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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 220 KB, 640x557, 56072--vampire-savior-the-lord-of-vampire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7771535 No.7771535 [Reply] [Original]

What have YOU been playing lately?

>> No.7771542

Bought an arcade stick just to play that game, but it was online and I'll have wait some more before it gets here.

>> No.7772156

what's the best fighter on dreamcast? the port of third strike?

>> No.7772168

My personal favorite is Project Justice: Rival Schools 2. The team up attacks are pretty hilarious. Great fun if you want a Fighting game that doesn't take itself seriously.

>> No.7772171

That's like asking for the best shmup on TGCD or the best RPG on SNES.

>Welcome back, to the staaaaage of history!

>> No.7772180


Been playing this as well, I love it

>> No.7772191
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It's my first time using proper neogeo hardware and the little clicky stick is great for fightan games, especially as far as handhelds go.
Aside from that it's a cute babbie's first fighter.

>> No.7772408

I dug up Tekken 3 again recently and was amazed by it. Not only is all of the presentation top notch, but having fiended T7 the past year it was a blast seeing just how much of the movesets could be found all the back here.

I also dug up Tekken 2 and almost puked. I did not remember there was this massive evolutionary difference. Heck, I used to jump back and forth between both games all the time as a kid.

>> No.7772508

I've been wanting to get back into Marvel vs. Capcom lately. Love that character select theme. What's you guys favourite Marvel fighting game?

>> No.7772531

toss-up between hftf and lb2

>> No.7772562
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Dare I say soul?

>> No.7772758

Related question: Out of the NESTS saga games (KoF 99, 2000, 2001) on the Dreamcast, which ones are worth playing? Are any of them terrible or broken as fuck? Which one is the best?

>> No.7772769

2000s the best and worth playing, 2001 is the worst.

>> No.7772774


>> No.7772876


>> No.7772946
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Toy Fighter

No seriously, wait. Hear me out.
It's a spiritual sequel to Fighters Destiny and has its unique point scoring system.

The fighters have a large ring around them so you can only be a certain distance apart. If you back up you'll move your opponent forward. You can also kick the ring if someone is constantly running away and make them trip toward you. Fighters can even jump and kick off the ring as attacks.

>> No.7772972

been playing 3rd strike, kof 98, garou, jojo, and vsav

>> No.7773127

they are all broken messes , but i prefer 99 for the aesthetics

>> No.7773625

Do Power Stone 1 and 2 count as fighting games? If no then what genre are they?

>> No.7773632

Super VG

>> No.7773634

>what genre

>> No.7773768

Really wish we got a sequel to this one. Way too many shotos, complete waste of slots that could have gone to other far more unique characters instead.

>> No.7774226

Mvc2 or cvs2 are the obvious yet correct options.

>> No.7774237

Dreamcast 3rd Strike is god awful. Avoid at all costs.
Can't go wrong with tech romancer either.

>> No.7774247
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>> No.7774489

mostly +R, but also messing around in ST, A3, 98 (I'm already pretty good at these games)

>> No.7774512
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baka gaijin idiot, I don't play vr games I just post about them online

>> No.7774523

I 2alled the Strikers trilogy got kicked out the shmup community because they envy me, so now I play fighting game against the AI (on easiest dips) my other hobbies include seething about jrpgs

>> No.7774572
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I think the 3S port on it is known for having problems. Most would probably say MvC2 and CvS2. These ports are amazing, MvC2 is actually better then the naomi version as it isn't prone to slowdown.
Chronicles is shit, at best fun to fuck around with for an hour.
The first three MvC games all have decent scenes, though admittedly I will say that breaking into them i s probably harder then any other fighting game. Children of the Atom, X-Men vs Street Fighter, and Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter are more niche but still some play in fightcade though.
It is just about universally agreed 2000 is the absolute best game from the NESTS saga, it was the last game by the original team so they poured their hearts into it. 99 is kind of just considered irrelevant due to 2000 and 01 is arguably the least popular game in the series, beside maybe XII or 94. 01 was the first game by the new team and it's pretty rough, definitely lacks the series' typical polish.

