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7785545 No.7785545 [Reply] [Original]

Its time to admit N64 is better than Saturn

>> No.7785546


>> No.7785572

>Its time to admit N64 is better than Saturn
It's 1996?

>> No.7785574

you're missing lots of good n64 games in that pic

>> No.7785586

I postulate that they're both similarly inferior to the PS1 for different reasons.

>> No.7785602

No, it's really not.

>> No.7785619

I wished. It's not that the Saturn is superior(it's not), it is that the N64 was lacking in terms of third part. It's probably the Nintendo console with the smallest library, sadly. It's an amazing video game and one that should have a lot of SNES sequels, but sadly most of them went to PS1. Among its peers, it's the video game that has the least games I want to play(not because most of them sucks, but because it really has few great games compared to Saturn and PS1 because of their huge library).
Obviously, we can argue about quality over quantity, how you would never have a lot of games(back then, it was normal to have buy 3 or 4 games for a console, but my PS1 was modded so I had way more games on PS1 than I could buy for my N64) and so on. But now, since you can download any game you want, you can easily see that both Saturn and PS1 have a lot of games you want to play compared to N64(which one have the better games is subjective).
In a way, I feel like N64 was not well used by the devs(usually only Nintendo and Rare could do great things on it) back then. Either they couldn't make good games on it or they wouldn't even try(0 Square and Enix[it published 2, though] games on it, despite having a lot on NES and SNES, for example).
We will always have a "N64/PS1/Saturn is the best console of that generation" thanks to nostalgia, but the only truth is that the N64 suffered from not having good devs developing games on it unlike the rest. One can only dream about how great it would be had many devs not changed to PS1..

>> No.7786030

What's even on the Saturn?
t. N64tard

>> No.7786038

This. Fuck console warriors.

>> No.7786065

Just bought Gauntlet Legends. Pretty cool game desu. Recommend it to everybody reading this.

>> No.7786217 [DELETED] 

Good 2D platformers, beat 'em ups, vs. fighters, vs. puzzlers, and shmups, all of which the Shitendo 64 is severely lacking in.

>> No.7786218

You have to be fucking retarded to deny it

>> No.7786248

Between me and my friends we rented n64 Gauntlet Legends enough times to own it, all had max level characters. I prefer that version because of nostalgia, but the Dark Legacy version on the PS2 is the superior version. It has some more content in it too, and of course different music, so if you want more of that Gauntlet Legends itch to scratch I recommend you check it out.

>> No.7786289

I would love to try it but I don't own any Sony consoles.

>> No.7786291

I'm not too familiar with the console. What is there in terms of good 2D platformers? Is there anything similar to Ghosts N' Goblins, Demon's Crest, Mega Man? Castle of Illusion? I only know of a few select games like Panzer Dragoon, Clockwork Knight, Shining the Holy Ark. I don't really have an interest in Shmups or Beat'Em Ups except for Battletoads.

>> No.7786292

No one would argue against this

>> No.7786310

Gex, Rayman, and Astal. Only the latter is an exclusive.

>> No.7786314

I fucking wish

>> No.7786334

I'm not a huge fan of the N64 but yeah. The Saturn is a very underrated console for sure, but even then it's still easily the worst console of the 5th gen.

>> No.7786345

>but even then it's still easily the worst console of the 5th gen.
the worst major. depending how you count major. otherwise the pippen, 3do, jaguar, marty, cd32 and pc-fx would be worse.

>> No.7786350

Well yeah of course, whenever someone talks about 5th gen consoles I simply assume they're referring to the big 3.

>> No.7786369 [DELETED] 

For exclusives: Shinobi X, Silhouette Mirage, Keio Flying Squadron 2, Astal, Super Tempo, Tryrush Deppy, Clockwork Knight 2, Psychic Killer Taromaru, Assault Suit Leynos 2, Mr. Bones, and Hissatsu.

For non-exclusives, there's the Ghosts 'n Goblins Trilogy, Liquid Kids, Megaman 8/X3/X4, Sonic Jam, Metal Slug, Rayman, Earthworm Jim 2, Gex, and Pandemonium.

>> No.7786397

Damn, all N64 games in one pic.

>> No.7786403

Saturn had no good games, N64 had some good games, PS1 had plenty of good games

>> No.7786414

Reverse it and it's true.

>> No.7786420

semag doog fo ytnelp dah 1SP ,semag doog emos dah 46N ,semag doog on dah nrutaS

>> No.7786431

What praise can you give me for Astal? Looking at it, it doesn't interest me much.

Does the Saturn have any superior multiplats/non-exclusives? I'm almost a complete newbie when it comes to the Sega Saturn, I know almost nothing, I never knew anyone who had the system and I've never seen much discussion of it aside from RPGs and weeb games I won't bother to play.

>> No.7786445

I honestly can't think of any multiplats that are significantly better on the Saturn, maybe Darius Gaiden but that's just because the PS1 port was kinda trash (IIRC, I haven't played it in years) but then again why wouldn't you just emulate the arcade version these days? I also heard Mega Man 8 had some extra stuff on the Saturn but I haven't checked.

>> No.7786573

Is getting the expansion pak worth it? I spent around $75 for a unit with all the cables, but besides DK64 and MM I can't think of a reason to get it.

>> No.7786623

Do people unironically pretend the Castlevania 64 isn't festering shit?

>> No.7786640

it's a cowafucking piece of dogshit! What were they thinking?! It's diarrhea coming out of my dick

>> No.7786664
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>> No.7786681

Apart from the 3 games that require it, it mostly exists just to make games run slower. The resolution difference is basically unnoticeable but tanks performance. It's funny when you think about it, the N64 has the same bottlenecks with or without the expansion pak but with it, it just makes the bottle bigger but with the same bottleneck.

>> No.7786685

It's not, I'm tired of pretending it is.

>> No.7786705

Unless you like VNs and hentai, the Saturn really isn’t worth owning.

>> No.7786714

The saddest thing about the Saturn is how it completely dies out after 1998. Back in 95 and 96 the Saturn library was actually somewhat comparable to the PS1 but the PS1 kept getting games well into the early-00's while in 1999 Saturn releases were already a fucking wasteland.

