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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 444 KB, 1583x1407, athena.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7770610 No.7770610 [Reply] [Original]

Thank you, Nintendo of America censor board. You're an inspiration to us all.

>> No.7770621

the US cover art makes more sense anyway. She's a fucking Amazon warrior, why wouldn't she wear full plate armor instead of apparently posing for Sports Illustrated?

>> No.7770668

It's not just a matter of censorship in this game but a particular American averseness to Japanese art and cuteness at that time. Thankfully Nintendo of America wasn't in the business of altering or replacing Japanese art in those days (with a few exceptions like Kirby's Dreamland and Adventure). They would change the covers to games but they wouldn't shield US gamers' eyes from anime style drawings. But if you look at what other companies were doing like Capcom USA with their Mega Man titles, or even further back with Midway's release of Pac-Man (ironically the original JP Pac-Man art was inspired by classic American cartoons), the expectation was that boys and men would look at these games and think "ew, that looks weird/gay".

I fucking hate that that's where our culture was at in America at that time, but it is what it is. I don't know how Canada was at that time, but at least based Mexico never had a problem with anime girls and titties.

>> No.7770697

They kept the original title screen graphics in the US release which now kind of don't make sense with the altered cover art. Also this was the only Micronics game that actually runs decently likely because someone other than Kazuo Yagi programmed it.

>> No.7770758

Because that is how she starts the game.

>> No.7770765

Mircronics? More like MicroDICKS!

>> No.7771207

Same here, I honestly like it a lot more than the japanese cover art for the cool fantasy vibe it has.

>> No.7771239

>"why the hell didn't they print ecchi porn on the cover of their game in America?"

>> No.7771268

game is shit anyways

>> No.7771273

>at that time
you mean still is

>> No.7771276

To an extent yes, but it's not as bad as it was in the 80s and 90s. And least publishers see now that anime style art is largely accepted by kids and teens, if not young adults.

>> No.7771283
File: 75 KB, 473x599, Wakelin_Athena.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Bob Wakelin's Athena art and I really wish the game was more like it.
The man was a notorious hack but the actual art he produced was of a good standard, stood out, and was memorable. That might have to do with him copying already memorable stuff, though, like Earl Norem's famous Conan cover.

>> No.7771286

Us cover art mogs the Japanese here.

>> No.7771315


>> No.7771316

I am pretty sure Canadian games are the same across the board. All they do is add French to every box.
Quebecois might have gotten some changes. because they are retards.

>> No.7771370

>Quebecois might have gotten some changes. because they are retards.
The French gonna French, no matter which continent they do it on.

>> No.7771410 [DELETED] 

t. OP

>> No.7771432

since 2007, it was passed into law that video games sold in Quebec need to have a French translation for people to buy. I remember in the mid 2000s you had the choice of buying either the English or French versions. The boxes were the same as with everywhere else in Canada, with bilingual text. The French versions of games only came with French manuals though, as the English ones would sometimes come with both. Now, I'm pretty sure the games default to the language you have set in your system's settings.
Quebecois are a special breed of retard.

>> No.7771462

One on the left looked better and the game likely got this boxart because anime was not a thing then, least not how it is now.

>> No.7771587

left one is unironically better looking

>> No.7772104
File: 29 KB, 256x430, 1618748389267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey at least they released it

>> No.7772112 [DELETED] 

ok virgin

>> No.7772121 [DELETED] 

americucks pushing their BLM shit everywhere baka

>> No.7772131

This game was so boring. I got to the third dungeon and couldn't be bothered to finish. KMT1+2 shits all over this

>> No.7772143

Amazons aren't real so it doesn't matter what outfit she has. She looks cuter in her bikini so her outfit is actually an improvement.

>> No.7772151

Based. Only absolute fags hate on bikini armor.

>> No.7772182
File: 150 KB, 800x555, 361403-ranma-1-2-hard-battle-snes-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime in vidya covers was a no-no in America well into the mid-90's. And the few times they tried being faithful to the source material they ended up with things like picrelated.

>> No.7772196
File: 50 KB, 640x480, chronotriggercover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about Chrono Trigger? It's a '95 release.

>> No.7772225 [DELETED] 

us normally adjusted people coom inside 3D females not drawings

>> No.7772231

As much as I usually dislike changing covers, I have to say the western one is quite nice. Cute anime stuff is fine, but the original cover here is somewhat uninspired.

