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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 140 KB, 1280x720, LSD Dream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7772447 No.7772447 [Reply] [Original]

>playing LSD dream emulator
>wow this gives me massive ENA vibes
>kind of a ripoff

>> No.7772520

It's really weird to see an actual game like this made back then (with an entire team and everything).

This is something I'd only expect to see today, where one guy can jack all this out by himself, and it's easy to distribute.

>> No.7772524
File: 39 KB, 250x322, 1_tongnou-int_cover_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only that, multiple games with that weird art style was released

>> No.7773072


>> No.7774857
File: 64 KB, 239x239, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7774902

You can see it's a rip off

>> No.7774907
File: 83 KB, 1116x795, giovanni (1969).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I know this cartoon.

>> No.7774942

This is only popular cuz of the "im so quirky" type, both guys and girls are guilty of this cringe

>> No.7774960

it's popular because the cartoons are amazingly animated, incredibly creative and thoughtful and different than a lot of mainstream trash, not because it's "quirky"

>> No.7774965

You are not funny

>> No.7774974

Go take your pills hon

>> No.7774980


You need to go back

>> No.7774995

porn where

>> No.7774998

there's a thread on /trash/

>> No.7775004

i didnt even knew there was a board called that

>> No.7775005

when did ENA and LSD come out? I do not think it could have been a rip off

>> No.7776232


>> No.7777267

Moony best girl

>> No.7777281
File: 241 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you spelled Shepherd wrong

>> No.7777289
File: 8 KB, 500x534, E1E7_bPVkAAEmPk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is this shit and why am I fucking seeing it everywhere. Even the idiots I see at work are wearing shirts with it. Jesus christ I hate people and the stupid shit they like.

>> No.7777298

It's on youtube and free it won't kill you to watch it. Get with the times old man

>> No.7777345

The last time someone made a suggestion like that, it was to give vtubers a try. I don't fucking trust you goddamn kids anymore.

>> No.7777347

I'm confused....does someone seriously think some YouTube crap that came out last year.....was ripped off by LSD? LSD came out 23 years ago.

If you are saying it's the other way around, that's something different? Maybe? Who cares. It's YouTube garbage.

>> No.7777349

says the sonic fan

>> No.7777357

What is it though?

>> No.7777365

A youtube video

>> No.7777393

>take the enapill old man

>> No.7777439

Bit of a weird thread subject, but Joel G has said on Twitter that LSD Dream Emulator was one of ENA's inspirations straight up. Reminds me more of shit like Worlds and Digital Space Traveler tbqh, those 90s era 3D chat rooms.

>> No.7777840


>> No.7777914

youtube garbage making more money than you ever will

>> No.7777940

How does something making money make it good? Do you also think the Kardashians are good?

>> No.7777965

YNBW, and you dont pass, not at all

>> No.7777974


You're more likely to find search results for it on YouTube than Google. Shit's pretty trippy.

>> No.7778038

wow that was fucking garbage

>> No.7778050

>"Please speak to me through the body language of the gods."
Weirdest come on I've ever heard.

>> No.7778154

you say that but you will never be a millionaire

>> No.7778180

Yeah. Probably not? What's your point?

>> No.7778192

>old thing "ripped off" brand new thing
Cool shill job. Fuck you.

>> No.7778197

>go watch it
>guys voice

wtf boner ruined

>> No.7778270

Of course there is.

>> No.7778657

Sato's games are basically walking simulators done right. They make up for the shallow, almost nonexistent mechanics in favor of weird shit that compels you to explore.

>> No.7778679

So basically this newfangled Ena shit is just some zoomer fad made by and for dumb people who are otherwise shallow and uninteresting. Like Millennials and their hipsterism from 10 years ago.
Zoomers are literally incapable of figuring out how time and historical context works. On top of being extremely gullible to almost autistic proportions, they also think the world around them came into existence when they fell out of the womb.

>> No.7778690

And you'll never be a woman so I don't get it

>> No.7778694

>they also think the world around them came into existence when they fell out of the womb.
How can someone say this seriously while also using the term zoomer unironically in the same post multiple times is beyond me.

>> No.7778696

>different than a lot of mainstream trash,
>not because it's "quirky"
Talk about contradicting your own point, dumbass.

>> No.7778706

>u said this word that means ur wrong
Additionally, you're also the most tech illiterate generation since the boomers.

>> No.7778709
File: 89 KB, 1056x670, well_arentyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7778715


>> No.7779304

I would be more apt to tolerate the content if the main core of it wasn't waifubait with a tranny voice

>> No.7779325

tranny voice???? she has different vioces because she has different personalities

>> No.7779340

You don't need some nerdy white guy voicing a cartoon girl to show they have different personalities.

>> No.7779345

why not

>> No.7779374

Stop replying to me unless you have an actual argument faggot.

>> No.7779379


>> No.7779485
File: 1.32 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20210521-140936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, yeah. Because that's the worst thing Tails has done.

>> No.7781937


>> No.7781969

>old good new bad
Could you sound any more like an old man with a stick up his ass?

>> No.7782180

It’s amazing how easily the boomers on this board take bait

>> No.7782681
File: 871 KB, 1821x1462, chuteng.1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7783509
File: 44 KB, 320x240, 1600940316784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The intelligence of the average 4channel poster is so low that it is incapable of recognizing even the simplest of baits

>> No.7783540

Did you guys translate Garage

>> No.7784373

/vr/ is less intelligent than the other vidya boards, must be the lead in the water boomers drink

>> No.7784792


Another bunch of people did a translation of a kind, but the official release is coming.