>> No.7786725

>Does the Saturn have any superior multiplats/non-exclusives?
Off the top of my head:
Megaman 8
Megaman X4 (Not as much as 8 but still a bit better)
Just about any 2D or 3D Fighter.
Mass Destruction
Duke Nukem 3D (Yes PS1 is running the original build engine, but Saturn's custom engine runs better).
Most sports games due to Saturn allowing for more players with multi-taps.

There's also games that aren't necessarily better but they're not really worse either like Resident Evil. They're just different.

>> No.7786727

I’m sorry contrarians but these games aren’t very good at all

>> No.7786728

> I also heard Mega Man 8 had some extra stuff on the Saturn but I haven't checked.
Megaman 8 has better music, more boss fights, and a bonus art gallery.

>> No.7786748
File: 368 KB, 500x375, rakugakids.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>here's the n64 street fighter bro

>> No.7786780

Are you confusing the Saturn with the PCFX?

>> No.7786791

N64 Street Fighter was Smash Bros.

>> No.7786802

Didn’t the Saturn have plenty of VNs and hentai?

>> No.7786810

Sure it had some, but so did the PS1 in Japan. But you're being retarded if you think that's all that's on the system.

>> No.7786825

Was there ever any question?
QUICK name 10 classics that everyone loves..on the Saturn.

>> No.7786829


>> No.7786842

Shining Force III
Panzer Dragoon 1, 2, and Saga
Fighters Megamix, Virtua Fighter, Fighting Vipers, Last Bronx
Sega Rally Championship
[Insert Capcom Fighter here]
Megaman 8 and X4
Die Hard Arcade
Virtual On
Guardian Heroes
Burning Rangers
NiGHTS into Dreams
Radiant Silvergun

That's more than 10 but I can keep going if you want.

>> No.7786849

And it took you a few minutes. ;)

>> No.7786850
File: 692 KB, 1967x2560, 91o8jfNo2FL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does the N64 have the biggest discrepancy in perception for all systems between normal people and 'gamers'? I assumed everyone loved this console before visiting this site.

>> No.7786854

And I said "that everyone loves" not literal whos like Grandia, GunGiffon, or Powerslave.

>> No.7786857

Not really, I rattled that off in a few seconds. Did it ever dawn on you that people don't read your posts immediately after you post them?

>> No.7786859

>I rattled that off in a few seconds
LOL Do you not know how to read the posts? It was well over three minutes.

>> No.7786863

Perfect Dark?

>> No.7786876

>literal whos

I think you need to go turn in your retro gaming card. Grandia was very well known during the Saturn's life time. GunGriffon and Powerslave are also very well received and well known among Saturn owners. You're lack of knowledge on the library doesn't make them literal whos or not worth mentioning.

This is why N64 fanboys are pure cancer. They pretty much think their system is the best thing ever while being completely oblivious to what's on the other platforms. Then when people try to show them what good games are on it they bury their head in the sand and ignore them. At least Sega and Sony fans acknowledge the other systems existence and that the other systems have good games as well.

>> No.7786882

Where on the post does it say how long the user took to write it from when they clicked reply?

>> No.7786884

most of the posters on here jerk off to jrpgs and weeb games so no wonder they love the saturn

>> No.7786887

>Grandia was very well known
>You're lack of knowledge
>They pretty much think their system is the best thing ever while being completely oblivious to what's on the other platforms
Keep coping, everyone knows the N64 is a classic.

>> No.7786890


>> No.7786894

Thanks for proving my point about N64 fanboys being cancerous man children who peaked on the playground in elementary school.

>> No.7786897

It came out at the wrong time with the wrong technology. 4-sided polygons were a mistake.

>> No.7786903
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Nooooo. It's better to own Pokemon Snap than all of those titles.

>> No.7786904

Lighten up, Francis, you're a video GAME board, not a retro video spreadsheet board.

>> No.7786910

>N64 fanboys being cancerous man children who peaked on the playground in elementary school
Well duh. Elementary school is when all children peak.

>> No.7786920

Bunch of neckbeards in their 40s who've been committing the sunk cost fallacy and doubling-down on their mistake since 1995. As the console was such a disaster they have nothing except low-budget games like shmups, a handful of rpgs and weaboo bullshit which they have to pretend are their favourite genres.

>> No.7786927

Even if Smash was turned into a 1on1 fighter that'd still be a piss poor substitute.
I loved my N64 and defended it in school but there were red flags everywhere. My neighbours soccer Mum pointed out Mario 64 lacked detail compared to Crash and all I could reply back with was "Muh gameplay".

>> No.7786929

haha truth
Imagine if people pretended the Atari Jaguar was good too.

>> No.7786932 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7786936

>Sony fans acknowledge the other systems existence and that the other systems have good games as well.
that's a lie

>> No.7786942


>The report expects Switch to continue to outsell the new systems throughout this year, with its continuing popularity and the likely ongoing stock issues for PS5 / Xbox Series X|S.

>> No.7786943

well mario 64 was superior

>> No.7786952

Sorry but I'm just going to call it how I see it. N64 fanboys are still trying to play the console wars game from their childhood, while Sony and Sega fans have moved on and just want to play games regardless of the platform.
And here's the typical N64 fanboy defense mechanism when they're called out on it.
>No! It's the Sony Fans!!!!!
Who made this console war thread? It was an N64 fanboy. Own your shit. You guys did this shit with Sony fans for years, now that people are starting to appreciate the Saturn more you're lashing out at it's fanbase too.

>> No.7786958

At first I thought you were talking about N64. Change the "games like" part to "games like Mario, Zelda, the list goes on" and your post works for N64 too. I guess Saturn and N64 users are quite similar.

>> No.7786976

>My neighbours soccer Mum pointed out Mario 64 lacked detail compared to Crash and all I could reply back with was "Muh gameplay".
Man, I'm just trying to imagine how sweet her pussy must have been and how weak analytically you are that she makes one lame ass point and here you are decades later, still with no reply and still convinced by her. bruh she got a PS1 because N64's were too expensive, she was trying to convince you kids of that.

>> No.7787002

And here you are years later trying to defend the N64 from a soccer mom's comment.