That's not full plate though, her arms and legs are exposed. It's a chest plate with some additional armoring for her groin/thighs/butt. Even then, the chest plate is outlined after both of her breasts (rather than a single bump covering both of them), which isn't something that makes realistic sense, so the character is still rather stylized in design.

>ecchi porn
It's a girl in a bikini, she isn't showing off her titties or grinding a pole on stage. Do you consider going to be beach to be pornographic too?

>> No.7772249

Bikini armor is fine, but the cover on the right is just overall kind of bland in pose and composition. If you look at >>7771283 that still has a bikini, but the heroine is fearlessly fighting savage monsters in close combat, and her body is more detailed, outlining her stomach muscles and arm muscles, which are noticeable, but not too extreme looking either.

It's just a lot more exciting in terms of action, as it is in terms of titillation.

>> No.7772259 [DELETED] 

he's likely some /pol/ schizo

>> No.7772262 [DELETED] 

Coomers should die.

>> No.7772271

American game box art was shit because America doesn't have a solidly grounded graphic arts tradition.

>> No.7772287 [DELETED] 

The fact that you got /pol/ vibes from that post says almost nothing about him but speaks volumes about you.

>> No.7772305

One of the rare cases, were the US boxart isn't abnormal ugly as usually. Its quite nice art. I like the japanese one, too, though.

>> No.7772312

>It's a girl in a bikini, she isn't showing off her titties or grinding a pole on stage. Do you consider going to be beach to be pornographic too?
Fuck off, you know exactly what that design is trying to do. Acting like a disingenuous faggot never helped anyone.

>> No.7772320

>Game is cutesy sidescroller
>Cover makes it out to be some epic thing
Also got to love how they put on there that it's a hit in Japan, like that's going to mean anything to any American in the 80s.

>> No.7772326
File: 656 KB, 773x1050, latest[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starship Hector had anime for a box in 1990

>> No.7772341

>like that's going to mean anything to any American in the 80s
It does. It tells them they are not buying some eurojank shit game.

>> No.7772351

Left looks badass. Right looks like generic softcore porn. Isnt there anything better to get your rocks off to than a video game cover?

>> No.7772374
File: 290 KB, 1280x800, Milons%20Secret%20Castle-1280x800[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It happened now and again. And while I think of it, Chrono Trigger had ads in magazines flaunting Akira Toriyama doing the art, but at the time Dragon Warrior was going out of its way to downplay his art in the marketing materials, and Dragonball Z wouldn't come to America for another year so his name was completely pointless to a consumer at the time.

>> No.7772384

Have you tried to not be a massive ballgargling faggot?

Anything to sell the game.

>> No.7772427

The American one is sexier and has mermaid tits.

>> No.7772449

Its just a cute design. The problem is people like you.

>> No.7772463

While I don't enjoy european games to the max, I think they were better than the american crap that got put out. If the game was american it was often just unplayable trash besides some nice arcade games from Atari.

>> No.7772468 [DELETED] 

Oiy m8 that James Pond and that Jack The Nipper, those were absolutely gear. Uncultured Yanks had no idea what they were missing with their poofter Japcrap.

>> No.7772490

Literally all of those games were better than Americans and their autism spreadsheets like *yawn* Ultima and Wizardry.

>> No.7772567

Good enough for Japanese 10 year olds but not American 10 year olds apparently.

>> No.7772625


Dragonball had just landed on syndication around the same time, but direct to video anime releases were just taking off around this time.

Toriyama art was the first exception. But even after that, you could see it was still only an exception clear up to ps1

>> No.7772628
File: 51 KB, 600x518, 1587156460123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ecchi porn

>> No.7772632

yeah the real stuff back then was on the PC Engine and JPCs

>> No.7772648


>> No.7772841

Why are you gay?

>> No.7773491

We COULD, mind you. We've always had great cartoon and comic book artists who young commercial artists could aspire to be like, from Ub Iwerks to Chuck Jones to Iwao Takamoto to Don Rosa to Jack Kirby. The problem is there that there's a serious lack of widespread seriousness regarding the craftsmanship these men employed, and that is because mainstream America to this day still looks down on cartoons and comic books as "kid's stuff" (and if an artist is doing either, it better be edgy "adult stuff" if he or she wants to get taken seriously). So a vast number of commercial artists don't even try to emulate the style of the greats, much less aspire to reach their level of proficiency and skill. Why even try when your employer is willing settle for less, both in the sense of hiring unskilled workers for less and expecting less of you, the artist who at least somewhat knows what he's doing? Whether you're drawing a cartoon animal for your employer or a muscle ripped hero, it's all kid's stuff. And this condescension towards so-called kids' entertainment has only gotten worse over the years; the assumption many studio execs have is that children don't possess a barometer for art quality, when they actually do--but like adults they will settle for less when that's practically all that's being offered to them.

