition to the collection value of the former examples

True as well, although how many people are buying them in box and not playing but worshiping, A lot of younger people can get the emulator for free, or get a SNES classic/ knock off that you can play with a friend on your TV.

A good example I can think of is Japanese Robots from the 1950's-1970's. After WW2 Japan was ashes and a lot of kids worked in factories making toys for American children overseas. In the 1980's many of these kids became Salary-men/businessmen, and had cash to blow, spending $1000-10000 on these robots. As they got older/Japans bubble burst, and the "Boomer robots" dropped significantly in value. The absolute best ones of course are very valuable as only the rich can afford them anyway.

>> No.7795724

>doesn't see the irony in crying and fedora tipping about not being able to afford stuffs aimed at kids
lmao what a faggot

>> No.7795762
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They were meant to be played with the Playstation mouse, but practically no one had those awful things

>> No.7795770
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Is anyone even actually buying this shit? Because I swear those $800+ copies of Rayearth I've been seeing on ebay have been sitting there forever. It feels like the only ones buying anything are the retard scalpers hoping to scalp them to other scalpers.

>> No.7795837

What I don't buy about people aging and dying out of collectibles is that like others have said people still play these games. People play games from before they were born. I actually think people being able to play games in emulators feeds and grows the market instead of shrinking it because people know exactly what they are buying. More people are exposed and interest and demand increases. Video games are one of the premiere entertainment mediums of today and will only continue to grow in the future. Comparing them to bygone trends like toys and baseball cards is not even close. The main problem with the video game market is that there is no rarity or fragility like is found in other collectibles. If a game is popular it sells well so there is enough supply to meet the demand. Even "rare", poor selling games that turn out to be good and have a demand still have thousands of good quality copies.

I don't even think the vintage video game market is due for a crash or a spike. I don't think anyone can predict that. I just don't think it's a fair comparison to a lot of other collectibles that have crashed. The video game market could crash but it wont be for any of the reasons you gave, ie. people getting old and dying.

>> No.7795839

Playing and collecting are two very different things. And with emulations and optical drive emulators only getting better there's just not a need to COLLECT.

>> No.7795876

I liked Bates. He seemed cool

>> No.7795882

1200+ you mean

>> No.7795885

There has never been a need to collect, ever. The better the emulation the more people play. The more people play the more people collect. Piracy leads to people buying things. It's free marketing.

>> No.7795892

>That's not how markets work.
Is so, plot the long term prices of baseball cards

>> No.7795951
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Has it gone up that much? Last time I looked a while ago. Fuck almighty. When I picked up my copy in like, 2001 or some shit I paid 80 bucks for it. Which at the time I thought was expensive. I love the game and series but fucking shit, man.

>> No.7795973

why do i want to punch this child?

>> No.7795989

>needs modding for s vid and rgb

>> No.7795991

you are a broken individual

>> No.7796020

weirdly based

>> No.7796032
File: 120 KB, 600x400, Sega-CD-Games.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What I don't buy about people aging and dying out of collectibles is that like others have said people still play these games.

I actually agree with you on all these points, Video games are nothing like collectables before them, and you are right about retro emulation sparking interest. We will have to wait and see for the spike/crash, whenever that is.

What I find funny is this:

>Even "rare", poor selling games that turn out to be good and have a demand still have thousands of good quality copies.

"Rare" basically means, "in high demand." I have had some one of a kind, super rare antiques, and they were hard to sell or didn't sell at all. For something to be considered rare, it basically has to be something many people want but cannot find. There are lots of one of a kind 500-8000+ year old artifacts that aren't even worth $100. A rare game like Snatcher for Sega CD isn't that rare compared to a lot of the antiques I find weekly, but it doesn't matter because Snatcher can be basically sold instantly.

>Found Lunar and Poplar Mail, for free with another 100+ Japanese games, couldn't believe what they sold for
>enjoyed playing them for a bit at least

>> No.7796058

except most people suck ass at emulating shit and inevitably run into issues and ODEs rely on actual hardware not dying

>> No.7796323
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>Aliexpress flashcarts
I'll give you a pass for the Shitzz Genesis everdrive, and I'd recommend the EZ Flash Jr and Omega definitive for GB and GBA respectively, but overall, pretty fucking based

>> No.7796328

Thank fuck my friend gave me his instead of paying scalpers

>> No.7796380

Check the sold listing. People have bought them at $1,000 consistently multiple times this month. You'll see a lot of people coping with the $30 Japanese version they won't understand too though.

>> No.7796528

Dumbass, you felt for a fud regarding a ban that has been in place since 2017.