>> No.7787024

>N64 fanboys
I owned everything back in the day. True fanboyism is for plebs.

>> No.7787027

>Sony and Sega fans have moved on and just want to play games regardless of the platform.
Not that other anon but yeah this is a complete lie.
People taking tribalist sides and defending their limited childhoods is not limited to just nintendo and you know it, there's even service warriors now (steam vs gog or whatever), but out of all console warriors, sony ones are probably the most obnoxious and have been exposed several times, from neo gaf brainwashing to sonyggers like rugarell on /v/ and his army of SDF shitposters.
I'd love to say only nintendo fans do it, it'd be easier to avoid retards if it was just blaming nintendo but you and I know it'd be a lie.
Sega ones may be the chillest ones now but only because Sega doesn't do hardware anymore, and there's a significant small amount of people on 4chan who actually had a sega childhood at this point. Maybe a few who had dreamcast as their first console.
Then of course there's australiakun here on /vr/ but at this point we know he isn't a real sega fan (he's the bernieposter), just a bitter euro oldman angry about younger americans enjoying japanese console games instead of having to suffer his spectrum childhood, he only picks on nintendo and takes sega's side because nintendo was more popular in usa, and because nintendo is credited to save the industry with the NES, but he hates sega too, and anything japan. He doesn't seem like he even likes video games.

>> No.7787060

Literally everyone likes the n64. All I had until 98 was a Genesis, and I asked for an N64 to play wrestling games and Zelda, and then found out about games like Mario Kart and Goldeneye to play with friends. The only time I ever see anyone shitting on the N64 is this retarded board with weebs desperately trying to be more contrarian than each other and pretending anyone in America even knew what a Saturn was.

>> No.7787063

As someone with a complete lack of interest in JRPGs, Shmups, and Beat'Em Ups, I haven't been convinced to play anything on the Sega Saturn. I wish I could like something on it, but I'm having a hard as hell time trying to find something.

>> No.7787070

As far as I can tell, the only Saturn game worth owning is Panzer Dragoon Saga for financial reasons.

>> No.7787076 [DELETED] 

Maybe you should take the Arcadepill and try out some of those shmups and bmups and realise how fun they actually are.

>> No.7787078


007: The World Is Not Enough
1080° Snowboarding
Animal Crossing
Beetle Adventure Racing!
Blast Corps
Body Harvest
Bomberman 64
Conker's Bad Fur Day
Diddy Kong Racing
Doom 64
Duke Nukem 64
F-Zero X
Gex 64: Enter the Gecko
Goemon's Great Adventure
GoldenEye 007
Harvest Moon 64
Jet Force Gemini
Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Mario Golf
Mario Kart 64
Mario Party
Mario Party 2
Mario Party 3
Mario Tennis
Mega Man 64
Mischief Makers
Mortal Kombat 4
Mortal Kombat Trilogy
Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon
Paper Mario
Perfect Dark
Pilotwings 64
Pokémon Puzzle League
Pokémon Snap
Pokémon Stadium
Pokémon Stadium 2
Rainbow Six
Resident Evil 2
Rocket: Robot on Wheels
San Francisco Rush 2049
Shadow Man
Sin and Punishment
Snowboard Kids
Snowboard Kids 2
Space Station Silicon Valley
Star Fox 64
Star Wars: Rogue Squadron
Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire
Super Mario 64
Super Smash Bros.
Turok: Dinosaur Hunter
Turok 2: Seeds of Evil
Turok 3: Shadows of Oblivion
Turok: Rage Wars
Wipeout 64
WWF No Mercy

>> No.7787079

>he only picks on nintendo and takes sega's side because nintendo was more popular in usa
no they werent

>> No.7787087

Even if you want to argue that at one point Genesis was a tiny bit ahead of the Super Nintendo, there's still the NES and N64 being wat more popular than SMS and Saturn.
Point is, australia torments his mind thinking about how american kids were playing Nintendo instead of spectrum shovelware, and he will never forgive nintendo for that.

>> No.7787094

it wasn't a tiny bit lmao. outside of the N64 having crossover appeal nintendo was considered fagshit for anyone over 5 ever since the early 90s

>> No.7787110

Battletoads and Kunio-kun are the only beat-em-ups I've ever loved. Galaga and Asteroids are the only shmups I've ever loved. Never really liked or appreciated the aesthetic most beat-em-ups and shmups go for.

>> No.7787113

>Not that other anon but yeah this is a complete lie.
Then why is it always the N64 fanboys starting this shit? Why do they always try to point the finger on Sony fans when they get caught? Almost every time a 5th gen console war starts it's because some N64 fan tried to start an N64 circlejerk thread and when Sony and Sega fans simply start posting "Hey our systems had good games too, and your system has same gaping holes in it's library." they go nuts. I'm not talking about the Bernie Poster as that's it's own different thing. I'm talking about these 5th Gen Console wars, as even NES and SNES fans aren't this bad and will acknowledge the Genesis, Master System, Turbografx, etc. had good games.

It's not just on /vr/ either. I've seen it happen in multiple retro gaming communities over the years. It just seems that N64 fans have convinced themselves that their system was the best ever, and can't handle that people are starting to discover that both the Saturn and PS1 had some pretty good games. They can't seem to handle that people may actually like the Saturn and PS1 more than the N64. This thread is proof of that mentality.
See what I mean? The idea that someone years later may have discovered the Saturn actually has a decent library that they like more than the N64 is something an N64 fanboy just can't handle.

>> No.7787121

>the Saturn actually has a decent library
haha tell another.

>> No.7787143

I love that you're calling someone who only had a Genesis until 98, never played a SNES game because no one I knew had one, bought a Dreamcast at launch, and hasn't played a Nintendo console of any kind since RE4 on the gamecube a nintendo fanboy because you're so mad you got called out for being the shitposting contrarian hipster you are

>> No.7787164

>because you're so mad you got called out for being the shitposting contrarian hipster you are
Again calling it as I see it. Don't want to be called an N64 fanboy then stop acting like one. You're literally lashing out at people and calling them retarded weebs simply because they like the Saturn more than the N64. That's what a fanboy does.

