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7776267 No.7776267 [Reply] [Original]

was it really that bad?

>> No.7776274

Even worse I'd say.

>> No.7776342

I never finished this but I remember the FOV was shit and it ran kind of janky. Can't remember if I played it on the Xbox or PC.

>> No.7776352

Better than the original, that's for sure. God the early years were a nightmare for PC.

>> No.7776417

Embarrassing disaster of a game that at least acted as sad but preparatory experience of where games would go once PC genres became popular on games consoles.

>> No.7776418

No, but not as good as Deus Ex.

>> No.7776452

It has some interesting things. Good music too.

>> No.7776467

The PC version is. Doesn't it stop responding and then open a new instance of the game whenever it loads or something?

>> No.7776470


>> No.7776584

Worse. It has a lot of apologists for some reason.

>> No.7776591

It was pretty good. I liked it more than the first DE but saying that out loud will get you hanged.

>> No.7776620
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>he typed it out instead of saying it

>> No.7776712

Could use a remaster/remake to fix the problems

>> No.7776802

It was... pretty shitty. It's an unfinished console game. Consoles literally ruined PC gaming.

>> No.7776825

I've got nostalgia for it, it was the first game I bought for the Xbox and coming off the PS1 and N64 I thought it was amazing. I played it through at least a dozen times and had countless hours of amusement treating it as a sandbox and playing around with the ragdoll physics.

Almost 20 years later... I picked it up years ago on Steam sale but haven't tried it again, I doubt I'd enjoy it now.

Oh and please don't get triggered by the "nostagia" thing, I was a legal adult when I got the Xbox.

>> No.7776918

>good game bad sequel

>> No.7777226

No, not at all. It's a pretty solid game, all things considered. The weakest mainline Deus Ex game is still better than most shit out there. It does make some (emphasis on SOME) than its predecessor. It removes the unnecessary skill bloat, the weapon modifications are better, and the gunplay is much better. The issue arise from its level design, which is much stricter and smaller than the other games. The stealth doesn't work, unless you get the right mods.

The story isn't as compelling as the original, but it still has stellar writing. Better than the Eidos Montreal Deus Ex games. Most likely due to having the same lead writer as the first. Think of it as a 7 or 8 out of 10 game, compared to how the Deus Ex 1 was a 10/10 game.

>> No.7777232

Music is great. OCRemix did good album of it too. Game is good but step down, way too short with a more forgettable story. I played both back-to-back in 2011 and could tell you a lot about the first, and very little about the second.

>> No.7777239

Also, I want to reiterate on something. When I said "Better than the Eidos Montreal Deus Ex games." I meant in terms of writing. Gameplay wise Invisible War is inferior to the Eidos Montreal games. Just so people don't get confuse with my post.

>> No.7777240

I gave it a try but it kicked me back to desktop every time it needed to load a new area and then restarted itself and since every area is so small this issue happened constantly and irritated me to the point where I couldn't take it anymore.

>> No.7777331

It's better than HR.

>> No.7777370

its from the time when pc games started to get consolidified

>> No.7777629

I gave it a playthrough because I like the series and assumed the response to the game was an overreaction since nothing can measure up to Deus Ex. It's actually ball-draggingly bad and you have to force yourself to complete it. The game is bland, completely depthless and oversimplified, and nothing really keeps you looking forward to the next loadscreen and small area - a technical problem which makes the game ugly, cramped and lacking divergent options all at once, which together with the game design, character and story flaws is just part of this cumulative mountain of issues that wouldn't be game-ruiners on their own. Even the game's ammo system is designed to be as thoughtless as possible.

>> No.7777645

Had the original never existed it would have been a much better received game

>> No.7777651

>the weapon modifications are better
I don't even remember the weapon mods in IW, but finding a new accuracy or ammo capacity upgrade in DX always felt like a huge deal at least up until you hit Master in a given weapon type, loved it

>> No.7777658

>if it wasn't for the brand, a FPS with infinite ammo, minimal locational damage, and retarded AI, where you spend 30 seconds in loading points to explore levels that you can walk through in 30 seconds, would have been better received
The ONLY reason IW got good reviews on release is because it was a DX/Eidos game. Don't forget that Eidos was heavily bribing basically everyone back then (Kane & Lynch)

>> No.7777943

On the contrary, it would be forgotten like Project Snowblind (which is a better game).

>> No.7777953

Fixed with "Visible Upgrade" unofficial patch.

>> No.7778027
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>> No.7778035

that's the image that accompanies the definition of "consolization" in the dictionary

>> No.7778065

Extremely bland in gameplay and story terms when compared to the first one. Like >>7777943 said if it weren't for the first it would've been just another forgotten 2000s game.

>> No.7778228

Yeah, it actually IS better in Invisible War, despite what the circlejerk tell you. The weapon mods in Deus Ex 1 were basic. I'm not saying that to talk down on the game, nor am I implying they're useless. Just that they were just stat upgrades for your guns.