Second, crypto being illegal wouldn't stop crypto

>> No.7796553

That Shitzz Everdrive is pretty based if your Sega CD broke like mine did though.

>> No.7796619

might as well use an emulator at that point

>> No.7796626

>Why do people want Mickey mantle baseball cards when you can look at photos of him for free?
Because people are dumb?

>> No.7796665

Ironically disco is 'cool' again because people can show how woke they are for liking gay-blackpeople music.

>> No.7796763

Another day another retarded coomlector complaining about prices thread

>> No.7798729
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Meanwhile, pre-crash stuff continues to decline in value (with a few exceptions like Vectrex). This era is the best way to satisfy the need for shit to put on a shelf, leaving the inflated Jap stuff to emulation.

Sealed titles that would be 100s-1000s on a weeb console are basically given away by comparison from this era.

>> No.7798895

When will prices skyrocket on the Wii/PS3 generation?

>> No.7798917

i hope you enjoy it. im not interested in playing those games

i wonder how many people on here are buying old games because they regret selling them to eb-games back in the day and want to play them again without emulation.

and how many people want a complete set of something for a gamer shelf subreddit or because they think theyre an "investment"

>> No.7798937
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And I had wanted it, but $77 was too much.

>> No.7799021

very select games

the wii was mostly shovelware, and the ps360 was mostly psuedo-shovelware (dark sector, haze, hears of war, time shift, resistance, syndicate, kane and lynch, fracture, mindjack, there were dozens).

as far as wii games go i think the predictable shit will be collectable. mario kart, smash, galaxy (2), super paper mario, kirbys epic yarn, and some more. some are already collectable, a month ago i found out my copy of rhythm heaven was still sealed and sold it for 100 bucks. but the amount of hot titles will be fewer than the gamecube, definitely.

as for ps360, a lot of games got ported immediately to next gen systems, and a lot were released on steam, where they still remain. and this was the gen that normalized "broken, unfinished, buggy games requiring patches via the internet", which will make a lot of said games not hold onto their value. and people who are willing to pirate patches and dlc for said games will be left asking themselves why the fuck they dont just pirate the whole game.

very little will be worthwhile. maybe cave shooters on 360, the original nier, 3d dot game heroes, tokyo jungle....who knows. im not sure if ps360 nostalgia will ever be valuable, because a lot of it is based on disposable temporary experiences in online games that have little to no worth today. i made sure to buy a copy of dark souls PTDE from the UK so i still have access to the original dark souls game on ps3 in case i need to replace my system in the future and dlc/patch servers are taken down by sony (again).

>> No.7799164
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>The market is inflated
I don't think it's ever going back. Prices might dip slightly, but for the most part, I expect the prices to mostly stay high and steadily continue climbing. There are a number of factors at play here.
> Millennials want to play and own the games they had as kids
> Youtoobers like MJR are bringing retro game collecting to the attention of millions of people (especially during lockdown)
> big tittied thots are even doing retro game reviews (picrel), thus bringing in more people
> Investors have begun using retro games/hardware as a means of wealth storage and tax avoidance (they clearly don't expect prices to dip, either)
> the shittiness of the modern game industry (day 1 DLC, digital only, microtransactions, games designed to suck as much time as possible, SJW narratives hamfisted into every major title, heavy corporatization, everything being "focus group" tested to shit, etc.) is making retro games more appealing even to typical gamers

>> No.7799219

Not if the Government regulates control over it in their own countries. There is a reason why Banks in America are embracing it. Because they already know how they will control it.

>> No.7799235

>driving prices up because you can't just produce more retro games
You may not be able to have the original company print out more copies but there is small companies willing to print out more reproduction CD's. Thus leaving more supply and no demand.

>> No.7799261

>Retro video game prices never decreases, its value is infinite, like real estate and bitcoins.
That is truly how collectors think. But wait until they discover it to be that the products are worth nothing because I. The future people no longer care to buy older games only flash them and pirate them.

>> No.7799267

God I hate casualfags. You can buy games, I really don't care, but criticising people who have a deep enough interest in gaming to actually want to play them on emulation and own these games without paying is nonsensical

>> No.7799278

The only thing I care about at this point is getting original working hardware and just burning or use a flash cart to play games on them.

For example, I found a pretty beat up copy of FF7 for $2 at goodwill today, but disc three was missing and the case holder wouldn't even hold disc 1. Now I could of bought it and just burnt disc 3 and called it a day, but at that point I might as well just burn the whole set and call it a day.