>> No.7787169

Sega Rally is better than any 64 racer. Throw a dart at Saturns fighting games and It's better than any 64 fighter. If you think Saturn has nothing then what does that say about N64?

>> No.7787176

sega rally is shit compared to rush 2049

>> No.7787182
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But do they have an appearance by Earthworm Jim?

>> No.7787190

>Then why is it always the N64 fanboys starting this shit?
Read the rest of my post.
I'm not saying nintendo fanboys are innocent, I'm saying you're lying about sony ones moving on from console wars, as they're the ones that do it the most right now.
The one shitposter that attacks the saturn the most on this board is australia, who actually hates nintendo the most, but he also hates sega for being japanese, simple as.
I agree that n64 fanboys shitting on saturn for being "weeb" are faggots, but then again I wonder how many of that is just falseflag.

>> No.7787196

I'm calling them retarded weebs because they're all retarded weebs. The Saturn was a shit console with no games, which is why it was a titanic level flop literally everywhere except Japan, where it still only barely beat out a console with no JRPGs at all.

>> No.7787197

Other than Shinobi I quite literally have never heard of a single one of those exclusives. The Saturn is a complete mystery to me which is fucking weird. I gotta get playing that shit some day. But anytime I try to emulate the emulators run like shit.

>> No.7787213

>Then why is it always the N64 fanboys starting this shit?
>You started it!
>No, you started it!
Do you fucking idiots hear yourselves, do you seriously lack this much self awareness?
Who cares? Live your life, stop giving a shit about how other people feel about consoles you like. It genuinely doesn’t fucking matter, I’m hard pressed to think of a subject that matters less. You are fags.

>> No.7787220

Sega Rally was released 5 years before N64 Rush and has better graphics, handling and sound. Rush is more like another fantasy kart racer.

>> No.7787396

Mednafen runs just fine unles you're running it on an actual toaster. I heard the latest SSF version is very good too.

>> No.7787593
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Weeb shit basically

>> No.7787598

Have you looked at OP? half his list are Jap exclusives.

>> No.7787610

Oh thank god, I thought I was crazy for not liking anything of what I was seeing for the Saturn.

>> No.7787619

OP's list sucks and no one cares for the jap games
He just picked the weebest N64 games ever lumped together with Doom and Star Fox for some reason and it's still not that autistic

>> No.7787628

>as they're the ones that do it the most right now.
Almost every time a 5th gen console war starts it's N64 fanboys doing it. Again this thread is proof of it.
>But the Bernie poster
Is his own level of stupid. I already said I wasn't talking about that. I'm talking about the general 5th Gen console war threads like this one
I generally don't really care, I'm simply calling out the BS. These threads almost always play out like this:
>N64 is the best console ever. PS1 and Saturn suck!
>Actually the Saturn and PS1 have some decent games.

>> No.7787638

He only included those to satiate the weeb Saturn owners who mock the American library

>> No.7787660

You are still lying, pretending sony fans don't do console wars.
This thread is just 1 thread, there's that autistic shitposter that spams his fzero x vs sega rally comparison pic all week, but you will ignore that. Also I don't even think he's a saturn fan, just wants to stir shit up.
On the other hand, search on the archives for discussion on the saturn version of sotn, sony fans are always defensive as fuck and quick to attack the saturn.
N64 and Saturn are great complementary 5th gen systems, best 3D and best 2D of the gen.

>> No.7787702

There are games on N64 I enjoy. There are games on PlayStation I enjoy. I haven't found anything yet for the Saturn.

>> No.7787730

>Sega Rally was released 5 years before N64 Rush and has better graphics
the delusion

>> No.7787741

Back in the day? Yes most of us didn't have the means to import and didn't know what we were missing. Nowadays hell no Saturn has way more good games.

>> No.7787758

>You are still lying, pretending sony fans don't do console wars.
The vast majority I've seen on this board are almost always N64 fans. I'm not saying others are innocent, just that the vast majority I'm seeing are being done by N64 fans.
>But Sony fans shit on the Saturn port of SotN!
As they should. It's a terrible port and even Saturn fans shit on it. Both sides are in agreement there that it's a horribly coded and awful port.
>N64 and Saturn are great complementary 5th gen systems, best 3D and best 2D of the gen.
All three compliment each other well as they all have strengths and weaknesses they bring to the table.

>> No.7787761

>Saturn has way more good games
I always hear this but I never see a lot of discussion or fond memories, usually only lists.

>> No.7787787

I have fond memories of playing Sonic R, Sonic Jam, 3D Blast, Megaman 8, Street Fighter Alpha 2, Quake, Virtua Fighter 2, Virtua Cop, Daytona USA, and Sega Rally with my brother, friends, and cousins back when I was still in elementary school. I had friends who had a PS1, some had an N64, and myself and another friend had all three. We would just play whatever was available at whomever's house.

>> No.7787791

You're right, a lot of opinions on the Saturn are retroactive, that guy even admitted it himself. My only childhood memory of the Saturn was Sonic R. That was literally considered the best Saturn game when I was a kid. Nobody knew shit about the Japanese exclusives, we were kids, we didn't know how to do that shit.

Still, there's nothing really wrong with coming back to a console from the future and giving it a chance it didn't have back then. It's earned its reputation for being a "lost" console. When you look at the games you can play today they are fun and it makes the imagination go wild with possible alternate timelines where it was a success.

>> No.7787805

What am I supposed to say? I sat in my room playing real bout fatal fury and it was fun.

>> No.7787831

>a shit console with no games
that's the gamecube, tho

>> No.7787839

>the argument for a game be good is nostalgia

>> No.7787868
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Guess I should try out Mega Man 8 if the Saturn version is indeed superior. I've never been much for Sonic, but the 3D area in Sonic Jam looks fun enough that I might try it out or track a Saturn down. I'm a huge sucker for the N64 and PlayStation overall. I love the whole aesthetic of the 5th gen, so imagining what could be on the Saturn but not finding anything is a bit disappointing. I'm trying to like the Saturn, but the Genesis and Dreamcast do much more to keep me invested.

>Nobody knew shit about the Japanese exclusives, we were kids, we didn't know how to do that shit.
Can't say I care about Japanese imports even today. I don't speak Japanese and I don't know much about circumventing region locking. I also don't care for JRPGs or VNs.