They are some of those in Invisible War, but you also had some that made significant changes to your guns. Such as the EMP converter, fragmentary rounds, and the glass destabilizer.

>> No.7778394

What is that fucking hair lmao

>> No.7778435

The game was good, it just had the huge handicap of being the sequel to motherfuckin' Deus Ex.

>> No.7778462

It was alright, and even trimmed some of the fat from the first game. The problem is it trimmed too much, and instead of refining the rougher aspects, simply removed them, along with some of the well developed stuff. Streamlining can be good, but taken too far, it results in an oversimplified experience.

>> No.7778464
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it was a different time

>> No.7778467

Objectively no, it's a decent entry-level FPSRPG that just happened to be consolized and ran on a jank ass engine that tried to do too much for its time (per-pixel lighting everywhere, ragdolls, and havoc physics for fucking anything that moves), which is why it also runs like ass on PCs. If you patch it it and maybe apply some mods to fix shit like the consolized HUD, it's honestly a fun game. It's only real failings are the abysmally short length and some anticlimactic plot twists that reveal how rushed the game was (specifically when you learn two of the opposing factions are working together, as well as tye ending for the Omar). If you play it after the first DX you'll probably hate it, but if it's your first DX or FPRPG (like me), you'll probably enjoy it. The amount of environmental interaction and opportunities you get to screw multiple sides over made it worth it. A couple more tips:

-Headshot everything. There's no reticle sway so it's absurdly easy to do. This in turn makes the universal ammo much less of hassle, to the point where you'll max it out and have stashes of it sprinkled in the levels

-Biomods are meant to be replaced when the situation calls for it. If you max them out early, that's not a level cap.

>The weakest mainline Deus Ex game is still better than most shit out there.
But Mancucked Divided was awful.

>> No.7778468

Weakest DX game is both retro and in the OP.

>> No.7778473

Also, is there a way to efficiently use stealth in that game? I swear it's broken. The only way I found to play the game (other than shooting everything that moves) is using the cloak aug and rushing through the levels.

>> No.7778480

No and no.

>> No.7779237

It's genuinely a bad game that feels arduous to play, it's not "just mediocre" or "just overshadowed", it's an unenjoyable slog as a combination of its thoughtless, oversimplified mechanics which sometimes don't work, harshly limited areas, and lack of gameplay variety, all broken up by loading a new claustrophobic box every minute. This is the kind of game that could have stood up well only when treated as a VN with bells and whistles, if the story had been good or even slightly entertaining.

>> No.7780589

>EMP converter, fragmentary rounds, and the glass destabilizer
I vaguely remember these but the EMP-melee augmentation was really overpowered and at least made the first of those kind of meaningless. Also, DX1 had sabot ammo instead, which was more sensible than magic nanite ammo shite.

>> No.7780617

On normal difficulty, if you install strength aug, then you can use the baton to knock enemies out with a single hit.

>> No.7780621

Arx Fatalis managed to keep all of its complexity on the xbox, and it's almost as complex as DX1

>> No.7781281

consolized means it was made for consoles first, the levels are that way because it had to run inside the 64 mb of the xbox, it crashes between loads because it was the most effective way to get rid of code garbage (this is developer's fault), giant hud, small fov, oversimplified gameplay, etc
I don't even remember a single song of the game
of course caring developers would make a good port or even a better version from pc to console like indiana jones, starcraft 64 or mindblowing re2 but we were entering the "we need to sell 1 million copies to get even" because developers need to burn tons of money on bullshit for some reason

>> No.7781297

>I don't even remember a single song of the game
I remember being so fucking stoked for IW when it was first announced, spending a lot of time on the gorgeous Flash website with multiple songs uploaded, listening to the following on repeat over and over
>tfw the best song in the game turns out to be a meta-background song which plays only at the meta-sideplot coffee shops

>> No.7781504

the only redeemable thing of this game is fucking with the ragdolls

>> No.7783543

This + the strength aug which is basically like a short-range gravity gun

>> No.7783929

I replayed DX1, Invisible War and HR all in a row recently and I can say for sure that IW is the worst of the three gameplay wise, engine wise, coding wise, etc.

It is an absurdly shallow game which is dumbed down to the lowest possible point and crammed into the Xbox's tiny memory limits. The slight moments of light that shine through the crusty turd layer of the game are nowhere near enough to make up for its downfalls, and there are a lot of them. Deadly Shadows is also just as bad in relation to Thief 1/2 and only manages to beat Thi4f by virtue of it not being Thi4f. All of the same engine, movement, gameplay and Xbox limitations exist in Deadly Shadows but it's actually even worse than Invisible War is because it does body simulation for the player camera and was designed entirely around third person mode, which is something not even the fan patch fixes.

>> No.7783942 [DELETED] 


>> No.7784947


No, the mod only hides it.

>> No.7784956


>> No.7785028

DE (great), IW (shit), HR (great), MD (good). This is indisputable.

>> No.7785649

it was bad enough to at least kill the franchise until human revolution came along. and then mankind divided came along and killed it again.