>> No.7799285

>future people no longer care to buy older games only flash them and pirate them
You can already do that for most retro systems and yet prices are still climbing for real games and hardware. By your logic, original paintings should have no value because reproductions can be purchased for a few bucks. People want original pieces of history. I'm happy playing on emulation (in most cases, as long as it's done well) but that doesn't mean everyone feels the same.

>> No.7799286

you don't own anything but an SD card and a few blank disks.

>> No.7799293

>but it does mean that the younger generations will not care.
No! They have to buy my collection they can not emulate or have flashcarts. It's not the Authentic way to experience these games! Please don't let my collection drop in price!

>> No.7799297

I can play them without ever having to pay much to emulate them. 30$ is a small price to pay vs what the artificial scarcity demand is.

>> No.7799303

You could try to find a company that does sell reproduction CD's as well. Do not think you have to give into their demands of these prices.

>> No.7799327

>Comparing Art to video games
Apples and Oranges. I bet you will do restaurants and Cars comparisons next.

>> No.7799343

While they may set the price. Most are going to be told about reproductions, emulations and various other ways to play these games. Even if they have to own Chinese stuff to do it. Maybe some will fall into that trap of buying overpriced junk but there will not be enough to really make their money back. It's a gamble that is bound to fail.

>> No.7799352

Real cart or fake if you can play fully through the game that and pay a cheap price on it. That's all that matters to the average person.

>> No.7799492

I wouldn't mind buying a repo cart of Mario 64, but I hear those are total crap and tend to die out.

>> No.7799549

Back in the day yes but not as much today. If you feel uncertain you can just get Everdrive Krikzz version and put all your roms on there including any rom hacks like


Dragon ball z kart


Smash Remix.

>> No.7799563

The Everdrive is just too much out of my retail wagie salary sadly to drop almost $200 one alone. Do they go on sale at all?

>> No.7799624

Dude. Your mom is a solid 3. Would bang because desperate and wife died of kung flu. digits.

>> No.7799745

From what I remember on Black Friday they do have great sells.

>> No.7799746


>> No.7799748

this unironically

>> No.7799763

Do they sell out pretty fast, as in the minute they are on sale?

>> No.7799913

What app?

Thanks in advance

>> No.7799931


>> No.7800025

No they are still available.

>> No.7800040

I meant when they do go on sale around black friday do they sale out fast. I image if that is the only time they go on sale I would have to deal with bots or something like that.

>> No.7800296

>go to ebay listing for an old game
>look at the bidding activity of other bidders on the gaming item
>Sports Mem, Cards & Fan Shop > Trading Card Singles
>Collectibles > US: [state]
>eBay Motors > [car]
>Coins > [whatever]
>Comics>Comics & Graphic Novels
And that's when you know your hobby is dead.

>> No.7801006

In retro gaming, I didn’t see any insane price hikes but I did see literally all of the ps1 games at my retro game shops disappear, presumably because of collectors and resellers.
I also watched Yokai Watch 3 go from $40 to $60 to $120 in the span of like 10 months. I’m never going to get my hands on that game.

>> No.7801030
File: 360 KB, 750x1204, 7F2D2D45-5C79-4469-9FAB-418A2FAE2E40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s insane. I saw my copy of White 2 go from 90 to 150 and idk if it’s going to go down anytime soon but I’m still not selling it. It’s too good of a game

>> No.7801096
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>> No.7801118

Flash carts, softmods/hardmods, and piracy are the future of retro gaming. Collecting simply isn't viable anymore but at-least now the consoles and peripherals are the only things we really need.

>> No.7801334
File: 389 KB, 1049x585, Ultima.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot you faggots don't realise just how profitable "retro" game trading is. It's more lucrative than the narcotics market

>> No.7801439

What do you mean?

>> No.7801765

More bids from people who are likely generalized collectibles investors as opposed to videogame buyers.

>> No.7801879

Ok I get it.
The market has been shit for more than a decade now anyways

>> No.7802019

>collectibles investors
This is another indication that prices are not going back down. That is, at least people who invest professionally in collectibles consider retro games and hardware to be a safe investment, even in this market. This means they don't expect prices to go down. When you see "anonymous" collectors buying up rare games and consoles for 5+ figures, you can bet they did that on the advice of some kind of investment advisor.

This is the answer to the "hur dur people will just emulate lol" cope that prices will go down eventually. Just because you or I do not assign much "collectible" value to retro games and hardware doesn't mean everyone else things the same.

>> No.7802301

Pirate them retard

>> No.7802341
File: 134 KB, 1355x385, batbsnes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever have a game and wondered how it spiked a few years back?