No. To actually talk about it. Giving me the title of a game but failing to elaborate or provide more information doesn't generate interest for me to actually play it. Yes, I'm aware the internet exists and I can web search the title for more information, but when I'm given a list, it's hard to know which ones to pick out, and even by selectively picking, it's hard to find interesting games. If you want me to be interested, try to pass on what makes you interested in something.

>> No.7787892

The team who created Sega Rally drove up actual mountain passes to get an idea for their tracks and it shows. Rush is another fantastical kart tier racer where you are able to drive 1000 miles per hour and fly over buildings yet there still is no real sense of speed.

>> No.7787916

God I wish I had an excuse to make a tax write off like that

>> No.7787917

>Can't say I care about Japanese imports even today. I don't speak Japanese and I don't know much about circumventing region locking.
Get a Pseudo Saturn cart and you're pretty much set for circumventing region locking and copy protection. For import games there's quite a few you can play without speaking Japanese. Most of the good Arcade ports from Capcom, Konami, SNK, etc. are all very import friendly. Even things like Megaman 8 and X4 are import friendly as I doubt your really care about the bare bones plot in those games.
> I also don't care for JRPGs or VNs.
It's a meme that this is all that's in the Japanese Saturn library. Yes they're there but it's not all there is. There's a lot of good fighting games, racing games, shooters, platformers, etc. to play.

>> No.7787930

>jrpgs are a meme
This desu, there aren't even that many. Believe me I've looked.

>> No.7787937

List of N64 games released or that I just heard of after the console's declared "lifespan."

>Custom Robo
>Super Robot Taisen
>Sin & Punishment
>Doshin the Giant
>Animal Crossing
>Zelda Master Quest
>Resident Evil Zero
>40 Winks
>Zelda 64
>Dinosaur Planet

WHEN'LL IT STOP??!! Do you have any idea how much I have to pay Etsy dealers to put these games on cartridge for me?


>> No.7787943

Compared to the PS1 yeah there's not that many, but there are enough that someone who likes them can be satisfied. But yeah people saying the Japanese Saturn library is just JRPGs and Porn games doesn't really know what they're talking about.

>> No.7787985

Any decent or good exclusive racers or platformers? Killer Instinct and Street Fighter are just about the only fighting games I've cared about. Not saying they need to have "cuh-ray-zee" characters, but it would be a huge plus.

>> No.7788009
File: 2.88 MB, 480x370, vrally64.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the big problem with N64 games is the developers often didn't "get" what made a game fun. The blindsiding thing is the praise some of these games got. If you look up reviews for V-Rally 99 it was getting 8's, 9's and 9.5/10s. Very high marks, "compared favorably" to Sega Rally. Not a soul talked about this game and it's obvious why - but reviews tell the story of what should be considered a must play.

>> No.7788016
File: 2.93 MB, 480x360, srallyc.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compare it to Sega Rally Championship which raked in VERY similar scores, about even across the board. If this is also a 9.5/10, why does it look like several orders of magnitude above in terms of polish, handling, physics, aesthetics, sound. What's the story with N64 scores being so high?

>> No.7788050

Off the top of my head for racers:
>Sega Rally
>Daytona USA Circuit Edition
>Sega Touring Car Championship
>Choro Q Park
>Tougue King The Spirits 1 and 2
>Virtua Racing (Not exclusive but has a lot of exclusive content.)
>Street Racer (Not exclusive but is a really good version with 8 player support).

>NiGHTS into Dreams
>Burning Rangers
>Sonic 3D Blast (Not exclusive, but Saturn version is worth a playthrough)
>Clockwork Knight 1 and 2
>Tryrush Deppy
>Ninpen Manmaru
>Willy Wombat.

There's more I'm forgetting but that should be a good starting point for you.

>> No.7788091

People unironically think otherwise?

>> No.7788113

Holy exposed. Nintendo fans getting real quiet all of a sudden.

>> No.7788124

It's pretty much true for most of the highly praised N64 racers that are not Mario Kart, Diddy Kong Racing, F-Zero, Star Wars Pod Racer, or World Driver Championship. Most of the others are just average at best.

>> No.7788129

None of those you listed compare to Sega Rally. Diddy Kong is Diddy shit.

>> No.7788135

How is nights a platformer?

>> No.7788138

I didn't really say they compare to Sega Rally. It's kind of an apples to oranges comparison. They're good racers in their own right, but they're obviously going for different things. Mario Kart and Diddy Kong are great kart racers, F-Zero is a fun adrenaline rush. Star Wars Pod Racer is fun for what it is, and World Driver Championship is a good response to Gran Turismo.

But you're right there's not really anything on the N64 that compares to Sega or Namco's Arcade Racers that were on Saturn and PS1.

>> No.7788140

>australia still trying to force his new [insert game on N64] vs sega rally meme
You don't even like sega rally. You shat on it countless times when your bernie schizo side kicks in.
Also give some time for replies, normal people are having sunday dinner with their families and significant others, not everyone is a chan slave like you are. Oh wait, nobody will take your stale, unfunny bait anyway.

>> No.7788141

What would you prefer it to be in? 3D Platformer is really the closest thing it fits into.

>> No.7788145
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Sega Rally looks beautiful, I think I'll give that a try and maybe I'll find more Saturn games to play. Usually I'm a fan of the cartoonish visuals, but that's some comfy pseudo-realistic art, reminds me of Wave Race a bit.

>> No.7788149

Its my jam tho

>> No.7788160
File: 2.88 MB, 480x356, wdc.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>World Driver Championship
Apart from being memed on its technical disregard for Nintendo's requirements the game is not remotely enjoyable. There is no sense of speed. The environments while clean for the n64 are incredibly lame to race though. The N64 had a ton of racers but I think this is because it's one of the easiest genres to develop a 3D game in as developers have a lot of control over what is and is not rendered. I don't think this is the kind of star example.

It's one of the best feeling games around. The Saturn version is great, but any version is good. I think the PS2 even has a solid arcade port. This doesn't mean the Saturn version should be disregarded.