>> No.7774580
File: 328 KB, 1276x1400, Es_f8bjUUAAQZlN.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fightcade 2 Download:

Fightcade 2 Automatic Rom Downlaoder (Put files in the "emulator" folder and then just join a game's lobby to have it download it):

Resource For Learning Vampire Savior:

>> No.7774612
File: 529 KB, 500x750, beat em and eat em.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are scrolling fighting games welcome ITT, or just the versus style ones?

>> No.7774628

This looks fun, anon. I just finished Crossed Swords and really liked it. I'd like to give this a shot next.

>> No.7774632

Beat em Ups are a different genre, there is already a thread up:

>> No.7774638

But that's a shitposting/troll thread though.

Also, beat 'em ups were originally called fighters before vs. fighters stole the nomenclature.

>> No.7774639
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Anyone good at MvC2 come download nullDC Bear I'm fucking bored.

>> No.7774660

Yeah it's pretty good, my only gripe is it goes on too long recycling the same stuff and most of the bosses are let-downs, but the gamefeel makes up for it, throwing with Kasar a fun.

>> No.7774826

CPS II ver of Vampire Savior on FBN with 3 frames of run ahead

I can consistently 1CC it on default difficulty with Morrigan


>> No.7774852
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>> No.7774854

that's real nice, try hardest difficulty next and make a replay for your youtube otherwise it didn't really happen. anyone can claim 1ccs without proof.

>> No.7775682

I'm looking at pictures of the characters moves and they have red, green and blue boxes around them. What does all of that mean?

>> No.7775738

Why would he need to prove it? 1ccing default is proof of adequacy, not a monumental accomplishment

>> No.7775867

I really like Garou: Mark of the Wolves, but I'm struggling finding people to play it with.

>> No.7775885

>I think the 3S port on it is known for having problems
People don't like it because it's the "fixed" version of the game that takes out a few unblockable setups for the top tier characters, in an effort to balance it. The pros who play the game like that shit, and wouldn't switch, which is pretty common amongst these old games. The people who play prefer the original broken versions I guess because it's more fun to play the broken shit with infinites and only a few characters that are viable.

Other than that, there's lots of rumors and other bullshit abounds about input timing, juggle hitboxes, etc., which I'm not sure is actually substantiated by anything. What might be true is that the game is missing a small handful of frames from some fighters, and there might be a few dropped frames here and there from really heated action, but I couldn't tell you.

The Dreamcast version actually supports 240p, which the PS2 version does not, and in terms of authenticity, it's tough to say because it's not like MAME or even FBNeo are bastions of accuracy. They improve performance in some places, reduce it in others, change timing on certain items, etc.

The only way to play for real is with an actual COS3 can, and if you don't have that, then everything else may as well be the same (except for the PS2 port, which is 480i).

>> No.7776629

I love Vampire Savior but almost entirely because I'm a total fag for the horror aesthetic. Objectively, how does it stack up to Capcom fighters from the same time period?

>> No.7776806
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Blue Box: Hurtbox
>this is the "body" of your character and if it comes into contact with a hitbox you will take damage.
Red Box: Hitbox
>this is the box that you create when you perform a attack, essentially the area in which the attack will hurt the opponent if their hurtbox comes into contact with it.
Green Box: Throw Box
>this is simply the area in which a character can be thrown. If you perform a throw and it connects with the opponent's throw box you will successfully throw them, if not then the throw will whiff.

If you want to look into terminology used in the genre more try using this glossary, it's brand new and has hundreds of terms with video examples.

It's aged well honestly, about as well as fighting games from that period can. There is obvious flaws in balance but there has been people who have found success in competitive play with every character, it's tough but no one is completely impossible to use. Mechanically I think the system works great, some people seem to really hate the pushblock system but I've never really had problems with it. Personally I think it's still well worth playing as no game really blends subgenres like it does. It's not traditional like Street Fighter, but it's not exactly anime like Guilty Gear either, it's a weird mix that's hard to pin down and never really seen before or since.

