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7776958 No.7776958 [Reply] [Original]

Favourite games?

>> No.7776965

Sonic Heroes

>> No.7776968
File: 90 KB, 640x480, 513769015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this game was fun

>> No.7777005
File: 400 KB, 933x960, Alissa-Cyan-comix-zone-38073724-933-960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me? It's gotta be Comix Zone.

>> No.7777163

Original Final Fight, Streets of Rage 2, Konami's X-Men

>> No.7777181

Sneed & Chuck in Enter the Chuckodrome

>> No.7777413

-Arcade Divinity Tier
Metamorphic Force
Violent Storm
Mysteria Series
Cadillacs and Dinosaurs
Final Fight

-Console Elites
SoR 1-3
Batman Returns
Super Sonic Blastman 1-2
Viewitful Joe 1-2

-Best Intro to Arcade scene
Golden Axe

>> No.7777419

I hate the way grabbing works in the Golden Axe games desu

>> No.7777446

undercover cops, sailor moon and zero team 2000 deserve being in arcade divinity tier more than konami's jankshit

>> No.7777613

River City Ransom EX was my last and it was pretty great

>> No.7777696



>> No.7777728

Metamorphic is kinda jank but Violent Storm isn't

>> No.7777754

Final Fight series, Splatterhouse series.

>Sneed & Chuck in Enter the Chuckodrome
This one was just way above my paygrade, I don't have the reaction time to get very far in it. I hear the console ports are easier, but scalpers want a lot for even a loose copy.

>> No.7777761

Final Fight 3 and Return of Double Dragon.

>> No.7778351

I beat up your mom's puss last night if you know what I mean lol

>> No.7778646

God Hand, Streets of Rage 2

>> No.7778763

>Streets of Rage 2
learn how to 1cc arcade bmups and you'll never be able to go back to shites of rage and will see all its abysmal flaws, the only thing good about it is the music. It's clunky, overlong, eats inputs on higher modes, has absolutely no balancing so they just chucked lives at you like candy to get around it on higher difficulties, and teaches you bad habits whilst starving you of having to learn proper skills which are necessary to 1cc arcade bmups. It's passable by console standards and nothing more, can't hold a candle to the top 15 arcade bmups.

>> No.7778785
File: 64 KB, 447x406, title.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loved the shit out of this one, got it in one of those gaming magazines. It's one archive.org if anyone's interested.

>> No.7779048
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it gets a bit edgy at points, but it's still kino

>> No.7779053

>the top 15 arcade bmups
what are they

>> No.7779137

Why do you have to be so combative, man?

>> No.7779141

been playing too many bmups

>> No.7779178

who cares about that you autist lmao

>> No.7779216

he's still waiting for his answer, anon.

>> No.7779349

You mean that he's been jaded by years of yo contra el barrio?

>> No.7779490

i don't speak taco

>> No.7779895

It's sad that the original anon that wrote up this copypasta turned out to be a poser that can't even 1cc Final Fight Arcade.

>> No.7780104

whoa, a Capcom arcade "fan" turned out to be fake and was likely a mahvelfag to boot? how surprising.