>> No.7788174

You'll probably like Daytona USA as well. I'd suggest the Japanese Circuit Edition as it and the US Netlink Edition are the most polished versions:

A lot of diehard fans don't like that version as it doesn't play like the Arcade version, but if you haven't played the Arcade version it probably wont bother you. Sega Touring Car isn't bad, but it doesn't maintain a stable frame rate like the other two, and analog controls are a must as you need the analog gas and brake controls to play well. Though it does have Eurobeat:

>> No.7788180

> There is no sense of speed.
Again though it's not really in the same category as Arcade Racers like Sega Rally. Those games exaggerate the speed to make it more exciting. World Driver Championship is instead trying to be a Sim Racer like Gran Turismo, and should be compared to that instead. Which it's not a bad N64 response to Gran Turismo.

Again not saying it's a good response to Sega Rally. It's not as it's a different kind of racing game. I'm just saying it is one of the better N64 racers.

>> No.7788184
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>At least Sega and Sony fans acknowledge the other systems existence and that the other systems have good games as well.

Oh come on, now.

>> No.7788197

I'll keep those in mind, too. Is there anyway to turn off the voices for these games? I'm usually not a fan of sports games, but what does the Saturn have to offer? Is there anything similar to NBA Jam or NFL Blitz?

>> No.7788239

It actually has NBA Jam:

For baseball the world series baseball games are pretty good:

For golf you have the hilarious Pebble Beach Golf Links:

For football probably the best you have is Madden 97 and 98:

>> No.7788241

Least desirable console ever.

>> No.7788242

>Even if Smash was turned into a 1on1 fighter
What? You aren't forced to have 4 players you retard. You can do 1on1 as is.
>that'd still be a piss poor substitute.
Its latest sequel is the best selling fighting game of all time.

>> No.7788248

And yet PC games and everyone else has copied it ever since.

>> No.7788254

>recommending any version Daytona that isn't Arcade perfect
You're setting that Anon up for major failure.
If a sim is going for how slow you can drive like Tokyo Bus guide I can get behind that as that can still be fun. It feels like all Nintedo 64 racers don't have that level of polish or they feel like party games.

>> No.7788261

>You can do 1on1 as is.
That doesn't mean it's really comparable to say Virtua Fighter, Street Fighter, Tekken, etc.
>Its latest sequel is the best selling fighting game of all time.
Because it's now been made to be both a fun party brawler, but also a more serious 1 on 1 fighter for competitive play. The original game does not have that going for it.

But fine, you can include Smash Bros in your N64 fighter list. Now, can you list 10 more good N64 fighting games?

>> No.7788263

Key word. Fighter. Smash is an anything goes party game with items genius.

>> No.7788270

>You're setting that Anon up for major failure.
If he's never played the Arcade version he probably wont be bothered by any of the handling changes in Circuit Edition. Would you rather I recommend the 20fps pop-up ridden launch version?

>> No.7788282

more desirable than the shiturn

>> No.7788285

It's clearly a fighter.
>anything goes party game
It has an entire cash prize global tournament circuit. It's a fully legitimate fighting game.

>> No.7788289

I'm not really following this mindless console warring shitposty convo, bust just saw your post, and I gotta say, smash and vf have more in common with each other than with sf.
Both smash and vf have ringout and a dedicated block button.
Smash still is 2D gameplay like sf, but everything else is more like vf, except faster.
I wouldn't even be surprised if sakurai got influences from it, I always suspected the "congratulations!" screens when you beat the single player mode were a homage to vf.

>> No.7788291

The only complaint I ever hear is about the camera and controls, but this is pretty common in 3d n64 games and it becomes second nature after you've played it for an hour. The only area that is Throw the Controller at the Wall frustrating because of the controls is the platforming in the Clock Tower. The game otherwise has a good variety of levels, classic items, characters with different play styles, and alternate endings depend on how jewed you get by Renon or how much you suck at the game. Also, it was pretty scary if you were a kid in 1999. It is what you would have wanted from a 3d Castlevania game back then.

>> No.7788292

Correction, the newer ones that were completely overhauled to be more competitive 1v1 fighters have that. The original N64 game doesn't. Fans have tried to make it work, but the game isn't really designed for competitive play and it hasn't really gone anywhere.

>> No.7788318

>Both Smash and VF have Ring out and block button so they're similar.
This is the most pathetic comparison I've ever heard. Smash 64 is a party brawler. It's horribly unbalanced, all but 1 stage is tournament viable and even it has jank that makes it unfair and random. Virtua Fighter on the other hand is a very well balanced fighter that's highly technical and competitive. It's had a competitive circuit ever since the first one came out.

Smash Bros. competitive circuit didn't start until Melee and it's creator actively tried to kill it until finally caving and pandering to it with Smash 4 and Ultimate. Smash Bros 64 is an entirely different kind of game and isn't really in the same category as it's later iterations.

>> No.7788320

I guarantee you that everyone who hates the N64 is a eurofag or brazilian.

>> No.7788325

Smash Bros 64 has tournaments too. And why do you keep mentioning 1v1 when Smash Bros 64 fully operates with 1v1? Also if anything the later Smash Bros have more items and Smash Bros 64 is the one that has more emphasis on direct fighting in itself.

>> No.7788335

>muh balance
Doesn't change the fact smash and vf have more in common with each other than with street fighter.
I doubt you play any of these games conpetitively anyway, but feel free to prove me wrong, show us your tournament victories, big boy. With proof of course.

>> No.7788349

Are people unironically complaining about items in smash in mid 2021? You know there's an option to disable them right? Has been there since Smash 64.
Also I'm surprised about the Smash and VF comparison, never thought about it before. Inputs are also the same (direction+attack at the same time instead of direction motions, then attack like in regular Street Fighter likes).

>> No.7788350

Its a tournament party game.

Real fighters don't allow you to walk about freely with platforming and items you and your opponent can share.

>> No.7788352

You can disable guns in Golden eye and have slappers only. Does that make it also a fighting game?