>> No.7776827
File: 185 KB, 657x900, Darkstalkers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biased myself since it's my favorite fightan of all time but it's definitely among Capcom's best fighters period. It refined the series with a combination of fast paced footsies and easy to learn hard to master mechanics, while it doesn't hit the levels of mechanical depth as say 3rd Strike I'd rank it up there with something like Alpha 2. It's better mechanically than a grand majority of Capcom's output before it and since including the rebalance version they did of it Vsav2 and even the Vs games especially the ones from around that time. On top of that it's just as interesting visually and mechanically as Capcom's more experimental fighters of the time like Cyberbots and the later Red Earth which actually took a lot of systems from it. It's wholly unique while also establishing staples that would go into the anime fighting game series like Guilty Gear, BlazBlue and the later MvCs. Very deserving of playing or at least watching the high level play of.
One of the Japanese Demitri gods started a channel with FT10s between pros even from as far back as 2005 a joy to watch.

>> No.7776829

This looks rad. Would you say the gameplay is better than Fighters Destiny 2?

>> No.7777016
File: 400 KB, 2048x1152, DkjBid7VAAAYrPj.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>while it doesn't hit the levels of mechanical depth as say 3rd Strike I'd rank it up there with something like Alpha 2
Vsav is way deeper then A2. The mind games that push block creates is a huge factor in the highest level of play.

When someone is doing a blockstring for instance both players have a lot of things to consider.
>person blocking has to consider the opponent staggering, reading their pushblock, and how to follow up upon a successful pushblock
>person pressuring has to consider at what point the pushblock could come out, what distance they'll be pushed back, and what options they can do if they correctly read the pushblock
It becomes a huge mind game where the players have to try to understand each other's offensive and defensive habits constantly as the game moves at a lightning fast pace. Then of course you still have to play neutral.

>> No.7777050

>1cc proof or it didn't happen
This board thinks beating a fighting game on a single credit is a big deal. Shame.

>> No.7777067

I love the throw mechanics in this. Shame its got a stupid theme. I just can't get into the 'toys' thing.

>> No.7777272

>Vsav is way deeper then A2

They're both games for little kids with no execution lol, maybe when you grow up you can learn +R, Marvel, or A3.

>> No.7777305

High execution means little in fighting games.

>> No.7777313

literally executionlet cope

>> No.7777323

Explain why pad players have much better results in tournaments than combo video gods? Even Daigo and Infiltration will keep combo punishes relatively simple to ensure victory most of the time.

>> No.7777387

To say it means little is going too far.

>> No.7777390

Try some challenges vs AI. Hardest diff, try getting perfect stages, hell you could play it for score if you can't find Fightcade opponents.

>> No.7777467

Why? Literal cripples can play without even using all 6 buttons and get to a very high level. In fact I doubt you could even take Brolly legs in a set of sf4.

>> No.7777472

It's a shame they handled push block the way they did with mashing and randomness. Should have just given it an input like alpha counters in SFA. I really like the game otherwise.

>> No.7777494
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It's obtuse but it's not that bad there are a bunch of consistent inputs you can do to always get a pushblock.

>> No.7777591

>having to watch techniques
I've never played Darkstalkers but isn't it just alpha with easier combos? And isn't pushnlocking just 3 punches?

You guys sound like a bunch of scrubs who I could take with 1 day of picking up this game.

>> No.7777609

>I've never played Darkstalkers but isn't it just alpha with easier combos?
No. It's the evolutionary "missing link" between Street Fighter and Marvel VS Capcom.
>And isn't pushnlocking just 3 punches?
No. You have to try to make as many separate individual button presses as you can during hitstop (~12 frames) as possible. And the threshold number of presses to activate the pushblock varies randomly.

>> No.7777612

There were already guard cancels ("alpha counters") in Darkstalkers since its very first game (before SFA), they're an entirely different thing.

>> No.7777689

darkstalkers is for stinky weebs. Real men play the peak of fighting, 3s

>> No.7777729
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Darkstalkers is westaboo as fuck. The characters are based on Hollywood archetypes, their designs are inspired by American superhero comics, and the animators cited Disney and Tom & Jerry as reference for the animation.