Some artists, to avoid feeling like they sold out to people who don't get it and don't care, become independent comic artists, and there are plenty of people in indie comics who do have the markings of greatness. Sadly there are likely just as many who after feeling unchained from the bonds of expectation submit less than appealing results, and their work has more in common with a Tumblr artist than Frank Miller, Sergio Aragones, or Jeff Smith.

TL;DR: there's enough of a foundation for a 'tradition' to exist, but the culture hasn't given cartoon art its due and instead has encouraged artists and employers both to settle for less.

>> No.7773638

>has a fully visible breast

What did OP mean by this?

>> No.7773693

All you people defending the crappy Japanese Athena porn-type cover image are monsters. The girl in that image looks dopey and doughy and infantile. She is either fat or a child or both. Lusting after children is disgusting unless you are one, and lusting after fat people is even worse.

^^ This is how God intended a lightly clad Athena to look. A glorious musclegirl with a pretty face and a clearly postpubescent body.

Yes it's true that marketing people in the US had some kind of tragic allergy to anime then, possibly because their audience itself did, and yes it's true that Japanese cartoon porn is often very very good. This particular cartoon porn image is less sexy than Betty Boop and should be considered nothing more than a grotesque historical curiosity.

>> No.7773760
File: 12 KB, 960x720, download (21).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As usual the ZX Spectrum had the best looking port

>> No.7773765

Imagine being old enough to know this game exists and still caring about nip cartoon pictures.

>> No.7773781

Oi uh roight propa fap dat lass

>> No.7773815

Right wouldn't have sold well in America at all and you know it

>> No.7773829

>Lusting after children
Some people are unable to accept that one finding a cover of a video game better than another doesn't mean he is lusting the character in that cover. Their only argument is always "you lolicon".

>> No.7773830

This a joke? Left is infinitely better. The only thing censored here is generic boring cover art.

>> No.7773906

They didn't have to answer to NOA.

>> No.7773918

Need to ask in the homebrew/ROM hacks thread about doing a nude edit of this.

>> No.7773945

Because it is not respectful to the original source material. Players don't want censored games.

>> No.7773948

aw neat, her sword is even stained with the blood of her enemies

>> No.7773956

What do Ameritard companies have against anime? There was nothing wrong with the original video game art.

>> No.7773958

at that time Americans hadn't much exposure to anime/manga and it was likely seen as off-putting and alien to them

>> No.7773962

They improved the boxart you weeb.

>> No.7773963

Right would have sold in record numbers since it features 2dqt in bikini armor.

>> No.7773969
File: 38 KB, 400x300, s-l400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're joking right? The shitty American artwork looks an abomination compared to the Japanese release

>> No.7773970

then again as I said the anime art style would have been really weird to Americans back then and in general it was probably too floofy and pink. at that time in the 80s everything was D&D imagery, heavy metal, Conan the Barbarian, Stallone macho shit which is why they'd always replace the original cover art on RPGs with generic D&D fantasy art.

>> No.7773980

Madusa, centour and angel all look sweet and clearly were done by a real artist. Jap box art is some fanservice coomer girl that was drawn up in 5 mins.

>> No.7773986

it still is

>> No.7773990

You don't need to tell me. I lived through the 90s, so I know all about the massive censorship & "americanization" of anime that happened in the US. Anime didn't start becoming mainstream until the late 90s because Ameritards kept thinking MUH CARTOONS ARE FOR CHILDREN ONLY.

>> No.7774001

Still 10x better than American attempt at anime artwork. Their faces are deformed. Ramna 1/2 was never meant for children.

>> No.7774003

>How do we sell our gamu?
>If our character is an underage girl in a thong, otaku will love it

>> No.7774004

anime isn't mainstream. it's cartoons for children like it always was. you only think it's mainstream because you're a social outcast and your only interaction and exposure to society is through the lens of the internet

>> No.7774012

In Athena's case, it's not bikini armor. It's her underwear. He dress falls off in the opening cutscene and you spend most of the game trying to find actual armor so you don't have to run around mostly naked. But that ended up being her iconic look, so they retconned it to being her go-to outfit.