>> No.7788356

>Smash Bros 64 has tournaments too.
More for lulz than anything serious. They're not nearly as competitive or serious as the ones for Melee or Ultimate.
> And why do you keep mentioning 1v1 when Smash Bros 64 fully operates with 1v1?
You're clearly not getting it. Sure you can do 1v1 in Smash 64, but the game isn't designed to be serious on a competitive level. The characters are horribly unbalanced to the point of being completely broken, some characters moves flat out don't work, all but Dreamland is unviable for tournament play and even it has the janky wind mechanic. It's not designed to be a serious 1 on 1 fighting game like say Tekken, Virtua Fighter, Street Fighter, etc.
>The Later Smash Bros have more items!
But you can turn them off. You can turn the N64 ones off too, but it doesn't fix the other issues mentioned above. The newer ones do address that and it's why they have a more serious competitive scene.

>> No.7788364

>Doesn't change the fact smash and vf have more in common with each other than with street fighter.
Only if you're an idiot trying to defend the N64's pathetic fighting game line up.
>show us your tournament victories, big boy.
What does that have to do with the N64's lack of good fighting games?

>> No.7788382

>What does that have to do with the N64's lack of good fighting games?
Nothing but it would be good to see you're not a total scrub.

>> No.7788390

What's with all you bitter boomers whining about what system from this generation was the best? N64, PS1, and saturn are like the holy trinity of retro gaming. They were all great. You're not kids with no money anymore, go and enjoy some shit you missed out on.

>> No.7788392

I'm not interested in the competitive viability of games for my 25 year old console, I'm interested in games I can have fun with. Smash isn't fun, but I'll enjoy playing Vampire Savior with a friend.

>> No.7788398

sorry anon I don't enjoy shit

>> No.7788419

>N64, PS1, and saturn are like the holy trinity of retro gaming.
Yikes putting that shit in your holy trinity.

>> No.7788440

Pretty much this. Smash 64 hasn't really aged well at all.

>> No.7788463 [DELETED] 

Imagine not having ZX Spectrum, Master System, and Amiga as your holy trinity.

LMAO the state of you lad.

>> No.7788467
File: 33 KB, 552x514, 92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ZX Spectrum, Master System, and Amiga

>> No.7788484

The only system with anything decent to play out of those three is the Master System.

>> No.7788485

Your childhood was depressingly terrible

>> No.7788506

Why do you think he hates japanese games so much? Literal case of fox and the grapes, and add high schizophrenia to that as well.

>> No.7788508

Yeah but you are a mentally ill amiga nigger. So opinion discarded.

>> No.7788514

Master System has much better games than N64. It's not even up for debate.

>> No.7788517

The Master/SEGA Syetem is based, has more colors than NES, has great titles third party support, sleek design, you name it, and the Amiga has tons of great titles too, many arcade perfect or close to it, but yeah the ZX is a horrid nightmare clown of a console.

>> No.7788518
File: 45 KB, 372x266, s-l500 (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck the critics and the fighting connoisseurs this is a good game

>> No.7788520

anon I don't think I am who you think I am. I've never even seen an amiga. Have fun with your bizarro fantasy world anyway.

>> No.7788552

Either way you suck hairy nintendo balls.

>> No.7788653

>No Wetrix
come on son.

>> No.7788660 [DELETED] 

>fighting connoisseurs
That's an oxymoron in the first place. The only credible place fighting games have in existence is a bit of superficial fun.

>> No.7788663

An oxymoron if I ever saw one. The only credible claim fighting games have for existence is a bit of superficial fun and style which War Gods actually has.

>> No.7788767

>Apart from being memed on its technical disregard for Nintendo's requirements the game is not remotely enjoyable. There is no sense of speed. The environments while clean for the n64 are incredibly lame to race though. The N64 had a ton of racers but I think this is because it's one of the easiest genres to develop a 3D game in as developers have a lot of control over what is and is not rendered. I don't think this is the kind of star example.

Yeah, I was totally disappointed with it. It's got some nice technical aspects, but it's kinda lame. Worse, there's only the GT2 and GT3 leagues so there's hardly any sense of progress. And, the stages for some reason are very flat with hardly any elevation.


I sear that you are racing at half the speed that the spedometer says too. But it's not just that, games like Gran Turismo feel really fast.

>> No.7788793

I still can't believe how badly 3rd party abandoned Nintendo.

Yes, they took too high a % cut per game.
Yes, carts were a mistake in hindsight.
Yes, it was hard to develop for.
Yes, it came out an entire year after the PlayStation.
Yes, 3rd parties were pissed at Nintendos arrogance and hubris

But still, despite all this the drop off was IMMENSE.

>> No.7788804

Nintendo were so arrogant they thought they could win without them. Ended up with the shittest library rivaling Atari Jag and other meme consoles.

>> No.7788814

Because I think the Saturn is shit? Either way you’re a stupid faggot

>> No.7788825

Wasn't everything better than Saturn?

>> No.7788830

Stop being a disingenuous fuck and pretending anyone who cares about fighters was playing them on the fucking Saturn or at home in any form. The arcade scene around fighting games was still going during the entire lifespan of the system, and there wasn't a single fucking tournament held on any goddamn console of the era.

>> No.7788838

Fighters Destiny is unironically better than Virtua Fighter

>> No.7788839

Ask any normie they love it

>> No.7788841

Hudson, Konami, Midway, Acclaim, HAL, and Rare all made some good games though.

>> No.7788854
File: 68 KB, 650x650, 37623-Street_Fighter_EX_Plus_Alpha_[NTSC-U]-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stop being a disingenuous fuck and pretending anyone who cares about fighters was playing them on the fucking Saturn or at home in any form.
Plenty of people played Street Fighter EX+Alpha, Tekken, Xmen Vs Street fighter on their home consoles. Try again zoom boy.

>> No.7788862

Was Glover a meme or was it actually decent?

>> No.7788868

no one played street fighter ex you dumbfuck. quit speaking about things you don't know jackshit about

>> No.7788878

It had a soundtrack that was surprisingly awesome.

It was an okay game.

>> No.7788893

I played it at my mates house before I owned a PSX myself. We would all go to arcades after school as well but claiming nobody played fighters on home consoles is ridiculous considering everyone and their grandma played World Warrior on SNES. Why are you so angry?