>> No.7779513

>trying to talk down to others
lol, shouldn't you go be stuck fighting the same MSS or Zero/Doo/Vergil teams right now?

>> No.7779521
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>And the threshold number of presses to activate the pushblock varies randomly
Five presses gives you a 90% chance of pushblock, you can complain about it but it's really not that bad. People really exaggerate about the pushblock, some of Japan's best players only do like three or four presses. It's not about the actual pushblock but where in pressure you chose to do one.

>> No.7779540

Vampire Savior was when 2d graphics for fighting games peaked. Only Last Blade comes somewhat close. Prove me wrong.

>> No.7779570
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On a technical level CPS3 and later Neo-Geo games are probably better but as a man who loves expressive and cartoony styles especially ones that use squash and stretch and regularly go off model Vsav is my favorite fighter visually and no other fighting game has ever hit the level. Closest I can think of is Skullgirls or GG Xrd's later revisions since that was when Arc-Sys got a better handle on their engine and could deliver on a lot stronger and more expressive animations.
That being said I would definitely fear what Darkstalkers would look like with a modern release. Considering how Strive is a sizable step down in both presentation and art direction from Xrd and especially XX and Skullgirls new DLC characters also aren't safe from far weaker and less appealing animations, I don't think I could trust modern Capcom to handle all the aspects that made Darkstalkers so strong visually.

>> No.7779641

There was an arcade emulator that had a really nifty side bar that allowed you to show or hide games based on their arcade board like NeoGeo, CPS-III, etc. Anyone know which one that was?

>> No.7779676

The link to Fightcade 2 doesn't work, is the regular Fightcade download on that website the same thing?

>> No.7780184
File: 703 KB, 850x1200, EakQkl7UwAA3In_.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, Fightcade 2 is now the standard used. Just download the version for whatever operating system you have and you'll be good.

>> No.7780471

A reminder that next week's Fightcade update is going to include the Dreamcast fighting games. There's also NullDC Bear if you're really pressed for matches on Saturn and PS1 titles.

>> No.7780886

Are there any Fighting games with really good single player content?

>> No.7780994

>A reminder that next week's Fightcade update is going to include the Dreamcast fighting games

Rollback or shitty delay?

>> No.7781954

Why come bee bitch has 4 frames instead of 2 like everyone else?

>> No.7782026

Where do I start with King of Fighters?
I'm wanting to emulate the series and unsure what's the definitive versions to emulate.

>> No.7782072

definitive version is 2002 and not retro 2002um

>> No.7782128

I would say so. It's functionally the same game but it has more mechanics in the super meter and the ring that you can fuck with. Better FPS too.

>> No.7782215

Is it worth getting into the older ones? I'm bored and want a series to muck around in.

>> No.7782343

Whatever the Naomi games run is what Dreamcast is getting.

>> No.7782375

The only game you will find people to play in if you're not in South America or Asia is 02UM.

>> No.7782410


Fightcade still shits itself for DC/Naomi games. For that you need NullDC BEAR

>> No.7782412

Just here looking for the get

>> No.7782514

The DC port of 3S looked terrible in VGA mode, Double Impact ran at the proper resolution

>> No.7782661
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Cause it alternates between chibi version on stilts and the fully black insides between frames.

>> No.7782674

The older KOFs woth playing are 98/98UM, 2000, 2002/2002UM, 2003, XI and XIII. I think 98 is the perfect version of the more standard KOF gamplay and while I personally don't like 2002 that much and hate XIII it might be up your wheelhouse so give them a shot. 2003 and XI are different from the rest of the series trying for more tag team gameplay so if you like that instead of KOFs more stock like structure try those out. 2000 uses strikers instead of the standard fare and is the best game in the series to use them. The older games can be a bitch to break into since they're either figured out or the majority of the player base is foreign but if you can find a friend to play with or something you should be fine.

>> No.7783309

Anything by Namco.

>> No.7784704


>> No.7784708
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>> No.7784716
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Real ones know that this is the TRUE gem of fighting

>> No.7784720
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