>> No.7774015

I used to work with a guy from Switzerland. He said it was a lot like Canada; normal except for the part of the country with those crazy french fucks.

>> No.7774021

Sadly, not with video games. Have you seen the fucking state of jrpgs?

>> No.7774023
File: 150 KB, 630x1200, 76542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sexy Bikini armor trolling how original.
Japan is shameless bruh blame either Toryama or Cream Lemon for having started that trend.

>> No.7774027

I didn't have Internet until the late 90s/early 2000s, but I got exposure to anime watching CN long before Toonami even existed as a child.

>> No.7774029

which is why the genre is dead

>> No.7774043

Sex sells. The game wasn't marketed towards children anyways.

>> No.7774049

lol their faces are deformed

>> No.7774065
File: 378 KB, 1088x1600, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As the burger you were responding to, is that really necessary? We had companies like Viz Media that liked anime even back in the 80s, but we also had a preponderance of people like >>7773962 that are unfortunately still around to gripe about colorful Japanese art of the cute and/or pervy variety.
Opinion discarded.

>> No.7774070


It runs a little better than the norm for Micronics games but still has quite a bit of graphics glitches and sprite dropout from putting too much on one scanline. IIRC most of their programmers were college students.

>> No.7774084

The C64 port looks goofy because it has monochrome sprites. It's hard to say if that was intentional or they just did that for a beta build and didn't have enough time to put in proper multicolor sprites.

>> No.7774089
File: 53 KB, 640x446, MV5BNWI1ZDY1NjUtNmE3MC00ZTQ2LWE5MjctZWY2NGM2Y2IzZTU2XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMzM4MjM0Nzg@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They didn't improve the artwork. Their faces are deformed, & the scene is directly taken from the anime. They could have used a screenshot from the actual anime like Ocean did with their release & would have been just fine.

I just can't stand companies that don't respect the original source material.

>> No.7774102

left unironically looks better

>> No.7774103

I like DBZ which is also full of coomer art but if a western artist improves on Boxart im not going to have a cry because its no longer anime.

>> No.7774107
File: 20 KB, 590x519, was this really fucking necessary.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They actually had the balls to change this.

>> No.7774108
File: 3 KB, 512x384, athena.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is gameplay of the Speccy version. You'll find it oozes soul from every tile.

>> No.7774116

Yet Squoon has topless mermaid titties on the title screen and they were not touched in the US release, so there you have it.

>> No.7774117

not that big a deal really, autismo
>oh no the statue is covered up, the game is bad now

>> No.7774119 [DELETED] 
File: 79 KB, 602x499, oimespeccy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7774120

Can you post some gameplay from the Speccy version? You accidentally posted a picture of Fred Flinstone.

>> No.7774127

I think you interpreted it literally the opposite way you were supposed to.

>> No.7774153

they were probably right to be honest. boomer retards were out for blood for decades, look at how rockstar got screwed over by hot coffee

>> No.7774162

>hot coffee
Damn, don't remind me anon. Fucking puritans.

>> No.7774170

They did until the artists started getting dangerously political and the CIA promoted Abstract Expressionism instead.

>> No.7774175



>> No.7774179

It's Rockstar's own fault for leaving in something they never intended for anyone to see. Run a sloppy shop, don't gripe when people ask to you clean up.

>> No.7774223

>2009 /b/ memes

>> No.7774228

no that's not how it works. she rips her dress off to fight and picks up armor from her dead enemies as she goes.

>> No.7774248

Because they thought it looked too girly and weird for Western audiences. You still had similar shit happen into the 2000s where certain characters on the cover look slightly more intimidating. Funny thing is, a lot of western gaming franchises like Crash and Spyro actually attempted a reverse for the Japanese market.

>> No.7774258

Japanese cover is still a better representation of the actual game.

>> No.7775308

A), this was before anime got particularly popular in the west (beyond maybe France)
B), the American cover is still a far more complex and well put together composition, because the original cover is a very simple depiction of a character in a void.

>> No.7775332 [DELETED] 

The chad NoA preventing boys from becoming trannie coomers vs. The virgin Sega promoting furrydom.

>> No.7775342 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 480x352, 1281680652662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the country which produces and consumes anime the most has the lowest rates of troonism across the globe
Really puts things in perspective doesn't it.

>> No.7775356

The NES game doesn't really have the intro from the arcade anyway. I don't see why it couldn't be done from a technical POV but it was Micronics, so...