>> No.7788896

>claiming nobody played fighters on home consoles is ridiculous
not what i said idiot. you're the one going on rants about competitive fighters as if anyone was playing any home port in a competitive fashion. once again you're being a disingenuous retard about something you know nothing about

>> No.7788901

this game is fucking god-tier. I got so good using the tank-bear. Played it with a friend and we got so good at it. Camping with bombs and counting frame data.

>> No.7788905


Autistic fags that colect plastic and play only on crt's are a minority. /vr/ is a tiny place in the world.

>> No.7788912
File: 121 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault - 2021-05-24T174059.422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're the one going on rants about competitive fighters
>as if anyone was playing any home port in a competitive fashion
I actually haven't but I will defend that poster as competitive SNES world warrior existed. Its odd you call everyone disingenuous yet you somehow were unaware of MK and SF console popularity. Did you never have a friend that had 5+ brothers that would take Capcom fighters seriously? I've witnessed full blown fights over the dumbest shit like who created a Sabretooth combo first.

>> No.7788916

That doesn't look as good as the N64 port.

>> No.7788927

No N64 racer even comes close to looking as good as Sega Rally.

>> No.7788931

The Cruisin' trilogy is pure soul

>> No.7788938

>I actually haven't but I will defend that poster as competitive SNES world warrior existed.
No, it literally did not you obnoxious larping retard

>> No.7788949
File: 155 KB, 1362x770, snessf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No, it literally did not you obnoxious larping retard
Why are you so angry?

>> No.7788972

Dude place one foot on your toilet seat. Spread your legs somewhat, and insert your princess peach funko pop rectally. Make sure it sits snug in there. Do it for nintendo.

>> No.7788975

Because they play it on emulators the smooth out the frame rate problems. Banjo, Donald duck and 1080 has noticeable frame rate issues on real hardware. Nintendo made way more profit by selling their own games which is why they didn't share micro code with other developers, sega did the same thing too on the saturn.

N64 is not capable of running sega rally, virtua cop 2, any of the many 60 fps fighting games, daytona cce. The ps1 could probably run those games so therefore less reason to own saturn.

Saturn and ps1 are also not capable of running mario 64, goldeneye or pilot wings.

Mario kart was low poly and 2d characters, they really stretched out the polys in that, I wasn't impressed.

Well at the end of the day I would not be surprised if the dreamcast was actually cheaper to manufacture than the saturn. Would have been a pretty interesting alternate reality to just push the saturn as long as possible and not have dreamcast.

Sega touring car championship has a pretty erratic framerate but its my favorite saturn game, it take a bit to get used to it.

>> No.7789125

>are also not capable of running mario 64, goldeneye or pilot wings.
Were they not meme genres I promise you Sega would have had them on their machine.

>> No.7789351

N64 and its games sold well in America because America has the best taste in games.
Crash and Spyro, while fun games, are 2nd-rate platformers & collectathons compared to Mario, Zelda, Banjo, and Donkey Kong. That's why they're less iconic and nobody cared about them by the 6th generation.
It's common to see Gen Z kids (born after 1996) wear pic related because of how important the N64's software was for the history of video games. These same kids don't even know what a Saturn is and they've never played a PS1 game because its exclusives are culturally irrelevant. Nobody says "brooo, you HAVE to go play the shitty console ports of tomb raider! This stripped down version of Virtua Fighter was so amazing!"
Americans as a whole don't care for gay weeb shit so the lack of JRPGs doesn't matter. Then you had N64's groundbreaking games like Goldeneye and Doom 64. Playstation have anything like that? Shiturn? Don't kid yourself.
Face it, the N64 is the BEST console of all time, and its library is FAR SUPERIOR to that of the other 5th gen shovelware stations.

>> No.7789352

One thing I've always noticed about shiturn hipsters is how blatantly apparent it is that they very obviously only pretend to like it for contrarianism, and don't even play games.
Anytime any other console or old pc or arcade game is mentioned people will always talk about how they had fun playing it as a kid, or how they would always stay over at friends houses playing certain games, or how they'd stop in at the local arcade to drop quarters in whatever. They'll always have distinct memories and nostalgia of having fun with whatever they're talking about.
But all you'll ever hear from shiturn fags are how it actually had the most vertrex cycles of any console at the time assuming you properly utilized both CPUs and GPUs and did a rain dance under a full moon, or how the shading of a lamp post in the background of a capcom fighter was actually arcade perfect quality unlike the ps1 where its gamma tint was microscopically off. Never do you hear about how you and friends stayed up all night playing saturn games.
It's like the console was complete dogshit and they're all just a bunch of friendless shut in weebs who bought a 25 year old piece of plastic to try to be cool and now spend all their time validating their waste of money to themselves as they play alpha 3 for the 47th time and get KOd by the CPU on stage 2 as they repeatedly struggle to do a qcf to throw a fireball, before waddling over to the $4500 pc their mother bought them, (that they use only to play steam ports of PS3 era JRPGs) and extolling the virtues of whichever japan only release they most recently heard a youtuber talk about and then going on a forum begging for it to be translated so they can actually play it long enough to take a picture of it to post on reddit.

>> No.7790078

Fzero was 60fps. The N64 could easily do Sega Rally. The Saturn version has that flat 2D background and small draw distance. And tiny thin tracks

>> No.7790089

The problem I have with trying to play N64 games I've not played is that I can't experience them with 1997 goggles. I can only see them as of 2021. I find it hard to get over glaring faults and shit that me as a kid wouldn't have given a fuck about .

Example, I tried to play that 3D Goemon game and just couldnt enjoy it. Though maybe had I played it at the time it would maybe have been one of my favourites. Know what I mean?

>> No.7790091

>Nintendo made way more profit by selling their own games which is why they didn't share micro code with other developers
Is this true?

>> No.7790328

You nintenfags never cease to amuse me

>> No.7790365

Didn't this game get higher scores than Colin Macrae Rally 2.0? If so that's a fucking travesty.

>> No.7790406

It's better than every Shiturn game besides RE1 (the only good Shiturn game)

>> No.7790426

I keked but fuck you

>> No.7790463
File: 2.90 MB, 480x360, colinrally.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is supposed to be an 8.5
>while this is a 9.5 >>7788009
what the fuck