>> No.7775374
File: 255 KB, 1976x1562, awkward3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Look, a girly game with a cartoon underage girl suffering from fetal alcohol syndrome dressed in a skimpy bikini on the shocking pink cover! The perfect gift for my little boy!

>> No.7775378

idk in Japan vidya was aimed as much if not more at teenagers and young adults. the vidya is strictly for kids thing is an American meme.

>> No.7775393

No it's not. In the pre-crash era vidya was aimed at everyone and there were arcade machines in bars, clubs, restaurants, etc. I agree Nintendo did go for a more family image.

>> No.7775438

>music by Martin Galway

>> No.7775461

After all these years I still don't know why schizos sperg out over anime on a anime website

>> No.7775489 [DELETED] 

You will never be a teenage anime girl

>> No.7775498 [DELETED] 

How would I be able to jerk my dick to them otherwise? Dumbass.

>> No.7775537 [DELETED] 

Same reason trannies sperg out over racism et al on a contrarian website. They're brain dead.

>> No.7775793

Are you retarded

>> No.7775976
File: 1.83 MB, 194x144, THATSSOGAYYOUFAGGOTYOUREAQUEERAREN'TYOUFAGGOT!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7775986

left is better

>> No.7776191

>hire a professional illustrator who probably does more realistic paintings or American cartoons
>"here's some Japanese thing, try to copy it or something"
I absolutely don't understand this. Either let them play to their strengths or just reuse the Japanese art. The actual background looks nice but the characters have that standard "westerner drawing anime fanart" look to them that appeals to nobody.

>> No.7776437
File: 1.17 MB, 940x769, Excalibur #18 - Dirty Angels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best worst example ever is an issue of the Marvel comic Excalibur in the 80s, where the writer REALLY wanted to tell you about these Japanese cartoons he was into, but good luck finding an artist who could draw said anime style instead of the usual western style muscle capes...

>> No.7776460

Our first run of Sonic the Hedgehog used the European cover and cartridge art, but was later replaced with that repulsive US design. I think that's the only example I ever noticed besides French on the boxes.

>> No.7776530

>when there is a literal naked mermaid ghost with her tits showing

>> No.7776974

Now NoA now kinda less censor...time had changed.

>> No.7777007

I wonder if some Japanese guys somewhere are lamenting the Athena box art they got and posting the classy western boxes.

>> No.7777141

To be fair, I do lust after the Japanese Athena. But liking women with soft young features and a little bit of baby fat doesn't make you a pedo, it just means you have good taste.

>> No.7777150


>> No.7777162

You know what's fucked? There's a modern trend in game localization where people are purposely censoring games they're translating now because they want to do things in the style of old 8/16bit games. They're also putting in deliberate translation errors and incorrect grammar too.

It's been happening a lot in the romhacking community for a couple of years but now even commercially released games like Moon are suffering from this nonsense.

>> No.7777173

80s fantasy artists didn't know wtf anime was. Good art quality that had fuck all to do with the game they're illustrating

>> No.7777950

I wish I had afamily bros.

>> No.7777961

American cover is better. It's drawn way better and Athena still has big tits and nice thighs.

>> No.7778014

More realistic =/= drawn better

>> No.7778084

KMT butchers the originals and ruins any difficulty they had, so it sounds like you have shit taste and got filtered.

>> No.7778087 [DELETED] 

I miss whites

>> No.7779174

>a statue wearing a bikini
pure cringe

>> No.7779180

>the face in OP's image
>fetal alchohol syndrome face
refer to the meme from >>7772628
people using words whose meaning they don't know are some of the biggest pseuds
get out and take the anon who doesn't know what ecchi is with you

>> No.7779236
File: 76 KB, 1000x513, 535203-athena header.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah that's the face of a healthy gestation right there, at least to pedo masturbation addicted degenerates like OP

>> No.7779239

>a chick in a bra in a Sears catalog is fine
>a chick in a bra on a video game cover is bad

>> No.7779263

i think in this case it was more the idea that a video game was something children would have

>> No.7779264
File: 401 KB, 1918x788, 715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get it, you're one of *those* people.

>> No.7779268


>> No.7779296

Know your market. Just like the cover to Crash Bandicoot was altered because his in your face expression and sharp teeth might cause Japanese viewers to shit themselves, no 10 year old American boy is going to ask for some pink game with a girl on it.

>> No.7779535

I don't think any American boy in the 80s would want a game with a girl on the cover, period.

>> No.7780821

There we go, that's the westernized Athena I wanna see.

>> No.7780840

What's on the pink cassette tape?

>> No.7780848

>haha youre gay lel
The character design is literally cute anime girl with big tits wearing a microbikini. You people are so disingenuous that it makes me sick. No fucking shit you don't mind, I don't mind either. I'm just saying go fucking figure Nintendo of America didn't want this to be on the cover of the game. Outfits like that are borderline pornographic by default. Seriously, look at that cover again and tell me there is no sexuality there.
God why are you all so retarded? Zero brainpower at all, it's fucking pathetic.

>> No.7780860

A woman telling you about how cool Athena is, and a recording of Psycho Soldier:


>> No.7780923

THIS IS WHY American art is always better. Afterall we are still the light of the FREE world??? If you value FREEDOM u choose THE AMERICAN COVER ART.

>> No.7781104

No I didn’t.

>> No.7781147

eh, left actually looks better than generic 80s anime girl

>> No.7781152

>2021 weebs unironically pretending that anime was mainstream in the west circa 1983-1998

>> No.7781165

I remember watching Sailor Moon at like 6am before school around '95 or '96

>> No.7781212

Dragonball Z is an honorary western cartoon to Americans

>> No.7781231

As much as I love gratuitous amounts of skin, the American cover art is so god damned epic in that timeless 80s cheesy sort of way that you can't help but just love it.

>> No.7781660

It was in Brazil. YYH, Saint Seiya, Dragon Ball, Dragon Quest, Sailor Moon, Street Fighter Victory, Rayearth, Rurouni Kenshi, a fuckton of Tokusatsu(Jiraya, Jaspion, Changeman, Jiban and so on). All of them aired circa 1983~1998.

>> No.7781764 [DELETED] 

Anime pedos will defend their jerk material to the grave

>> No.7781782
File: 4 KB, 256x224, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I respect it when ROM hackers change things intentionally and are transparent about it, like Polinym (AKA the Woolsey Fan Company). The work he puts into his early 90s style "localizations" is impressive. Pic related.

>> No.7781785

Released a year before DBZ aired in the US.

>> No.7781838

I'm surpised nobody has said the obvious answer, which would be: Squaresoft were a pretty big deal on the Super Nintendo and could do what they wanted. They had enough clout that they knew people in the know would get it because they were selling it.

>> No.7781849 [DELETED] 

Left is objectively better. Fuck coomers.

>> No.7782394

well? did you?

>> No.7782415 [DELETED] 

RaNDoM janitor signs IN

>> No.7782417 [DELETED] 

Kill niggers

>> No.7782882 [DELETED] 

Anime website.

>> No.7782897

Where is this weird lefty sexual morality shit coming from?

>> No.7782905

If their target is sexually conservative, they push for sexual liberation. If their target is sexually liberal, they push for sexual conservatism.

>> No.7782907 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 461x439, 1620640422960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lolis = good and there's nothing you can do about it.
I'm sure you're fine with all liberal degeneracy possible, but you hate the one thing that the left hates. and you're the one poster that keeps spamming this hypocritical rhetoric every thread. get raped by niggers and die.

>> No.7782918

I mean, I despise stuff like hardcore porn, but I see no issue with showing some skin like on that Athena cover. I suppose the ResetEra "all anime is for pedophiles" only like seeing flesh when said flesh is being provided by a tubby, mannish lesbians or mentally ill men in drag.

>> No.7782927

Idol Adventure could have been better tho.

>> No.7783060

no u

>> No.7783186

>ugly feet.png

>> No.7783306

The NES launched in America in the midst of the Regan years and a resurgence of cultural conservatism. It was in their best interest to play it safe and project an image of wholesome family fun. The same happens to day but with companies pretending to be super politically correct and woke to keep Twitter quiet.

>> No.7783313

It was in parts of Europe and South America. Not so much in the US because it made enough domestic animation to meet demand.

>> No.7783485

Michelangelo could do the US cover art and they would call it shit.

>> No.7783606

>[US] made enough domestic animation to meet demand
If you count outsourcing animation to Korea and sometimes certain studios in Japan if you wanted to be fancy, then I guess you could say that.

>> No.7783615

I guess what he meant was that they were "american cartoons", even if some were outsourced.

>> No.7783660
File: 153 KB, 700x1278, MichBrugesMad2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard he likes little pee pees.

>> No.7784291
